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The Gorgon’s Head

The Gorgon's Head is a famous myth from Greek mythology. It tells the
story of Perseus, a hero who embarks on a dangerous quest to slay the
monstrous Gorgon Medusa and bring back her head as a gift for the king.

Once upon a time, there was a king named Polydectes who wanted to
marry Perseus' mother, Danae. However, Perseus did not like the king and
refused to let him marry his mother. In order to get rid of Perseus, the king
came up with a plan. He pretended to be getting married and invited everyone
in the kingdom to bring him a wedding gift. Knowing that Perseus was poor
and could not afford a gift, the king asked him to bring him the head of
Medusa, the Gorgon.

Medusa was a terrifying creature with snakes for hair and the power to
turn anyone who looked at her into stone. Perseus knew that this would be a
dangerous task, but he was determined to save his mother from marrying the
king. He set off on his journey, equipped with a sword and a shield given to
him by the gods.

On his way to find Medusa, Perseus encountered several challenges.

He had to face the Graeae, three old women who shared one eye and one
tooth among them. Perseus tricked them into telling him the location of the
nymphs who could help him find Medusa.

When Perseus finally reached Medusa's lair, he used his shield as a

mirror to avoid looking directly at her. He carefully approached her and with
one swift stroke of his sword, he cut off her head. As soon as Medusa's head
was severed, the other two Gorgons woke up and tried to attack Perseus, but
he managed to escape using his winged sandals.

Perseus returned to the kingdom with Medusa's head and presented it

to the king. As soon as the king saw the head, he turned to stone. Perseus
had successfully completed his quest and saved his mother from marrying the
Comprehension Questions:

1. Why did King Polydectes ask Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa?
a) Because he wanted to marry Perseus' mother
b) Because he wanted to become a hero
c) Because he wanted to become immortal
d) Because he wanted to scare the people in his kingdom

2. What was Medusa's power?

a) To turn anyone who looked at her into stone
b) To control the weather
c) To fly with her wings
d) To make people fall in love with her

3. How did Perseus trick the Graeae into telling him the location of the
a) By stealing their eye and tooth
b) By offering them a gift
c) By challenging them to a fight
d) By pretending to be their friend

4. How did Perseus avoid looking directly at Medusa?

a) By closing his eyes
b) By using his shield as a mirror
c) By wearing a blindfold
d) By turning his back to her

5. What did Perseus do after cutting off Medusa's head?

a) He ran away from the other Gorgons
b) He turned into stone
c) He celebrated his victory
d) He went back to the kingdom

6. What happened to King Polydectes when he saw Medusa's head?

a) He turned into stone
b) He ran away in fear
c) He fainted
d) He laughed
7. Why did Perseus go on a quest to slay Medusa?
a) To save his mother from marrying the king
b) To become a hero
c) To prove his bravery
d) To gain immortality

8. What did Perseus use to cut off Medusa's head?

a) A sword
b) A spear
c) A bow and arrow
d) His bare hands

9. How many Gorgons were there?

a) Three
b) Two
c) Four
d) Five

10. What did Perseus do with Medusa's head after he killed her?
a) He buried it in the ground
b) He threw it into the sea
c) He kept it as a trophy
d) He gave it to the gods

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