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POSSESSIVE 25: Reigo Vasquez






























































A bitter man who thinks highly of marriage, but was always being dumped and cheated
on and a insouciant woman who doesn't believe in marriage and who thinks that
relationship was just a burden and a waste of her time.

What will happen if these two met?

Will their differences clash, or will the sparks fly?



Cover: Astrid Jaydee


IN SOME random high-end café, Reigo was sitting on a table for two with his eight
months girlfriend — now soon-to-be ex-girlfriend — and listening to her talk about
the things she hated about him and the reason she wanted to end their relationship.
"Hindi ko lang nararamdaman na mahal mo talaga ako. Palagi ka nalang busy sa
trabaho. Ni hindi ka makapag-text sa'kin ng 'good morning' o kaya naman 'good
night'. As your girlfriend, I am ashamed to tell my friends that you don't have
time for me. All you do is work and you can't even take me on vacations like my
friend's boyfriends. I mean, you're Reigo Vasquez, but you gave me a local-made bag
when you can afford a branded one and I feel ashamed to show it to my friends! They
always think that you don't love me enough because of your lackluster gifts! I just
feel like we're not meant to be, Reigo. Please, understand me."

Reigo didn't even blink. Sanay na siyang naririnig ang mga salitang binitiwan ni
Shania. 'Yon ang palagi niyang naririnig na rason sa mga naging girlfriend niya.

He was so used to it; it didn't bother him anymore and went straight to the point.
"Why don't you just admit it to me that you found someone else and that you're
cheating on me?"

Shania's went pale, and it took her a couple of seconds before she could pull
herself together and tried to reply as sophisticatedly as possible. "I don't know
what you're talking about. Gumagawa ka lang ng kung ano-anong kuwento sakin para
sakin mo ibunton ang sisi ng paghihiwalay natin. You're just trying to destroy my

With a bored sigh, Reigo placed his phone on the table in front of Shania to show
her his proof. "I'm working, so I have little time for you, but that does not give
you the right to cheat on me. Gaano ba kahirap sabihin sakin na 'break na tayo'?
It's not like I will oppose."

From pale of worry to red of anger. That was the changes that happened in Shania's
face. "Roman is good to me! And you're not there when I needed you the most!"

"And when was this?" Reigo replied indifferently.

Shania glared at Reigo. "When you were busy."

"You could've called me and told me you need me."

"I did!"

"When?" Reigo's voice had become interrogative. "I still have my call logs."

It infuriated Shania. "Fuck you!"

Reigo looked at Shania, uninterested. "Shouldn't I be saying that to you? You're

the one who cheated."

"I did that because of you...!" Shania shouted and everyone in the café was
eavesdropping while trying not to look at their table. "Kung binigyan mo lang ako
ng oras, e di sana hindi ko 'yon nagawa!"

Reigo was as calm as ever. "Bakit ako ang sinisisi mo sa ginawa mo? It was your


Reigo's eyebrows rose and indifferently asked. "Should I call you a bitch, then?"

Nanlilisik ang matang umangat ang kamay ni Shania at malakas na dumapo iyon sa
pisngi ni Reigo. Ang ingay na nilikha ng malakas na sampal na 'yon ay halos
nagpatigil sa buong café maliban nalang sa mesa na katabi lang din ni Reigo at
Shania na may argumento ring nagaganap.

"Why, Zehan?! Explain to me why you don't want to accept my proposal? Ayaw mo ba
akong makasama habang-buhay? Ayaw mo ba'ng makasal tayo? Tell me!"

Rommel was in turmoil while holding the engagement ring in his hand. Meanwhile, his
girlfriend, Zehannah, was calm as an untouched lake after saying 'no' to Rommel's
proposal. "Makasama habang-buhay? Gusto. Makasal? Hindi."

Mas lalong nasaktan si Rommel sa narinig. Para rito, ang hindi pag tanggap ni Zehan
sa inaalok nitong kasal ay pruweba na hindi ito mahal ni Zehan. "Am I that
worthless to you, Zehan?"

"No. It's not about your worth to me, Rom." Kalmadong nagpapaliwanag si Zehan sa
isang taon nitong kasintahan. "It's about marriage. It's a no for me. I'm sorry."

"Why? If you really love me, you will say yes."

That angered Zehan, but she remained calm. "Hindi ako o-oo sa kasal na inaalok mo
para lang patunayan na mahal kita. That's just childish and very manipulative.
Naririnig mo ba ang sarili mo? Bakit? Kapag kasal na ba tayo, habang-buhay na
tayong magsasama? That's a bullshit reasoning and you know that."

"But we're already at the marrying age, Zehan!" Giit ni Rommel. "Halos lahat ng
kaedad natin nagpapakasal na at may mga anak na."

Hindi na napigilan ni Zehan na hindi tumaas ang kilay. "E di sabayan mo sila. Huwag
mo lang akong isama."


"What?" Zehan was trying to reign in her frustration that Rommel was not listening
to her and only thinking about himself. "Wala akong pakialam kung lahat ng kaedad
ko sa buong mundo ay kasal, may-asawa, at may anak na. Ang mahalaga sa akin ay
makatulong ako sa mga magulang ko na nagkandakuba-kuba para lang mabigyan ako ng
magandang buhay at syempre ang kasiyahan ko. At sa pagkakataong 'to, masaya ako sa
buhay ko Rom kahit wala akong asawa, kahit hindi ako kasal at kahit wala akong
anak. So what if my age is already near the end of the calendar? My priorities
differ from theirs. My life, my decision."

Rommel's lips parted in astonishment. He knew Zehannah was not enthusiastic when it
comes to marriage, but he didn't know the extent of that. And now that he does, he
felt so worthless in front of her. He felt small that Zehan didn't even think about
him and a future with him.

"How about me, Zehan?" Tanong ni Rommel. "Am I not part of your priorities?"

Zehannah looked into Rommel's eyes. Eye to eye. No lies. Zehan gave it to Rommel
straight. "You are like a bonus in my life, Rom. I'm happy that you're with me and
staying with me even though I'm far from being perfect and I can't give you a lot
of things, but if you pushed marriage unto me with a bullshit reasoning of 'being
together forever', it will hurt me, but I will not dislike it if you left."

Napatanga si Rommel sa mga sinabi ni Zehan at kahit alam ni Zehan na nasaktan niya
si Rommel sa sinabi niya, hindi siya nag-iwas ng tingin. She didn't enjoy hurting
Rommel nor talking about marriage. For her, married or not, if a couple wanted to
stay together forever, then they will make it happen even without 'marriage'. Her
parents were a great example of that.
To Zehannah, marriage was a powerful paper — a paper that could bind someone
without a viable exit. And it was scary for her.

Marriage here in the country was like entering a building without a way out. If
that building got burned and collapsed, they had nowhere else to go because they
were stuck inside without an exit.

Well, there was a way out called annulment, but aside from consuming a lot of time,
it consumed a lot of money, too. And there was no guarantee that the annulment case
would go well and be approved. Normal citizen like her who had no money to burn
should be wary of marriage. She's happy for those who decided to get wed and be
together, but that didn't mean she want to get wed herself.

She just didn't see herself getting married. Not even with Rommel, whom she liked
the most out of all her boyfriends.

"Kung sasabihin ko ngayon na makikipag-break ako sayo kung hindi mo tatanggapin ang
proposal ko, hindi mo pa rin ba tatanggapin?"

Tumango si Zehannah. "I will use the same words you used to me earlier. If you love
me, you won't force me."

Bumagsak ang balikat ni Rommel. "I really want to build a family with you, Zehan.
But if it's a no, then I will look for someone else who would prioritize me more."

Zehannah understood, so she nodded. Hindi niya pinakita na may kaunting kirot sa
dibdib niya dahil sa desisyon nitong maghanap ng ibang babaeng pakakasalan dahil
umayaw siya.

Hindi si Rommel and unang nag-propose sa kaniya na hindi niya tinanggap, pero lahat
sila na 'ayoko' ang naging sagot niya, lahat umalis at iniwan siya na para bang
dahil sa pag-hindi niya ay hindi na niya gusto ang mga ito at wala na siyang
maramdamang pagpapahalaga sa mga ito. Ayaw lang naman niyang magpakasal, pero hindi
ibig sabihin ay hindi na niya gustong makasama ang mga ito. Pero palaging 'yon ang
nangyayari. It was sad that they always think that way, but marriage was really a
no for her.

Or maybe her exes who proposed to her were right. She just didn't love them enough
to change her belief and say 'yes'. Like at that moment, she felt a tinge of pain
in her chest that Rommel was breaking up with her, but that pain was not enough to
make her sulked or sobbed in the corner. She would be just fine without Rommel in
her life, and that was a fact. It would not be hard for her to move on and be with
someone else again. She was used to it.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the woman you're looking for." Zehannah was really sorry
that she couldn't be the woman Rommel wanted her to be, but she would never forced
herself to be someone she didn't want to be just to please him. "If you found a
woman who would say 'yes' to your proposal, please treat her well and don't give
her a reason to think that marriage is just a sham because if that happened, you're
going to prove me right and that would suck for you."

Rommel said nothing and just left.

And just like that — Zehannah was single again.

Nang tuluyang makalabas si Rommel sa café, napatingin si Zehannah sa lamesa at

napabulong. "Ang gago hindi man lang binayaran ang kinain niya." Ang mahal pa naman
dito. Tangina. Tapos broken hearted pa ako — well, not really broken, but still...
Zehannah was so tempted to get her phone and call her friend, Cassia, but decided
not to. Baka imbes na makapaglabas siya ng sama ng loob, ang ulo niya ang sasakit
dahil sa isip nitong kakaiba.

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay napaigtad ng biglang nagdadabog na

umalis ang babae sa katabi niyang table.

Curious why the woman left so dramatically, Zehannah glanced at the table beside
her and her eyes landed on the man sitting across from her with an 'I'm done'
expression on his handsome face.

Zehannah felt like they're both going through the same thing and she felt a little
camaraderie with him, so she spoke to him. "The break-up is that bad?"

The man stilled before he glanced at her with a frown and their eyes met.

Such tantalizing eyes. Zehannah commented inside her head.

"What did you say...?" He asked with a frown.

"I said 'the break-up is that bad'?" Ulit ni Zehannah. "You have an 'I'm done'
expression on your face."

"Oh. Not really. I'm just done with all these cheaters who only know how to
complain when you catch them and then they'll blame you for it while playing the
victim card."

Tumaas ang isang kilay ni Zehannah sa narinig. "Seriously? She cheated on...
you...?" She didn't believe him one bit.

Mas lalong nagsalubong ang kilay ng lalaki. "Why? Do I look so handsome that you
didn't believe they cheated on me?"

"... kinda."

"Well, she cheated on me." The man paused, then added, "and so did my previous

"Damn..." what an unlucky guy. "Must suck to be you."

He chuckled humorlessly. "Yes. It sucks. All I want is to find a good woman to

marry and have a family."

Inilahad ni Zehannah ang kamay sa lalaki. "I'm a good woman, but not someone to
marry. Marriage is a no for me. The name's Zehannah Sevil." Pagpapakilala niya.

Reluctantly, the man reached out his hand and accepted Zehannah's hand. "Reigo
Vasquez. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Zehannah pulled back her hand back and smiled. "Want to go club
hopping? My boyfriend just left me as well. Want to celebrate being single again?"

Reigo frowned at Zehannah as if she said something weird. "Being single is

something to be celebrated and happy about?"

"Oo naman." Zehannah grinned. "More time for yourself and you can love yourself to
your heart's content. Not only that, being single is peaceful."

Reigo was still looking at Zehannah weirdly. "You said club hopping, but," tinuro
nito ang labas ng café, "it's just ten in the morning."

"Then let's go coffee hopping and drink our bitterness away." She really felt a
camaraderie with Reigo and at that moment, she didn't want to be alone and think
about her previous failed relationships which was going to happen if she went back
to her condo now.

Pinag-isipan naman ni Reigo ang suhestiyon ni Zehannah ng ilang segundo bago tumayo
at inilahad ang kamay kay Zehannah. "I know lots of café. My ex-girlfriends always
bring me to cafes when they want to break up for some reason."

Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka walang pangingiming tinanggap ang kamay ni Reigo
at sabay silang lumabas.

And so, the café-slash-coffee hopping begun and Reigo and Zehannah used Zehannah's
old-model car to go around and visit the café's that Reigo remembered. Reigo had a
car, but decided to ride with Zehannah to lessen the traffic.

Zehannah seemed like a swell woman. Very witty and a breath of fresh air for Reigo.
They enjoyed the coffee and the food while talking about their failed relationships
— they call it talk, but it's more like complaining.

Enjoying each other's company, the two didn't realize how time was passing by fast
and the next thing they know, it was already dark out when they stepped out from
the café they last visited.

"Huh?" Hindi makapaniwala si Zehannah na wala nang araw sa kalangitan. "Where did
the day go?"

"That was fast." Reigo commented.


"Want to go club hopping now?"

Zehannah glanced at Reigo. "After all that coffee, you're still thirsty?"

Reigo shrugged. "May naka-save na ibang space ang alak sa tiyan ko."

Natawa si Zehannah. "Lasenggo ka no?"

"Not really."

"Sus..." natatawang naglakad patungo si Zehannah sa sasakyan niya. "Come on. I know
a good nightclub, though no club hopping. I want to drink and we don't have a
designated driver."

"Only one club it is." Reigo declared with his always so serious face and followed
Zehannah to her car.

Inside Zehannah's car, she narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Mister, my car is not
moving unless you put your seatbelt on."

"So strict..." Reigo mumbled under his breath, but still put his seatbelt on.

Seeing that her passenger was now secured, Zehannah started maneuvering her car out
of the café's parking lot and drove towards the bar she sometimes visits and liked.

Out of nowhere, Reigo randomly asked. "Don't you have a nickname? Zehannah is too

"Most call me Zehan."

"Still too long."

Zehannah throws a glare at Reigo. "Hey! My parents gave me that nickname."

In their café-slash-coffee hopping, Reigo learned how much Zehannah adored her
parents, so he said nothing about her nickname. "Can I make one?"

"Make what?"

"A nickname. For you."


"I feel like making one. Used only by me."

Zehannah clicked her tongue. "Pasalamat ka kanina pa tayo nagka-café-slash-coffee

hunting. Kahit papaano may pinagsamahan na tayo. Fine. Make one."

For the first time, Reigo smiled, but Zehannah was driving so she didn't see it.
"Hmm... how about just Zee?"

"Wow. So fucking creative." Puno ng sarkasmo na sagot ni Zehannah.

That did not deter Reigo. "From now on, I'll call you Zee."

Zehannah sighed. "Sa kadami-dami ng nickname na puwede mong ibigay sakin, 'yon
talaga? Masama ba ang loob mo sakin?"

"It suits you."

Zehannah just clicked her tongue and continued driving until they reached their
destination. After expertly parking her car, she and Reigo went inside the club and
occupied a table, then they ordered a drink. Tequila since she really wanted to
forget what happened with Rommel today and she knew that liquor could help her with

It was a harmless 'drinking' at first, Zehannah and Reigo were even cursing their
exes and celebrating their single life, but after one bottle of tequila, everything
started getting messy.

Zehannah and Reigo found themselves on the dance floor, dancing to the rhythm of
the loud music while their bodies were rubbing against each other. Reigo's hands
were on Zehannah's waist and Zehannah's arms were around Reigo's neck.

They danced naughtily and sexily while drowning themselves with liquor. They did
not care about anything, but themselves. They stick together, not leaving each
other's side and doing all naughty stuff that Zehannah and Reigo wouldn't do with
each other if sober.

But the tequila was in full effect.

It was fun. It was satisfying. Until it became so hot that Reigo and Zehannah ended
up in the club's private bathroom, making out like they couldn't get enough of each
other — and they couldn't.
They were kissing, sucking and licking each other's lips while carelessly
undressing their lower garments to do more than kiss. Both wasted and out of their
minds, Zehannah just bit her lips and moaned when she felt Reigo entered her from
behind while she was holding on the sink not to fall.

