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Republic of the Philippines

Region _____
Department of Education



Name:_________________________________________________________ Score:___________________
Section:________________________________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Write only the letter of your answer on your answer sheet of paper.

1. Mrs. Reyes will be coming late to her laboratory class in TLE because she attended meeting with her school head. She
decided to meet the leaders of each group to tell them that while waiting, they can start the Mise’En Place. Mise’ En Place
means setting all things together. From what word does the Mise’ En Place came from?
a. Greek c. German
b. French d. Swiss
2. Salad is a combination of fruits, vegetables and other ingredients served with dressings Which of the following
ingredients of salad is rich in a combination of vitamins A, C, and K?
a. starches c. salad greens
b. fruits d. protein food
3. Minda added crouton in her salad and mushroom soup, it is a type of dried bread usually add in salad. What ingredients of
salad does it belong?
a. fruits c. salad greens
b. starches d. protein food
4. Meat (beef, ham), poultry, fish and shellfish, salami, luncheon meat, bacon, eggs, hard cooked, cheese are
ingredients of salad that from_______________
a. starches c. salad greens
b. fruits d. protein food
5. Which of the following is need to be consider in preparing accompaniment salad?
a. Accompaniment salads must balance and harmonize with the rest of the meal, like any other side
b. Accompaniment salads are expensive and to find because you need to buy all ingredients.
c.You need to consider the family members that don’t like to eat any accompaniments.
d. The price of each accompaniment must be considered.
6. The following are the guidelines in making composed salad, EXCEPT_______________.
a. Prepare and season each ingredient separately and evaluate the flavor and quality.
b. Arrangements maybe plated ahead of time and add delicate ingredients just before serving.
c. Flavors and textures of all ingredients should provide pleasing contrast
d. Refrigerate the composed salad immediately.
7. Andy prepares gelatin for holiday season, in her dismay, the gelatin is too soft that does not form its desire
shape. Which do you think is the main reason?
a. She didn’t observe the correct proportion of gelatin and liquid.
b. She added too much gelatin that’s why.
c. She overmixed the mixture of gelatin and liquid.
d. She didn’t what to do, she just follow the vlogger in YouTube.
8. Roselda make a gelatin salad for New Years Eve, since saw raw pineapple in their kitchen and she decided to add the half
of it, apparently, won’t set up. Is it really not allowed to add raw pineapple in gelatin salad?
a. Yes, because pineapple expensive, it will add the level of your gelatin.
b. Yes, because these fruits contain enzymes which dissolves gelatin.
c. No, because these fruits are not usual ingredients in making salads.
d. No, because raisins are the only ingredients for gelatin salad
9. Dyran is a culinary arts student in a prestigious school in their town. They are making salads that made from vegetables,
legumes, grains and pasta salads and the number one guideline is it should be neat, accurate cutting of
ingredients. Is it really important to make sure that the cuttings of ingredients are accurate and neat?
a. Yes, because the shapes of the vegetables add to eye appeal.
b. No, you can cut in any way that you like.
c. Maybe, it’s up to you what are you going to do.
d. Yes, because that is what written in their school module.
10. The following are the components of salad EXCEPT__________.
a.garnish c. plate
b. body d. base
11. Carmi will use lettuce as the bed of her salad for their next performance task. The lettuce in part of the salad is
a. body c. base
b. garnish d. plate
12. Lira is looking for something to eat in refrigerator. There is lettuce, cucumber and carrots so she decided to make garden
salad. After putting all the ingredients together, she notices that it is not attractive to eat so she added grated cheese on the
top to make it looks good. Which of the following is the purpose of garnish?
a. The garnish is the foundation on which body of salad is portioned.
b. The garnish is main part of the salad.
c. The garnish is used to blend the ingredients and add flavor
d. The garnish attempts to provide eye appeal and make salad more attractive.
13. The taste of the food that you are using as a base should be identifiable when you taste the salad. This
factor in considering the salad preparation is called___________.
a. Proper food combinations.
b. Foods should be recognizable.
c. Contrast and harmony of colors
d. Quality of ingredients
14. Mandy prepares Vinaigrette Salad but she notices that there are some excess juices that resulted to weaken the dressing and
her salad look messy. Which of the following factors of considering salad preparation did Mandy missed?
a. Do not overcook the food. c. Proper food combination
b. Neatness d. Draining the ingredients well
15. One of the factors need to consider in salad preparation is “Do not overcook the food”? Why do you think is the
main reason?
a. It consumed too much time in cooking.
b. It eliminates the color and its nutrients.
c. It doesn’t have a good presentation.
d. Not ideal for business purposes.
16. Alexa and her friends will be having a mini reunion in their house. Her friends requested Samgyupsal inspired for dinner,
since she still has meat for Samgy in her refrigerator, she only bought side dishes and bunch of lettuce. What is she going
to do to the lettuce to make it clean and crispy?
a. Wash the l e t t u c e in large quantity of water and drain well.
b. Go back to the market and confront the vendor to change the lettuce.
c. Just let it in room temperature and wait for their dinner time with her friends.
d. Just put it in the freezer so it will be crispier.
