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Maria Al Khouly

The Industrial Revolution Nawarh Al-Marhoon

Nora Al Omairy 10B
What is the Industrialization?
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain in the 1760s. It was the
transition from creating goods by hand, to using machines. First, Britain
was a rich country with enough capital to invest in new machinery and
factories. Second, the transportation system helped in necessities. And
lastly, the agricultural revolution changed the practices.

The Great Inventions!

Britain was responsible for the production of cotton in the 18th century. They needed 1)
spinners to transform raw cotton into soft ones, and 2) looms to weave the cotton threads
into cloths
James Hargreaves Edmund Cartwright James Watt

The Spinning Jenny Water - Powered Looms The cottage industry evolved
more when James Watt
Coal and Iron Industry Advances: improved the Steam Engines.

Steam engines played a massive role and led to the growth of coal industries; it was pretty successful.
Britain had lots of resources like iron ore to help in the industry. During the 1780s, a man named Henry Quart designed the process
known as Puddling. 17,000 tons of iron was produced in 1740. After a new, advanced method, it got increased to 70,000 tons.
The very first and most famous railway was called The Rocket, by Richard Trevthick.
Railroads gave Job opportunities Expanding markets

Global Industrialization:
By the 19 century, Great Britain became the world’s wealthiest nation in the cotton industry.
The early spread of the industrialization in Europe began in Belgium, France, and Germany.
The total population in the US was estimated about 5 million people most worked as farmers, as time
passed the population increased to 30 million 50% ; of them were farmers.
Increase in population came the need to industrialize and transport goods. The most important
transportation was the railroads.
the greatest benefit of the railroad was that it turned the country into a single, expanded market for the
The Social Impact of Industrialization:

The revolution started in Britain and shifted to many countries worldwide, which led to a change in society
massively. By 19th century, 2 new social classes emerged as a result of growing cities. These include the industrial
middle and working classes.

Population Increase: Advantages : The Uprising of Social Class:

it increased job opportunities
The population definitely it inspired innovation When trading became essential
increased in Europe because production levels increased it made an upraise to middle
competition was created class and worker class.
there were better life conditions
Disadvantages: Since the conditions were bad it
such as a decrease in death, an poor working conditions caused a new movement called
increase in jobs and the diseases poor living conditions socialism; it was made because
were under control low wages the government owned and
child labor controlled factories

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