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La juventud es la esperanza de patria...

The youth is the hope of the homeland…

Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan...
Different languages but it conveys a single yet powerful message. In every tongue, the
message resounds the role of the youth being the hope of the nation embodying the values
taught by our national Hero, Dr. Jose Protacio Mercado y Alonso Realonda.

In the grand tapestry of time, the threads of yesterday intertwine with the fabric of
today, we stand on the precipice of tomorrow… It is often said that the youth are the future of
our nation, and today, we delve into the reservoir of Rizalian values to illuminate the path our
young minds shall tread. As Dr. Jose Rizal envisioned, “The youth is the hope of our future.”

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and stewards of our nation’s destiny, a pleasant
day to all of us!

In the pages of Rizal's life, we find the enduring values of nationalism, patriotism, and
love of country. These values are not relics of the past but guiding stars that illuminate our
path today. The echoes of Rizal's call for unity resound in the diversity of our nation, urging
us to transcend differences and forge a common destiny.

In the yesteryears of our nation, Jose Rizal emerged as a guiding light, wielding his pen
as a weapon against the chains of oppression. His advocacy for freedom, justice, and
education became the cornerstone of a revolution that transformed subdued people into
architects of their destiny. Yesterday, Rizal's ideals sowed the seeds of a nation's awakening,
and the pages of our past bear witness to the indomitable spirit that ignited change.

As true Rizalians, let us not merely celebrate the historical significance of Rizal but
embrace his values as a call to action. Yesterday's struggles, today's efforts, and tomorrow's
aspirations converge in the enduring spirit of Rizalian values. May we, as stewards of our
nation's destiny, carry this torch forward, crafting a future where justice, compassion, and
intellectual enlightenment thrive.

Gracias por escuchar!

vingarciabulusan | Memorized Speech

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