She did not care about anything other than the pleasure that was blowing her mind
at that moment. Nothing else. Just the pleasure that was curling her toes and
eliciting a cry of pleasure from her throat.

Reigo was not gentle. No. He was rough. Groaning as he thrust deeper into
Zehannah's wet, tight and throbbing core.

She was wet and aching. He was rough. She was moaning. He was groaning. Both were
drunk, wasted, and out of their minds with pleasure.

"Ahh... ahh! Ah! Ah!" Gripping the bathroom's sink, Zehannah's moan filled the
small space. "Reigo...! Ah! Uhh! Fuck. Ah, shit! So good..."

"Fuck." Reigo cussed as he slammed his cock harder inside Zehannah. "So fucking
tight — fuck!"

"Ahh...! Reigo! Ahh...! Uh..! More. More! Sige pa. Isagad mo pa. Sige pa." Zehannah
was begging and she was moving her hips.

Reigo obliged, and he thrusted so hard that Zehannah's whole body was shaking at
the impact and she was screaming with ecstasy.

"Oh, shit! Reigo! Fuck! Good — fucking good! Fuck! Ahh! Fuck! Harder! Fuck me
harder — yes, yes, like that! Yes! Ahh...!" Zehannah did not care if someone could
hear her lustful pleas. She just wanted more. Her body felt so hot and needy that
she wanted Reigo to fuck her senseless until that heat inside her dissipates.

Yes. She wanted to be fucked senseless, and she didn't even know where this 'want'
was coming from. She just wanted that thick, long cock inside her throbbing core.

"Holy... fuck...!" A chain of cusses escaped Zehannah's lips as she felt a blinding
pleasure exploded inside her. It shook her whole being.

That was the first time she ever felt that kind of blinding pleasure that took her
breath away. Literally. She never knew that sex was that good and mind blowing and
she wanted more even after Reigo had his released.

At mukhang ganun din ang nararamdaman ni Reigo dahil balik na naman sa mapusok na
halikan ang dalawa. Parehong walang pakialam kung may malakas na kumakatok sa labas
at sumisigaw na lumabas na sila.

Zehannah and Reigo did not care about anything but themselves. They made out,
touched each other and fucked again.

And when they finally stepped out from the bathroom, cusses and glares were thrown
at them, but they only laughed and went back to the dance floor and dance while
their hands were on each other.

And it seemed like their lips couldn't bear to be away from each other and found
their lips locked again and making out heavily in the middle of the dark dance
floor, where no one cared if you're making out or being fucked.

Drinking. Dancing. Making out. And fucking multiple times in the bathroom
throughout the night like hungry animals who couldn't get enough of each other.
Zehannah did all that in one night with one guy who was nowhere to be found when
she woke up alone in her car the morning after, hangover and sore beyond belief.

Softly placing her hands on her sore and aching vagina, Zehannah wanted to smack
herself as she muttered in disbelief under her breath. "Why the fuck... did I do
all that last night?"

Yes. She remembered, but no answer. No. There was one answer — no. Two.

She was drunk and stupid. Yes. That's it. Drunk and stupid.

Reigo Vasquez ... I hope we won't see each other again.

Yes. A girl could hope.


#Happy8thCCversary to us, CCBells 🥰 It's been a fun journey with you all. Can't
wait to share more stories with you! 🥂


Zehannah chose to be single after what her break-up with Rommel and her stupidity
with Reigo. And it had been nearly a year since. It was not really a hard choice to
make. She's happy with her life and contented of what she has. And as she always
says, being single was peaceful.

Yes. Very peaceful that the only chaos in her life was her newlywed best friend,
Cassia. Oo, ang halos walang muwang niyang kaibigan ay ikinasal na. Though it was
not marriage because of love, it was arranged. And her husband happened to be gay —
well, according to Cassia and Zehannah, took it with a grain of salt.

Medyo kakaiba mag-isip si Cassia kaya hindi niya masyadong dinindib ang sinabi
nitong lalaki rin ang gusto ng asawa nito kahit pa nga alam niya ang rason kung

She's a believer of 'to see is to believe'. Kaya hanggang hindi niya nakikita ang
asawa ni Cassia ng personal, hindi siya maniniwala sa kaibigan niyang may hangin
yata ang utak.

Pero hindi lang naman si Cassia ang nagpapasakit ng ulo niya, ang mga magulang din
niya na hindi niya maintindihan kung bakit ayaw ng mga ito tanggapin ang allowance
na palagi niyang binibigay sa mga ito buwan-buwan.

At ang mas lalong nagpapasakit sa ulo niya, nalaman niyang ang allowance pala na
binibigay niya sa mga ito simula ng makapagtrabaho siya ay inilagay lang ng mga ito
sa bangko at hindi ginalaw. At ngayon nga, nasa condo niya ang mga magulang niya
para ibalik sa kaniya ang pera na palagi niyang ibinibigay sa mga ito.

"'Nak, hindi naman namin kailangan ng Papa mo ang pera na 'to." Ang tinutukoy nito
ay ang passbook na nasa ibabaw ng center table sa salas kung nasaan sila. "May
negosyo naman kami. Komportable naman ang buhay namin. Bakit hindi mo nalang ipasok
ang pera sa account mo para may mahugot ka kapag kailangan mo ng pera."

Nagpapadyak si Zehannah. "Papi naman e! Binigay ko 'yan sa inyo. I am not taking it


"Paano 'yan, hindi rin namin tatanggapin 'yan?" Anang papa niya na natatawa sa
pagpapadiyak niya. "Ang dami mo nang naitulong samin, Zehan. Napalago na namin ang
puhunan na ibinigay mo samin noon. Saka ilang taon pa bago mag-retire ang Papi mo
sa university bilang professor. We're doing well, Zehan."

Tumango ang Papi niya. "Very well, so stop worrying, okay? Your Papa is good at
managing the business and we're both living a comfortable life."

Napasimangot nalang si Zehannah dahil alam niyang wala siyang masasabi na

makakapagpabago sa isip ng mga magulang niya.

Her fathers — Daniel and Cameron — were both amazing, after all, and they loved her
so much. Hindi tinago ng dalawa sa kaniya na ampon siya. Ipinaliwanag ng mga ito
kung bakit dalawa ang papa niya sa murang edad. Kaya madali niyang natanggap ang
sitwasyon niya noon. Pero dahil na rin 'yon sa sobrang pagmamahal sa kaniya ng Papi
at Papa niya. Hindi man sila magkadugo pero ang mga ito ang tinuturing niyang

Her Papi Dan and Papa Cam loved her so much that they dedicated their lives to
raising her — an abandoned child. Iniwan siya ng ina niya sa Papi niya ilang buwan
pagkatapos siyang ipangana. Magkaibigan ang dalawa kaya pumayag ang Papi niya na
noon ay kakasimula palang ng relasyon nito sa Papa niya. Pumunta ng ibang bansa ang
ina niya para magtrabaho at nangakong magpapadala ng pera kay Papi para sa kaniya
pero parang naglaho nalang na parang bula ang ina niya. Hanggang ngayon, wala
silang balita at hindi rin naman siya interesado.

Kaya mula noon, si Papi na at Papa niya ang nag-alaga sa kaniya. Sabi ng Papa niya,
siya raw ang naging dahilan kung bakit mas naging matibay ang pagsamama ng mga ito
kahit pa nga ang daming nanghuhusga sa relasyon ng mga ito noon.

Though she was an abandoned child, she didn't have a bitter view in life. Maybe
because she had an amazing upbringing. Her fathers loved her so much that she
didn't need her biological mother's love. For her, her Papi and Papa were enough.
Naguumapaw ang pagmamahal ng mga magulang niya sa kaniya kaya gusto niyang suklian
'yon sa abot ng makakaya niya.

"Just take it and keep it," anang Papi niya. "Baka kailanganin mo in the near

Nakasimangot pa rin si Zehan kaya naman lumipat ng upuan si Dan at Cameron at

pinagitnaan si Zehan sa mahabang sofa.

"Tingnan mo ang anak natin, mahal. Nakasimangot. Papangit ka niyan, sige ka."

Her Papa chuckled before kissing her temple. "Stop worrying about us. Nakikita mo
naman di'ba? Maayos ang kalagayan namin ng Papi mo."

"I know, but..." Zehannah's shoulder fell. "I just want to help and give back."

"You already did."

"Pero kulang pa 'yon sa pagmamahal at pag-aalaga niyo sakin."

Her Papi flicked the tip of her nose. "Sinong may sabing kailangan mong suklian ang
pag-aalaga namin sayo? Sapat na samin na lumaki kang mabuting anak."

Nakasimangot pa rin si Zehan. "Kahit wala akong jowa?"

Natawa ang Papa niya. "Kahit wala kang jowa ayos lang."

"Kahit wala akong asawa? Kahit malapit ng lumampas ang edad ko sa kalendaryo? Kahit
manang na ako?"

Pinisil ng Papi niya ang pisngi niya. "Ang importante samin masaya ka. At anong
manang? Look at you." Inilagay ng Papi niya ang kamay nito sa baba niya na para
bang pinagmamalaki ang mukha niya. "Fresh na fresh pa ang Zehannah ko. Kung sino
man ang tumawag sayong manang, hambalusin mo. Utos ko."

Napailing si Cameron sa kapareha. "Dahil sayo kaya naging basagulera itong anak

"Keysa namin api-apihin siya? Hindi ako makakapayag!"

Cameron sighed and shook his head. "Sabi ko nga."

Naiiyak na natatawa na yumakap si Zehannah sa mga magulang niya. She had become a
strong, independent woman because of her amazing parents. They raised her that way.
They raised her to be confident.

"Pero 'nak, wala ka talagang jowa ngayon? Ayaw mo talaga mag-boyfriend?"

Zehannah sighed and leaned back on the sofa. "I'm just not feeling it, Papi. Ewan
kung bakit. Nawalan ako bigla ng gana na makipag-date kasi alam ko naman ang ending
no'n. Either they'll break up with me because I don't want to marry them or they'll
cheat on me. 'Yon lang 'yon."

Napabuntong-hininga ang Papa niya saka kinurot ang pisngi niya. "I know why you
don't want to marry, but it still baffles me that you feel that way."

"Hindi naman kasi basehan ang kasal para magtagal ang pagsasama." Iminuwestra ni
Zehannah ang mga kamay sa mga magulang niya. "Look at you two. You're not married
and people always say bad things about your relationship, but you're still together
and proving me right."

Ang Papi niya ang sunod na napabuntong-hininga. "'Nak, kung legal lang ang same-sex
marriage dito sa bansa natin, nagpakasal na kami."

"Precisely. And you're still together, even after all these years." May diing sagot
ni Zehannah. "And it's so scary to get married these days. Iba na ang panahon
ngayon, Papi. Cheating is so rampant these days that no one gets shock anymore.
Imagine being married to a cheater with no way out? Napakamahal ng annulment at
napakahaba ng proseso kung wala kang koneksiyon. Hindi lang 'yon, paano kung
nananakit ang mapangasawa ko? Paano kung impyerno pala ang magiging buhay ko sa

Napailing si Cameron sa pinagsasasabi ng anak. "Zehan, wala namang pumapasok sa

relasyon na 'yan ang iniisip. They enter a relationship with dreams of being
together forever."

Zehannah snorted. "Yeah. And when that didn't work out? What happens next? Hindi
lahat ng kinasal, masaya."
"Hindi rin naman lahat ng kinasal ay miserable." Her Papa countered.

"Enough you two." Kaagad na namagitan si Dan sa mag-ama. "Cameron, love, don't
argue with Zehan. You know how she is."

Cam sighed at Dan and looked at their daughter. "Zehan, why don't you open your
mind to marriage a little—"

"Nope. No way, Papa."

Dan silently shook his head at his partner, signaling him to stop. Dan knew how
stubborn their daughter was.

Cam sighed and kissed Zehannah's forehead. "Fine. Hindi na kita pipilitin."

Kaagad na napangiti si Zehannah at niyakap ang Papi at Papa niya saka umalis sa
sofa, kinuha ang passbook sa center table at nakapameywang na humarap sa mga
magulang. "Okay. Let's have dinner together. My treat."

Dan and Cameron smiled.

"Saang restaurant mo kami dadalhin, 'nak?" Tanong ni Dan. "I know some high-end
Restaurant... want my recommendation?"

Cameron chuckled, seeing his partner coercing their daughter into taking them into
a high-end restaurant.

"Ang mamahal ng pagkain sa mga 'yon, Papi. Tapos ang liliit pa ng serving. May
turo-turo sa kabilang block ng condo ko. Masarap pagkain do'n, mura pa."

Bumagsak ang balikat ni Dan. "Sabi ko nga. Sa turo-turo."

Mahinang natawa si Cameron saka inakbayan ang kapareha at ang anak. "Come on.
Kumain na tayo. Kahit naman saan basta magkakasama tayo, masarap palagi ang

That made Zehannah smile. Her fathers were really amazing. But still... she didn't
take them to a high-end restaurant. It's just too expensive. But she took them to a
good one with amazing food and service just below her condo.

Tulad ng sabi ng Papa niya— kahit saan, basta magkakasama sila, masarap ang

And Zehannah believed that too.

MALAPIT LANG ANG condo ni Zehannah sa kompaniya na pinagta-trabahuan kaya maman may
karapatan siyang hindi gumising ng maaga, pero alas-singko palang ng umaga, mulat
na mulat na ang mga mata niya.

Groaning, she left her bed and readied for work.

Just like yesterday, it was a simple, uneventful day at work. She's a Marketing
Supervisor in her best friend's parents' company, but the most funny thing was, her
position was higher than Cassia.
Masakit sa ulo ang pamilya ng kaibigan niya kaya naman sinisiguro niya palagi na
available siya kapag kailangan ng kausap ni Cassia. She knew what Cassia had been
through and the trauma it had left behind. Kahit masakit din sa ulo minsan si
Cassia dahil sa pag-iisip nitong hindi niya maintindihan minsan, hinahayaan na

Tulad nalang ngayon na nasa canteen sila. Tahimik ito at nakatulala sa hangin.
Hindi 'yon gawain ni Cassia na palaging bukang-bibig ang asawa nito kaya naman
pilit niyang ginigising ang isip nito na wala siyang ideya kung nasaan.

"Hello. Earth to Cassia...!" Zehannah kept snapping her fingers in front of

Cassia's face, who that had been having a conference with the air. "Cassia...
Cassia! Cassia...!"

Sa wakas, napakurap-kurap din ito at nagtatanong na tumingin sa kaniya. "What?"

Malakas siyang napabuntong-hininga saka kunot ang nuong tinanong ito. "Nasaang
planeta ka ba? Kanina ka pa nakatulala riyan."

Bumuntong-hininga ang kaibigan saka uminom ng tubig na para bang pinaghahandaan ang
susunod nitong sasabihin. "I met my husband's boyfriend last night."

Hindi napigilan ni Zehannah ang mapasinghap. Since the two got married, Zehannah
knew the real score between the them because Cassia made it her mission to tell her
everything. Yes. Everything. Cassia didn't know what too much information means.

"OMG!" Nasapo pa ni Zehannah ang bibig sa gulat. "Girl, nakaka-shook ba?"

Parang wala sa sariling tumango si Cassia. "He's so handsome up close that I felt
so small." Sinapo nito ang pisngi na parang hindi pa rin makapaniwala sa nangyari.
"I was so nervous last night. I think they were arguing, Zehan. Is it because of
me? I don't want to cause trouble. Thorn has been really nice to me."

Hindi maiwasan ni Zehannah na makaramdam ng awa sa kaibigan dahil sa sitwasyon

nito. "Hay, mabait nga ang napangasawa mo, pero sobrang nakaloloka naman ang set-up
niyo. Anyway, pinakilala ka ba niya or tinago ka?"

"Pinakilala," pabulong na sagot ni Cassia na para bang hindi ito makapaniwala.

"Tapos?" Kung kailan gusto niyang malaman ang pangyayari, saka naman pabitin ang
kuwento ni Cassia. "Anyare, girl?" Zehannah was getting impatient. "Anong pangalan
ng jowa ng asawa mo?"

