TET-DG-5004 - Pumping Station v1.2 PDF

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Design Guidelines Date: 14/05/2015


Electronic Document, only the original archived in Quality Department is signed / Printed copies uncontrolled
Revision Date Details

- Page 12/24 : Section 2.5 : Last formula corrected

1.1 05/05/2013 - Page 13/24: Section 2.7 Pump performance testing added.

- Generally updated with added technical information

1.2 14/05/2015 - Section-1 modified and other sections are re-arranged

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Pump Station Types....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Site Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Location...................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Access Road .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Materials Of Construction ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4.1 Pump Station Building ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Pumps ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Pump Selection.............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Pipework arrangement and valving ............................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Future Expansion/Up-gradation .................................................................................................................. 10
2. Pump Design ................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Field of use .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Number of impeller (s) ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 Shaft position............................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Surface / Immersed / Submersible / Line Shafting ................................................................................... 12
2.4 Type of impeller .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Type of Casing ............................................................................................................................................ 13
2.6 Number of Entrances................................................................................................................................... 13
2.7 Specific speed.............................................................................................................................................. 13
3. Components of pump .................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Impeller ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Casing.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Seals ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Coupling ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Bearings...................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Suction pipe................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.7 Foot valve with strainer ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Delivery pipe and delivery valve................................................................................................................. 16
4. Motors ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
5. Hydraulic calculations for pump ................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Specific speed.............................................................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Pump design parameters.............................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Operating point............................................................................................................................................ 18
5.4 NPSH and cavitation ................................................................................................................................... 21
5.5 Motor drive.................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.6 Points to note ............................................................................................................................................... 23
5.7 Pump Performance testing........................................................................................................................... 24
5.7.1 Factory Test.............................................................................................................................................. 25
5.8 On site Testing............................................................................................................................................. 26
6. Design of pumping station............................................................................................................................. 26
6.1 General Recommendations.......................................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Access and maintenance.............................................................................................................................. 27
6.3 Over Head Hoist.......................................................................................................................................... 27
6.4 Access and Protection.................................................................................................................................. 28
6.5 Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements........................................................................................ 28
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6.5.1 Alarm systems .......................................................................................................................................... 28

6.5.2 Lighting including Emergency lighting.................................................................................................... 29
6.5.3 Emergency exits ....................................................................................................................................... 29
6.5.4 Health and Safety signage ........................................................................................................................ 29
6.5.5 Fire fighting equipment ........................................................................................................................... 30
6.5.6 Confined Spaces ....................................................................................................................................... 30
6.5.7 Welfare facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.6 Other facilities ............................................................................................................................................. 31
6.7 Ventilation ................................................................................................................................................... 32
7. Hydraulic equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Schematic layout of a pumping station........................................................................................................ 32
7.2 Pipes ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
7.3 Valves.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.4 Flow meter................................................................................................................................................... 34
7.5 Disinfection ................................................................................................................................................. 34
7.6 Electrical equipment.................................................................................................................................... 34
7.7 Emergency Power........................................................................................................................................ 35
7.8 Fire Protection ............................................................................................................................................. 35
7.9 Safety Shower and Eye Wash...................................................................................................................... 35
8. SCADA ......................................................................................................................................................... 36

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Design Guidelines Date: 14/05/2015


The purpose of this document is to provide a brief guideline for the design of small to large
sized pumping stations for the Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW). The
secondary objective is to provide a standardised guide containing requirements relating to the
design of potable water pumping stations and reduce the variability in designs and improve
overall the efficiency.

The principle function of pump station is to transfer water from lower elevation to higher level;
in some instance it is required to boost the flow/pressure or even both.

The principle goals of the design are to ensure that the water pumping station is functional,
reliable, fit for purpose, cost effective, able to be maintained and complies with the
requirements of PAEW.

In principle, the pumping system shall:

1. Fulfil the design criteria
2. Comply with HSE requirements.
3. Minimise energy consumption by efficient operation.
4. Have reliable and long service life with minimal maintenance and least whole of life
5. Provide adequate storm water (surface runoff) management.
6. Provide vehicular and personnel access for maintenance.

The complete system should be well planned and designed with particular reference to the

Planning and Design Factors for Water Pumping Stations

Factors Requirements
Functionality Efficiently deliver water from a defined extraction system to an
appropriate receiving system
Pump a range of flows from minimum to maximum of present and
future demands
Have minimum visual impact
Incorporate remote monitoring, control and telemetered alarms
Provide safe working conditions for operation and maintenance
Satisfy regional Civil Defense requirements
Maintainability Be designed for minimal operator attendance and low maintenance
Be easily maintained using standard maintenance practices
Incorporate features to allow for flexibility of operation
Utilise standard components that are readily available and
Reliability Operate reliably, effectively and automatically (i.e. normally
Have redundancy so that failure of any one item shall not cause total
Incorporate adequate security measures
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Where technical constraints allow a choice in the type of pumping station arrangement or type
of pumping equipment, the final choice will normally be determined as the most cost-effective
method. Cost effectiveness should be determined by a net present value analysis. Factors to
be considered are:

a. Cost of pumping station structure and its life.

b. Energy cost over the life of the pumping station.
c. Maintenance cost.
d. Life and replacement cost of pumping equipment/parts, including ancillary items such
as switchgear, controls, EOT crane, and surge suppression equipment. e. Risk costs
f. Net present values of alternatives.

The net present value analysis shall allow for the different efficiencies for each suitable pump,
the variation in pump duty required for different pipe materials and class of pipe and the
economic life of different pipe materials

The key points emphasized in this guideline are:

a. Pumping station types

b. Site Infrastructure
c. Access road
d. Materials of construction
e. Pump selection
f. Pipework arrangement and valving
g. Future expansion/up-gradation

1.1 Pump Station Types

PAEW operates a wide range of pumping stations of different configurations and capacities.
A number of these are major pumping stations, most of which draw potable water from
reservoir and pump to service reservoirs/elevated tanks. Most pumping stations are located
strategically within the distribution system.

• fixed speed pump operation

• variable speed drive pump operation

All stations shall contain at least two pumps (one duty and standby). Duty pump(s) shall be
sized to deliver up to the maximum design demand. The standby pump is programmed to
operate in the event that the duty pump fails or unavailable. Major pumping stations may have
more than two pumps but will always incorporate a standby pump(s). The standby pump(s)
must have at least the same capacity as the largest duty pump(s).

Pumping stations are generally found at the following locations:

• Off-shore : to transfer sea water from beach wells to desalination plant

• On-shore: to transfer water to sea water intake to desalination plant for further

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Bore wells: to transfer water to storage sites, treatment plant or distribution
• Storage: to transfer water from main storage locations to distribution storage
reservoir/service reservoir;
• Network: to boost the pressure within the distribution system.
The design of pump station depends on techno economical and geographical considerations.