17. Yanna think of the ingredients of salad that harmonize the taste of each other. Which of the following factors in salad
preparation did she considered?
a. Contrast and harmony of colors.
b. The proper food combinations
c. Quality of ingredients.
d. Food should be recognizable.
18. Aldrianna have café that serve varieties of salads and dressings. This requires her to kept the ingredients in cool place to
retain its freshness and prevent from bacterial infections. Which of the following equipment is she needed?
a. ice box c. container with ice
b. cooler d. refrigerator
19. Which of the following is the main purpose of blender in salad preparation?
a. Blender is an appliance used to blend the ingredients.
b. Blender used to maintain the temperature of ingredients.
c. Blender doesn’t need in salad preparation.
d. Blender quickly emulsified the oil and vinegar in making vinaigrette dressing.
20. Grill is a piece of cooking equipment where the cooking surface consists of an open rack or grate with a heat source
underneath, Grilling is common in chicken breast that commonly added to vegetable salad. Is it safe to include grilled
chicken salad every day?
a. Yes, as long as this is what you want in your every day diet, then why not.
b. No, you need to eat variety of meal every day so you won’t easily get bored on your meal.
c. Yes, just ensure that the salad is well-balanced and includes a variety of vegetables, healthy fats, and dressings.
d. No. There are no diet food advices that you can eat one kind of food every day.
21. Kayla and her groupmates will prepare a variety of salad for their performance task, what is the first thing that they need to
a. Prepare all ingredients
b. Place bases on all plates.
c. Arrange body of salad on all plates.
d. Garnish all salads.
22. Shandy is making a Cesar salad for the family; she is about to pour the dressing into the green salad but her cousin stops
her. Why you should not add dressing to green salads until serving?
a. Because some family members don’t like the idea of having dressing in their salad.
b. Because she is about to pour the wrong dressings.
c. Because her sister don’t like it.
d. Because the green salad will be sag.
23. Rose already prepared all the ingredients in making salad, what are next steps in preparing varieties of salads?
I. Arrange salad plates on worktables.
II. Arrange body of salad on all plates.
III. Place bases on all plates.
IV. Garnish all salads.
24. Andrea used emulsified dressing for her salad. Which of the following is the emulsified dressing?
a. oil c. butter
b. vinegar d. mayonnaise
25. Which of the following ingredients of salad dressing should have mild, sweet flavor?
a. oil c. vinegar
b. eggyolk d. lemon juice
26. Williane prepared basic vinaigrette dressing, what is she going to do to make it taste milder?
a. She needs to add water. c. She needs to add vinegar
b. She needs to add oil d. she needs to add mayonnaise
27. Nikka watched a video from You tube about making salad and dressings, and she wanted to include in her diet meal. In
the video, it says that she needs to use a lemon juice as an acid, but there is no lemon in their pantry. Which of the
following is he going to do?
a. Go to the market immediately because the video says she needs it.
b. Do not make a salad dressing at all.
c. She can use vinegar as an alternative ingredient.
d. Contact a Grab Driver to buy some lemon for her.
28. Adrian will prepare salad, what is the first thing he needs to do to the ingredients?
a. Check the contributions of your groupmates if they are all paid.
b. Do the Mise En Place.
c. Count your members if they are all present.
d. Wear the PPE.
29. Myrna is the leader of their performance task; she reviews the rubrics that their teacher is going to use to rate their
output. Which of the following is NOT included when it comes to use of resources?
a. Kept working table orderly while preparing the ingredients.
b. Used only the proper and needed utensils.
c. Use time-saving technique and devices
d. Members should be well-groomed and properly dressed for cooking.
30. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of a safe work procedure?
a. To reduce the risk to health and safety in the workplace.
b. To reduce the likelihood of an injury through employees’ awareness on how to work safely when
carrying out the tasks involved in their jobs.
c. Both Aand B
d. None of the above
31. Mang Dado’s is working at the WMK Company. His job has a big help in maintain the workplace safety where he
installed, repair and maintain electrical equipment. Mang Dado is a_____________.
a. company’s helper c. company’s plumber
b. company’s janitor d. company’s electrician
32. June is a helper in WMK Ukay-Ukay, she lifts the bundles of ukay from one place to another so he is frown to muscle
pain and back pain. Which of the following types of workplace safety procedures and instructions he needs to
follow to prevent any incidents regarding to his health?
a. Lifting and moving the objects c. Slips, Trips and Falls
b. Handling Chemicals d. Housekeeping
33. Adelaida is a housekeeper at WMK Hotel, which of the following are need to be consider every time she performs her
a. Housekeeping activity should be done properly to get some tips from the customer.
b. Housekeeping activity should be done while keeping in mind safety, health and well-being of workers in the
facility or workplace.
c. Housekeeping activity should be done installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.
d. Housekeeping activity should be done while keeping in mind not to involves on how to handle chemicals in the
34. “Cut every ingredient into large enough pieces that the customer can recognize each immediately” This guideline in
making salad means_________________.
a. Cut ingredients neatly.
b. Height helps make a salad attractive.
c. Make every ingredient identifiable.
d. Strive for a good balance of colors.

