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Surface Active Element Effects on the

Shape of GTA, Laser, and Electron Beam Welds

The results of experimentation confirm the surface tension

driven fluid flow model for the effect of minor elements
on GTA weld pool shape


ABSTRACT. Laser and electron beam surface. materials, the surface tension will be
welds were passed across selenium- Small concentrations of surface active greatest at the toe (edge) of the weld
doped zones in 21-6-9 stainless steel. The elements (that is, elements which segre- pool and lowest in the hottest part of the
depth/width (d/w) ratio of a defocused gate preferentially to the surface of the weld pool near the center under the arc.
laser weld with a weld pool shape similar liquid metal) affect weld pool shape by The surface tension gradient, therefore,
to a CTA weld increased by over 200% in altering surface tension gradients on the produces fluid flow outward from the
a zone where 77 ppm selenium had been weld pool surface and thereby changing center of the weld pool surface as indi-
added. Smaller increases were observed the magnitude and/or direction of fluid cated schematically in Fig. 1A. This fluid
in selenium-doped zones for a moderate- flow in the weld pool. In addition, impu- flow pattern efficiently transfers heat
ly defocused electron beam weld with a rities which are not surface active may from the hottest part of the weld pool
higher d / w ratio in undoped base met- affect weld pool shape. This can occur if (under the arc) to the toe of the weld and
al. they react with surface active impurities thereby produces a relatively wide and
When laser or electron beam weld (also present in the weld pool) to form shallow weld.
penetration was by a keyhole mecha- compounds which are not surface active, The addition of surface active ele-
nism, no change in d / w ratio occurred in and thus prevent the surface active impu- ments to molten metals can drastically
selenium doped zones. The results con- rities from influencing surface tension gra- change the temperature dependence of
firm the surface tension driven fluid flow dients. the surface tension so that, for a range of
model for the effect of minor elements In the absence of significant concentra- temperature above the melting point, the
on GTA weld pool shape. Other experi- tions of surface active elements, the sur- surface tension increases with increasing
mental evidence bearing on the effect of face tension of molten metals and alloys temperature. In this case, the surface
minor elements on GTA weld penetra- decreases with increasing temperature tension is highest near the center (hotter)
tion is summarized. (Ref. 13). For GTA welds in such region of the weld pool. Fluid flow will be

Many studies have reported variations
in the shape of GTA weld fusion zones in
stainless steels and other materials with
changes in the concentration of one or
more impurities in the base metal (Ref.
1-12). A mechanism for the effect of
small concentrations of certain impurities
on GTA weld pool shape has recently ®
been presented (Ref. 11). It was pro-
posed that fluid flow in the GTA weld
pool is generally the major factor deter-
mining fusion zone shape and that the WELDING
dominant force driving fluid flow under DIRECTION
many welding conditions is a surface
tension gradient. Surface tension gradi-
ents exist on a weld pool surface,
because the surface tension is tempera-
ture dependent and there are substantial
temperature gradients on a weld pool


R. j ADEN are with Rockwell International,
Energy Systems Group, Rocky Flats Plant, Gol- Fig. 1 — Proposed fluid flow on and below the weld pool surface: A —negative surface
den, Colorado. temperature coefficient; B—positive surface tension temperature coefficient

72-s I MARCH 1983

Table 1—Analysis of Type 303Se Stainless
Steel Foil Used to Dope 21-6-9, Wt-%

Cr 17.48
\: 9.6
Si 0.67
C 0.04
P 0.17
Mn 1.26
Mo 0.24
Cu 0.20
S 0.022
Se 0.25 500 u m
Fe Balance

Fig. 3 — Cross section of defocused, decoupled

laser weld in undoped base metal with focus
above 21-6-9 plate surface
Table 2—Analysis of 21-6-9 Plate, Wt-%