A pumping station that supplies water to the distribution system is ideally located near to a
water treatment or water storage facility. Booster pumps are required to increase the pressure
within the distribution network. The pumping stations can either be required for full time
operation or only to operate during periods of high demand or low system pressure.

Dimensioning the pump Pump selection is a key factor; the information on pumps (design,
type, size etc...) is detailed in the document below.

This document is a guide only and sound engineering judgement must be applied at all times.
It remains the designer’s responsibility for all aspects of the design and the designer must
justify any variation from these guidelines.

Typical layout of pump building (small and big pump stations) are annexed at the end of the
document. The drawings show typical building layouts, along with pump, pipework and other
electro mechanical arrangements. These layouts are for the information as a guidance, the
design consultant/contractor shall develop in detail to suit design and site requirements.

1.2 Site Infrastructure

1.2.1 Location
The location of a pumping station is strongly influenced by hydraulic considerations so that the
pumps and pipeline operate satisfactorily under the design demand conditions. Adequate
positive suction/flooded suction is preferred.

The choice of site is usually determined by the system requirements, land availability,
availability of electrical infrastructures and aesthetic conditions, but the location should allow
for a suitable layout for the incoming and outgoing water-mains. There should also be sufficient
clearance from surface and subsurface obstructions to allow for construction. Sites located
under electrical power lines should be avoided. Consideration should also be given to the
potential likelihood of future development.

To ensure that the proposed pumping station location and layout are acceptable, the proposed
site shall be approved in advance by PAEW during concept/preliminary design stage. Pump
pedestal level or building floor is to be located above maximum flood level, with the floors
being a minimum of 300mm above the 1:50 year flood level. And the electrical transformers/
pad mounted substation or emergency generator on the site must also be located at least
300mm above 1:50 year flood level. The design consultant should fully acquire the site info
and meterological data during the preliminary/detailed design stage; properly design the
surface/stormwater management considering the 1: 50 ARI.

The size of a pumping station site is primarily depending upon the number of pumps
(present+future) and site pipe works. In most cases, pumping station is associated within the
reservoir compound which is located adjacent to road or at Jabel. If the pumping station is to
be located adjacent to road, its entry and exit position should be determined in conjunction
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with the Ministry of Transport & Communication and ROP. As much as possible, it shall be
located away or far apart from the residential area and sensitive areas like hospitals, Mosques

If the pump station is situated adjoined to the jabel (mountain), suitable protection measures
to be considered to protect the pump station from unstable boulders / loose soil that may fall
often from jabel.

During preliminary design stage, the design Consultant should consult with the various
regional stakeholders like MoH, power distribution company (MEDC, Mazoon, Majan,
RAECO), Municipality, MoTC, Ooredoo, Omantel, PDO/OGC, OBC, ROP, Falaj crossings
etc.,. This should be commended early stage of project as getting approvals/NOC can become
prolonged that directly affects/delay the commencement of project execution unintentionally.
Consideration must be given to key issues associated with the project and relevant
stakeholders associated with these issues and bring to the notice of PAEW as and when

Copies of relevant approvals from authorities/stake holders shall be included in the detailed
design report shall be annexed with the Tender Documents.

The following factors shall be considered during the site selection process:
Location Factors Requirements
Site selection Must be located within the plot, ownership of which is dedicated to
PAEW including the easements
Provide all weather access road to pumping station for routine,
emergency operation and normal maintenance activities
Power facilities should be available or able to be economically
provided to the site
Site should have safe access and consideration should also be
given to construction requirements.
If it is located within the reservoir compound, the external pipe
works should not affect/hurdle the future compound expansion
and its pipe works.
Amenity and environment Provision of sufficient buffer from nearby existing built-up areas and
future developments
Adequate entry and exit shall be provided with ascending and
descending bay in consult with MoTC and ROP
Design Proximity to pipeline and reservoirs
Site slope and soil conditions
Flooding Ensure that adequate storm water management drainage from the
pumping station and site including access roads is designed so
that flooding of the facility is avoided
The pumping station site, electrical infrastructures, access road
shall not be liable to flooding during a 1 in 50 year ARI

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Supporting Systems In conjunction with determining the requirements for the site infra-
structure, the designer shall consider the requirements for
supporting systems to enable efficient and safe operation of the
pumping station, as Requirements follows:
− Electrical power and on site generator (if required)

− security
− fire alarm with fire-fighting facilities
− Adequate Turning radius for maneuvering of maintenance
− Access road and compound lighting

1.3 Access Road

A access is to be provided from the closest public road to the pumping station. Where access
from a public road is not available then a suitable access road shall be created. The design of
the access road shall reflect the size and operating requirements maintenance vehicles. The
road shall be an all weather sealed road and have a suitable turning area for a 5 tonne
maintenance truck or as required for a larger vehicle. The minimum road width shall be as
stated below with local widening as required at bends. Allowance for the parking of two 5t
trucks shall be provided adjacent to the pumping station.

Minimum access Road Requirements

• Minimum pavement width 5 metres

• Desirable maximum grade 12.5%
• Preferred crossfall 3%

The access road shall be designed in one of the following materials:

1. Concrete pavement
2. Compacted gravel pavement with two coat bitumen seal

The surfacing of the pumping station site and access road is site specific.

1.4 Materials Of Construction

The design /supervision/Project Management consultant shall adopt careful materials

selection based on application, design, worst environmental conditions and protection
measures to minimise material degradation and frequent maintenance.

Preferably approved products and suppliers registered with PAEW shall be used.

1.4.1 Pump Station Building

Mostly, PAEW Pumping station buildings shall primarily consist of RCC framed structure,
reinforced concrete floor and cavity block wall construction with RCC flat roof. In some cases,
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the roof shall be metal roofing. The exterior wall paint of the pump station shall be in RAL code

1.4.2 Pumps
There is a choice of materials depending on the environment the pump will be working in. The
principal materials are ductile iron, stainless steel, bronze, nickel, titanium alloy and plastics.
Material selection shall vary based on the below major parameters in water (salinity, total
dissolved solids, conductivity, pH and temperature).

1.5 Pump Selection

Selection of the type and size of pump will be determined from the system duty requirement
and will determine the final arrangement of the electro mechanical and other ancillary
equipments within the pumping station.

A pump is required to provide a range of flows over a range of system pressures in order to
satisfy system demand criteria. The main criteria when selecting a pump is operating

The design consultant is to ensure that there is a commercially available pump which satisfies
the required duty with high efficiency from at least three well reputed suppliers.

Selection of a pump suited to the application, requiring an acceptable level of maintenance

and efficient in operation is critical to achieving minimum whole-of-life costs.

Each pump and drive unit is to be suitable for pumping water and for performing the duty
throughout the specified range. The operating (flow and head) requirements are to be
determined by the design consultant and should be approved by PAEW.

