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Past Perfect Tenses

 Definition
Past perfect tense is a change in the form of the verb to
express that there was an event or action that was
completed at a point in the past, before any other action
(in the past too) occurred. The past perfect tense has
various functions that we can use to carry out
conversations with other people in various situations.

1. Declare an action or actions that have been completed

As we discussed in the definition section, the main
function of this tense is to be able to express an event that
happened and finished in the past before another past
2. Shows how often an action occurs
We can also use the past perfect to show the intensity of a
moment that happened in the past
3. Express a hope
Can make a wish using the past perfect
4. Serves to make reported speech and reported text
Reported speech is a sentence used to express news orally
or in writing that we have never heard before, provided
that this news is conveyed to us by someone else.
5. To show that an action happened before a certain time
the past states an event that occurred in the past before a
certain (specific) time.
6. Used with addition (+ just)
The past perfect tense can also be used with "just". If just
is combined with the formula of the past perfect tense, it
will confirm that there was an incident in the past that
happened moments before.
 Generic structure
Had is used for both singular and plural subjects.
Meanwhile, the past participle is formed by adding -ed, -
en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne to the base form of a regular verb. The
base form is an irregular verb, the past participle form is

In the past perfect, the formula is divided into 3 according

to the type of sentence, including:
Positive Sentences (5+ had + past participle (V- 3)}
My brother had slept They had come
Negative sentences (S+ had + not + past participle (V-
My brother hadn't slept
They hadn't come •Interrogative sentences / interrogative
sentences (Had + S + past participle (V-3)) Had my
brother slept?

 Sample
1. She left my home after I had given her chocolate.
2. He had washed the plates when his father called.
3. When I came last week, she had gone to Paris.

 Lexicogrammatical features
Syifa: Hi, Tika, I'm sorry I couldn't come to

your party last night and gave a speech.

Tika: That's fine. I'd already made another plan before you
canceled i
Syifa: I know, but if I'd been able to come, you would
have not been disappointe
Tika: Take it easy, Syifa
 Lexicogrammatical features
Past Perfect Tense Traits Dialog Learn the past perfect
tense dialogue based on its characteristics,
such as:
Describes actions or events that have ended in the past
before any other action occurred
Actions can occur more than once or only onceCan be
used to tell past experiences Can
be used to make conditional sentences of the third
typeCan be used to create reported
The formula used for the past perfect tense:
speech Positive sentence pattern: subject + had + past
participle Negative sentence pattern: subject + had + not +
past participle Interrogative sentence pattern: had +
subject + past participle Using time signals such as:
before (before), after (after), when (when), until (until),
just (just), as fast (as soon as possible), by the time (at that

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