35. The following are the guidelines in making salad, EXCEPT_________________.

a. Keep the salad off the rim of the plate.
b. Strive for a good balance of colors.
c. Height helps make a salad attractive.
d. Choose expensive ingredients only.
36. Arabella will present a green salad for their performance task in school, she like to make it simple yet attractive. How is
she going to make it happen?
a. Add edible and may be as simple as sprinkling of cheese crumbs, seeds, nuts or spice as garnish.
b. Buy expensive ingredients from the base up to the garnish of salad.
c. Drizzle the dressing on the salad so it will add color and appeal.
d. Buy ready-to-eat vegetable salad, no one can notice that she only bought it.
37. Tina bought a Garden Ceasar salad online, since the seller is only few blocks away from their home, she expected that the
salad is fresh upon delivery. But in her dismay, the salad is tasteless and have too much liquid. Which do you think is the
main reason?
a. The seller did not use artificial flavorings to make the salad tasteful.
b. The seller didn’t drain well the greens before adding the dressing.
c. The seller uses low quality or cheap ingredients in making salad.
d. The seller didn’t put her salad in anti-leak container.
38. The standard procedures help ensure both quality and sanitation. Which of the following is NOT included?
a. Ceramic crockery and cutlery items should be free from cracks.
b. Stainless or iron tableware should not have dents and rust.
c. The garnish should be edible and prepared properly.
d. The pots that use in cooking should be well recommended by the vloggers.
39. Which of the following is NOT true in sanitary practices in presenting salads and dressings?
a. Keep dressings containing egg or dairy products refrigerated.
b. Heat salad plates before plating to avoid wilting greens and other ingredients.
c. Use gloves or utensils to handle salad ingredients because it is ready-to- eat food.
d. Mixed tossed salads with dressings as close to service as possible.
40. Lora is a food server in WMK Restaurant, and as a worker that handle food, cleanliness and sanitation are their main
priority in the workplace. Is it really important to know the workplace sanitary procedures in food?
a. Yes. This will not only preserve food but will also give satisfaction and safety to its consumers.
b. No. The top priority of the consumer is the food, not the place.
c. Yes. Because the city hall will not give a permit to operate without that.
d. No. Just eat and let the management do their job.
41. Xamirah loves to eat salad as she included it in her daily diet. Sometimes she added cheese, meat or croutons in her usual
salad to make it tastier and more appealing. Cheese, meat and croutons are the _____________.
a. ingredients of salad c. the specialty of salad
b. accompaniments d. miscellaneous
42. Accompaniments is also called as______________.
a. center salad c. plus one salad
b. the other salad d. side salad
43. Eloisa does not eat salad without an accompaniment, for her, salad is incomplete without it. Why accompaniment is
important in salad?
a. Because it can enhance the food, gives an eye appeal and stimulates appetite of the dishes with satisfaction.
b. Because it gives good taste and attractive to the food.
c. Because it can create an emotional connection and provide visual stimulation which heightens the enjoyment of
many dishes.
d. All of the above.
44. This refers to the removing all unwanted or inedible from meat fish poultry or vegetables.
a. cuttings c. trimming
b. removing d. deboning
45. Jason trimmed the ingredients that he going to prepare or cook. Why is food trimming important?
a. To make the food looks appealing.
b. Because it cuts costs but also increases the yield of an ingredients.
c. Because it removes the edible parts of food.
d. None of the above.
46. Why trimming of ingredients are important in preparing salad and any other food?
a. Because trimming improves the visual appeal of your dishes while
b. Because it also having a big impact on the flavor and texture of the finished product.
c. Because trims play a great role when it comes to the aesthetic appeal of food.
d. All of the above statements are correct.
47. Melizza usually washes her hands before holding the ingredients used for salad making. What is the standard time in
washing your hands thoroughly?
a. 10 seconds c. 20 seconds
b. 30 seconds d. 40 seconds
48. Which of the following is the main reason why you need to wash the produce before you peel it?
a. Because it is a usual gesture that when you buy, you have to wash it first.
b. Because that way, contaminants will not be transferred from your knife to the fruit or vegetable.
c. Because sometimes, you can cook the fruits and vegetables even you don’t peel it.
d. All of the above are correct.
49. Andy will demonstrate the proper washing of fruits base on the principles and practices of hygiene in preparing salads and
salad dressing. Arrange the following steps.
I. Start by choosing produce that's free of bruises, mold, or other signs of damage
II. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water before and after handling fresh produce.
III. Use a sharp paring knife to cut away any damaged or bruised areas of the fruit or vegetable.
IV. Once home, store perishable fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator until you're ready to use them.

50. Ranz is a manager in WMK Restaurant, he always checks the hygiene of his employees Is it really important to check the
proper hygiene of his employees?
a. Yes, because this will not only preserve food but will also give satisfaction and safety to its consumers.
b. No, the food is not the main reason of eating fruits.
c. Yes. Because it protects public health, comply with regulations, ensure customer satisfaction, achieve cost savings,
and protect the environment.
d. All of the above

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating”-Sophocles

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