Consideration is to be given to:

• System flow and head for initial and ultimate requirements (where applicable)
• Pump efficiency within the normal duty range
• Pump speed
• Standby capacity required
• Best efficiency point to be as close as practical or within the normal operating range.
• Availability of spare parts, supported by adequate local service agent

1.6 Pipework arrangement and valving

At the pump station the following pipe arrangement and valving are common
a) Suction pipework
b) Delivery pipework
c) Miscellaneous fittings
d) Pipework for surge suppression devices

Suction Pipework

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The suction manifold should be sized according to the maximum flow demand, including future
flow demands, if any with a velocity limit of 1.0m/s. The branches from this manifold to the
individual pumps are to be similarly sized according to the range of flows for the pumps.

Flow is to be directed into the suction of the pumps in a uniform manner without turbulence.
Valves, tapers and changes of direction or pipe section are to be no closer than three times of
pipe diameters upstream of the pump suction intake.

Inlet tapers (reducers) are to be eccentric, with the obvert horizontal in order to prevent an air
pocket developing. The sides of all tapers are to be straight and the taper is to be gradual with
an included angle not greater than 15 degrees (ie butt weld tapers are not to be used on the

The inlet pipe which connects directly to the pump is to be horizontal, straight and of the same
internal diameter as the pump inlet and of three pipe diameters in length. Puddle flanges are
to be incorporated to take thrust on suction pipework when passing through a wall.

Delivery Pipework
The delivery pipework is to be sized in order to allow for the maximum flow (i.e, future demand
flows, if any) through the pipeline within a velocity limit 2.0 m/s.

Tapers used on the pump delivery may be concentric or eccentric but are to be straight sided.

Delivery pipe work is to be restrained so that there is no loading back onto the pump flange.
Puddle flanges are to be incorporated to take thrust on delivery pipework when passing
through a wall.

Miscellaneous fittings

Non-Return Valve (NRV)

A non-return valve allows for flow in one direction only. Non-return valves are required in order
to prevent water from running backward through the pump when the pump stops. In PAEW,
the most commonly used non-return valve (non-slam) are swing flap type, tilting disc, dual
plate, and axial flow type etc. Non-return valves shall be provided on pump delivery. Preferably
NRV shall be mounted in horizontal sections of pipe rather than vertical pipe. NRV shall be
installed in the delivery pipework downstream of the pump and upstream of the delivery
isolation valve

Dismantling joint
A dismantling joint is to be provided adjacent to at least one pump flange to allow removal and
re-installation of the pump without significantly disturbing the pipework. As a minimum the
Dismantling joint is to connect the straight section of inlet pipe to the inlet flange of the pump.
Flange thicknesses are to be rated for the test pressure of the system.

Thrust Restraint Fittings

The design consultant is responsible for the provision of adequate thrust restraint. Pipework,
fittings and anchorages (including straps, puddle flanges and thrust blocks) must be able to
sustain maximum pressures, including surge.

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Thrust restraint for pipework can also be achieved by the use of thrust restrained type
dismantling joints. The use of adapter type flange is not permitted. Within the pumping station
particular care is to be taken to ensure that there is no loading onto the pump flanges caused
by poor installation or pressure generated forces as this can cause distortion of the pump body
and lead to premature failure of components such as mechanical shaft seals. The pump is not
to be used to support the pipework. Flexible jointed pipes and fittings are to be adequately
restrained. Flange thicknesses are to be rated for the test pressure of the system.

Where an existing pumping station is being upgraded, pipe pressure class, thrust restraint and
possible fatigue of existing reticulation pipes due to cyclic loading must be checked.

Pressure Gauges
Pressure gauges are required to measure the pipeline suction and delivery pressures. Tapping
points complete with ball type isolation valves are to be located on the common/individual
suction pipe and common/individual delivery pipe.

Flow meter
The flow meter is to record all pumped flows, an electromagnetic flow meter is to be installed
at the common delivery pipework only; flow meter is not required at delivery of each pumps.

The flow meter is to be located so that there is ideally 10 and 5 but no less than 5 clear pipe
diameters upstream and a minimum of 3 clear pipe diameters downstream of the flow meter
from any disturbance (for example, valve, tee, bend, change of direction etc.) in the pipework.
The flow meter is to be flanged and sized as per the manufacturer’s recommendation (i.e. no
tapers are to be used) so that the inside diameter of the flow meter matches that of the
pipework. At least one of the pipe flanges joining the flow meter must be a dismantling joint to
the flow meter to allow removal of the flow meter.

The signal converter and LCD display unit is to be located above the flow meter and readings
displayed in flow rate (m3/h) and cumulative total flow (m3/h). Where the flow meter is used for
control purposes, it is important to specify the required flow range. The flow rate reading shall
be sent to local control room as well as regional SCADA control station.

Flow meters are to be installed according to manufacturer’s instructions and shall incorporate
earth connections as required by the manufacturer.

Testing of Pipework
All pipework within the pump station is to be tested to the design test pressure. Design test
pressure is to be nominated by the design consultant and is to consider operating conditions
(present/future), surge and shut off head.

1.7 Future Expansion/Up-gradation

In general, pumping station is planned to be expandable in the future. The design consultant
ensures that adequate space is provided to accommodate the installation of future pump(s)
and allied equipment (including surge suppression) for smooth expandability. The suction and
discharge pipework is sized and arranged to accommodate future flows without having to take
the pumping station out of service when expansion is required. If it appears to be impractical
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or uneconomical to construction the pumping station building to house future pump(s), the
design consultant shall submit a comparative evaluation of cost, operability and
constructability issues at appropriate design stage. This evaluation address alternative means
of providing the desired capacity to meet future capacity requirements. Based on this analysis,
PAEW may direct the design consultant before proceeding with final design of pumping station
relative to future expansion.


This section provides some information on each component of the pump.

In a water supply system centrifugal pump is most commonly used. A pump is a hydraulic
machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy or pressure energy. A
centrifugal pump is also known as Rotodynamic pump or dynamic pressure pump. It works on
the principle of centrifugal force. In this type of pump the liquid is subjected to whirling motion
by the rotating impeller which is made of a number of backward curved vanes which cause
partial vacuum to suck the water from pump suction. The liquid enters this impeller at its centre
or the eye and gets discharged into the casing enclosing the outer edge of the impeller. The
rise in the pressure head at any point / outlet of the impeller is proportional to the square of
the tangential velocity of the liquid at that point. Hence, at outlet of the impeller where the
radius is more the rise in pressure head will be more and the liquid will be discharged at the
outlet with a high pressure head. Due to this high pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to a
higher level.

A centrifugal force is defined as the action that causes something to move away from its
access of rotation.

