Task 1

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1. Main event: Pertamina is once again adjusting the price of non-subsidized fuel (BBM) on Nov 1,
2023. The prices of pertamax, pertamax green 95, pertamax turbo, dexlite and pertamina dex
fuels have decreased, while subsidized fuel Pertalite has remained unchanged.
2. It happened because Pertamina followed global oil prices.
3. The price is adjusted in Jakarta, on the 1st of each month at Nov 1, 2023 to be precise.
4. Yes, they were. Pertamina as the authority. Fadjar Djoko Santoso as Pertamina Corporate
Communication Vice President.
5. Pertamina as the authority, has adjusted the price of non-subsidized fuel (BBM).
Fadjar Djoko Santoso as Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President has explained the
reason and some regulations. He said that” the price of non-subsidized fuel is adjusted on the 1 st
of each month to follow the market prices, but we can state that Pertamina’s fuel prices are the
most competitive to maintain the purchasing power of the public”.
“As part of our efforts to achieve efficiency in saving production costs, Pertamina’s fuel prices
will remain competitive,” said Fadjar.
“Referring to the regulations, the fuel prices will be adjusted every month in accordance with
the market prices , so it is expected that the public is already informed, and for prices updates,
they can be checked through Pertamina’s website or MyPertamina application,” stated Fadjar.


1. Main event: Pertamina is once again adjusting the price of non-subsidized fuel (BBM) on Nov 1,
2023. The prices of pertamax, pertamax green 95, pertamax turbo, dexlite and pertamina dex
fuels have decreased, while subsidized fuel Pertalite has remained unchanged.
2. Elaboration: Fadjar added that amid global oil price fluctuation, Pertamina continues to strive to
maintain the performance of its supply chain, including flexibility in obtaining crude oil , to
ensure the competitiveness of fuel product prices.
3. Source: ” the price of non-subsidized fuel is adjusted on the 1st of each month to follow the
market prices, but we can state that Pertamina’s fuel prices are the most competitive to
maintain the purchasing power of the public,” said Fadjar Djoko Santoso as Pertamina Corporate
Communication Vice President.
“As part of our efforts to achieve efficiency in saving production costs, Pertamina’s fuel prices
will remain competitive,” said Fadjar.
“Referring to the regulations, the fuel prices will be adjusted every month in accordance with
the market prices , so it is expected that the public is already informed, and for prices updates,
they can be checked through Pertamina’s website or MyPertamina application,” stated Fadjar.
4. Action verb: Pertamina is adjusting the prices of oil fuels
Fadjar added that amid global oil price fluctuations,
5. Saying verb: ” the price of non-subsidized fuel is adjusted on the 1st of each month to follow the
market prices, but we can state that Pertamina’s fuel prices are the most competitive to
maintain the purchasing power of the public,” said Fadjar Djoko Santoso as Pertamina
Corporate Communication Vice President.
“As part of our efforts to achieve efficiency in saving production costs, Pertamina’s fuel prices
will remain competitive,” said Fadjar.
“Referring to the regulations, the fuel prices will be adjusted every month in accordance with
the market prices , so it is expected that the public is already informed, and for prices updates,
they can be checked through Pertamina’s website or MyPertamina application,” stated Fadjar.
6. Passive voice:
- the price of non-subsidized fuel is adjusted on the 1st of each month
- the fuel prices will be adjusted every month
- they can be checked through Pertamina’s website
- so it is expected that the public is already informed
7. Adverbs of

Time: on Nov 1, 2023.

Degree: the most competitive

Frequency:every month

Purpose: to maintain the purchasing power of the publc. To ensure the competitiveness of fuel product

8. Simple Past Tense

” the price of non-subsidized fuel is adjusted on the 1st of each month to follow the market
prices, but we can state that Pertamina’s fuel prices are the most competitive to maintain the
purchasing power of the public,” said Fadjar Djoko Santoso as Pertamina Corporate
Communication Vice President.

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