Bumuntong-hininga si Cassia. "Reigo Vasquez. See? Pangalan pa lang, guwapo na,

Zehan. As in, ang guwapo niya."

Palihim na natigilan si Zehannah sa narinig. Reigo Vasquez? How could she forget
that name? But... gay? I doubt it. Must be a different Reigo Vasquez from the one
she knew. Marami naman ang magkakapangalan sa mundo. Yeah. Must be. It's just so
impossible for that guy who made me sore all over to be gay.

Napabuntong-hininga nalang si Zehannah sa laman ng isip niya saka ibinalik ang

atensiyon sa kaibigan. "Cass, ganiyan na talaga ang panahon ngayon. Ang guwapo,
guwapo rin ang hanap."

Tumango si Cassia saka unti-unting humaba ang nguso.

"Oh, anyare sa 'yo?" Tanong niya ng makita ang nguso ng kaibigan. "Bakit parang
hinang-hina ka riyan? Para namang hindi mo alam ang tunay na katauhan ng asawa mo
bago mo siya pinakasalan. 'Di ba nga, sabi mo pa, susuportahan mo kung anong gusto
niya? Heto na 'yon."

Nagbaba ng tingin si Cassia. "Hindi ko nga rin alam ba't ako nagkakaganito.
Pagkatapos akong ipakilala ni Thorn kay Reigo, pumunta sila ng kusina. I can hear
them arguing. I can't make out the words, but I knew they were arguing. After that,
Reigo stormed out of the kitchen and I was so guilty, so I spoke to Reigo to clear
everything. I apologized for accepting the marriage and I told him that I will
support his relationship with Thorn."

Oh! A development! Parang nanonood si Zehannah ng pelikula. "What did he say?"

"Reigo seemed shock. His anger disappeared, and then he went back to the kitchen
while I went upstairs to rest."

"That was intense."

Tumango si Cassia. "Super intense. Pero sa tingin ko nagkaayos na sila. Kaninang

umaga, bago ako pumasok sa opisina, nakasalubong ko sa gate si Reigo at
nagpasalamat siya sa 'kin. Nakangiti pa nga siya kaya sa tingin ko maayos na sila."

Napatitig si Zehannah sa kaibigan saka huminga ng malalim. "Cass, girl, ang intense
ng married life mo." The reason I don't want to marry.

A faint smile appeared on Cassia's lips. "But I'm actually enjoying my married
life. My husband is nice, he treats me well, he cooks really good and I'm not his
type, so I'm happy."

Zehannah was not buying what Cassia was selling. She didn't seem happy to Zehannah.
"Sure ka na masaya ka? Because your face looked sad from where I'm sitting."

Tumango si Cassia saka ngumiti. "Yes. I'm happy."

Hindi na nakipag-argumento pa si Zehannah sa kaibigan pero hindi siya naniniwala na

masaya si Cassia. Zehanna had known Cassia since they were in college, so she knew
when Cassia was genuinely happy or not. And something was telling her — a gut
feeling — that her best friend was not as happy as she claimed to be.

Naputol ang pag-iisip ni Zehannah na tumuon ang mga mata niya sa daliri ng
kaibigan. "Binili ng asawa mo?"

That was the only explanation. It was, after all, a beautiful engagement and a
wedding ring.

A genuine smile made its way to Cassia's lips before nodding. "He even bought me an
engagement ring, even though he doesn't really have to."

"It's pretty. Bagay sa 'yo. Your husband got taste."

Cassia nodded while caressing the rings on her finger. While Zehannah just shook
her head while looking at her friend and thought, if this continues, she's really
gonna fall.

"Cass. Don't forget that your husband is gay, okay?" Seryosong paalala ni Zehannah
sa kaibigan. Baka makalimutan nito iyon at masaktan ito. Masakit lang sa ulo si
Cassia pero hindi niya gustong makita itong nasasaktan.

Kinunotan siya ng nuo ni Cassia. "Bakit ko naman makalilimutan 'yon? I saw them,
"Just a fair warning. Anyway, kailan mo ipakikilala sa 'kin ang asawa mo? Kailangan
ko siyang pasalamatan sa pagiging mabait sa 'yo."

Cassia's smile was back on her lips. "Soon."

"Okay. Asahan ko 'yan."

Iinom sana ng tubig si Zehannah ng bigla nalang inanunsiyo ng kaibigan na late na

sila. Syempre, sabay silang tumakbo palabas ng canteen at patungong elevator para
bumalika sa kaniya-kaniyang trabaho.

Ang bagal ng oras kapag nasa trabaho na gusto nang maglupasay ni Zehannah kasi
gusto na niyang umuwi.

Gusto niyang mag-Netflix and chill ng mag-isa. Oo. Mag-isa! Wala namang nagsabi na
kailangan may kalandian para ma-enjoy niya ang Netflix at makapag-chill siya.

Thankfully, her office hour finally came to an end, and she went home. Nauna na
siya kay Cassia dahil may sasakyan ito habang siya naman ay maglalakad lang.
malapit lang naman ang condo niya at hindi na ganun kainit ang araw. Sayang sa gas
kung dadalhin niya ang sasakyan niya sa trabaho.

When she arrived at her condo, she took a quick bath, changed clothes and went to
the Supermarket to buy groceries. Her stock of food was running low.

After the supermarket, Zehannah went around looking for something sweet. Mayroon
namang mga café at cake shop malapit sa condo niya pero palagi nalang iyon ang
kinakain niya, nananawa na siya.

So she went looking for a new café. Some were too luxurious, and some were not her
vibe. An hour later of looking, finally, she came across a cozy looking one by the

Bitter Sweet Café.

From outside, it was cozy looking and when she went inside; It surprised her how
warm in looked and felt.

Definitely my scene. Sana masarap ang pagkain nila rito. Zehannah was really hoping
for that as she walked towards the counter.

Zehannah was looking at the cake near the counter, deciding to herself what to buy,
even debating to herself how many she should buy when she felt someone staring at
her so she turned her head to side and in front of the cashier, stood a man, who
was looking at her in shell-shock.

She should be shell-shocked too, but she's Zehannah-freaking-Sevil. Poker face was
her middle name.

She returned her attention to the cakes, picked four different slices of cakes,
paid for it, left the café, and drove away with her car.

She did not panic. Did not stutter. Did not falter. Nor did she make a fool of
herself in front of Reigo Vasquez.

Yes. That was him. Her drunken, stupid mistake. Reigo Vasquez. After nearly a
year... damn. Guwapo pa rin ang gago.


NAPAILING AT NAPABUNTONG-HININGA nalang si Zehannah ng makatanggap siya ng text

message galing sa Papa niya habang nasa trabaho siya. Hindi na niya kailangan pang
buksan ang text nito. Alam niyang nagrereklamo na naman ito dahil 'inaapi' na naman
ito ni Papi.

And she was right.

From: Papa

'Zehan, inaapi ako ng Papi mo. He didn't kiss me goodbye when he went to work this
morning. Hindi lang 'yon, inubusan niya ako ng coffee creamer. Tapos nalaman ko
mula sa mga hugasan sa lababo na nagluto siya ng pancake. And you know what? Hindi
niya man lang ako tinirhan! How dare he! Maghihiganti ako.'

Kaagad na nag-reply si Zehannah sa Papa niya para pigilan ito. 'I advise against
that, Papa. Baka sa sofa ka na naman matulog, sige ka. Tapos magrereklamo ka sakin
dis oras ng gabi.'

'You always take your Papi's side. Nagtatampo rin ako sa'yo, Zehan.'

Nagpakawalanng buntong-hininga si Zehannah sa reply ng Papa niya. 'Papa, taglamig

ngayon. Malamig sa sofa.'

'Oo nga pala. Sige, sa summer na ako maghihiganti. Mainit na no'n.'

Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung matatawa o mapapailing siya sa Papa niya. Well, he was
always like that. Complaining about her Papi's attitude and personality, but at the
end of the day, he still loves her Papi, and he never left his side.

Bumalik na sa trabaho si Zehannah pagkatapos ilapag ang cellphone sa ibabaw ng

lamesa niya.

Zehannah was busy, but it still feels like a very dull day. Napapansin ni Zehannah,
nitong mga nakaraang buwan, parang nagiging monotonous ang buhay niya. Parang
naghahanap ang katawan niya ng bagong mapaglilibangan at hindi puro trabaho at
bahay lang.

Bumaling ang atensiyon ni Zehannah sa pintuan ng may kumatok doon.

"Pasok," aniya.

The door opened, and Dexter entered with a smile. He's a head from a different
department, but he never missed a day without visiting her office to ask her out.

"Are you free tonight? Have dinner with me."

Awtomatiko ang naging sagot ni Zehannah. "I can't. Maglilinis ako ng condo ko
mamaya pagkauwi ko."

"Oh." That was a no, but that did not deter Dexter. "I can help if you need a

"No. Thanks." Zehannah smiled. "I can do it alone."

Nawala ang emosyon sa mukha ni Dexter. "You can't do everything alone, Zee."

Nagpanting ang tainga ni Zehannah. "Of course I can. Everyone needs to know how to
be alone. Dahil hindi sa lahat ng oras ay may kasama at may maaasahan ka."

Dexter instantly knew he misspoke. "I'm sorry, Zee—"

"No need to apologize. Just please, don't call me 'Zee'." Zehannah went back to
work and didn't bother sending Dexter away. Kusa na itong lumabas ng opisina niya
na ikinahinga niya ng maluwang.

As she aged, her preference in men had changed. Siguro kung nuong bata-bata pa
siya, hinayaan na niyang manligaw si Dexter sa kaniya, pero ngayon? Wala na nga
siya sa mood, napakamapili pa niya.

She knew that people always say to lower one's standard when looking for a partner,
but really, for her, that's just plain bullshit. She would never lower her standard
because she was sure that she'll be the one to pay for it in the end.

People who have standard were the people who knew what they want and their worth.
If she chose to lower her standard, then it also meant she chose to disappoint
herself and she didn't want that.

Bahala nang tawaging pihikan, ang mahalaga masaya siya at kontento sa pinili niya.

Nagpakawala ng buntong-hininga si Zehannah ng tumunog ang alarm niya na

nagpapaalala sa kaniya na uwian na. She was excited to go home and clean her condo
until it became spotless.

When she entered the elevator, Cassia was inside and Cassia immediately rested her
head on her shoulder.

"Tired?" Tanong ni Zehannah sa kaibigan.

Tumango ito. "Ang dami kong tinapos na bukas na ang deadline at dumagdag pa si
Mariz na nagpapakalat na naman ng tsismis tungkol sa 'kin."

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah ng marinig ang pangalan ni Mariz. "Ano na naman ang

pinagkalat ng tsismosa na 'yon?" Si Mariz ang leader ng mga marites sa buong

"Hindi ko alam paano niya nalaman na may asawa na ako, e si Sir David lang naman
ang pinagsabihan ko kaya nagulat ako sa tsismis na narinig ko. Pinagkakalat na
naman ng grupo ni Mariz na totoo raw na may asawa na ako, pero pinagkasundo lang
daw kami at tinatago ko kasi raw walang itsura at kinakahiya ko."

Zehannah snorted. "Buti natama nila 'yong pinagkasundo, mga bobo pa naman ang mga
'yon." Inis na inis si Zehannah kay Mariz at sa grupo nitong mga marites. "Naku!
Ibalandra mo nga 'yang asawa mo rito nang manahimik ang mga gagang 'yon. Nauubos na
ang pasensiya ko sa kanila."

Ngumiti si Cassia. "Hayaan na natin. Mapapagod din ang mga 'yon."

Umingos si Zehannah. "Kapag napagod sila, siguradong gagawa na naman 'yon ng
panibagong issue." Ganon naman palagi. "Sa dami ng tsismis nila tungkol sa 'yo,
puwede nang gawing isang magazine."

Tumawa lang si Cassia saka nauna nang lumabas ng elevator nang bumukas 'yon. Kaagad
namang sumunod si Zehannah pero parehong natigilan ang dalawa ng makitang umuulan
sa labas.

"Great." Bumagsak ang mga balikat ni Cassia. "Kung kailan sira ang sasakyan ko,
saka naman umulan."

"Sa condo ko ka kaya muna magpalipas ng ulan," suhestiyon ni Zehannah sa kaibigan

dahil malapit lang naman ang condo niya. "Saka ka na umuwi kapag tumila na."

"Sige," kaagad na sagot ni Cassia.

Napabaling naman dito si Zehannah ng mapansing natigilan ang kaibigan sa

paglalakad. Pasimple niyang sinundan kung saan ito nakatingin babang binubuksan ang
payong na dala. Lihim nalang siyang napabuntong-hininga ng makita kung sino ang
tinitingnan nito.

It was Cassia's persistent boss. Ang boss nitong hindi makaintindi ng 'ayoko' kahit
pa isampal sa mukha nito.

Handa na si Zehannah na ipagtanggol ang kaibigan laban sa boss nitong may ubo ang
utak ng makuha ang atensiyon nila ng grupo ni Mariz. May kinakausap ang mga itong
isang guwapong nilalang na kaagad na ngumiti ng makita si Cassia.

Instantly, Zehannah assumed he was Cassia's husband. That charming smile of his
that was only meant for Cassia says it all.

And the two proceeded to talk as if no one was around while Zehannah was just
staring at Cassia's husband. Halos nakatanga na siya rito dahil sa kaguwapuhan
nitong taglay at dahil na rin naglo-loading ang utak niya habang inaalala ang mga
kinuwento sa kaniya ng kaibigan.

This guy — this drop dead gorgeous guy is gay?! Instantly, Zehannah didn't believe
it because of the way he acts around Cassia. The way he speaks to her. The man's
body language. His smile. His eyes. As if he only sees Cassia and no one else, he
focused all his attention on her. Nope. This guy is not gay.

Biglang natauhan si Zehannah ng maramdamang may kumurot sa kaniya sa tagiliran. It

was none other than her airhead friend, Cassia.

"What?" Tanong niya kay Cassia habang pasulyap-sulyap pa rin sa asawa nito.

"Uwi na ako." Anito saka kaniya bago tinuro ang lalaki sa harapan nila at
ipinakilala sa kaniya. "Ahm, Zehan, this is my husband, Thorn Calderon. Thorn, this
is my best friend since college, Zehannah Sevil."

Cassia's husband quickly offered his hand and Zehannah accepted it.

"Nice to meet you." Anito. "Come by our house if you have free time. Let's have

Tumango si Zehannah. This guy is so handsome. He's on par with Reigo in that
department. If there was one thing — no, two things she couldn't forget about
Reigo, it was his handsome face and his big 'D'.
Kinurot na naman siya ni Cassia bago nagpaalam ang kaibigan at naglakad patungo sa
magarang sasakyan ng asawa nito. Pero pagkalipas lang ng ilang segundo, bumaba si
Cassia at naglakad pabalik sa kaniya.

"May nakalimutan ka?" Kaagad niyang tanong sa kaibigan.

Her airhead best friend didn't answer her and just pulled her to her husband's car.

"Cassia, what the heck are you doing—"

Bago pa matapos ni Zehannah ang tanong, binuksan na ni Cassia ang backseat saka
pinasakay siya at isinara ang pinto.

Naglo-loading pa ang utak ni Zehannah ng marinig niya ang boses ng asawa ni Cassia
na nasa driver's seat.

"Masyadong malakas ang ulan. Mahihirapan kang umuwi. Ihatid ka na namin."

"Thanks." Zehannah muttered as she observed Cassia's husband.

Bigla siyang naging detective Zehannah sa backseat habang nasa biyahe at

pinapakinggan ang usapan ng dalawa.

Hindi na kailangan ni Zehannah ng pruweba. Sigurado siyang hindi bakla ang asawa ng
kaibigan niya. Nope. Hindi. Siguradong nagpapanggap lang ang isang 'to. Why? She
didn't know. Maybe it had something to do with Cassia's 'airheadedness'.

"Saan ka pala namin ihahatid?"

