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Final Exams English

Learning About English

Dosen Pengampuh : Rika Lestari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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The increasingly globalized world supported by technological advancements has led
to the development of every field in an automatic manner. For example, on several
occasions, we find that various scientific disciplines have progressed significantly
compared to the past few decades. However, one industry that is currently
experiencing rapid growth is the manufacturing industry.

Indonesia itself is a country in ASEAN that has experienced rapid development in the
manufacturing industry. According to data obtained from the Investment
Coordinating Board (BKPM), Indonesia is said to be the largest manufacturing base
in ASEAN, contributing 20.27% to the national economy.

In the development of this industry, the use of tools is undoubtedly one of the crucial
components. Having tools that are suitable for specific needs or even capable of
producing goods more quickly can be highly beneficial. One familiar tool in the
manufacturing field is CNC. So, what is CNC, and what is the purpose of CNC
machines in the industrial world?

Definition of CNC Machine

A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine is a machine used in the
manufacturing industry to produce components for the Engineering Sector in large
quantities and quickly. As the name implies, CNC operations are computer-
controlled, ensuring precise production of goods.

For example, in the production of objects or parts such as nuts, bolts, screws, and
others, there are specific patent or precision measurements that need to be followed.
By utilizing CNC machines, the computer can easily control the machine tools to cut
or drill various materials. As a result, the produced items will meet the required
precision measurements. Using CNC machines for production is also more
advantageous compared to manual labor done by humans.

How Does a CNC Machine Work?
In a CNC machine, a computer is used to process the drawing or design of a
component to be created. The drawing is then converted into a customized program
that can be read by the CNC machine. Afterward, the machine will automatically
process the desired finished product.

One of the advantages of CNC machines is that every program is stored in the
computer's memory. The assigned programmer can easily write and edit the program
as per the requirements. These programs can be used for different parts, and they do
not need to be repeated again and again.

CNC machines can work like robots, where they only require the program input. The
machine is capable of processing the work on its own.

CNC machines not only play a role in the industrial sector but also have a role in
medical equipment production. For example, in the manufacturing of height
measurement devices such as a stadiometer. The CNC machine is used to produce
materials made of aluminum, stainless steel, and nylon, which are transformed into
sturdy and durable height measurement products. The CNC machine employs
advanced methods and pays attention to every detail in this process.

How many type of cnc machine:

1. CNC Milling Machine

CNC mills are one of the most popular CNC machines, used mainly for milling,
drilling, and cutting operations.
Mills derive and convert specific programs made up of letters and numbers (G-
code) in order to route and path the spindle in different ways.
After placing the workpiece inside the milling machine, the computer takes control.
The computer code guides and instructs every movement and action of the spindle
and tools to cut and convert the workpiece to a designed custom part with high

2. CNC Router

CNC router is a machine similar to a CNC mill but is generally used for machining
softer materials and is typically less precise compared to CNC Mills.
CNC Routers are significantly cheaper than CNC Mills.
A professional-level CNC Router can cost less than $2,000 whereas even entry-
level CNC Mills cost upwards of $10,000.
CNC routers are characterized by their ability to use computer numerical control to
route spindle and machine tool paths to design and shape materials like wood, steel,
composites, aluminum, foam, and plastic, into the desired design and shape.

3. CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

CNC plasma cutter is a CNC cutting machine, similar to CNC milling machines in
the fact that they share the same function, that is to remove material to produce the
desired cut.
However, CNC plasma cutting machines use a plasma torch to cut through the
workpiece while a milling machine uses an end mill or router bit attached to a
CNC plasma cutters work on the electric discharge mechanism, and therefore, can
only be used for machining electrically conductive materials. This could also be
considered a disadvantage of plasma cutting.

Typical materials used as workpieces for plasma cutting are brass, copper, aluminum,
steel, and stainless steel.
A CNC plasma cutting machine is equipped with a high-powered torch that is able to
cut through even the toughest materials like titanium and steel.
Primarily CNC Plasma cutters are used in heavy industries like shipbuilding,
automobile manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, and industrial steel construction

 Active Sentence
No. Sentence Tense Form
1 The increasingly globalized
2 In an automatic manner
3 on several occasions
4 Indonesia itself is a country in ASEAN that has
experienced rapid development
5 According to data obtained from the Investment
Coordinating Board
6 the use of tools is undoubtedly one of the crucial
7 producing goods more quickly can be highly
8 One familiar tool in the manufacturing field is
9 the machine will automatically process the desired
finished product.
10 in the production of objects or parts such as nuts,
bolts, screws, and others
11 there are specific patent or precision
measurements that need to be followed
12 the computer can easily control the machine tools
to cut or drill various materials
13 sturdy and durable height measurement products
14 Using CNC machines for production is also more
advantageous compared to manual labor done by
15 In a CNC machine, a computer is used to process
the drawing or design of a component to be
16 The drawing is then converted into a customized
17 Afterward, the machine will automatically process
the desired finished product.
18 CNC machines can work like robots
19 CNC machines not only play a role in the
industrial sector but also have a role in medical
equipment production
20 For example, in the manufacturing of height
measurement devices such as a stadiometer

21 The CNC machine is used to produce materials
made of aluminum, stainless steel, and nylon
22 which are transformed into sturdy and durable
height measurement products
23 CNC mills are one of the most popular CNC
24 in order to route and path the spindle in
different ways
25 After placing the workpiece inside the milling
26 The computer code guides and instructs every
movement and action
27 CNC router is a machine similar to a CNC mill
but is generally used for machining softer
materials and is typically less precise compared to
CNC Mills
28 CNC Routers are significantly cheaper than CNC
29 CNC routers are characterized by their ability
30 CNC plasma cutters work on the electric
discharge mechanism

 Passive Sentence
No Sentence Tenses Form



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