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Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics 5
8:50 A.M. – 9:40 A.M.

I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:

1. add and subtract similar fractions
2. realize and state that one must follow the health protocols in maintaining our healthy body

II. Learning Content:

Skills: Adding and Subtracting Similar Fractions

References: MELC M4NS-IIe-81
Mathematics 4 Learner’s Material page 112 - 115
Learning Activity Sheets for Mathematics 4 page 38 - 39
Materials: power point presentation, pictures / illustrations, task cards / activity sheets

III. Learning Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity:

1. Drill:

The teacher will show different shapes with fractional parts

and then the learners will tell the correct fraction form of the
different shapes.






2. Motivation:

The teacher will give a sentence with a missing word. In order
to find the missing word, the teacher will flash a figure with
fractional part. Then the groups will write the corresponding
letter of the fractional part of a figure in each number. The
sentence is:

We must _______________ the health protocols given by the F-O-L-L-O-W

IATF to avoid being infected by COVID-19.

2 1 3 3 1 4






O 3/8
F 3/4
L 1/8
W 2/5

What word was formed? The word formed was


Do you think it is necessary to follow the health protocols Yes. It is necessary to

amidst COVID-19 pandemic? Why? follow the health
protocols amidst COVID-
19 pandemic because it
will prevent us from
catching the virus and get
infected and it will keep
us healthy all the times.

B. Developmental Activity:

1. Presentation:

Today we are going to study Addition and Subtraction of

Similar Fractions.

Example No. 1:

Example No. 2:

How do we add and subtract similar fractions?

The teacher will discuss Addition and Subtraction of Similar


To add similar fractions:

a. Add the numerators.
b. Copy the original denominator.
c. Reduce the answer to lowest terms or simplest form.
1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4
6/10 + 3/10 = 9/10

To subtract similar fractions:

a. Subtract the numerators.
b. Copy the denominator.
c. Reduce the answer to lowest terms or simplest form.
9/12 – 2/12 = 7/12
13/17 – 6/17 = 7/17

2. Group Activity:
a. Divide the class in three working groups.
The teacher will divide the class into three groups.

b. Setting of Standards for Group Activity

What are the things to follow in having a group activity? 1. Cooperate with your
2. Share your ideas with
your groupmates.
3. Work silently and
finish it on the time given
by the teacher.
c. Group Activity Proper
The teacher will give the task cards / activity sheets to the

Group 1:
Add the following similar fractions. 1. 5/6
1. 4/6 + 1/6 2. 11/15
2. 3/15 + 8/15 3. 4/7
3. 2/7 + 2/7 4. 3/4
4. 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 5. 5/11
5. 2/11 + 2/11 + 1/11

Group 2:
Subtract similar fractions. 1. 7/12
1. 8/12 – 1/12 2. 3/6
2. 5/6 – 2/6 3. 3/20
3. 8/20 – 5/20 4. 17/25
4. 24/25 – 7/25 5. 3/8
5. 6/8 – 3/8

Group 3:
Complete the following to make the statement correct.
1. 3/18 + __/18 = 11/18 1. 8
2. 6/20 – 3/20 = __/20 2. 3
3. __/16 + 6/16 = 15/16 3. 9
4. 8/9 – 3/9 = __/9 4. 5
5. 16/35 + __/35 = 19/35 5. 3

d. Presentation of the Group Works

3. Generalization:
To add similar fractions:
a. How do we add similar fractions? a. Add the numerators.
b. Copy the original
c. Reduce the answer to
lowest terms or simplest
To subtract similar
b. How do we subtract similar fractions? fractions:
a. Subtract the
b. Copy the denominator.
c. Reduce the answer to
lowest terms or simplest

4. Application:

Solve the following problem by adding or subtracting the

similar fractions.
2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6 hour
a. On weekends, Anna spends 2/6 hour washing the dishes and
3/6 hours of cleaning the kitchen. How many hours does she
spends working on weekends?
2/5 – 1/5 = 1/5 kilogram
b. Khel and Neo sold 2/5 kilogram of old newspapers on
Saturday and 1/5 kilogram old newspapers on Sunday. What is
the difference in the weight of the newspapers sold on
Saturday and Sunday?

IV. Evaluation:

Find the sum or difference. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is 11/12 – 10/12?

a. 1/12 b. 21/12 c. 10/12

2. What is 6/13 + 6/13?

a. 36/13 b. 12/13 c. 13/13

3. What is 4/5 – 2/5?

a. 6/13 b. 2/5 c. 8/5

4. What is 11/33 + 5/33?

a. 16/33 b. 6/13 c. 6/33

5. What is 10/13 – 3/13?

a. 13/13 b. 30/1 3 c. 7/13

V. Assignment:

Find the sum or difference of the following similar fractions. Reduce the answer to lowest
term if possible.

1. 10/15 + 3/15 = _____

2. 11/30 – 4/30 = _____
3. 3/16 + 8/16 = _____
4. 9/13 – 2/13 = _____
5. 10/20 + 9/20 = _____

Prepared by:


Noted by:

Principal I

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