A centrifugal pump uses an impeller and volute (or casing) to create the partial vacuum to suck
water in and discharge pressure necessary to move water through the pump casing. The
impeller and volute are the essential parts of the pump and help determine its flow, delivery
pressure and suction capability.

There are four main major characteristics to describe a centrifugal pump are as below:
• Field of use (type selection);
• number of Impellers or stages (single stage pump or multistage or multi impeller pump);
• Shaft orientation (vertical shaft or horizontal shaft) orientation;
• Type of impeller (closed ,semi open or open impeller);
• type of Casing (Volute or Diffuser);
• number of entrances (Single suction pump or Double suction pump);
• specific speed (Low specific speed or radial flow impeller pump, Medium specific speed
or mixed flow impeller pump, High specific speed or axial flow type or propeller pump)

2.1 Field of use

It is important to know the type of water (raw sea water or potable water). The choice of the
pump also requires knowledge of characteristics of the pumped water (hardness, pH,,
conductivity, sand content etc.).

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2.2 Number of impeller (s)

There are two types of pumps:

• Single stage pump: is composed of one volute with a single impeller;
• Multi stages pump: is composed of more than one impeller, each increasing pressure
above its predecessor.

2.3 Shaft position

• Horizontal pump: The shaft of the pump is horizontal or parallel to the ground. Entire
pump unit would be installed on the ground level;
• Vertical pump: The shaft of the pump is vertical or perpendicular to the ground. Motor
is located above the pump head or at a higher level with an extended shaft.

2.3.1 Surface / Immersed / Submersible / Line Shafting

• Surface pump : The pumping unit (motor + pump) is situated outside of the liquid to
be pumped, both motor and pump are above ground level;
• Immersed pump: Pump unit is in liquid but motor is above the liquid;
• Submersible pump: The pumping unit is immersed in the liquid to be pumped. Both
pump and motor are inside the liquid and they can work only in the liquid medium for
the sake of cooling and cannot work outside;
• Pump with line shafting: The motor is situated outside of the liquid to be pumped and
the pump is immersed and they are connected by a shaft.

2.4 Type of impeller

The type of impeller depends on the type of water to be pumped, the total head and the
There are different types of impellers.
• Open;
• Semi open;
• Closed.

Suction can be either single suction or double suction. A single suction impeller allows liquid
to enter the centre of the blades from only one direction. A double suction impeller allows liquid
to enter the centre of the impeller blades from both sides simultaneously.

Pumps can be classified according to the suction and delivery of the liquid with reference to
the position of the access of the impeller.

1. Radial Flow–Normally a centrifugal pump is of radial type in which liquid enters at

access and flows out radially. In radial flow pressure is developed wholly by
centrifugal force;

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2. Axial Flow–In axial flow liquid enters along the access and flows out along the
access. In axial flow the pressure is developed by the propelling or lifting action of
the vanes of the impeller on the liquid;
3. Mixed Flow–This is a combination of radial and axial flow in which the pressure is
developed partly by centrifugal force and partly by the lift of the vanes of the impeller
on the liquid.

2.5 Type of Casing

In case of a volute pump a spiral casing is provided around the impeller. The water which
leaves the vanes is directed to flow in the volute chamber circumferentially. The area of volute
chamber gradually increases in the direction flow. Thereby velocity reduces and hence
pressure increases. As the water reaches delivery pipe a considerable part of kinetic energy
is converted into pressure energy. However, eddies are not completely avoided, therefore
some loss of energy takes place due to continually increasing quantity of water through volute

In case of a diffuser pump a guide wheel containing a series of guide vanes or diffuser is the
additional component. The diffuser blades which provides gradually enlarging passages
surround the impeller periphery. They serve to augment the process of pressure built up that
is normally achieved in volute casing.

2.6 Number of Entrances

Normally all centrifugal pumps will have single suction entry for water inlet. In case of double
suction, two impellers are set back to back. The two suction eyes together reduce the intake.
The two suction eyes together reduce the intake velocity reduce the risk of cavitation. Mixed
flow type double suction axial flow pumps besides are capable of developing higher heads

2.7 Specific speed

A radial flow impeller has small specific speeds (300 to 1000) & is suitable for discharging
relatively small quantities of flow against high heads. The direction of flow at exit of the impeller
is radial. The mixed flow type of impellers has a high specific speed (2500 to 5000), has large
inlet diameter D and impeller width B to handle relatively large discharges against medium
heads. The axial flow type or propeller impellers have the highest speed range (5000 to


Major components of pump are as below:

• Impeller
• Casing
• Seals
• Coupling
• Bearings
• Suction pipe

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• Foot valve with strainer

• Delivery pipe and delivery valve

3.1 Impeller

Impeller is the rotating component of the pump. It is made up of a series of curved vanes. The
impeller is mounted on the shaft connecting an electric motor

3.2 Casing
Casing is an air tight chamber surrounding the impeller. The shape of the casing is designed
in such a way that the kinetic energy of the impeller is gradually changed to potential energy.
This is achieved by gradually increasing the area of cross section in the direction of flow.

3.3 Seals

Seals are leakage control devices. Seals are basically meant to control escape of liquid from
the volute along the shaft. The seals are designed to ensure that the point where shaft passes
from the inside to the outside of the pump does not leak.

They are of two types:

• Gland packing;
• Mechanical seals.

Packings are made of woven fabrics impregnated with various lubricating substances in order
to lower friction. It is packed within a gland housing that needs manual adjustment to prevent
leakage but still ensure lubrication by the liquid to be pumped.

Mechanical seals are another key component of pumps. They consist of two faces, one
stationary on the outer side and the other rotating inner side and are located on the shaft
between the impeller and the rear casing.

3.4 Coupling

It is a device used to connect pump and motor shafts together for the purpose of transmitting
torque. The coupling is a unit which connects the motor shaft and the pump shaft enabling the
transfer of torque energy from water to pump.

The coupling must full fill several functions such as:

• Absorbing and accommodating torque irregularities (shocks);
• Allow some misalignment between the shaft of the motor and the pump;
Separate the critical systems (avoid the problem of resonance).

The choice of coupling requires knowledge of the following parameters:

• Nominal transmission torque;
• Stiffness, permissible misalignment, offsets;
• Dimensions;
• Atmosphere, temperature;
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• Safety coefficient, nominal torque of the coupling.

3.5 Bearings

Bearings are intended to provide smooth friction free rotation of the shaft of motor and pump.
A wide variety of bearings is available.

Bearing must be able to:

• Support the loads between the rotor and the pump casing; Ensure a minimum
friction with good lubrication;
• Ensure proper alignment.

Bearings consist of:

• Two rings: outer one linked to a fix element (body of the pump) and inner element
related to a rotating part (shaft);
• A cage: to position and maintain the rotating balls in the bearing rings;
• Rolling body: Balls or rollers ensure proper contacts between the rotating and the
stationary rings.