which the sample was machined were

Cr 20.1 put in all the slots. Multiple passes were
Ni 6.8 then made with an electron beam travel-
Mn 8.7 ing parallel to the slots, thereby fusing the
N2 0.27 cover plate, the foils, and part of the base
C 0.025
metal. The approximate depth of pene-
Al 0.0058
tration of the electron beam was 9 mm
rtrh 02 0.0058
(0.35 in.).
s 0.0024
The number and thickness of the foils
Fe Balance
were selected so as to add the desired
nominal dopant concentrations, in this
case 50, 100, and 150 ppm. Significant
Fig. 2 —Procedure for doping 21-6-9 base model and experimental confirmation of vaporization of the dopant occurred dur-
metal; flattening and milling the plate smooth these predictions has been reported (Ref. ing electron beam melting, and the actual
are not shown. A—machine slots in surface; 10, 12). concentration of dopant in the beam
B —insert foil(s) and cover plates in slots; C — melted zones was less than nominal.
electron beam melt cover plates, foil(s), and The model is not restricted to a gas
tungsten arc as the heat source. Impuri- Chemical analyses of the beam melted
some base metal; D — run GTA weld beads
across electron beam melted zones ties should produce similar changes in zones were performed to determine
weld pool shape with other heat sources, actual dopant concentration.
provided that the energy density and Selenium was known to produce deep
distribution deposited on the weld pool and narrow GTA welds. For this reason,
surface is comparable to that from a gas 21-6-9 base metal with a known low GTA
tungsten arc. Changes observed in weld d / w ratio was used for the electron
inward along the surface of the weld pool shape when laser and electron beam and laser weld tests. The composi-
pool toward the center and then down, beam welds crossed zones in 21-6-9 tion of the 21-6-9 plate used is given in
as indicated schematically in Fig. 1B. This doped with Se are reported here. Table 2.
fluid flow pattern efficiently transfers
heat to the weld root and produces a
Experimental Results
relatively deep and narrow weld.
It is explicitly recognized that the flow Strips in a plate of 21-6-9 (25 mm or 1 Five different bead-on-plate welds
patterns shown in Fig. 1 are idealizations. in. thick) were doped with low concen- were made across the Se-doped 21-6-9
They were inferred from high speed trations of Se to test the effect of adding plate. These were:
motion pictures of the motion of alumi- a surface active element on the shape 1. A defocused, decoupled* laser
num oxide particles on GTA weld pool and penetration of laser and electron weld with the focus above the plate
surfaces (Ref. 11). The precise fluid flow beam welds. Selenium was chosen as the surface.
pattern is more complicated. The com- dopant, because it had produced large 2. A defocused, coupled* laser weld
plexity arises, in part, because other changes in the shape of CTA welds (Ref. with the focus above the plate surface.
forces contribute to fluid flow in the weld 10) and was easily added to 21-6-9. The 3. A defocused, decoupled laser weld
pool (primarily the Lorentz and buoyancy doping technique has been described in
forces). Also, the positive temperature detail previously (Ref. 2), and has been
coefficient of surface tension only exists used to dope stainless steels with Al, S,
over a limited temperature range — which *There is a gradual increase in the fraction of
Se, Te, Ce, and O (Ref. 2, 12) for CTA
incident energy absorbed as laser power den-
may be exceeded near the center of the welding experiments. sity incident on a metal surface increases.
weld pool. The procedure is shown schematically Absorbance increases sharply for a small
The model summarized above for the in Fig. 2. Slots 3.2 mm (Va in.) deep and increase in power density at a critical power
mechanism by which impurities can 9.5 mm (Va in.) wide were machined in density. At critical power density, the surface
affect the shape of GTA welds was plates of 21-6-9 stainless steel. Foils of temperature of metal is reported to be well
derived in part from observations of the Type 303Se stainless steel, which con- above the metal's melting point (Ref. 14).
Welds made below the critical power density
effects of sulfur (Ref. 11, 12) and alumi- tained 0.25 wt-% Se, were placed in the (low absorbance) are said to be decoupled;
num (Ref. 12) on fusion zone shape in bottoms of the slots. The composition of welds made above the critical power density
stainless steels. The effects of Se, Te, O2, these foils is given in Table 1. One slot (high absorbance) are described as being cou-
and Ce on GTA weld pool shape in was always left undoped. Cover plates pled. Virtually all laser welding applications
stainless steels were predicted using the cut from the same plate of 21-6-9 from involve the coupled mode.


