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The backbone of: The administrative staff is the backbone of the organization, providing
essential support.

 Explanation: The backbone of refers to the core or most important part of


2. The cornerstone of: Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy and successful business

 Explanation: The cornerstone of means the fundamental or essential element.

3. A major and serious setback: The economic downturn was a major and serious setback for
many small businesses.

 Explanation: A major and serious setback is a significant obstacle or difficulty.

4. Draw a blank: When asked about the new project, he seemed to draw a blank.

 Explanation: To draw a blank means to be unable to recall information or find an


5. Stance: The company has a clear stance on environmental sustainability.

 Explanation: Stance refers to a position or attitude on a particular issue.

6. Brutal reality: In business, facing competition is a brutal reality that requires continuous

 Explanation: Brutal reality refers to harsh or difficult truths.

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