Nabigla si Zehannah sa tanong na 'yon dahil mukhang may sariling mundo ang mag-
asawa sa harapan niya. Pero syempre, binigay niya ang address niya na isang liko
nalang ay nandoon na sila.

"We're here." Anunsiyo ni Thorn.

Ngumiti siga. "Thanks." Then she tapped Cassia's shoulder from the backseat. "See
you tomorrow, girl."

"See you."

Tumango si Zehannah kay Cassia saka lumabas na ng sasakyan.

Habang pinagmamasdan ang papalayong sasakyan, gustong sabihin ni Zehannah sa

kaibigan na hindi bakla ang asawa nito pero naalala niya na may hangin ang utak
nito kaya hindi nalang niya itinuloy. Siya ang ma-i-stress panigurado.

Kaya nga ako hindi nag-jowa dahil ayokong ma-stress, pero stress naman ako sa love
life ng iba. Tangina.

Nakasimangot na sumakay ng elevator si Zehannah at tinungo ang unit niya.

And just like planned, she cleaned her condo until it was spotless — well; she
tried her best — then she cooked for herself while talking to her parents over the
phone, had a peaceful dinner after and enjoyed a glass of wine while watching a
series on Netflix.

Her day was supposed to end smoothly, with her, sleeping peacefully until her body
wakes her up in the morning, but that night was just full of bad luck.
First, her Papa called to inform her that her Papi fell on the stairs and was now
on the way to the hospital. Second, when she arrived at the hospital worried sick
and looking like she just won a wrestling contest with a freaking bear — her hair
was everywhere since she used her scooter to avoid traffic and her helmet was only
half — she saw her drunken, stupid mistake exiting the hospital and yep, as cliché
as the movies, their eyes met.

But she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. She pretended like she didn't see anyone she
know; she looked straight ahead and then she entered the hospital like a queen with
a hair that looked like something exploded in it.

But she didn't care because she knew she had slayed her entrance.

Yeah. And then she worriedly runs towards the E.R. to check on her Papi.

Thankfully, her Papi's condition was not severe, but he had to take a leave from
work and stay in the hospital for a couple of days. Hindi naman 'yon problema dahil
kasama nito ang Papa niya na halos hindi makahinga sa sobrang pag-aalala.

"Papa, si Papi ang aksidenteng nahulog sa hagdan, bakit ikaw ang umiyak?" Sita niya
sa Papa niya na namumula ang mata.

"I thought I'm gonna lose Dan." Her Papa whispered and held her Papi's hand. "Akala
ko tumama ang ulo mo sa semento. I couldn't think straight."

Her Papi smile softly at her Papa before his attitude turned one-eighty degrees and
glared at her Papa. "Hindi ba sinabi ko sa'yo na ayos lang ako, pero hindi ka
nakinig! At tinawagan mo pa ang anak natin." Tinuro siya ni Papi. "Tingnan mo naman
ang itsura ni Zehan, parang nakipagsabunutan sa aswang!"

Kaagad na sinubukang ayusin ni Zehannah ang sabog na buhok pero wala namang
nagbago. Sabog pa rin. "Sorry naman. Nagmamadali kasi ako kaya nag-scooter ako para
makaiwas sa traffic." Kapagkuwan ay ngumiti at niyakap niya ang ama. "But I'm happy
that you're okay, Papi. Pinag-aalala mo kami ni Papa kaya huwag mo nang pagalitan
si Papa. He's just worried because he loves you so much."

Cameron smiled at his daughter for being a sweet talker and for helping him out.
While Dan just sighed and smiled before intertwining his hand with Cameron's.

"O siya, umuwi ka na at magpahinga." Anang Papi niya sa kaniya. "Ayos lang kami
rito ng Papa mo. Don't worry."

Seeing their daughter being reluctant to say yes, Cameron helped his partner. "Ako
na bahala sa Papi mo. Huwag kang mag-alala."

Tumango si Dan. "You trust your Papa, right? Ayoko ring magtagal rito. Daming
nagnanakaw ng tingin sa Papa mo akala naman nila kung sinong guwapo."

Natawa si Zehannah sa Papi niya. But it was indeed true that her Papa was a
handsome man even though he was already nearing his fifties. Hindi halata sa mukha
ng Papa niya ang edad nito. He was fit and very healthy, after all. Same with her

"Syempre. Mana ako kay Papa." Nagmamalaking sabi niya. "Guwapo si Papa, maganda

Dan looked at her daughter flatly. "Sa Papa mo lang?"

Zehannah grinned at her Papi. "Syempre, mana din ako sayo, Papi." Kaagad na
napangiti si Dan pero kaagad ding nabura 'yon ng sabihin ni Zehannah kung anong
namana nito rito. "Basagulero."

Biglang bumangon si Dan. "Anong sabi mong bata ka—"

"Zehan. Run!" Her Papa hissed under his breath and Zehannah immediately took off

Tumigil lang si Zehannah sa pagtakbo ng makalabas siya ng E.R.. Hindi ni Zehannah

napigilang matawa ng maalala ang mukha ng Papi niya. Siguradong patay ako kay Papi
kapag nakalabas na siya ng ospital. Kailangan kong kasabuwatin si Papa para mawala
galit niya. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. I have to —


Zehannah remembered the nickname and the one who gave it to her, but she didn't
give him the reaction he wanted. She pretended like she heard nothing and walked
towards the exit.

Zee was not her name, after all.


That was the only time she stopped and turned around to face her drunken, stupid
mistake. "Yeah? You need anything?"

Namulsa si Reigo. "Remember me?"

Zehannah could lie and say she didn't, but she had no reason to. "Yeah. Anything

Reigo's lips parted as if he wanted to say something, but alas, he pressed his lips
together and shook his head.

Zehannah smiled with her business smile. "I'm going then. Nice seeing you."

Reigo just stared at Zehannah before he nodded and watched Zehannah leave the

And just like that, Zehannah slayed her second coincidental meeting with her
drunken, stupid mistake. And she planned to slay it every time since she felt like
fate was playing a game with them.

But what fate didn't know was that she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. Whatever was
thrown at her, she'll slay it. Because that's the queen her parents raised her to

Oo nga't guwapo pa rin ang gago, pero maganda pa rin naman ako. Patas lang kami.


ZEHANNAH WAS thankful that her Papi was doing good in the hospital. Kailangan pa
rin nito ng alalay lalo na sa paglalakad, pero maliban doon, maayos na ang kalagay
nito. She had nothing to worry about since her Papa was with her Papi, so her days
continued without being stress.

No. She takes that back. Stress pala siya. Stress siya sa kaibigan niyang may
hangin ang utak at malisyosa. Kahit sinabi na niya kay Cassia na hindi bakla ang
asawa nito, walang pinatunguhan 'yon tulad ng inaasahan niya. Palaging may sariling
interpretasyon si Cassia sa mga bagay-bagay, lalo na pagdating sa asawa nito kaya
naman hindi na siya nagtaka, pero hindi ibig sabihin no'n ay hindi siya kinain ng

But instead of being frustrated as hell and forcing Cassia to believe her, she let
her airhead friend be. Pasasaan ba't mari-realize rin nito ang totoo.

To relieve her stress caused by Cassia and her marriage life, she went back to that
café with good ambiance after work. The Bitter Sweet café. Hindi siya kumain do'n
nung huli at nag-take out lang ng cake kasi gabi na, pero ngayon, gusto niyang
kumain do'n at i-enjoy ang magandang ambiance ng café at syempre pa para tikman
kung masarap ang Caramel Macchiato ng mga ito.

Zehannah thinks that meeting Reigo in Bitter Sweet café for the first time was just
a coincidence. Kaya naman malakas ang loob niya na bumalik doon. Ang hindi niya
alam, kaharap lang ng café ang village kung saan nakatira si Reigo.

At that moment, Zehannah didn't know, so she went to Bitter Sweet café and ordered
a caramel macchiato paired with two slices of chocolate cake.

She thoroughly enjoyed her order and eat in peace. It was always nice eating with
someone, but there's also therapeutic about eating alone, in silence. She gets that
everybody was scared to be alone somehow, but when one gets a taste of it, it was
not so scary and would sometimes seek it, if not most of the time.

A good coffee and a delicious cake. What a magnificent pair. Zehannah was satisfied
as she stepped out of the café. But her satisfaction completely disappeared when
she saw her drunken, stupid mistake leaning on a luxury car parked beside hers as
if waiting for someone.

Sa halip na makaramdam ng pagkailang, lihim na natawa si Zehannah dahil kung gaano

kakinis at kakintab ang sasakyan ni Reigo, ganun naman kaluma at kakupas ang
sasakyan niya na katabi niyon.

Araw-araw talaga akong sinusubok ni Lord. Aniya sa sarili habang naglalakad patungo
sa sasakyan niyang nakaparada.

Wala siyang balak pansinin si Reigo pero nagsalita ang gago. "Can we talk?"

She could be rude and just ignore Reigo, but her drunken, stupid mistake had been
nothing but a stain in her past, and she wanted to clean that stain once and for

Umikot paharap si Zehannah kay Reigo at walang paligoy-ligoy na sinagot ito.


Tinuro nito ang café kung saan palang galing si Zehannah. "If you don't mind."
Zehannah was still full, but she will not say no to another cup of coffee in the
form of caramel macchiato. "Sure."

Sabay na pumasok si Zehannah at Reigo sa café at sabay ding umorder. She ordered
caramel macchiato, and he ordered a black coffee with an extra shot of espresso.
And as they settled on their table, the talk began.

Nope. Not really.

Zehannah was the one who started it since the handsome man who asked if they could
talk did not speak a word until she did. Gago talaga.

"I hate driving at night. Masakit sa mata ang mga ilaw ng mga sasakyan. So you
better talk or else I'm leaving with my macchiato."

Thankfully, that made the bastard talk.

"I know what happened to us in the club meant nothing to you," that's what Reigo
concluded after Zehannah ignored him two times. "But I just want to ask... why did
you leave me that morning?"

Zehannah blinked at Reigo while looking at him flatly.

One, two and three blinks, but Reigo seemed so genuine with his question.

"May tama ka ba sa utak?" Tanong ni Zehannah sa kaharap.

Si Reigo naman ngayon ang napakurap-kurap kay Zehannah bago seryosong sinagot ang
tanong ng dalaga. "Last I check, my head is perfectly fine."

"Sure ka?"

"Yes. Very."

"Hmm..." tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "You know, Mr. Vasquez, it's you who left me
alone in my car, not the other way around."

Bumakas ang pagkabigla at kaguluhan sa guwapong mukha ni Reigo. "Wait... I didn't

leave you alone in your car, Zehannah. We were together the whole night. Magkasama
tayo sa sasakyan mo ng magising ako. I wanted to freshen up a little because I
smelled like a severe hangover, so I went back inside the club to wash my face and
my mouth. Ikaw ang nang-iwan dahil ng makabalik ako sa parking lot, wala na do'n
ang sasakyan mo. After that, I was hoping to see you again to ask, so I went back
to the club a few times, but well, you know how it went."

Reigo made sure to explain himself and what happened thoroughly, hoping to get an
explanation for why Zehannah left after what happened to them, but the answer he
got from her blew his mind.

"Oops. My bad."

Reigo waited for an additional answer, but it never came. That's all? Her bad?
Reigo's face hardened. "I looked for you."

"Sorry," nakangiwing wika ni Zehannah. Ngayong alam na niya ang totoo, parang ngang
kasalanan niya pero syempre, 'parang' lang. Hindi naman niya sinadyang umalis.
"Akala ko iniwan mo akong mag-isa sa sasakyan kaya nang magising ako at wala ka,
umalis ako kaagad. My head was throbbing at that time because of a severe hangover
so I didn't really think that much and just went home."
Reigo was speechless and the conversation about what had happened ended.

"Why do I feel so cheated?" Reigo grumbled after a long minute. "I looked for you
that morning."

"I feel like shit that morning. Patas lang tayo." Sagot ni Zehannah kay Reigo saka
nginitian ang binata. "It was all just a misunderstanding. My bad. Can we move on

"Just... like that?"

"Bakit? May iba ka bang inaasahan?"

"Aren't women emotional when it comes to these stuff...?" Lahat ng babaeng naka-
date at naging kasintahan ni Reigo ay mga emosyonal lalo na sa usaping 'sex'. But
Zehannah was so nonchalant that Reigo was having doubts if he really took her
multiple times in the club's restroom that night.

"Why should I be? It's done. Can't take it back."

"You... don't want me to take responsibility?"

"I can take responsibility for myself." Ani Zehannah. "It was my decision to go
clubbing with you and drink. And it's been nearly a year, Mr. Vasquez. As you can
see, hindi ako nabuntis kaya wala kang responsabilidad sakin."

Silence fell on the two until Reigo leaned back and asked Zehannah a question
Zehannah did not expect.

"Are you still single?"


"Want to try and date me? I'm single too."

It did not faze Zehannah. She only raised her eyebrow. "Is there a merit in dating

Reigo's answer was instant. "I'm handsome with a big dick and I can bring you to
high heavens in bed or anywhere you want."

"That's actually tempting..." Zehannah did not hide her interest. "But I'm not
really in the mood to date."

"May I ask why?"

Zehannah did not hide her reason. "You told me before that you're looking for a
good woman to marry and I'm not that woman. I don't want to marry anyone and since
you date to marry, dating me will be a waste of your time. At dalawa lang ang
patutunguhan kung susubukan natin ang gusto mo, either you break up with me because
I don't want to marry or you'll cheat on me."

"What if I won't ask you to marry me and I won't cheat on you?"

Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Then I'm a very lucky woman."

"Rejoice then. You're in luck. I'm here."

"May nakapagsabi na ba sa'yo na ang hangin mo?"

"Yeah, and I don't care."

Zehannah sighed. "Ayoko sa mahanging lalaki."

"I can tone it down a bit."

"Just a bit?"

Reigo spread his arms as if telling Zehannah to check him out from head to toe.
"Bakit? Wala ba akong karapatang magmalaki?"

Zehannah stared at Reigo and indeed, he was drop-dead gorgeous. And with a luxury
car, she knew he's loaded. The thing between his legs was also something to be
proud of. He's educated and smart. He carries himself handsomely. That's why it
baffles her that his exes cheated on him.

"Naaalala kong sinabi mo sakin dati na palagi kang niloloko. Dahil ba 'yon sa
pagiging mahangin mo?"

"No. it's because I don't have time for them, so they cheated." Reigo sighed and
crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm a busy man, you see. There are a lot of
companies under me. I have no time to go on vacations and it seems like women likes
those things."

"And you think I don't, since you want us to date?"

"I think you're different." Reigo looked into Zehannah's eyes. "I feel like my head
is going to spin and explode because of your attitude and personality, but that's
what draws me in. Because if I'm not drawn to you, I would've forgotten you months
ago. And I feel like it would be idiotic of me to not ask you to date me. It's not
every day that I get to meet a woman as confident and as intriguing as you. And—"

"There's more?" Zehannah was genuinely shock that Reigo had so many reasons.

"It's the last one."

"Oh. Okay. You may continue."

"And you and I are very physically compatible."

Natahimik si Zehannah. Reigo's offer was tempting and interesting. It might change
her monotonous life. But there was a part of her that was saying 'no' and she
couldn't ignore it.

"Still a 'no'?" Reigo asked when Zehannah remained silent.

Sumimsim si Zehannah ng caramel macchiato niya saka bumuntong-hininga. "I'm


"I can wait."

Kaagad na umiling si Zehannah. "Don't. Ayokong may naghihintay sa desisyon ko. It's
uncomfortable and very straining. Just give me two weeks. I'll think about it."

"You sure?"

Tumango si Zehannah. "Kung hindi ako makapagdesisyon sa loob ng dalawang linggo,

kahit pa bigyan mo ako ng isang taon, walang mangyayari. Maghihintay ka lang sa
wala. I will give you my answer after two weeks."

Reigo was becoming more intrigued as minutes passed that he was with Zehannah. He
knew she's different from all the women he dated and that alone was enough to draw
him in and risk it.

Inilahad ni Zehannah ang kamay kay Reigo. "I'll see you here in two weeks."