Table 3—Changes in Lase and Electron Beam d / w Ratios in 21-6-9 Doped with Selenium

Se Increase from
Weld type Zone content, ppm d/w undoped zone, %

Defocused, decoupled Base melal <10 0.32 -

laser—focus above Base metal, plus 30 0.71 122
plate 1 foil 303Se
Base metal, plus 77 0.98 206
2 foils 303Se
Base metal, plus 68 0.82 156
3 foils 303Se
Defocused electron Base metal <10 0.89 -
beam Base metal, <10 0.88 —
beam melted
Base metal, plus 30 0.98 11
1 foil 303Se
Base metal, plus 77 1.08 23 Fig. 6 —GTA weld cross section in a sulfur-
2 foils 303Se doped electron beam melted zone in 21-6-9
Defocused, decoupled Base metal <10 0.67 containing 80 ppm S; fusion zone boundary
laser — focus below Base metal, <10 0.65 outlined for clarity
plate surface beam melted
Base metal, plus 30 0.65
1 foil 303Se Cross sections of this weld in undoped
Base metal, plus 77 0.65 and doped electron beam melted zones
2 foils 303Se are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, and the d / w
Base metal, plus 68 0.69
ratios are given in Table 3. (No value for
3 foils 303Se
the zone with three foils added is given
because gross surface cavities prevented
a reasonable measurement of weld cross
with the focus below the plate surface. ously for GTA welds when they crossed section. Neither surface cavities nor
4. A defocused electron beam weld. zones doped with surface active ele- included porosity were observed for
5. A normal, sharply focused, deep ments (Ref. 10, 12). (The shapes of GTA electron beam welds crossing the other
penetration (11 mm, i.e., 0.43 in.) elec- welds in undoped and sulfur- or telluri- doped zones.)
tron beam weld. um-doped zones in 21-6-9 are shown in The penetration mechanism in a sharp-
Of the five welds attempted, the one Figs. 5-8 for comparison.) The selenium- ly focused electron beam weld is com-
most closely resembling a CTA weld was doped zones for the laser and electron pletely different than in a GTA weld. No
the defocused, decoupled laser weld beam weld tests were analyzed for sele- change in the depth of penetration or
with the focus above the plate surface. A nium, and the results are also included in bead width was seen in the focused
cross section of this weld in undoped Table 3. The maximum selenium concen- electron beam when it crossed a seleni-
base metal is shown in Fig. 3. The weld is tration achieved for this experiment was um doped zone. A longitudinal section of
considerably smaller than the GTA welds 77 ppm. the electron beam weld where it crossed
reported previously (Ref. 10-12). The d / w ratio of the defocused elec- a selenium-doped zone is given in Fig.
A large change in weld shape occurred tron beam weld in undoped regions was 11.
in the doped zones. The cross section in considerably higher than typical GTA Similar results were observed for the
the zone where two foils of Type 303Se welds in plate of the same composition. coupled, defocused laser weld and the
stainless steel had been added is shown in There was a modest increase in d / w ratio uncoupled, defocused laser weld with
Fig. 4. The d / w ratios are given in Table when the defocused electron beam the focus below the plate surface. A
3. The change in shape of the defocused crossed selenium-doped zones. Changes keyhole apparently formed for the cou-
laser weld when it crossed a Se-doped in the d / w ratio resulted almost entirely pled, defocused laser weld, and neither
zone was similar to that observed previ- from changes in the width of the weld. the maximum depth of the weld nor its

Ik -A
A mm /*
Fig. 4 - Cross section of defocused, decoupled . »' 1 • "a*

laser weld with focus above plate surface in a Fig. 5 — GTA weld cross section in an undoped
selenium-doped electron beam melted zone in electron beam melted zone in 21-6-9 contain- Fig. 7 — GTA weld cross section in an undoped
21-6-9; fusion zone boundary outlined for ing 30 ppm S; fusion zone boundary outlined electron beam melted zone in 21-6-9; fusion
clarity for clarity zone boundary outlined for clarity

74-sl M A R C H 1983
Fig. 9 - Cross section of a defocused electron Fig. 10 — Cross sect/on of a defocused electron
Fig. 8 - GTA weld cross section in a tellurium-
beam weld in an undoped, beam melted zone beam weld in a selenium-doped, beam melted
doped electron beam melted zone in 21-6-9
in 21-6-9; fusion zone boundary outlined for zone in 21-6-9; fusion zone boundary outlined
containing 62 ppm Te; fusion zone boundary
outlined for clarity clarity for clarity