The lubricant must full fill the following functions:

• Reduction of friction torque;
• Reduction of the wear;
• Transfer of heat (oil lubrication);
• Reduction of operating noise;
• Protection of the bearing against corrosion;
• Quench of the bearing (grease lubrication) to prevent penetration of solid or liquid
• Compatibility with the seals;
• Tolerance or repellence to moisture.

There are two types of lubrication:

1. Oil lubrication: when speed and temperature are high;
2. Grease lubrication: when speed is restricted (the maximum speed permitted for grease
lubricated bearings is 20% less than the maximum speed permitted in oil lubrication).
When protection against corrosion is important and to provide life-lasting lubrication.

3.6 Suction pipe

It is the pipe connecting the pump to the sump, from where the liquid has to be lifted up.

3.7 Foot valve with strainer

The foot valve is a non-return valve which permits the flow of the liquid from the sump
towards the pump. In other words, the foot valve opens only in the upward direction. The
strainer is a mesh surrounding the valve, it prevents the entry of debris and silt into the

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3.8 Delivery pipe and delivery valve

It is pipe connected to the pump to the outlet delivery connection and delivery valve is fitted
on the discharge line to regulate the flow of liquid from the pump.


The selection of the motor is done according to the capacity of the pump. Motor selection shall
be based on the impeller size, maximum capacity, specific gravity of the fluid, and service
application. The selected motor shall be capable of operating the pump in any range on
selected pump curve. Motor capacity shall have sufficient margin min 10% over the maximum
operating point. Motor shall be designed with proper overloading service factor minimum of

For the selection of a motor the following factors should be considered:

• Selection of the speed of rotation: depends on number of poles;
• Selection of the motor power: nominal power of the motor is the power delivered by
the motor to the shaft. The efficiency of the motor is at its maximum at a point between
75% and 100 % of its maximum load.

Different types of motors:

• Fixed speed;
• multi-speed (generally two); variable speed.
• Protection index: provides the correct security level;
• Insulation class: determined by motor overheating capacity and room temperature;
• Selection of type of cooling: cooling by pumped liquid, cooling by circulation of oil and
cooling by oil filled jacket.

When determining a motors size, safety margins should be considered. Safety margins
normally vary between 10 and 15 %.

For large motors, soft-starters should be used in order to reduce the electrical current intake.
Variable frequency drivers (VFD) may be used to adapt the pumping regime to output
parameters (pressure, flow rate…). VFD should be limited to the range of 50% to 120% of the
nominal frequency of the motor.


5.1 Specific speed

The specific speed of a pump is the speed at which the pump will rotate when discharging
1m3/s under a head of 1 m at its highest efficiency.

Specific speed is a number characterizing the type of impeller in a unique and coherent
manner and is determined independent of pump size. This factor can be useful when
comparing different pump designs.

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Specific speed can be expressed as:

Ns = N .
N = Actual speed (RPM),
Q = discharge (m3/s),
H = Total head (m of water column.)
The variation of Q, H and power P, with N are given by the following expressions:

2 3
Q' = Q; H' = .H; P' = .P

A wide variety of impeller types are available. Depending on the quality of the fluid and the
Q/H desired a choice must be made.

Specific Speed or Suction specific speed indicated by Ns and it’s a dimensionless quantity,
Specific speed is a number which indicated whether the suction condition of pump are
sufficient to prevent cavitation.

5.2 Pump design parameters

For the selection of pump size the flow rate or capacity Q (m3/h) and pump head H (m.w.c)
are needed at the required duty point.

The capacity of a pump is the amount of water pumped per unit time. Capacity is also called
discharge or flow rate (Q). In metric units it is expressed as litres per minute (l/min) or cubic
meters per second (m3/sec).

Head is the net work done on a unit weight of water by the pump impeller. It is the amount of
energy added to the water between the suction and discharge sides of the pump. Pump head
is measured as pressure difference between the discharge and suction sides of the pump.
Expressed in feet (ft) or meters (m) of the liquid. Pressure and head are two different ways of
expressing the same value. Usually, when the term "pressure" is used it refers to units in
kilopascals (kPa), whereas "head" refers to meter’s (m). A column of water that is 2.31 ft high
will exert a pressure of 1 psi.

These variables are determined for the pumping regime that occurs the most frequently. The
correct pump size and speed can then be selected from pumping group (pump + motor)
performance curves. Other parameters such as efficiency η, input power P and N.P.S.H. of
the selected pump can be found from its individual curves.

The main pump curve of a pump gives the relationship between the two variables Q and H. A
typical pump curve of a constant speed centrifugal pump is given below.

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Fig 1. Pump Characteristic Curves

A characteristic feature of the curve of a centrifugal pump is the increase of the flow rate Q
while decreasing head H.

The pump has a self-regulating capacity for varying heads.

The selection of the appropriate pump curve depends on the specific duty point requirements.
For the same value of (ΔH) the value of (ΔQ) changes considerably between flat and steep
curves of the pump.
To assess the necessary pump head H, the system head, Hs, must be determined.
Hs = hsta + Ʃ hf
hsta = static head: height difference between the suction and the discharge fluid levels. Ʃ hf =
The sum of all pressure head losses caused by friction in pump and pipeline systems, for a
given flow rate.
5.3 Operating point

Pump characteristics are known from the pump curve.

The system characteristics, i.e. the Q – H relationship of the pipe system have a form as can
be seen below (fig 2).

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Fig 2: System Curve

The point of intersection between system curve and the pump curve is the operating point.

Fig 3: Pump Performance individual and combined

The operating point changes based on the arrangement of the pumps (individually or

There are several ways to change this operating point.

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One way is to change the pump curve. This can be achieved by:
Parallel operation of more pumps (more discharge );
• Serial operation of more pumps (higher. head).

Fig 4: Changing operating point by pumps in parallel / pumps in series

Another way is to change the system characteristics by:

• Altering pump speed;

• Throttling of valves;
• Changing pipe diameters;
• Altering impeller diameter.

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Fig 5: Changing operating point by changing pump speed / valve position

5.4 NPSH and cavitation

Centrifugal pumps will only operate satisfactorily if there is no build-up of vapour within the

The required net positive suction head (NPSHr) is the amount of energy required to prevent
the formation of vapour-filled cavities of fluid within the eye of impeller. The formation and
subsequent collapse of these vapour-filled cavities is called cavitation and is destructive to the
impeller. The NPSHr to prevent cavitation is a function of pump design and is usually
determined experimentally for each pump. The head within the eye of the impeller, also called
net positive suction head available (NPSHa), should exceed the NPSHr to avoid cavitation.