Reigo frowned at Zehannah. "Is that...? Are you...? Wait... handshake? Really?"

Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "To seal our agreement?"

Zehannah stilled when Reigo stood up, put his palms on the table, leaned in and
without hesitation, he place a quick kiss on her lips.

"Now it's sealed." Reigo whispered over her lips and Zehannah swallowed.

Her weaknesses—Good breath and masculine scent — Reigo had them all and Zehannah
felt cornered.

Tangina. Bakit ang bango ng gago na 'to? Kung sana naging mabaho si Reigo, madali
para kay Zehannah na magdesisyon pero pati hininga nito luluhuran.

Lasing na lasing siya ng may mangyari sa kanila noon pero kung mauulit 'yon, hindi
na magtataka si Zehannah kung luhuran niya si Reigo. Lahat ng kahinaan niya, nasa


Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka umaktong kalmado siya. Poker face was her middle
name after all. "I will let you off this time, but don't kiss me again without my

"Noted. But you can kiss me without my consent." Reigo said that with a straight
face as he went back to his seat that Zehannah didn't know if he was joking or
serious. "The more I'm surprise, the more I'm turned on."

Zehannah didn't know what to reply, but, "noted."

Why the fuck am I noting this?! Gustong kutusan ni Zehannah ang sarili kapagkuwan
ay tumuon ang titig niya kay Reigo na sumisimsim ng kape habang matiim ang titig sa
kaniya. Fuck this guy. Kung makatitig parang mangangain ng buhay. Siguro kong
pinalaki siyang marupok ng mga magulang niya, siguradong namula na ang mukha niya
at nailing siya.

But she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. It would take everything Reigo had to make her

Hindi ko sinasabing makapal ang mukha ko, pero parang medyo ganun nga. Napabuntong-
hininga si Zehannah saka inubos ang caramel macchiato at nagpaalam na kay Reigo.
"Uwi na ako. See yah in two weeks."

Reigo nodded and Zehannah left. She could feel Reigo's eyes on her back as she
walked out of the café, but she acted like she was not affected. She walked
normally and calmly to her car and slayed her exit.
AFTER HER SLIGHTLY intense meeting with Reigo, Zehannah went home to rest. She
wanted to have a good night sleep and did not want to think about anything, but her
airhead best friend called.

Nang marinig niya ang nagpa-panic na boses ni Cassia na humihingi ng tulong, halos
lumipad siya palabas ng condo niya. Hindi siya nagda-drive kapag gabi, pero sa
sobrang pag-aalala niya kay Cassia, wala siyang pakialam kung gaano kasakit sa mata
ang mga headlights ng sasakyan na nakakasalubong niya. She drove fast, but with
great care.

When she arrived at Cassia's new address, it surprised her that the village her
airhead friend lived in was just in front of the Bitter Sweet café. And she had to
undergo a series of security protocol before she was allowed entry to the village.

Imagine the worry and panic she was feeling while driving and waiting outside the
Bachelor's Village to be let in — only to find out the idiotic reason her airhead
friend called.

Zehannah felt like murdering someone—her name was Cassia.

"Did you see that?!" sigaw ng kaibigan niyang may hangin sa utak. "He kissed me,
Zehan! He kissed me!"

Sa totoo lang, gusto niyang sabunutan ang kaibigan niya pero baka mas lumala pa ang
tama nito sa ulo. "Did you honestly ask me to be here right now, in this godly
hour, just to freaking tell me that?"

Cassia nodded earnestly. "Of course! This is a life and death situation—"

Zehannah couldn't take this idiocy anymore. She flicked Cassia's forehead. "Anong
life and death? Sakalin kaya kita! Grabe ang pagmamadali ko kasi akala ko napaano
ka na, tapos malalaman kong pinapunta mo ako rito dahil hinalikan ka?" Zehannah
flicked Cassia's forehead again. Nilakasan niya para magtanda ang may hangin sa ulo
niyang kaibigan. "Malamang hahalikan ka ng asawa mo, lalaki 'yan, gaga!"

Humaba ang nguso ni Cassia saka nilaro-laro nito ang daliri na parang bata. "Zehan,
I think he's bi."

Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung sasabunutan niya ang sarili o si Cassia mismo sa
sobrang frustrasyon na nararamdaman. "Urgh! You're so dense that I want to pull my
hair out in frustration! Hindi ka ba nakikinig sa 'kin?! Kasasabi ko lang na lalaki
ang asawa mo! Paano pumasok sa isip mo na 'bi' 'yang asawa mo, ha? Matalino ka
naman pero bakit hindi mo naiintindihan ang sinasabi ko?! Cass, wala ka namang sira
sa utak, 'di ba?"

Sumimangot si Cassia. "Kasi 'yon lang ang kayang i-explain ng utak ko."

Malapit nang sumigaw si Zehannah sa kabuwesitan niya sa kaibigan. "Ako ang

mababaliw sa 'yo!"

"Pero may sense naman ako, ah," pakikipag-argumento pa ni Cassia kay Zehannah. "My
husband is gay, and then suddenly, he kissed me. That means he's bi. He likes both

"How about you take out the gay part and just focus on her liking women?"
suhestiyon ni Zehannah na punong-puno na sa kakaibang pag-iisip ni Cassia. Kaunti
na lang, sasapakin na talaga ni Zehannah ang kaibigan para matauhan.
"Pero, Zehan—"

"Walang pero-pero," pigil ni Zehannah sa iba pang sasabihin ni Cassia. "Believe me.
Walang gusto sa lalaki 'yang asawa mo dahil lalaking-lalaki siya. Ikaw lang itong
hindi ko alam kung paano tumakbo ang utak at naniniwalang lalaki rin ang gusto ng
asawa mo. Cass, wake up! Your husband just kissed you on the lips! A gay man would
never do that—"

"That's because he's bi."

Literal na napasabunot si Zehannah sa sariling buhok. "Ayoko na. Ayoko na talaga.

Bakit ba kita naging kaibigan? Mamamatay ako nang maaga nang dahil sa 'yo."

"Zehan"—nameywang pa talaga si Cassia—"how could you say that he's not 'bi' when
you don't have proof?"

Zehannah gritted her teeth while pointing her finger at Cass. "You. You are the
proof. For goodness's sake! Maaga pa para mamatay ako sa konsomisyon, Cassia
Engelyn Calderon!"

Natahimik naman si Cassia, kapagkuwan ay hinawakan nito sa braso ni Zehannah saka

hinila si Zehannah palabas ng bahay na para bang may naalala ito.

"At saan naman tayo pupunta?" Punong-puno na si Zehannah sa kaibigan na nagpaubaya

nalang siya.

"Basta. Samahan mo na lang ako," ani Cassia. "I'm going to give you proof that my
husband is gay—I mean, bi."

Zehannah just rolled her eyes and let Cass drag her outside the house.

Napatitig si Zehannah sa under-construction na bahay kung saan siya hinila ng

magaling niyang kaibigan.

"That's Reigo's house," imporma ni Cassia kay Zehannah. "Sa kaniya tayo magtatanong
ng katotohanan at pruweba na tama ako."

Zehannah groaned in annoyance because she didn't want to think about Reigo, but she
still let her friend drag her around the under-construction house, but there was no
Reigo on site.

"Ano ba 'yan, wala rito si Reigo."

Napatitig si Zehannah sa kaibigan na para bang ito na ang pinakawalang laman ang
utak sa buong mundo. "Alam mo, Cass, sa sobrang talino mo sa trabaho, nagiging bobo
ka na sa ibang bagay."

Cassia tilted her head at Zehannah. "Huh?"

Tinuro ni Zehannag ang tinatayong bahay sa harapan nila. "Paanong nandiyan si Reigo
e under-construction nga?"

Sa narinig, napasuntok sa sariling palad si Cassia saka hinila na naman papunta

kung saan si Zehannah. "I think I know where he is, Zehan. Kailangan natin hanapin
ang high-tech na barn na sinasabi ng asawa ko. Sa tingin ko nandoon si Reigo."

Hindi na nakipag-argumento si Zehannah at walang imik na nagpaubaya sa kaibigan

kung saan man siya nito balak dalhin.
After asking six residences, they finally found the high-tech barn.

"Wow. Barn nga."

"Yeah, yeah. What now?"

"Hanapin natin si Reigo," ani Cassia saka hinila na naman si Zehannah.

Pero sa halip na kumatok, hinila ni Cassia si Zehannah patungo sa pinakamalapit na

bintana at sumilip sa loob na parang magnanakaw. At dahil mukhang nag-e-enjoy sa
paninilip si Cassia, nakisilip na rin si Zehannah para malaman kung anong
tinitingnan sa loob ng kaibigan.

"So high-tech," bulong ni Zehannah ng maaninag ang loob ng barn, "nahiya 'yong
condo ko sa barn na 'to."

Tumango si Cassia saka patuloy na nailip hanggang sa makarinig sila ng tikhim sa

likuran nila.

Kaagad na napatayo ng maayos ang dalawa saka mabilis na umikot paharap sa tumikhim.
Pero kaagad na nawala ang kaba ni Zehannah dahil sa nahuli siya ng makita kung sino
ang nasa harapan.

Reigo Vasquez—wait...!

Zehannah looked at Cassia, who was smiling at Reigo and then at Reigo, and
something clicked in her mind.

Reigo— Cassia's husband's boyfriend—is the Reigo who made me sore all over? Biglang
sumakit ang ulo ni Zehannah.

"Reigo," ani Cassia nang nakangiti.

Reigo smiled back, surprising Zehannah, since Reigo's smile was as expensive as
diamonds. "Hi, Cassia."

"Sorry," Zehannah stepped back when Reigo looked at her, looking unimpressed,
knowing full well what happens when Reigo was drunk. "I can't take alcohol scent on
someone. It's nauseating."

Kaagad namang pasimpleng inamoy ni Reigo ang sarili bago bumaling ulit kay Cassia.
"So, what brought you here? Thorn's not here."

Inunahan na ni Zehannag ang kaibigan dahil alam kaagad niya ang sasabihin nito.
Baka talaga matuyo na ang utak niya kung magpapatuloy pa 'tong kabobohang 'to.
"Tell her you're not gay." Nakataas ang kilay ni Zehannah kay Reigo. "And don't

Reigo frowned at Zehannah—surprised that she was a friend with Thorn's wife— and
then he looked at Cassia, who was looking at him expectantly. Of course, he didn't
like lying, but he had to cover up for his friend. Si Thorn ang palaging takbuhan
niya sa magkakaibigan kapag may problema siya at walang itong reklamo—well, panay
pala ang reklamo nito pero wala siyang pakialam. Sorry, Cassia. I have to protect
that idiot friend of mine.

Reigo forced a smile and said, "I'm gay," he said with utmost confidence, and then
he looked at Zehannah to check if he believed him—because if she did, he's
Zehannah didn't seem convinced, but Cassia was.


Nagpakawala ng buntong-hininga si Zehannah saka naglakad palapit kay Reigo para

patunayang nagsisinungaling si Reigo.

Si Reigo naman ay bahagyang napaatras sa akalang galit si Zehannah sa

pagsisinungaling niya at sasampalin siya.

Especially when Zehannah grimaced at him when she stopped in front of him.

Ah, I'm finished. That's what was on Reigo's mind when Zehannah suddenly grabbed
him by the neck, pulled him down with brute force and she just claimed his lips
like nobody's business and kissed him senseless.

Lip-locked. With tongue.

And in a split-second, Zehannah exposed his lie.

Sorry, Calderon. I can't resist her kiss.



STRESS NA STRESS si Zehannah kay Cassia na ng makabalik sila sa bahay nito

pagkatapos niyang patunayan dito na hindi bakla si Reigo ay uminom siya ng alak.
She wanted something to wash her mouth with after the kiss and tequila was her
choice, since she had a very wild relationship with it. And tequila always reminded
her of Reigo.

Mula ng may mangyari sa kanila ni Reigo sa club, hindi na siya nagtangka pang
uminom dahil baka ano na namang kagagahan ang gawin niya. Mabuti nang nag-iingat.
Kaya sa condo lang niya siya umiinom palagi at ngayon ay sa bahay nila Cassia.

And she finished the entire bottle while being stress over Cassia's way of

Kahit nakipaglaplapan siya kay Reigo sa harapan ni Cassia, ayaw talagang patinag ng
kaibigan niya. At dahil ayaw niyang mamatay ng maaga sa konsomisyon, uminom nalang
siya hanggang sa malasing siya. She did give Cassia some advice, but she doubt if
Cassia would understand it the way it was supposed to be understood.

At dahil sa kalasingan, sa guesthouse siya ng bahay nila Cassia natulog.

Kinaumagahan, kakagising lang ni Zehannah pero sinubok kaagad siya ni Lord habang
kasamang nag-aagahan ang mag-asawang Thorn at Cassia na pakiramdam ni Zehannah ay
naging invisible particles siya.
Seeing Thorn take care of Cassia, it was the first time that Zehannah thought, kung
hindi ganito kaalaga ang magiging asawa ko, hindi na lang ako mag-aasawa. And for a
woman who didn't want to marry, that thought was something else.

That morning, Zehannah left the Calderon's household feeling happy for Cassia. Yes,
she didn't want to marry, but seeing her best friend being taken care of like a
queen, she was happy for her. Cassia deserved it.

But her happiness quickly withered away when she saw Reigo outside the Calderon's
household, sitting crossed leg on the hood of his luxury car.

Kakapalan ba ng mukha kong iisipin kong hinihintay ako ng gago? Tanong ni Zehannah
sa sarili habang naglalakad patungo sa sasakyan niya na nakaparada sa gilid ng
kalsada, sa likuran lang ng sasakyan ni Reigo.

Zehannah wanted to pass and ignore Reigo so badly because she wanted to go home
fast, freshen up and spent her weekend in silence with Netflix, but alas, luck was
not on her side.

Reigo spoke as she passed him.


Zehannah did not stop. She replied as she passed him. "Morning to you too."

Umalis si Reigo sa pagkakaupo sa hood ng sasakyan nito at sinabayan sa paglalakad

si Zehannah. "Had breakfast yet?"

Tinuro niya ang bahay na pinanggalingan. "I just came out from a chef's house. Of
course I had breakfast."

"Do you still have space for pancakes and caramel macchiato? I know a good café
that makes amazing pancakes and coffee."

Napatigil sa paglalakad si Zehannah at napatingin kay Reigo na nakatingin din sa

kaniya. Isa sa mga kahinayaan niya ang pagkain — masarap na pagkain. That's why at
the moment, she's in turmoil while showing her poker face to Reigo.

Food or her peace?

Food. Zehannah answered herself and sighed. "Akala ko ba busy ka?" Naalala niya ang
rason kung bakit palagi itong niloloko ng mga ex-girlfriend nito. "Sabi mo wala
kang oras sa mga naging ex mo dati. Anong tawag mo rito?"

Reigo shrugged. "I only have two weeks to change your mind. I have to make you say
yes in fourteen days, so of course I have to make an effort."

Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Puwede bang hindi tayo magkita ng dalawang
linggo habang nag-iisip ako? Hindi ba sabi ko sayo sa café kahapon 'see yah in two

"Hell no." Reigo immediately shuts down Zehannah's plan to not see him for two
weeks. "You decided to think about my offer for two weeks because there's a part of
you that doesn't want it. So, to combat that 'no', I have to do something to make
you say yes. I don't know what though, so let's start by getting to know each
other. Paano ka o-oo kung hindi mo ako lubusang kilala?"

Zehannah shrugged. "I don't know... Your handsome face, big dick, and high
Reigo stared at Zehannah flatly.

"What?" Zehannah asked so innocently. "Ikaw ang nagsabi no'n, hindi ako. Inulit ko

Reigo sighed like he gave up. "Mag-agahan na nga lang tayo."

Lihim na natawa si Zehannah sa reaksiyon ni Reigo. Hindi niya alam kong matatawag
bang pikon ang binata o ano.