width changed in the doped zones. The welds. A considerably smaller change in (mostly on stainless steels). These obser-
peculiar cross section of this weld is d / w ratio occurred when a defocused vations are summarized below and dis-
shown in Fig. 12. It is unclear that the d / w electron beam crossed selenium-doped cussed in terms of the dominant mecha-
ratio for a weld of this shape has any zones. The d / w ratio for this weld was nism determining weld pool shape being
significance, and it is not listed in Ta- fairly high in undoped base metal; conse- fluid flow driven by surface tension gradi-
ble 3. quently, d / w increases in selenium ents. Other mechanisms are consistent
Finally, no change in the d / w ratio of doped zones were correspondingly with one or more of these observations.
the uncoupled laser weld with the focus smaller. However, it appears at present that only
below the plate surface occurred when When laser and electron beam pene- the surface tension driven fluid flow
the weld crossed selenium-doped zones. tration was by a keyhole mechanism, mechanism is consistent with the entire
A representative cross section of this selenium doping at the low concentra- set of observations.
weld in the undoped, beam melted zone tions (<80 ppm) tested had little effect on Sulfur, oxygen, selenium, and tellurium
is given in Fig. 13 and the d / w ratios weld shape. It is generally believed that are surface active and are either known
achieved are listed in Table 3. surface tension forces are important in (S and O) or expected (Se and Te) to
determining the depth and stability of the produce a positive temperature coeffi-
Discussion keyhole. The important parameter may cient of surface tension in iron at very
be the magnitude of the surface tension, low concentrations. The model, there-
The surface tension driven fluid flow rather than surface tension gradients aris- fore, predicts, solely on the basis of the
model predicts that minor elements will ing from the temperature dependence of available surface tension data, that all
similarly affect the shape of GTA weld the surface tension. Small concentrations these elements will increase GTA weld
pools and weld pools created by some of surface active elements alter the mag- penetration in steels; all of them have
heat sources other than a gas tungsten nitude of the surface tension as well as been shown to substantially increase
arc, provided that the input energy den- the temperature dependence. However, penetration in 21-6-9 (Ref. 12). Sulfur has
sity is low enough that a keyhole is not the change in the magnitude of the sur- also been shown to increase penetration
formed. A dramatic increase in weld d / w face tension may be too small to affect in Type 304 stainless steel (Ref. 15). Fur-
ratio was observed when a defocused, the keyhole. thermore, the concentrations required to
decoupled laser weld with the focus Any proposal which seeks to explain substantially affect weld shape are so
above the plate was passed across seleni- the effects of trace impurities on the small that significant alteration of bulk
um doped zones in 21-6-9. The changes shape or penetration of CTA welds must properties (such as viscosity or thermal
observed in d / w ratios were comparable account for, or be consistent with, quite a conductivity) of the weld pool or base
to those observed previously for GTA number of experimental observations metal is highly unlikely. For example, only

Fig. 11 - Longitudinal section of a sharply

focused electron beam weld crossing a seleni- Fig. 13 — Cross section of a defocused, decou-
um-doped, beam melted zone in 21-6-9. The Fig. 12 — Cross section of a defocused, cou- pled laser weld with the focus below the plate
Se-doped zone lies approximately between pled laser weld in 21-6-9; fusion zone bound- surface in 21-6-9; fusion zone boundary out-
the arrows ary outlined for clarity lined for clarity


