PT 14

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ECONOMY Economics is concerned They offer a variety of

with the production and business services, including

distribution of goods and banking, technology support,
services and explores how human resources,
a country's resources are transportation, public
used to meet the needs of relations, legal
its people. People gain representation,
money by specializing in manufacturing, marketing,
what they make and then security, and insurance. They
using that money to buy also provide social services
the things they need or that support society as a
want. whole. They are funded by
taxation and non-profit
organizations rather than
direct transactions. In
addition, there are personal
facilities. Customers make a
monetary payment to a
company or person in return
for a service.
CIVIL SOCIETY Civil society organizations Service providers are among
promote collective values the roles of civil society (for
and wishes, such as example, running primary
health, environmental, schools and providing basic
and economic rights, community health care
among others. They serve services)
as important checks and advocate/campaigner (for
balances in democracies, example, lobbying
as they have the power to governments or business on
regulate and hold issues like aboriginal rights
government officials or the environment) (for
accountable. example, lobbying
governments or business on
issues including indigenous
rights or the environment)
EDUCATION The aim of education is to The Educational Services
become a well-rounded field includes institutions
person and to discover that offer instruction and
one's life's passion. What preparation in a wide range
it takes to live a long, of subjects. Specialized
happy, and healthy life, as institutions such as schools,
well as the value of colleges, universities, and
balancing learning and educational centers offer
doing. Consider artisanal this instruction and training.
teaching and learning to These institutions may be
excel in a rapidly changing privately owned and run for
world and to ensure a profit or non-profit, or they
brighter future for may be owned and operated
everyone. by the government. They
can also provide food and/or
lodging to their students.
RELIGION Religion may be a source Religion may be used for a
of solace and guidance. It variety of services. It brings
can serve as a foundation meaning and intent to life,
for moral values and promotes psychological and
behavior. It can also physical well-being, and can
provide a sense of motivate people to work
community and a link to towards meaningful social
tradition. Some studies change.
also indicates that it could
have a negative impact on
FAMILY The purpose of a family is Families provide childcare,
for people who would like parenting, income support,
to live and grow together as well as mental wellbeing
for an indefinite duration and health programs.
to provide a stable and
secure environment.
Ideally, it should be a
place where family
members can freely relate,
practice unconditional
love, be completely
accepted and forgiveness
is present.
KINSHIP In all sacraments and Advocacy and referral,
religion practices, from Support groups, Parent
childbirth to death in education, Child care, Legal
family life, it specifies the advice, Medical, dental, and
rights and responsibilities mental health resources,
of members. In marriage Housing, and Financial
and family function, the support are some of the
importance of kinship is services provided by Kinship.
observed. It determines
family line relationships.
NON-STATE This category includes Jointly owned company
associations and engaged in the manufacture
INSTITUTION organizations that or sale of products or the
function independently of provision of services, usually
any state or government. organized by customers or
They are referred to as farmers, and run by its
‘stateless' because they members for their mutual
are perceived to be benefit.
independent of any state.
Non-state organizations
perform various roles and
have a particular goal in
mind. In general, they
create programs that
members of society need
in order to advance.

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