Thankfully, Reigo did not force her to ride with him like her exes before when they
had a better looking car than her. Reigo suggested a convoy which Zehannah
appreciates. Her car was old, but she loved it. Ilang taon na niya iyong kasama at
maraming lugar na ang pinagdalhan niyon sa kaniya ng walang problema.

Following Reigo's car, he brought her to one of the richest business centers in the
city and Zehannah could only sigh as she parked her car next to Reigo's.

"You don't like it here? Kanina ka pa tahimik." Pansin ni Reigo kay Zehannah habang
magkatabing naglalakad ang dalawa patungo sa café kung saan daw may masarap na
pancake at kape.

Tinakpan ni Zehannah ang bibig saka naghikab bago sinagot si Reigo. "I look like
shit compared to the people around us."

Nalasing kagabi si Zehannah at doon natulog sa bahay nila Cassia. At ngayong umaga,
nanghiram siya ng pambahay na damit ni Cassia dahil balak niyang dumeretso sa condo
niya. Kaya lang may humarang na dumuho sa kaniya at nag-alok ng masarap na pancake
at kape na hindi niya mahindian kaya heto siya ngayon, naka kulay krema na loose
linen short, naka-puting sleeveless shirt at naka-tsinelas habang ang dumuhong
kasama niya naka-porma at napakaguwapo.

Sinusubok talaga ako palagi ni Lord.

"Tingnan mo nga ang suot ko." Dagdag pa ni Zehannah.

"You look fine." Reigo said nonchalantly. "You're slaying your outfit."

Zehannah attitude turned one-hundred-eighty as she flipped her hair and said, "of
course. Ako pa ba?"

The corner of Reigo's lips tugged up. "You know, Zee, there's a thin line between
confidence and boastfulness."

"Bakit?" Ginaya ni Zehannah si Reigo kahapon at nameywang dito habang naglalakad

sila. "Wala ba akong karapatang magmayabang?"

Reigo's lips twitch as if he was holding back his smile. "Sabi ko nga."

Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "You have no right to call me boastful — I mean,

look at yourself. Sa sobrang hangin mo, hindi na ako magtaka kung may ipo-ipong
kapangalan mo."

"Hindi ako mahangin, nagsasabi lang ako ng totoo." Ani Reigo hinawakan ang kamay ni
Zehannah at masuyo hinila ang dalaga papasok sa isang café na hindi mabigkas-bigkas
ni Zehannah ang pangalan.

Pagkapasok na pagkapasok palang nila, ramdam kaagad ni Zehannah na nasa isang high-
end café sila. Maybe it's just her, but wealthy people—the one they called an old
money—had a unique aura around them and Zehannah was quick to pick up on it. Reigo
had the same aura, the same with Cassia's husband. But of course, her observation
was not always accurate. May mga tao kasing mga mukhang mayaman pero hindi naman.
Minsan talaga nasa pagdadala 'yan ng tao sa sarili nila.


Tinuro ni Zehannah ang mesa na nasa gilid. "Doon tayo."


Zehannah and Reigo took their seat, and they ordered while Zehannah was observing
Reigo. Marami na rin siyang naka-date at naging boyfriend kaya marami siyang
experience pagdating sa iba't-ibang uri ng lalaki, at gusto niyang malaman kung
anong uri ng lalaki ang binata.

Was he the demanding type? The one who likes to be in control? Or was he the
passive type and just go with the flow or was he someone who likes deciding for her
date as if he's the only one that matters?

'Yon ang nasa isip ni Zehannah ng iabot sa kaniya ni Reigo ang menu.

"I recommend their pancakes, but they have so many variants. It would be best if
you chose for yourself." Anito.

Zehannah smiled. She was happy that he gave her the menu and let her choose for
herself even when he had a recommendation. "Thanks."

Tumango si Reigo saka kinausap ang waiter para sa order nito, kapagkuwan ay si
Zehannah naman ang kumausap sa waiter ng makapili siya ng pancake na gusto.

"You'll like it, I promise." Ani Reigo habang hinihintay nila ang order nila at
tahimik lang na nakaupo si Zehannah.

Tumingin si Zehannah sa kaharap. "Dapat lang magustuhan ko, ang mahal kaya no'n."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Ngayon lang ako nakakita ng pancake na mahigit
isang libo ang dalawang piraso."

"It's already cheap, though."

Zehannah sighed at Reigo. "Mr. Vasquez ipapaalala ko lang sayo na magkaiba tayo ng
estado sa buhay. Ibig sabihin, hindi pareho ang cheap mo sa cheap ko. If this was
your standard of cheap, I'm telling you now, this is my standard of expensive."

"Oh." It was like a realization hit Reigo. "My exes like to visit places like this—
I mean, not this place since you're the first woman I ever brought here, but other
places with higher prices of food. Hindi naman sila namahalan."

"I'll bet they didn't pay for their food."

"Hmm. I did."

Sumimsim ng tubig si Zehannah. "That's why."

"Is that bad?"

"Who knows?" Zehannah shrugged. "Kung hindi ka naman napilitang magbayad, siguro
hindi naman masama. Ang masama siguro ay yong ginamit ka lang ng babae para dalhin
siya doon dahil alam niyang mayaman ka at kaya mong bayaran kahit anong orderin

Reigo became silent.

"Na bull's eye ba kita?" Tanong ni Zehannah ng nagbaba ng tingin si Reigo.

Reigo breathes out. "Yeah. Lots of my exes are like that."

"It really sucks to be you."

Reigo held Zehannah's gaze. "Not really. I met you, didn't I?"

Okay. I'll give it to him. That was smooth. Sa isip ni Zehannah saka mahinang
natawa. "You're a smooth talker, aren't you, Mr. Vasquez?"

"I try." Reigo said with a shrugged. "Bakit? Naaakit na ba kita?"

Zehannah smiled sweetly at Reigo. "Try harder."

"That I will."

Zehannah rolled her eyes, but a smile was still playing on her lips, remembering
his 'confession' to Cassia last night. "Talaga ba? Akala ko ba bakla ka?"

The corner of Reigo's lips tugged up. "Want to say that again? They have a restroom
here too. I'm sure we'll fit perfectly inside."

Zehannah smirked back. "No, thanks. I'm not drunk."

Mahinang natawa si Zehannah ng bumuka ang bibig ni Reigo pero wala namang lumabas
na salita doon. Mukhang wala itong naisip na sagot sa pambabara niya. And Zehannah
was enjoying Reigo's speechlessness. It was a good thing for Reigo that their order

"Sana talaga masarap 'to," bulong ni Zehannah bago tinikman ang pancake na inorder.

"Well?" Reigo asked when Zehannah remained silent after tasting the pancake.

With her closed eyes, she hummed and commented. "Hindi ko alam kung paano nila
ginawa 'to pero sulit ang bayad sa pancake na 'to. Ang sarap."

Reigo was pleased. "I'm glad you like it. I know lots of places with good food.
Though they might be expensive by your standard, but I swear, they're worth every

Tumango-tango si Zehannah habang ini-enjoy ang pancake at caramel macchiato na in-

order. "Take me there then. No worries, I'll pay for my food."

"That's a deal then. Should we seal our agreement with a kiss?"

She showed her middle finger at Reigo. "Dream on."

For the first time, Zehannah heard Reigo chuckled, and when she looked up to see
his face, she was taken aback by how handsome he looked while chuckling. Even the
movement of his shoulder as he chuckled compliments his handsomeness that Zehannah
had to drag down her gaze so Reigo wouldn't notice.

Kulang ka lang sa kape, girl. Kape ka muna para magising 'yang utak mong may hangin
na rin yata. Ani Zehannah sa sarili saka inubos ang macchiato saka umorder pa ng

Aside from glancing at Reigo's handsome face from time to time, Zehannah's second
breakfast went well.

"Do you want to have lunch or dinner with me later?" Reigo asked while they're
walking towards the parking lot.

"Lunch? No. I want to eat by myself in peace since it's the weekend." Sagot ni
Zehannah. "Dinner? Hindi ko ugaling kumain sa labas kapag gabi. I usually eat in my
condo, so I guess that's a no, too."

"Noted. By the way, can I get your number?"

"Sure." Zehannah gave Reigo her number and waved her hand at him before she entered
her car.

Watching Zehannah leave with her car, Reigo looked at Zehannah's number on his
phone and sent a text of introduction so she'll save his number. Akala niya
mahihirapan siyang kunin ang numero ng dalaga dahil sa ugali nito, pero
kabaliktaran ang nangyari.

She's really a bundle of mystery. Reigo thought before he called his secretary to
convene an emergency meeting for the upcoming bidding for the biggest mall project
of Colhen Corporation and the biggest infrastructure project of the government.

After the call, he stepped inside his car and drove to his office where he's going
to work even on weekends. But even though he was busy as hell, he knew he would've
moved or not called for a meeting if Zehannah agreed to have lunch and dinner with

Really... what the hell am I doing...?

ARRIVING AT HER condo, Zehannah was still feeling a little hangover—the power of
tequila—so she slept like a log. Nagising lang siya dahil sa pag-iingay ng doorbell
niya. Still feeling groggy, she went to open the door with an annoyed face.


Delivery boy ang nasa labas at halatang gulat na gulat ito sa pagsigaw niya. "M-
ma'am... d-delivery ho."

Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Wala akong inorder."

"Ah. Si Zehannah Sevil ho ba kayo ma'am?"


"Kung ganon sa inyo po talaga 'to." Anang delivery boy na pinakita pa kay Zehannag
ang resibo kung nasaan ang pangalan at address niya. "Wala naman ho kayong
kailangang bayaran, ma'am."

Pero wala talaga siyang maalala na umorder siya kung saan. "Kanino ba galing 'yan?"
"Reigo Vasquez po."

Immediately, Zehannah opened the door wide and accepted the paper bag. "Ano ba'ng
laman nito?"

"Pagkain ho, ma'am. Lunch yata galing sa boyfriend niyo."

Walang emosyong tiningnan ni Zehannag ang delivery boy. "Kuya, huwag tayong
masyadong malisyoso. Hindi ko boyfriend ang mahangin na 'yon."

Napakamot sa ulo ang deliver boy. "Pasensiya na, ma'am. Heto po. Papirma po ako
rito na natanggap niya na po."

Zehannah sighed on the delivery boy's phone, thanked him for delivering and then
she went back inside her condo.

Nang mailapag ni Zehannah ang paper bag sa hapag-kainan niya, hinagilap niya ang
cellphone para tanungin si Reigo kung anong paandar nito at pinadalhan siya ng
pagkain, pero bago pa niya magawa niyon, nabasa na niya ang text sa kaniya ng

From: Bagyong Reigo

'The food I sent is from that excellent restaurant I told you about this morning.
You said you want to eat in peace, so I didn't include myself in the package.
You're very much welcome for my thoughtfulness, by the way. If you're not
comfortable eating it because I bought it, attach below is my account number and
the amount I paid. You can reimburse me if you want, but I'd rather if you
reimburse me with a deep kiss and tongue. Have a pleasant lunch and eat wild, my

Zehannah took a deep breath and threw her phone on her bed as if she didn't want to
read more and went back to the kitchen.

Yeah, let's forget that that bastard put a 'my' before my nickname. Not a big deal.
Nope. Zehannah—freaking—Sevil was not swayed. But damn, that was smooth.



'Good morning. I'm sending pancakes to your office (the cheapest one I found in a
fast-food restaurant) and caramel macchiato from Bitter Sweet café. If the pancakes
and macchiato are not to your liking, I'm also on the menu. I can be your
breakfast, lunch, and dinner—even a midnight snack and very early breakfast.
Anyway, have a good day, Zee.

From the one who's going to make you say yes in twelve days, Reigo.'

Receiving a message like that from Reigo for two consecutive days now, Zehannah had
become immune to Reigo's suggestive words.
Pero dumuho pa rin ang lalaking 'yon, napaka-landi kahit sa text.

But she couldn't really deny that just after a few days, she found something that
made Reigo likable.

Hindi ito mapilit.

Kapag nag-aya ito ng lunch o dinner at sinabi niyang ayaw niya, wala na 'yong
kasunod na tanong kay Reigo. Pero ang kasunod naman no'n ay pagkain na padala nito
mula sa restaurant kung saan sila dapat kakain kung umu-o siya.

It was one of those small things that she really appreciate since she valued her
peace and alone time.

"Mukhang may nanliligaw sa 'tin, Ma'am Zehan, ah." Tudyo ng Assistant Marketing
Supervisor niya sa kaniya ng makapasok ito sa opisina dala ang pinadalang agahan ni
Reigo. "Para tanggapin niyo itong bigay na pagkain ng manliligaw niyo, mukhang wala
nang pag-asa si Sir Dexter."

Napatingin si Zehannah sa kaharap. "Huh? Paano mo naman nasabi 'yan, Yumi?"

"Kasi, ma'am Zehan, hindi po ikaw ang tipo ng babae na basta-basta lang tumatanggap
ng bigay o regalo lalo na kapag galing sa manliligaw." Anang Assistant Supervisor
niya na ilang taon na rin niyang kasama sa trabaho. "Ilang beses ka nang binilhan
ng kape ni Sir Dexter na hindi mo tinatanggap."

Sa narinig, hindi maiwasan ni Zehannah na mapaisip. Oo nga, no? Ayaw na ayaw kong
tumatanggap ng bigay. Dahil ba binabayaran ko naman ang pagkain? Pero kahit na,
binigay pa rin naman sakin. Anong pinagkaiba ng mga binibigay ni Reigo sa mga
binibigay sa kaniya ng ibang lalaki na hindi niya tinatanggap?

Zehannah couldn't find an answer, and it bothered her.

"Ma'am Zehan?"

Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka umaktong walang nangyari. "Ano pala ang kailangan
mo, Yumi?"

Naglapag ng portfolio si Yumi sa ibabaw ng mesa niya. "Galing sa website developer

na kausap natin. It's for the theme, the color scheme and the design of the
website. They said they needed a feedback from you by the end of the day."

"Thanks, Yumi. I'll talk to them later after I check this," Zehannah said while
tapping the portfolio.

"Sige, sabihan ko sila. By the way, Ma'am Zehan, natanggap mo ba 'yong e-mail na
sinend ko tungkol sa pagbabago ng schedule ng meeting with the investors?"

Tumango si Zehannah. "Yep. Hindi lang ako nakapag-reply kasi may ginagawa ako. See
you there tomorrow. I'm sure they will bombard us again about the social media
accounts they wanted to open on every social media platform."

Napabuntong-hininga si Yumi. "Even if we advice against it because it's already too

late and not really as relevant as our website, but what can we do if that was
their decision?"

"Precisely." Zehannah blows a loud breath as she leaned back on her swivel chair.
"Gawin nalang natin. I'll make a budget proposal plan for the social media accounts
so the Accounting department won't hound us in the meeting."

"Sige, Ma'am Zehan. Ako na ang bahala sa reports."

"Thanks, Yumi."

Ngumiti lang si Yumi saka lumabas na nang opisina niya. Napatitig naman si Zehannah
sa pagkaing pinadala ni Reigo kapagkauwan ay kinuha 'yon sa lalagyan at
inumpisahang kainin ang pancake. Habang ang caramel macchiato naman ay iniinom niya
habang gumawa ng budget proposal plan.

When she finished the caramel macchiato, it was already cold, but she didn't mind.
She completed the Budget Proposal plan and sent a copy to the Accounting
Department, then she turned her attention to the report she was reading about the
market research that her department conducted a few months ago.

It was a busy day for Zehannah that if not for Cassia calling her on the phone to
tell her it was lunchtime and she saved her a seat, she wouldn't even realize that
it was time to eat.

Going down to the canteen, Zehannah's lunchtime had become a therapy session with
Cassia. Araw-araw siyang sinusubok ni Lord pagdating kay Cassia. Palagi siyang
stress sa love life nito na pakiramdam niya kotang-kota na siya.

And for some reason, Cassia started calling her Master Zehan, much to her
disapproval. But Cassia was Cassia.

After lunch, she went back to work. Dahil hindi pa rin tapos ang trabaho niya,
kahit masakit sa loob niya, nag-overtime siya.

As usual, Reigo sent her a text asking if she wanted to have dinner with him and
she answered, 'Can't. Overtime.'