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Cavitation on the impeller blades should always be avoided. This phenomena is caused by
carried air or water vapour being released from the water. The developed bubbles (of a very
small size) move inside the pump and collapse when entering a higher pressure zone. The
continuous collapsing of bubbles on the tip of an impeller blade causes the metal to be eroded.
The lifting of water by suction should be avoided as far as possible. The pump parameter
N.P.S.H. (Net Positive Suction Head) must be evaluated. The N.P.S.H. can be roughly defined
as the static head above vapour pressure.

It is important to accurately differentiate the required N.P.S.H. indicated on the characteristic

curve of the pump and the available N.P.S.H. that is determined from the characteristic of the

To avoid the phenomena of cavitation, it is necessary to comply with the rule:

• Available N.P.S.H. > required N.P.S.H;
• For safety, the available N.P.S.H. must always be greater than the required N.P.S.H.
of at least 0.5 m to 1 m.

NPSH available from the system

NPSH required by the pump

The intersection of two N.P.S.H. curves reveals the point of cavitation.

NPSH could be calculated as below:

p0 = pressure at the water surface;
pv = vapour pressure for the fluid at the temperature T1 at 1;
∆z = difference in height (z1-z0) from the water surface to the
location; ρ = fluid density; g = gravitational acceleration

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5.5 Motor drive

Electric motors operate at their peak power factor and efficiency when fully loaded.

The power delivered to the pump shaft is known as brake horsepower (BHP)

There are three different types of motors. These are:

• Fixed speed: one speed, used in most cases;
• Multi-speed: generally two choices of speed, rarely used in pumping;
• Variable speed: constantly adapting to the pumping need (direct delivery system with
variable flow and constant pressure). These motors are coupled to a Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD).

The speed of rotation depends on the number of pairs of poles

Rotation frequency =
n = number of pole per phase
F = Frequency (50 or 60 Hz)

The Common values for a frequency of 50 Hz are:

• 2900 rpm with 2 poles 1450 rpm with 4 poles

• 960 rpm with 6 poles.

The pump power input P of the pump is the mechanical energy at the pump coupling or pump
shaft absorbed from the drive. P can be calculated using the following formula:


P = power (kW),
= mass density of the fluid (kg/m3)
= gravitational constant (m/s2)
Q = pump capacity (m3/s),
H = pump head (m)
= pump efficiency
When determining the required power of the motor drive an overall efficiency must be used:

= pump × motor × cable × transformer ×( VFD if any)

5.6 Points to note

• Never oversize a pump but select with the required duty point considering limited
• Selected motor shall be capable of running the pump in any point on the pump curve.
• Choose a motor with sufficient power reserve but not too oversized;
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• Respect the maximum number of starts per hour depending on motor power:
P < 4 kW 15 starts / hour
P from 5 to 11 kW 12 starts / hour
P from 15 to 30 kW 10 starts / hour
P > 30 kW 6 starts / hour
• Prefer a motor running 1500 rpm rather than 3000 rpm to maximise longevity and
• Power on the motor plate is the nominal power delivered by this motor;
• Minimize head loss at the suction side, prevent the possibility of air intake to avoid
• Never control the pump from the suction side;
• The discharge flow should be a straight as possible (avoid Tee and 900 elbow);
• For the installation of pressure gauges and flow meters comply with manufacturers

5.7 Pump Performance testing

A pump test is performed to measure various aspects of the pump's operation. The end result
of a pump test is an estimate of the overall efficiency of pump and to authenticate the
manufacturer design guarantee are attaining at rated parameters.

The pumps shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the last edition of
one of the following appropriate standards:

• Hydraulic Institute Standards (HIS)

The pumps and associated equipment shall be designed and suitable for the climatic
conditions in the Sultanate of Oman.

The pumps shall be of a type as indicated in the particular requirements of the specifications.
The pumps shall be designed for continuous duty at rated parameters and should be
capable of pumping the flow ranges specified in the specifications.

The pumps and associated equipment shall include all necessary provisions to prevent
contamination of the drinking water being pumped.

The Contractor/Manufacturer shall produce material test certificates for all components
making up the pump in accordance with ISO 10474 3.1B certificate.

PAEW reserve the right for shop inspection / stage inspection by their authorised
representatives. The Manufacturer / Contractor shall provide full assistance and co-operation
for such inspections. Transport conditions to safeguard all parts of the pump, motor including
the bearings and seals should be clearly defined.
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The Contractor / Manufacturer shall make suitable provisions for detailed shop testing of the
pump and inform PAEW sufficiently in advance to enable their representatives to witness the

The pumps shall be tested in accordance with the ISO 9906 or relevant equivalent standard
to be approved by PAEW or their representative, at the Manufacturer premises to witness the
pump performance as per the designed guarantee points as detailed in the specifications

5.7.1 Factory Test

The factory test for each variable speed pump shall include, but shall not be limited to the

• Mechanical running test

• Measurement of capacity Q
• Measurement of Head
• Measurement of velocity head
• Measurement of Losses
• Measurement of absorbed power
• Measurement of speed
• NPSH required
• Discharge characteristics including power consumption and efficiency
• Water leakage measurements
• Bearing temperature measurement
• Noise measurement
• Vibration measurement

The above tests shall be conducted at minimum, maximum and average speed.


All motors shall be given a standard commercial test as defined by IEEE and the all tests shall
confirm the followings:

• Temperature
• Efficiency
• Torque
• No load, full voltage vibration level
• Noise test
• Power consumption

All listed tests shall be detailed and procedures shall be included for every test along with the
acceptable tolerances according to international standards.

All instruments used during shop tests at Manufacturer’s premises shall be duly calibrated by
recognised laboratories and the calibration certificates shall be inspected and certified by

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PAEW’s representatives prior to starting the shop tests. The equipment for testing pump
performance corresponds to the most common pump test standards ISO, HIS and DIN.

The calibration certificates should not be more than six months old. (required to be calibrated

5.8 On site Testing

After installation and before commissioning, the Contractor shall be carry out site test to be
witnessed by PAEW, their representative (Consultant), contractor and manufacturer’s

The site tests for individual and parallel pump operation shall include but not be limited to the
following measured over the entire specified range:

• Discharge characteristics
• Head measurement
• Water leakage measurements
• Vibration measurements
• Bearing temperature measurements
• Noise measurements

Any problem or defect detected during these tests shall be promptly rectified by the
Contractor/Manufacturer at no additional cost.

The Contractor shall include in his bid, as a minimum, consumables and spare parts for
commissioning and spare parts for guarantee period operation. The Manufacturer/Contractor
shall guarantee the availability of spare parts for a minimum duration of 10 years.


The required capacity of pumping station and its location is determined from hydraulic network
A pumping station should have at least shall have minimum but not limited to below:
• Pump hall room ;
• Overhead cranes / hoist / monorails
• Control room (optional);
• Electrical room;
• Automation room;
• Office (Optional);
• Maintenance and workshop facilities (Optional);
• Storage for spare parts and equipment (Optional); Storage for chemical and
substances (Optional); Welfare facilities (including PPE changing area).

