Bautista James Ryan

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Bautista, James Ryan A.

LFSA422M013 – BS in Criminology

Answer the following statements:

1. What are the general classification of criminal?

Under criminology, the classifications of criminals are acute criminals, chronic criminals, normal
criminals, ordinary criminals, organized criminals, accidental criminals, situational criminals, habitual
criminals, active aggressive criminals, passive inadequate criminals, and socialized criminals.

2. What are the sociological theories of crime causation and explain?

Strain Theory – From the keyword “strain” I think that these are the tensions or pressures that
trigger a variety of unpleasant emotions in an individual in their environment, which in turn raise
demand for them to commit wrongful action.
Differential Association Theory – proposes that criminal behavior is said to be acquired through
social interactions and communication. When you learn how to engage in delinquent actions it might
lead to you becoming a delinquent.
Labeling Theory – From my perspective, this theory has demonstrated that classifying someone as
a criminal can result in undesirable behavior. The labels society puts on people or groups may have
an impact on how they behave.
Social Disorganization Theory - It emphasizes that when an area has high poverty and
unemployment rates this results in to lack of social control in the community and there will be
frequent commission of crimes.
Cultural Deviance Theory – This theory explains that the local community or the surroundings of an
individual have a big influence and impact when it comes to the commission of crimes.

3. What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?

From my point of view, juvenile delinquency may start in the surroundings or environment of the
minors who commit crimes. Several factors of juvenile delinquency include peer pressure from
friends, failures in school, family problems, violence, and abuse they experienced from their parents
or relatives.

4. Explain the criminal justice system in the Philippines and the United States.
The Philippine Criminal Justice system is made up of five components or what we call the five pillars
these are Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, Correction, and Community while the United
States Criminal Justice System consists of three branches Law Enforcement, Court, and Correction.
Their main goal is almost the same to maintain public peace and order by enforcing the law,
apprehending those who violate the law and preventing crimes in the community or state.

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