And Reigo only replied, 'Okay. Have fun.'

Gusto niyang tawagan si Reigo para singhalan ito ng walang 'fun' sa overtime, pero
marami pa pala siyang gagawin kaya hinayaan na niya ang binata at nagtrabaho.

Five hours later, she and Yumi finally finished the work needed by tomorrow.

"Hay. Kapagod..." reklamo ni Yumi habang nasa elevator sila pababa.

Napabuntong-hininga rin si Zehannah. "Oo nga. Let's not do this again."

Hindi talaga fan si Zehan ng overtime pero may mga pagkakataon na kailangan talaga
lalo na kapag bigla-bigla nalang nagbabago ang schedule ng meeting at may kailangan
silang ihanda. Minsan lang mangyari, pero nakaka-strees palagi.

Napatigil sa pag-uusap si Yumi at Zehannah ng tumigil ang elevator sa eight-floor

at pumasok doon si Dexter na kaagad na napangiti ng makita siya.

"Overtime rin, Sir Dexter?" Magiliw na tanong ni Yumi.

Tumango si Dexter saka tumabi kay Zehannah. "Yep. Anyway, since we just finished
overtime, let's grab dinner together. What do you say, Zee?"

Gusto pagsabihan ni Zehannah si Dexter na huwag siyang tawaging Zee, pero ayaw
naman niyang ipahiya ito sa harap ni Yumi.
"May masarap ka bang kainan na alam, Sir Dexter?" Tanong ni Yumi ng hindi umimik si

"Oo. Malapit lang dito saka mura pa ang mga pagkain at masarap. No worries,
ihahatid ko kayo pagkatapos. What do you say, Zehan?"

Nang marinig na 'Zehan' ang tinawag sa kaniya ni Dexter, doon lang siya sumagot.
"Sorry. May leftover pa ako sa condo. At gusto ko nang magpahinga."

"Zehan, naman. Isang oras lang naman." Giit ni Dexter. "At masayang kumain kapag
may kasama."

"Nah. I like my peace when eating."

Dumating na ang elevator ground floor at si Zehannah ang unang lumabas ng bumukas

"You're always like this, Zehan! You're always pushing people away!" Wika ni Dexter
na hinabol si Zehannah. "Dapat baguhin mo 'yang ugali mo hangga't hindi pa nananawa
sayo ang mga taong nagmamahal sayo. Baka magsisi ka."

"Sir Dexter...!" For Yumi, that was out of line, and she wanted to stop Dexter, but
Zehannah was not the kind of woman who would wither away by those words. She was a
savage woman with no filter when she needed to be.

"Hindi ako magsisisi dahil ang tinutulak ko lang palayo ay ang mga taong hindi ko
mahal at walang halaga sakin." Ani Zehannah habang naglalakad patungong exit.

And those words hit Dexter like a truck. Even Yumi covered her mouth in shock at
how savage those words were.

As usual, Zehannah slayed her exit, but Dexter was persistent and followed

Gusto nitong ipaintindi kay Zehannah na kawalan ng dalaga kung hindi nito
tatanggapin ang panliligaw nito.

"Zee, hear me ou..." Dexter's voice weakened when he stepped outside the building
and saw Zehannah staring at the man leaning on a slick-black Mercedes-Benz with his
hands on his pocket and his eyes on Zehannah and then on him.

"Did he just call you 'Zee'?" The man looked irritated at him.

Zehannah waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't make a big deal out of it. Ikaw lang
ang tumatawag sa 'king 'Zee' na sinasagot ko."

"Oh. Okay." Just like that, the man calmed down and returned his attention to
Zehannah. "Want to have dinner?"

"Nah. I still have some leftovers from my dinner last night."

Zehannah's answer made Dexter happy knowing that he was not the only man she was
pushing away, but the next exchange of words made his heart sunk.

"Let me drive you home, then."

"Sure." Zehannah easily answered and walked towards the man's luxury car. "Is it
just me, or is this a new car?"
"Kakauwi lang ni dad galing Germany. It's a gift. Does it bother you?"

Zehannah sighed. "Sinasampal talaga ako palagi ng kahirapan kapag kasama kita."

The man just chuckled and went inside his car without opening the car's door for
Zehannah, making Dexter frown in annoyance.

"Mayaman nga wala namang asal. Hindi man lang pinabuksan ng pintuan si Zehannah—"

"I don't think that's the case, Sir Dexter." Putol ni Yumi na iba pang sasabihin ni
Dexter. "I think that's his way of respecting Ma'am Zehan's independence."


Walang imik na nilampasan ni Yumi si Dexter at hindi na nagpaliwanag saka pinara

nito ang taxi na paparating. Samantalang nakaalis naman na ang sasakyan na
kinalululanan ni Zehannah at naiwan si Dexter na nawalan na nang ganang kumain.

"Who was that man?" Reigo asked while driving Zehannah to her condo, that was just
around the corner.



"Gusto niya, pero ayoko."


"Same reason I gave you." Ani Zehannah habang nakatingin sa labas ng sasakyan.
"Wala ako sa mode—" natigilan sa pagsagot si Zehannah ng mapansing lumiko si Reigo.
"Saan tayo pupunta?"

"May dadaanan lang ako." Anito. "Don't worry. I won't force you to have dinner with

Zehannah was not worried. Alam naman kasi niyang hindi siya pipilitin ni Reigo. He
was not like that after all.

"Nag-order ka ng pagkain?" Tanong ni Zehannah ng i-park ni Reigo ang sasakyan nito

sa harap ng isang restaurant.

"Yeah." He answered. "I wanted to have dinner with you, but you said you're working
overtime. Then I thought of waiting for you and asked you to dinner again, but I
remember you telling me you don't like eating dinner outside, so I just ordered
something for you."

Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Katatanong mo lang kung gusto kong mag-dinner kasama

Reigo shrugged. "Just pleasantries. I know you'll say no."

"Wow. I'm impressed by how attentive you are."

"Praise me, then."

Zehannah smiled and went along with Reigo. "Good job, Mr. Vasquez."

"If it's you, I want a praise plus a kiss."

Tinuro ni Zehannah ang restaurant. "Kunin mo nalang ang inoder mo, gutom lang

"No need. They'll deliver it to my car."

And just like Reigo said, a waiter—no, it was the manager — came out and gave the
takeout food that was put inside an expensive-looking basket to Reigo.

"Thank you for your patronage, Mr. Vasquez."

Reigo just nodded, thanked the manager, and gave Zehannah the basket with food
before he maneuvered his car out of the parking lot and drove her straight to her

"Have a nice dinner," was all Reigo said after he parked his car.

Humigpit ang hawak ni Zehannah sa basket na nakapatong sa hita niya saka

nagpakawala ng malalim na hininga bago bumaling kay Reigo. "Want to have dinner
with me?"

Reigo stilled before he asked. "You sure?"

Tumango si Zehannah. "I wouldn't have asked otherwise."

A soft smile grazed Reigo's lips. "Naaakit na ba kita?"

Zehannah smiled back softly. "Binabawi ko na ang imbitasyon ko."

"Wala nang bawian." Ani Reigo saka pinatay ang makina ng sasakyan at nauna nang
lumabas sa kaniya pagkatapos nitong kunin ang basket na nakapatong sa mga hita

Napabuntong-hininga nalang si Zehannah saka lumabas na rin ng sasakyan nito at

sabay silang pumasok sa loob.

Iyon ang unang beses na may hahayaan siyang pumasok sa condo niya na hindi niya
pamilya. Tanging ang Papa at Papi lang niya ang puwede sa condo niya. Si Cassia na
rin minsan nuong wala pa itong asawa. Pero maliban sa tatlo, wala na. She never
invited her exes in her condo, even how much they wanted her to. Hindi siya

But here she was, inviting Reigo over to have dinner.

Gutom lang siguro 'to. Ani Zehannah sa sarili saka binuksan ang condo at inaya sa
loob si Reigo.

The first that came to Reigo's mind when he entered Zehannah's condo was—aesthetic.
It was simple, cozy, clean, and pretty. Even at first glance, anyone could tell
that the one living in that condo took good care of it.

"Nice place," Reigo commented.

"Thanks. The kitchen's there," tinuro ni Zehannah ang kusina. "Magpapalit lang ako
ng damit."

Napatitig si Reigo kay Zehannah. "Don't say that to my face. It's giving me ideas."

Zehannah just waved her hand nonchalantly and went inside her room.
Napailing naman si Reigo saka bumubulong na tinungo ang kusina. "Zee should thank
and praise me for being a gentleman when it was so hard to be one. Yeah... I should
be praise with a kiss. I deserve it."

Reigo was still muttering to himself while taking out the food from the basket when
Zehannah entered the kitchen.

"Anong binubulong-bulong mo riyan?"

"Just telling myself that I deserve a kiss for being a gentleman."

Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo before she helped him set the table for two.
"What's with you and kisses?"

"I like it." Tinigil ni Reigo ang paghahain saka tinitigan ang mga labi ni
Zehannah. "Your lips and kisses. It's addictive."

"Kawawa ka naman." Sarkastikong sabi ni Zehannah.

"Yeah. So why don't you put me out of my misery and just kiss me? With tongue,
please." He requested, as if he was just asking for an additional ice cube for his

Tinuro ni Zehannah ang pagkain. "Gutom lang 'yan. Kumain ka na."

"Heartless." Reigo mumbled before he sat on the table.

And Zehannah heard that. "Yes. Yes, I am."

As Zehannah sat at the table to join Reigo for dinner, their conversation shifted.

"Are you free this weekend? Let's have a date." Aya ni Reigo.

"Akala ko ba 'you're a busy man'?" She quoted in the air.

"I can make time for you."

"Hmm. Let me think about it." Ani Zehannah saka ini-slice ang karne ng baby back
ribs na inorder ni Reigo saka nilagyan ito sa pinggan na ikinatigil nito sa pagkain
pero hindi iyon pinansin ni Zehannah. Nasanay na siyang gawain 'yon kapag kumakain
siya kasama ang Papi at Papa niya. "If I may ask, where do you plan to 'date' me?"

Reigo cleared his throat. "Food hopping."

That immediately piqued Zehannah's interest. "Sige. Sayo na ang sabado ko."

"Give me your Sunday too, if you don't mind, please."

"Give me a reason."

"More food."

Napatigil sa pag-nguya si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay napatingin kay Reigo. "Fine. I'm

all yours this weekend."

That made Reigo smile, and he was gorgeous.

"No kissing."
Reigo immediately lost his smile. "How could you be so mean? I want a kiss."

"Nope. I'm not kissing you."

"Can I kiss you then?"


Nanglumbaba si Reigo sa mesa habang nakatingin sa kaniya. "What am I going to do,

then? My lips are itching to kiss you, Zee."

"Scratch it."

"It's rather you scratch your lips against mine."

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah. "Nakakakita ka na ba ng lalaking nagngangalang

Reigo na nahampas ng spatula ang labi?"

Reigo stilled and subtly covered his lips with his fingers, then whispered
grudgingly. "Am I not kissable enough...?"

Napailing nalang si Zehannah saka tinapos na ang pagkain. Kapagkuwan, sinubukan ni

Reigo na tulungan siyang maghugas pero ng mabasag nito ang isa sa baso niya,
nagdesisyon itong tahimik na umupo nalang sa tabi at panoorin siya.

"Sige na, uwi na. Matutulog na ako. May pasok at meeting pa ako bukas." Pagpapaalis
ni Zehannah sa binata habang tinutulak ito patungo sa pintuan ng condo.

Nagpaubaya naman si Reigo at nang makalabas ay humarap ito kay Zehannah at

pinakatitigan ang dalaga.

"What?" Zehannah asked while holding the door to her condo so she could close it
immediately once Reigo left.

"Thank you for inviting me to have dinner in your condo." Reigo spoke earnestly
while looking into Zehannah's eyes. "I would say thank you for the hospitality too,
but you threatened to slap my lips with a spatula, so no... but, really, I
appreciate the invitation. It'll be an honor to dine with you again in your place."

Humilig sa hamba ng pintuan si Zehannah saka pinagkrus ang mga braso sa harap ng
dibdib. "Talagang malaking karangalan na makapasok sa condo ko. You're welcome."

Reigo stared at her again — the kind of stare that could make a woman uncomfortable
or swoon, but not Zehannah. She stared back without backing down and only blink
when Reigo suddenly leaned forward and claimed her lips.

When Reigo pulled away, he was expecting a furious Zehannah, but she only narrowed
her eyes at him.

And then Zehannah showed something from her back—a spatula!

"I have a feeling you'll do this, so I readied my spatula—"

Reigo immediately took off by running as if his life depended on it. "Good night,
my Zee! See yah!"

Ibinaba ni Zehannah ang nakataas na spatula kapagkuwan ay ang labi niya ang
masuyong tinampal-tampal gamit 'yon.
Her lips were tingling. And it bothered Zehannah.

She sighed. "Seriously, that guy..." she sighed again. But it's not like I dislike
it. It actually felt nice. But the reluctance was still there, so she was not sold

Tatlong araw pa lang sa labing-apat na araw na napagkasunduan nila ni Reigo.

Now she couldn't help but wonder if she'd have a change of heart and say yes in
eleven days.



"SOMEONE LOOKS grumpy." Boses iyon ni Ream na kakapasok lang sa barn at nakita si
Reigo na nakatambay sa Jacuzzi at masama ang tabas ng mukha. "Aren't you supposed
to be working?"

"Day off."

Ream frowned and glanced at the calendar inside the barn. "Today is Wednesday

"Don't care. I decided to take a day off, so I'm taking a day off."

Hindi na nakipag-argumento si Ream. This was Reigo, his friend who schedule his
mood swings. "Why so grumpy? Naka-schedule ba?"

"Nah. Just thinking of something." Bumaling si Reigo kay Ream. "How about you?
Anong ginagawa mo rito? Sa dami ng anak mo, may oras kang mamasyal?"

"Nope." Umupo sa pang-isahang sofa si Ream. "I'm meeting Dark here for his order.
So technically, I'm working."


"Yeah. So why are you grumpy?"

Naalala na naman ni Reigo kung bakit. "Say you made a nickname for someone and then
someone else — a very insignificant bug — use that nickname to call her. Would you
be pissed?"

"Does this 'someone' have a relationship with that bug?"

"Nah. Katrabaho lang."

"Then do I have a relationship with this someone?"

"No. Just courting — I mean, trying to court."

Pigil ni Ream ang mapangiti. Reigo was the most misunderstood of them all. Maybe
it's because of his long list of ex-girlfriends and his bitterness. Just a few
months ago, he was cursing all women — even cupid, and now, it looked like Reigo
found a new one.

Hope it ends differently this time, Ream thought, and answered Reigo. "Wala kayong
relasyon kaya wala kang karapatan."

Natahimik si Reigo saka bumulong. "Tama lang pala na hindi ako nagalit kahit gusto
kong pasabugin ang bungo ng surot na 'yon."

Reigo's vocabulary shocked Ream. "The hell, man...? Alam mo kung ano ang surot?"


Ream was still shocked. "I'm amazed."

Reigo shrugged nonchalantly, and moments later, he groaned as if pissed. "Ah, fuck.
I want to crush that bug, but if Zee finds out, she's going to have my head and not
the head that would bring me pleasure."

Napailing si Ream. "Then don't do it. If that bug went out of line, let your woman
handle him. I'm sure she could crush him by herself after hearing the fear in your

Reigo leaned back on the Jacuzzi's edge and sighed as he looked at the ceiling.
"I'm telling you, Oliveros, Zee is like a firewall. She would never crack under
pressure. Her heat resistance is too high that I'm having a hard time melting her.
Not only that, I think she is a very scary and dangerous feline. But damn..." Reigo
sighed, as if contentment just filled him. "I'm still drawn to her like a moth to a

"Be careful."

Mabilis na napalingon si Reigo sa kaibigan. "What?"

"I said be careful." Ulit ni Ream. "If you lost her like your exes, I don't think
you'll ever be the same. All those bitterness that you felt when your exes cheated
on you and left you, it is nothing compared to what you'll feel if you lost this

A frown made its way to Reigo's forehead. "Why?"

