Training Matrix1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

INSET 2024
Training / Activity Matrix
January 24-26 and 29-30, 2024
Date/Time Activities Person/s Responsible/
Resource Speaker
Day 1: January 24, 2024 (Wednesday) | Twin B Resort
Masters of Ceremony: Fred B. Concepcion, Mathematics Teacher
Mary Grace B. Juan, Science Teacher
8:00-8:30 Registration Marilyn D. Pagaddut
Social Science Teacher

Myrna A. Vicente
Mathematics Teacher
8:30-9:00 Opening Program
Prayer Jojo G. Barwelo
Mathematics Teacher
National Anthem Menchu Dawagan
MAPEH Teacher
Opening Remarks Luz D. Baliao
MT I-English
Acknowledgement of Participants Cornel L. Soy-afon
English Teacher
House Rules Johnny Jr. P. Pablo
Welfare Officer
Rationale and Objectives of the INSET Janice Alma P. Kimayong
Assistant Principal II
Message Doris D. Agbayani
Principal II
Energizer Nhelmar M. Cadiente
Mathematics Teacher
9:00-10:00 Session 1: Parts of the Action Research
Introduction of the Resource Speaker Minerva Abrojena
TLE Teacher
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Ronnie D. Dela Cruz
Resource Speaker
Giving of Certificate to the Resource to be given by Ma’am
Speaker Doris D. Agbayani,
assisted by Ma’am
Janice Alma P.
Kimayong and Ma’am
Luz Baliao
10:00-10:15 Health Break
10:15-12:00 Session 2: Thinking Outside the Box
Introduction of the Resource Speaker May P. Nawalig
English Teacher
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Christzon P. Pasigon

Purok 4, Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao /
Resource Speaker
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
Energizer Joanna Marie T. Decaleng
MAPEH Teacher

1:00-3:00 Session 3: Writing the Context snd Rationale

Introduction of the Resource Speaker Heidee D. Alibuyog
English Teacher
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Lhea D. Ildefonso
Resource Speaker
3:00-3:15 Health Break
3:15-5:00 Session 4: Writing the Research Question
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Lhea D. Ildefonso
Resource Speaker
Day 2: January 25, 2024 (Thursday) | Twin B Resort
Masters of Ceremony: Zoren Bana-ao, TLE Teacher
Judilyn Dumag, ESP Teacher
8:40-9:00 Attendance Marilyn D. Pagaddut
Social Science Teacher

Myrna A. Vicente
Mathematics Teacher
Prayer Danabeth B. Ramos
ESP Teacher
Management of Learning Klondyke B. Yeban
Filipino Teacher
Energizer Jericoh B. Ticgue
Social Studies Teacher
9:00-10:00 Session 5: Writing the Proposed Intervention, Innovation or Strategy
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Christzon P. Pasigon
Resource Speaker
Giving of Certificate to the Resource Speaker to be given by Ma’am
Doris D. Agbayani,
assisted by Ma’am
Janice Alma P.
Kimayong and Ma’am
Luz Baliao

10:00-10:15 Health Break

10:15-12:00 Continuation of Lecture-Discussion and

12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

Energizer Harris L. Galapon
HOPE Teacher
1:00-3:00 Session 6: Writing the Action Research Method
Introduction of the Resource Speaker Joyce A. Lopez
English Teacher
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Matronillo M. Martin
Resource Speaker
3:00-3:15 Health Break
3:15-5:00 Session 7: Writing the Action Research Workplan and Timelines
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Matronillo M. Martin
Resource Speaker
Giving of Certificate to the Resource to be given by Ma’am
Speaker Doris D. Agbayani,
assisted by Ma’am

Purok 4, Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao /
Janice Alma P.
Kimayong and Ma’am
Luz Baliao

Day 3: January 26, 2024 (Friday) | Twin B Resort

Masters of Ceremony: Nhelmar M. Cadiente, Mathematics Teacher
May P. Nawalig, English Teacher
8:40-9:00 Attendance Marilyn D. Pagaddut
Social Science Teacher

Myrna A. Vicente
Mathematics Teacher
Prayer Clarissa U. Reputula
Science Teacher
Management of Learning Mary Grace B. Juan
Science Teacher
Energizer DeodeferB. Alejandro
TLE Teacher
9:00-3:00 Session 8: Finalizing and Presenting the Lhea D. Ildefonso
Research Proposal Resource Speaker
Giving of Certificate to the Resource to be given by Ma’am
Speaker Doris D. Agbayani,
assisted by Ma’am
Janice Alma P.
Kimayong and Ma’am
Luz Baliao
Day 4: January 29, 2024 (Monday) | Lower Magat, Diadi, Nueva Vizcaya
Masters of Ceremony: Ellie Kid Q. Casita, Mathematics Teacher
Beverlyn B. Dela Cruz, Mathematics Teacher
5:00-7:30 – travel to Lower Magat for the team building and stress management
7:30-8:00 Attendance Marilyn D. Pagaddut
Social Science Teacher

Myrna A. Vicente
Mathematics Teacher
Nationalistic Song Natividad G. Binwag
Registrar I
Prayer Jina C. Juguiad
TVL Teacher
Welcome Remarks Lydia C. Culimay
MT II, Science
Presentation of Participants Noel Nanguddi
Filipino Teacher
Management of Learning Dolid A. Salvador
English Teacher
Energizer Jeff Abagan
MAPEH Teacher
8:00-12:00 Session 9: Stress Management and Team Building
Introduction of the Guest Speaker Gladys B. Buya-ao
School Nurse
Lecture-Discussion and Workshop Christina Gurat
Guest Speaker
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-5:00 Continuation of Activity
Announcements Doris D. Agbayani
Principal II

Purok 4, Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao /
Day 5: January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) | SMNHS-SHS
Masters of Ceremonies: Desiree Dumingyay, English Teacher
Dan Jun M. Anaper, Social Science Teacher
8:00-8:30 Attendance Marilyn D. Pagaddut
Social Science Teacher
Prayer Julie ann F. Guina-ob
Filipino Teacher
Management of Learning Joen Mica D. Kimayong
English Teacher

8:30-10:00 Session 10: National Reading Program and Catch Up Friday

Lecture-Discussion and Planning Luz D. Baliao
Master Teacher I

Maribeth D. Reyes
English Teacher
10:00-10:15 Health Break
10:15-12:00 Continuation of Planning by Learning Area and Janice Alma P. Kimayong
Mid-Year Assessment Assistant Principal II
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-3:00 Continuation of Planning and Mid-Year
3:00-3:30 Evaluation
3:30-4:30 Closing Program
Opening Prayer Clarissa U. Reputula
Teacher II
Nationalistic Song Donna N. Dela Cruz
Teacher II
Sharing of Insights Selected participants
Challenge Janice Alma P.
Assistant Principal II
Acceptance Uzman G. Pagaddut
Teacher III
Awarding of Certificates to be given by Ma’am
Janice Alma P.
Kimayong, assisted by
Jeremie D. Monguiho
Announcement Janice Alma P.
Assistant Principal II
Closing Prayer Jina C. Juguiad
Teacher III
4:30-5:00 Tidying up the space

Home Sweet Home

Prepared by:


Master Teacher II / INSET Coordinator


Teacher III / INSET Coordinator

Purok 4, Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao /


Principal II

Purok 4, Sta. Maria, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao /

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