All equipment must be protected from climatic conditions.

6.1 General Recommendations

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The architectural design should harmonize with the surrounding environment and respect the
natural landscape as far as reasonably practicable.

The foundations of structures depend on the results of geotechnical investigation. Usually, the
structure is of reinforced concrete, steel and masonry construction.

The building should be designed considering both the initial requirement and the potential
need for space to accommodate future equipment for expansion.

The impact of noise on houses or other buildings near the station must be considered.

Windows should not be included in unattended locations or chemical storage including

chlorine gas.

All equipment must be installed or built in such a way that flooding or other spillages cannot
jeopardise the operation or running of such equipment. All electrical panels must also meet
these requirements so as to prevent failure or electrocution.

Floors should slope to a sump fitted with a pump. The floor should be non-slippery to avoid

Welfare needs of operators, operations / maintenance, cleaning and security of employees

should be considered in the design.

In line with MD 286 the Design team must carry out an assessment of all potential Hazards
during construction and operation phases. This must include a risk assessment detailing the
future requirements for fire fighting, manual handling, electrics, lone working, confined spaces,
chemical control etc. PAEW HSE is to be consulted at all stages of the design.

6.2 Access and maintenance

A paved road access for maintenance vehicles should be provided. All equipment should have
horizontal and vertical clearances to allow for repairs and maintenance to be carried out
efficiently and safely. Pumps, motors and equipment should be installed after finishing civil

Stepped platforms should be installed if necessary to access equipment.

If the pumping station has different floor levels, stairs and safety railings should be installed.
To avoid the need to climb over pumps, motors or pipes, stairway shall be provided to provide
access to all sides of pump and motor. Where required lifting equipment specific to fitting new
parts i.e. A frames or block and tackle must meet all HSE requirements

6.3 Over Head Hoist

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If temporary or portable hoisting is not practical, crane rails and electrical hoists should be
installed for maintenance or repair works. These should cover all heavy equipment and allow
for offloading of Trucks etc.

Hoists should be designed so that the equipment located inside can easily be taken outside
for heavy maintenance or replacement. Hoists must be marked and included in routine
inspections by the relevant competent authority at least annually for the hoist and every 6
months for hoist equipment i.e. chains, straps, strop, hooks, shackles and D rings.

6.4 Access and Protection

The protection of access to water facilities is important. Metal fences must be provided to
prevent trespassing, theft and from act of domestic and non-domestic aggression.

The following elements could be installed:

• Secured hatch, doors or covers to direct access points;
• Direct access door to the pumping station or technical room (s);
• Ventilation grilles;
• Access ladders.

Pumping stations are normally completely enclosed by high fences. These could be of the
chain-link or iron railings type, depending on architectural requirements and risk level.
Alternatively a masonry wall could be constructed to meet architectural requirements.

The security fence is generally adjacent to the property line. Each site should have a boundary/
perimeter fence which should comply with regulations and PAEW’s security and HSE Policy.

6.5 Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements

Emergency equipment must be set on the risk of the hazards on the site. The following are
some mandatory emergency equipment:
• Alarms;
• Signage;
• Lighting/Emergency lighting (powered through UPS);
• Exits / Emergency exit ;
• Fire extinguishers;
• Confined spaces; Welfare facilities.

6.5.1 Alarm systems

Emergency alarms must meet the requirements governing the hazards and the risk. As a
minimum all sites including pumping station must have a fire alarm system capable of
evacuating the site safely in a minimum of time, be it electrical or mechanical.

Other alarms to consider in pump room and treatment works would be:
• Pump alarm normally blue flashing;
• Telephone alarm normally white flashing; Chlorine alarm normally orange flashing;
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• Fire alarm normally red flashing.

All alarms are normally backed up with audible high pitched sound. Staff must be trained and
aware of what to do in the event of any alarm.

6.5.2 Lighting including Emergency lighting

Interior and exterior lighting facilities must be provided where necessary and automatically
operate emergency lighting system must be installed as part of the normal lighting and must
last for a minimum of 30 minutes on automatic action during an emergency. It must also
illuminate the safe route to a final exit from any part of the building structure.

Where exterior lighting is requited it shall be equipped with an automatic presence detector
lasting not less than 5 minutes.
6.5.3 Emergency exits

Emergency exists must be provided so that staff can evacuate the building during an
emergency by the fastest safe route and all final exits must have push/paddle bar release.
Where required, dependent on volume of staff these may need to be double doors.

6.5.4 Health and Safety signage

All emergency exits, walkways, staircases, hall ways must have emergency signage dictating
the direction of travel to the emergency exits including pictograms on what actions to carry out
on route or at the exit i.e. push bar release.

Other signage required on the site should follow best international practice and the following
categories must be observed:
• Mandatory;
• Emergency and warning;
• Information.

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All signage will be worked out on the hazard identified risk assessment and may change with
further building design or alteration. For example see followings chart.

6.5.5 Fire fighting equipment

Fire fighting equipment can only be decided on the recommendations from a fire risk
assessment in line with the completed design from the designer and further improved during
the course of construction. Only with this information and in line with Oman HSE regulations
and guidance by external authorities i.e. ROP, municipality can the right equipment per
location be decided upon. This may include but not be limited to fire extinguishers, suppression
systems, fire blankets etc.

6.5.6 Confined Spaces

In a pumping station confined spaces are normally found where chemicals are stored or
dosing i.e. chlorine or in an area with limited access and egress, or where there is a risk from
flooding, free flowing solids or the design of the building or structure dictates.
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Mandatory equipment requirements should be used in these areas and the following list should
be included but is not exhaustive:

• Gas monitors;
• Tripod and Winch;
• Harness;
• Breathing apparatus;
• PPE.
This would be decided on a thorough and comprehensive confined space risk assessment.

6.5.7 Welfare facilities

Welfare facilities must be included in all pumping stations for the benefit of staff and
operational requirements. They should include the following as a minimum but this may
change on the use of the site or risks that develop:
• Toilets and washing facilities;
• Changing areas;
• Pantry/Canteen facilities (depending on size of site);
• First aid facilities including a minimum of a 10 man first aid kit with 2 eye wash bottles;
• On all sites where chemicals or substances are to be used a safety shower (s) must
be fitted (see requirements in Other facilities).

6.6 Other facilities

Doors giving access to the facilities and equipment must be equipped with anti-intrusion
system providing access only through use of a code or badge. The doors must opened in an
outward direction.

A chain must be installed across access ladders as a means of preventing further entry and
as a visible sign unless authorised not to go beyond. In this instance, the chain must be
replaced after the entry and exit.