the addition of 40 ppm Se was required If the steel is low in sulfur, then any concentration of surface active impurities
to increase the d / w ratio of GTA welds in oxygen in the steel contributes signifi- and, therefore, a lower surface tension.
21-6-9 by 80% (Ref. 10). cantly to the surface tension gradients on Thus, there is a net surface tension gradi-
Since S, O, Se, and Te are known to the weld pool. Then removal of the ent across the weld; consequently, sur-
segregate to the surface of liquid iron, oxygen with aluminum alters weld pool face fluid flow is across the weld pool
surface properties can be altered sub- shape, as observed on a high purity Type toward the side of low-penetrating mate-
stantially by low average bulk concentra- 304 stainless steel containing 60 ppm S rial. The result is a displacement of the
tions of these elements. Because quite (Ref. 12). Furthermore, since oxygen con- weld centerline toward the low-penetrat-
low concentrations of surface active ele- tents of stainless steels are often less than ing side and maximum penetration in the
ments are adequate to produce a posi- around 100 ppm, the effect of added low-penetrating material.
tive surface tension temperature coeffi- aluminum would be expected to saturate The appearance of the GTA welding
cient and good penetration, poor pene- after aluminum concentrations some- arc is often visibly different in stainless
tration is normally expected only in steels what higher than 100 ppm were steel heats exhibiting high and low pene-
particularly low in sulfur, as observed. achieved, because most of the oxygen tration. This difference has led to several
It should be noted that one aspect of would be consumed. This saturation investigations, including those of Mills
the effect of oxygen on weld pool shape effect has also been observed (Ref. 12) in (Ref. 18, 19) discussed previously, of
is puzzling. As predicted, small concentra- several stainless steels where there was possible interactions between the arc and
tions of oxygen dissolved in 21-6-9 stain- no significant difference in the change in trace impurities in the base metal which
less steel base metal increase the d / w weld pool shape produced by nominal could result in the observed changes in
ratio of GTA welds (Ref. 12). Further- additions of approximately 1000 and weld pool shape.
more, Fihey and Simoneau (Ref. 16) 2500 ppm aluminum.
An alternate explanation for changes in
observed a substantial increase in GTA High speed motion pictures of GTA arc appearance is that they result from
weld penetration in a low sulfur, low weld pools have demonstrated a sub- different fluid flow patterns. If there is
oxygen Type 304L stainless steel when stantial difference in fluid flow pattern rapid outward surface fluid flow in the
0.1% oxygen was mixed into the argon between low penetration and high pene- weld pool (Fig. 1A), the hottest metal in
shielding gas. However, when they tration welds —Fig. 1A. These observa- the weld pool is quickly transported
added 1.0% oxygen to the shielding gas, tions led, in part, to the development of away from the weld center to near the
the weld pool returned to a wide, shal- the surface tension driven fluid flow weld toe. Thus, vaporization of low
low cross section, essentially identical to model and are consistent with it (Ref. 11). vapor pressure constituents in the weld
that observed for a pure argon shielding The surface fluid flow velocity has been pool (especially Mn in 21-6-9) is favored
gas (Ref. 16). The return to poor penetra- estimated from measurements, taken over much of the weld pool surface, and
tion at high oxygen concentrations in the from these motion pictures, of the a relatively wide arc results. The temper-
shielding gas was attributed to changes in motion of aluminum oxide particles on ature distribution in the arc, however,
the anode spot size. Another possibility is the weld pools. All measurements were appears not to be much changed, at least
that a high oxygen level in the shielding made after sulfur was added to the weld in 21-6-9. On the other hand, if the
gas results in the formation of a (liquid) pool so that the particles were moving surface fluid flow is inward (Fig. 1B), the
oxide layer on the weld pool surface toward the center of the pool. The metal near the weld toe will be colder
which alters the surface tension gradi- speeds of the 17 particles measured lay and metal vaporization will tend to occur
ents. between 50 and 140 cm/s (1181 and nearer the center of the pool and favor a
Cerium and aluminum are not surface 3307 ipm), with an average speed of 94 narrower arc. Thus, because of the inter-
active in iron, but aluminum is known to cm/s (2220 ipm) (Ref. 12). action between the weld pool and the
react with oxygen in steel, and cerium These speeds are consistent with those welding arc, it may be difficult to establish
with both oxygen and sulfur, to form observed by Brimacombe and Weinberg in a particular experiment whether the
stable compounds. Aluminum oxide in (Ref. 17) for surface fluid flow on a pool change in weld pool shape causes the
small amounts is known (Ref. 11) to not of liquid tin in the presence of an change in arc characteristics or vice
affect the shape of GTA welds on 21-6-9; imposed surface tension gradient. Addi- versa.
a similar behavior is anticipated for the tional evidence consistent with weld pool Finally, the work reported here dem-
cerium compounds. Thus, both Al and Ce fluid flow, rather than some other effect, onstrates that a typical surface active
are predicted to reduce penetration by determining fusion zone shape is pro- addition (Se) to 21-6-9 stainless steel
combining with the surface active ele- vided by the work of Mills (Ref. 18). He causes a large increase in the d / w ratio of
ments S and/or O and preventing them observed no correlation between the arc a defocused laser weld. The observed
from producing a positive surface tension temperature distribution and fusion zone shape change is very similar to that
temperature coefficient. Ce has been shape in 21-6-9. Furthermore, he observed with GTA welds. This result is
shown to substantially reduce penetra- observed (Ref. 19) that adding helium to consistent with, and was predicted from,
tion in 21-6-9, and aluminum has also the shielding gas broadens the arc energy the surface tension driven fluid flow
been shown to reduce penetration in distribution but produces deeper, nar- model. When weld penetration is by a
21-6-9 and several other stainless steels rower welds rather than the wider, shal- different mechanism (as by keyhole for-
(Ref. 12). lower welds which might be expected mation in focused laser or electron beam
Some observations on the affect of Al from a broader heat source. welds), then surface tension driven fluid
on the shape of GTA welds have When t w o heats of the same stainless flow would not be expected to signifi-
appeared to be contradictory. When a steel having different penetration charac- cantly influence penetration. The pene-
steel is high in sulfur, then the surface teristics are welded together, the point of tration of laser and electron beam welds
tension temperature dependence (and maximum weld penetration is displaced which appear to have formed keyholes
hence surface tension gradients) is estab- toward the side which (when welded by was not affected by small selenium addi-
lished by the sulfur, and removal of itself) shows the lowest penetration (Ref. tions to the 21-6-9 base metal.
oxygen with aluminum has little affect on 12, 16, 20). The surface tension driven It is not now known whether surface
weld shape. Thus, nominal additions of fluid flow model is consistent with this tension gradients are the dominant forces
over 2000 ppm aluminum to the weld result. The lower-penetrating material has driving GTA weld pool fluid flow in non-
pool in a Type 304N stainless steel con- a low concentration of surface active ferrous alloy systems. Furthermore, even
taining 290 ppm S and exhibiting a high impurities (usually sulfur) and, therefore, in ferrous alloys, welding conditions or
d / w ratio produced a negligible change has a relatively high surface tension. The sample composition (so that surface ten-
in the weld pool shape (Ref. 12). deeper-penetrating material has a higher sion gradients are small) may be such that