Sump covers should be installed and be of the gridded type each grid not exceeding 30 x 30

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The sump shall be equipped with float level controllers '' Pear shape type '' and a drainage
pump that initiates automatically when the sump is full.
For the security of the pumping station an independent flood alarm system shall also be
installed. This system shall consist of a level controller '' Pear shape type '' positioned 20 cm
above the floor which will inform the Control room.

A telephone booth shall be provided inside the building adjacent to the pump room with a
vision panel in to the pump room. A flashing white light shall be installed to indicate the phone
is ringing in the pump room. The operator must go into the telephone booth to operate the

6.7 Ventilation

Ventilation will be provided to protect against over heating equipment, and will be either air
conditioning, heat extraction or a mixture of both and shall be designed for internal (motor,
lighting etc...) and external loads (structure, climatic conditions). A specific ventilation study is
required for each installation.


7.1 Schematic layout of a pumping station

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PI Sondes
temperature& Meter
Suction vibration Discharge



A typical pumping station has at least the following equipment:

• Suction pipe;
• Discharge pipe;
• Motorised Operated Valves (gate valves, non-return valves and butterfly valves) with
electrical actuators;
• 2 pumps (minimum or 33 % standby) with temperature and vibration sensors (for
pumps above 20kW);
• Pressure gauges;
• Surge vessels (bladder/air compressor type);
• Anti ram / Surge Tank;
• Air compressor (depends on type of surge vessel);
• Secondary or post chlorination (optional);
• Online water quality monitoring (optional);
• Sampling points (on inlet and outlet);
• Flow meter;
• Pressure transmitters;

By-pass for booster stations only.

7.2 Pipes

The type of pipe depends on the fluid being transported and the environment in which it is
installed. Usually, suction and discharge pipes are made of steel (cast or carbon steel).

7.3 Valves

• Isolation valves are installed on suction and discharge pipes, and, by-pass pipelines.
• The discharge valve(s) should be modulating type and motorized.
• Pump controls must have an emergency shutdown power check feature for surge
protection when power fails.

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• Air release, air vacuum release or combination of air release and vacuum valves are
to be provided at critical locations in the pumping station piping.

Unless otherwise required, the discharge side of all pumps is to be provided with flow control
valves as well as check valves

Drain valves should be also installed on the suction and discharge pipes of each pump.
Tapping points for pressure monitoring should be installed at the suction and delivery sides of
each pump as well as on the common header of suction and discharge.

7.4 Flow meter

In order to measure the flow at outlet of pumping station, an electromagnetic or ultrasonic flow
meter shall be installed at the discharge line

7.5 Disinfection

Water quality studies are necessary to choose the type of disinfection, its installation, control,
storage, handling and transport requirements.
For the disinfection see TET/DG/5007 design guidelines for Disinfection and Secondary

7.6 Electrical equipment

For the fixed speed pump soft starter should be installed.

For the variable speed VFD should be installed.

All electrical panels, switchgear and electrical control equipment should be located in the
electrical room. Good visibility of panels is necessary as is proper warning and danger signage
on the equipment. The electrical panels should have at least 30% extra capacity for extension.

Every electrical panel shall be equipped with command buttons with three positions (Manual,
Automatic and stop).

The main parameters (power, power factor, power totalizer, voltage, current, temperature,
hour running meter etc.) should be displayed.

The electrical equipment room shall be separated from pump room. It could be either in a
separate building or physically separated from the pump room by a structurally sound dividing
wall with a viewing pane. Normally the second internal door to the room should have no
windows. This room should be air conditioned.

Emergency push isolation button or dead man’s switch should be provided.

The general electric supply must be dual and able to take a permanent or temporary stand by
generator. Switch over arrangements, automatic or manual, need to be decided.

The medium/high voltage electrical cells should be equipped with an automatic restart system.
Sultanate of Oman, Public Authority for Electricity and Water

Attached to: TET/PRO/5002 34/36

Design Guidelines Date: 14/05/2015

The power supplied to the Pumping station should have the capacity to run all the pumps
including stand-by pump if needed.

7.7 Emergency Power

Pumping stations should be equipped with an emergency un-interrupted power supply with
sufficient capacity to provide electric output in case of main power failure.

7.8 Fire Protection

After checking the fire protection regulations authority, the following fire detection/suppression
systems should be installed: Heat/ smoke detection in all rooms. Suitable Fire extinguishing /
suppression appropriate to the installed equipment and size of the site. For example CO2 for
all electrical equipment, dry powder for generators and foam for fires on liquid fuels and oils.
This will be established by a risk assessment of the blue print by HSE Department PAEW.
Alarm should be both, audible on site and relay back to the operations centre.

7.9 Safety Shower and Eye Wash

Safety showers must be available in all areas where there is a high concentration of chemicals
or substances with the potential to harm. This could be one or more on larger sites. The shower
must be constructed of steel and rise from the floor at least 2.5 metres with a shower arm at
right angle to the main body “length of 0.5 metres” and a shower head 20 cm wide. It must
have a pull handle activation that will release abundant amounts of water from a free flowing
main or tank that is at normal body temperature between 16 and 26 ° C. The water must run
for a minimum of 30 minutes. Around the base of the shower must be an interceptor that can
take the residue chemical or substance away to safe storage (Remember that this storage
must be emptied after emergency use). The shower must be green with white striping and
must be signed above and from any substance source it must be a maximum of 10 meters
from any substance.

Attached to the safety shower fitted to the main stem at about 1.2 metres should be an eye
wash which is activated on opening allowing the injured person to places eyes in the flow of
water which must be controlled a reasonable speed so as not to cause further damage. This
should also empty to the interceptor.

Sultanate of Oman, Public Authority for Electricity and Water

Attached to: TET/PRO/5002 35/36

Design Guidelines Date: 14/05/2015


The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Programmable Logic Controller
(PLC) shall supervise, monitor and control the pumping station. For more detailed
information of control and automation refer latest version of TET/DG/5009.

All the data shall be collected from the different units and transferred to the Regional Control

The following represents the basic minimum which should be monitored in the SCADA system.
• Electrical actuated valves: Open, intermediate, Closed, % opening;
• Pump: Start, Stop, running, trip;
• Pressure alarm: low , high, normal;
• Pump Temperature control;
• Pump discharge control;
• Pump operation mode (automatic/manual)
• Vibration sensors;
• Pressure control;
• Level: Low , high, normal;
• Water quality parameters;
• Energy consumption for each pump;
• Number of hours in operation (for maintenance );
• Flood alarm;
• Doors access control; Situation of electrical power;
• Historic.

The following indicators shall be present in fault inquiry status:

• MCC/Local
• Auto Stop; Auto Running
• Auto Trip
• Fault/ Out of service
• Manual Stop; Manual Running
• Manual Trip
Sultanate of Oman, Public Authority for Electricity and Water

Attached to: TET/PRO/5002 36/36

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