76-sl M A R C H 1983
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tration or shape o c c u r r e d w h e n laser o r 7. Linnert, G. F. 1967. Weldability of austen- ganese stainless steel weldability problem.
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zones, if w e l d p e n e t r a t i o n w a s by a ments. Effects of residual elements on proper-
19. Mills, G. S. 1979. Fundamental mecha-
k e y h o l e m e c h a n i s m . Surface tension gra- ties of austenitic stainless steels, publication no.
nisms of penetration in GTA welding. Welding
418:105-119. Philadelphia: Am. Soc. for Test-
dients, t h e r e f o r e , appear t o play a minor journal 58:22-s to 24-s.
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role, if any, in d e t e r m i n i n g the d e p t h a n d 20. Mosio, T., and Leinonen |. 1980. The
8. Patton, B. E. et al., 1974. The weldability influence of minor elements on the welding
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of structural steels after refining by remelting. arc and penetration in austenitic stainless steel
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Acknowledgments 9. Ludwig, H. C. 1957. Arc welding of pp. 285-87. Cambridge, England: The Welding
This w o r k w a s p e r f o r m e d u n d e r c o n - Institute.
tract for t h e U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Energy,

WRC Bulletin 280

August, 1982
The Varestraint Test
by C. D. Lundin, A. C. Lungenfelter, G. E. Grotke, G. G. Lessmann, and S. J. Matthews

T h e V a r e s t r a i n t T e s t , o r o n e of i t s v a r i o u s m o d i f i c a t i o n s , is t h e m o s t u t i l i z e d w e l d a b i l i t y t e s t f o r
e v a l u a t i o n of h o t c r a c k i n g s e n s i t i v i t y . T h i s m o n o g r a p h p r e s e n t s t h e e x p e r i e n c e of s e v e r a l r e s e a r c h e r s in
t h e i r u s e of t h e V a r e s t r a i n t T e s t . It is n o t i n t e n d e d t o b e a s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n d o c u m e n t , b u t a u t i l i z a t i o n

P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s r e p o r t w a s s p o n s o r e d b y t h e S u b c o m m i t t e e o n H e a t R e s i s t a n t A l l o y s of t h e H i g h
A l l o y s C o m m i t t e e of t h e W e l d i n g R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l .

T h e p r i c e of W R C B u l l e t i n 2 8 0 is $ 1 0 . 0 0 p e r c o p y , p l u s $ 3 . 0 0 f o r p o s t a g e a n d h a n d l i n g ( f o r e i g n —
$ 5 . 0 0 ) . O r d e r s s h o u l d be s e n t w i t h p a y m e n t t o t h e W e l d i n g R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l , 3 4 5 East 4 7 t h St., N e w
Y o r k , NY 1 0 0 1 7 .

W E L D I N G RESEARCH S U P P L E M E N T I 7 7 - s

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