Ream smiled mysteriously. "You'll realize 'why' soon enough."

Oliveros was being cryptic, and Reigo was confused. He didn't know what Oliveros
mean by his words, but he listened and noted it.

"So... kumusta ang panliligaw mo?"

Ibinalik ni Reigo ang tingin sa kisame. "I'm trying, but I sucked at it."

"Ano ba'ng ginagawa mo para ligawan siya?"

"Be myself...?" Reigo sighed. "Calderon said to be myself."

Napangiwi si Ream. "Sa ugali mo? Hindi ako nagtataka na hindi mo pa siya napapa-
"Yeah..." Reigo sighed. "I'm not really a good guy. I mean, I know myself, so I
know what I lack and I know my shortcomings and I actually want to hide them from
Zee... but I have a feeling I'll regret it if I did. All my life I've been
operating through gut feeling — the reason I always feel when my exes are cheating
on me is through that — and my gut feeling this time is telling me to be honest and
not hide anything, so that's what I'm trying to do."

"I hope it works well for you." Ream was really hoping for the best for Reigo. "I'm
rooting for you."

"Thanks!" Reigo got up and as bare as the day he was born, he left the Jacuzzi and
walked around the barn, naked and unashamed.

Nagpakawala ng buntong-hininga si Ream habang nakangiwing nakamasid kay Reigo na

hubad pa ring palakad-lakad sa barn. "Don't you have some decency?"

"Huh? What's that?" Sarkastikong tanong ni Reigo bago kinuha ang itim na roba na
nakasabit sa likod ng upuan sa hapagkainan at isinuot 'yon, kapagkuwan ay kinuha
nito ang cellphone sa briefcase bag at pabagsak na umupo sa pang-isahang sofa
habang umiinom ng beer na kinuha nito sa ref.

Reigo looked like a bum with no future, and Ream just shook his head. Dark's
reaction was the same when he arrived at the barn and saw Reigo lounging on the
couch like it was not Wednesday.

Oh well, Reigo came from an old money family. Kahit hindi ito magtrabaho buong-
buhay nito, hindi mauubos ang pera nito. His family was that wealthy. And the only
reason Reigo was working his butt off was because he wanted to spend his own money
— the money that he makes for himself and not anyone else's. Ayaw nitong umasa sa
mga magulang nito at sa mamanahin nito.

"Ano nangyari diyan?" Tanong ni Dark kay Ream patungkol kay Reigo na nakahilata sa
sofa. Katatapos lang ng dalawa mag-usap tungkol sa order ni Dark.


Tumaas ang mga kilay ni Dark. "For real this time? I mean — you know what I mean."

"I guess..." Ream shrugged. "A bull's eye from Cupid."

Dark chuckled. "He needs lots of lucks then. And he also need an anti-Volkzki

Mahinang natawa si Ream. "Hayaan mo na para naman malasap niya ang nalasap naming
sinumpa ni Volkzki. Damay-damay na 'to."

"True. Pa-libre nalang tayo sa kaniya sa tindahan nila Eva kapag na brokenhearted

Tumango si Ream. "Yep. That's the plan."

Dark said nothing and leave the barn. Afterwards, Ream followed, and left Reigo
alone in the high-tech barn, exchanging messages with the scary and dangerous
ZEHANNAH LET OUT a relieved sigh when the meeting with the investors came to an end
and they did not chew them out. The overtime was worth it, Zehannah thought as she
walked towards the elevator that would bring her to the eleventh floor—her
department's floor.

Riding the elevator, she checked her phone for any important messages, and there
were none.

Well, there was one. From her Papi. Just informing her that he'll be discharged
soon, and she didn't need to come to the hospital and help.

Kahit na sinabi 'yon ng Papi niya, gusto pa rin niyang tulungan ang mga ito pero
may trabaho siya bukas. Siguro bisitahin ko nalang sila sa bahay pagkatapos ng

Aside from her Papi's text, there was another one that she hadn't opened since she
received it this morning.

From Reigo.

'Good morning, My Zee.'

Hindi siya nag-reply kasi busy siya at hindi 'good' and morning niya. Pero ngayong
tapos na ang meeting niya, ni-replayan na niya ang binata.

'Good morning to you, too. Wdyw?'

The reply from Reigo was instant. 'You.'

Napabuntong-hininga nalang si Zehannah. 'Kulang sa tulog lang 'yan.'

'Nah. My sleep is good and I'm having a day off.'

Zehannah frowned. 'Day off in the middle of the week?'

'Yeah. Self-proclaimed day off since I woke up pissed.' Reigo replied. 'That's why
I'm pretty sure about what I want, which is you, by the way.'

If Reigo was in front of her, she would've looked at him flatly. 'Gaano ka

'Sayo lang lalandi.'

Napailing si Zehannah sa reply ng binata saka lumabas ng elevator ng bumukas 'yon.

Ibinulsa niya ang cellphone saka tinungo ang opisina. Nang makarating doon at
nakaupo na, saka lang niya nilabas ang cellphone at tiningnan ang messages.

Reigo sent another text.

'Am I bothering you at work?'

Napatitig si Zehannah sa text sa 'yon ni Reigo. She had a feeling that if she
replied 'yes', he will immediately stop texting her because he understood her
priorities when she's at work, which was much appreciated.

So she replied. 'Just finished my meeting and I'm resting, so I'm giving you 30
minutes of my time before I went back to work. Be grateful and say thank you.'
Reigo, who was in the barn, chuckled when he read Zehannah's reply. He really like
how sarcastic, witty and confident she was. Though she could be savage when she
wanted to and there were times that he couldn't rebuke her and have a comeback when
they were bantering, he still wanted more of her.

'If I say thank you, would you kiss me?'

'Seriously. What's with you and kisses?'

Reigo licked his lips. 'You made me like this. You kissed me with tongue and I got
hooked, so take responsibility of me, Zee.'

'You kissed me back, so take responsibility for yourself.'

'Am I not kissable enough?'

And Zehannah replied savagely. 'I would be lying if I said yes, but I'm just not
interested in kissing you.'

Napahawak si Reigo sa dibdib niya saka napabuntong-hininga at pabulong na

nagsalita. "Such savagery. Good thing I'm not fragile."

'Zee, how could you be so mean to me? *insert sulking in the sofa*.'

Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah sa reply na iyon ng binata saka napaisip kung
anong itsura nito habang nagsu-sulk sa sofa.

'Take a picture of you. I'm curious what you look like while sulking.' She replied.

And Reigo did. He sent a photo and Zehannah's lips parted.

Reigo Vasquez was freaking naked! And he purposely showed the v-shape muscular
grooves on his abdomen alongside his hips — also known as Adonis belt — down below,
just enough to see the little hair that Zehannah was sure would lead her to that
monstrous thing between his legs.

And the bastard was doing a very fake sad face. It was too fake that Zehannah
forgot Reigo's body — okay, that was a lie. How could she disregard that body?

Ang katawan ni Reigo ay 'yong uri ng katawan na luluhuran.

Kung wala lang siguro siyang nararamdamang pag-aatubili na tanggapin ang alok nito,
baka kagabi pa siya lumuhod. But Reigo's salivating body aside, she was still
wasn't sure if it was a good idea to enter a relationship with Reigo.

Like she asked him that day. What was the merit of dating him other than his good
looks and big 'D'? Ito ang katanungan na gusto niyang masagot sa loob ng dalawang

Hindi sa nagpapakipot siya, hindi lang talaga siya sigurado kung tama ba ang
magiging desisyon niya kaya nga humingi siya ng dalawang linggo para makapag-isip.

'Too much?' Reigo texted when Zehannah didn't reply.

'Your 30 minutes is done. Have a wonderful lunch 😀'

'Why am I hearing a sarcasm in your reply?'

'Because I'm really being sarcastic.'

'So mean. Did you not like my body? It's all yours.'

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah. 'Why do I feel like you're selling your body to


'Because that's the only good thing I have. My face. My body. And my money. Other
than that, I have nothing.'

Zehannah wanted to earn their conversation at her last reply, but after reading
Reigo's message, she couldn't stop replying.

'Who told you that?'

'My exes. And I think they're right. I mean, why would they cheat and look for
someone else if I'm not lacking in a lot of things? Handsome face and good body
alone can't make a woman stay.'

There it is. Zehannah thought after reading Reigo's reply. The effect of what those
women did to him. He's always boasting about how good he looks, but his self-esteem
was really low.

Those women who selfishly cheated on him... did they even wonder what happened to
the one they cheated on? The emotional and psychological torture they put their
partners through... did they even think of that after the fact?

Just like Reigo—this handsome and flirty guy—his self-esteem had taken a severe
blow. Affecting him emotionally and psychologically. Just like everyone else who
was cheated on.

And she was angry. Angry for those people who suffered because of their
inconsiderate partners and also angry for Reigo for experiencing horrible
relationships one after another.

Huminga ng malalim si Zehannah saka tinawagan si Reigo.

"Zee...?" He sounded surprised that she called. "Wow. You're actually calling me. I
should throw a party—"

"Those women cheated on you because they're all inconsiderate bitches, and not
because you're lacking something. It's not your fault, it's theirs. Keep that in
mind, Mr. Vasquez."

Zehannah ended the call without waiting for Reigo's reply, who was lost for words
after he heard what Zehannah said.

After a little while, a smile stretched Reigo's lips and it turn into a soft
chuckle. "Indeed. It would be idiotic of me not to ask you to date me, even though
you're out of my league."

Bumaba ang tingin ni Reigo sa cellphone na hawak at mabilis na nag-type ng mensahe

para kay Zehannah.

'Have fun working.'

'😤 What so fun about working?'

'Let me send you a delicious lunch and a snack to make it fun. Or you could choose
me for lunch and a snack. Naked or clothed is okay. I could be hard, rough, gentle
and soft. In short, I'm an all around delicacy.'

Zehannah's reply was only one emoji. '🖕'

And Reigo's reply was, '😚'.

And somehow, that kissing emoji made Zehannah chuckle and shook her head because
she could actually imagine Reigo doing the same thing as his emoji — he's a kiss
addict after all.

REIGO DID NOT bother Zehannah after his thirty-minute texting time. He only texted
twice after that and that was to inform Zehannah of her lunch and then snack. Other
than that, he was silent, which Zehannah appreciated because she really was busy
working her ass off.

Kaya naman masaya si Zehannah ng oras na para umuwi pero ang kasiyahan niya ay
naputol ng makitang inaabangan siya ni Dexter sa labas ng opisina niya.

"Zee, can we talk?"

Zehannah didn't reply.


Doon lang siya tumingin kay Dexter. "Talk about what?"

"About last night—"

"Hindi na kailangan. Nakalimutan ko na 'yon." Nauna nang sumakay si Zehannah sa

elevator at ayaw man niya, sumakay din si Dexter.

Dexter was about to start a conversation with Zehannah when Zehannah's phone rang.

It was the first time that Zehannah was over the moon with happiness that Reigo
called. Who wouldn't be? She avoided a conversation with Dexter.

"Yeah?" she answered Reigo's call.

"Hey, my Zee. I was roaming around and wasting my gas when I realized that I'm near
your workplace. Can I pick you up?"

She rolled her eyes. "Dahilan mo, bulok."


Zehannah sighed. "And no, you can't. Malapit lang naman ang condo ko. I can take
care of myself."

"Hmm. Do you want me to have dinner with you in your condo?"

"Huwag ka nang umasa. One time, big time lang 'yon."

Reigo grumbled. "Nawalan ako bigla ng ganang kumain."

"Kawawa ka naman." Sarkastikong sabi ni Zehannah.

"Mean and sarcastic. That's what you are, Zee." Reigo continued grumbling while

"Yes. I am. So why do you still want me to date you?"

"I like you. That's why."

Zehannah clicked her tongue. "Such a smooth talker. Pero hindi pa rin ako
magpapasundo sayo."

"Sabi ko nga. Uwi na ako sa barn."

Zehannah smiled and exited the elevator when it reached the ground floor, not
minding Dexter, who still wanted to talk to Zehannah. "Sige na. Ba-bye na.
Maglalakad ako papunta sa condo. Baka mahablot cellphone ko bigla, wala akong
pambili ng bago."

"Okay. Ingat sa pagtawid."

Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Ano ako, bata?"

Reigo chuckled. "Hindi. Pero puwede ka ng gumawa ng bata."

"Gago ka talaga."

"Did you blush?"

Zehannah rolled her eyes. "You wish. It would take your all to make me blush."

Reigo sighed like he gave up. "Sabi ko nga. Sige na, umuwi ka na. Ingat."

"Yeah, you too."

The call ended, and Zehannah immediately went home. Nang makita niya ang mamahaling
sasakyan ni Cassia sa parking lot na bigay ng asawa nito, tinext niya si Cassia na
mauuna na siya. Mukha may tinatapos pa ito dahil hindi ito umangal na hindi niya
ito hinintay.

Nang makarating sa condo niya, nag-text siya kay Reigo na huwag siyang padalhan ng
pagkain dahil ang dami na niyang leftovers at 'yon ang balak niyang kainin para sa

At ang dumuho, lyrics ng kanta ang reply sa kaniya.

Lyrics from the song 'All by myself'.

Napailing lang si Zehannah saka nagpadala ng text kay Cassia para makisuyo.
Pagkalipas ng ilang minuto, nagpasalamat siya kay Cassia dahil nagawa nito ang
pinapasuyo niya.

'No problem, Master Zehan 😚.' Was Cassia's reply making Zehannah smile, but when
she read how Cassia addressed her, her smile turned into a sigh.

"Ayaw talagang makinig ni Cassia," bulong ni Zehannah sa sarili. "Oh, well. She did
me a favor just now. I owe her one."

Pinalipas muna ni Zehannah ang isang oras bago ginawa ang balak.
She opened the app she usually used when she's feeling lazy to cook and ordered
different kinds of food for one person and then she put in the address and paid for
the food. After that, she went back to rehearing her leftovers for her dinner.

Meanwhile, in the barn, Reigo sulkily dropped himself on the sofa and grumbled at
how unlucky he was. Zehannah didn't let him take her home, didn't want to have
dinner with him and didn't want him to buy her food.

Nawalan siya ng ganang kumain dahil sa kamalasan niya ngayong araw kaya naman
nahiga nalang siya sa sofa at nagpatugtog ng kanta sa cellphone niya.

But his music was interrupted when the barn's phone rang.

It was a call from the village's gate. May delivery daw para sa kaniya. Nagtaka
siya dahil nakapangalan talaga sa kaniya pero wala namang maalala si Reigo na
inorder niya. Pero kahit ganun, pinapasok pa rin niya baka padala ng isa sa
kaibigan niya o para sa isa sa mga kaibigan niya.

Those lunatics usually address it to the barn, especially if it's a gift for their
wives to avoid being found out and ruining the surprise.

But to his surprise, it was a food delivery for him. Yes. Him. Nakapangalan sa
kaniya ang delivery.

Reigo was skeptical and didn't want to accept the food until his phone beeped and
he received a message from Zehannah.

'Enjoy your dinner and eat wild, Mr. Vasquez.'

With a smile he couldn't hold back, he accepted the food and thanked the delivery
guy. Then he went back inside, place the paper bag with food on the center table in
the living room and replied to Zehannah.

'I'd rather eat you, but thanks for the food. Unlike you, I'm not paying you back.
I'm deciding that it's your treat.'

'I'm amazed at how thick skinned you are.'

He chuckled. 'Yes. I'm very thick and you know it.'

'Kumain ka nalang. Gutom lang 'yan.'

'I'll tell you how thick I am after I'm full. Anyway, enjoy your leftovers and eat
wild, My Zee.'

There was no reply after that, but Reigo was in a good mood. Who wouldn't be? His
Zee just sent him food. If that was not a good development, then what is?


IN THE DAYS that followed, Zehannah and Reigo had become constant text-mates. Their
messages to each other were comprised of savagery and sarcasm on Zehannah's part
while kisses and flirting on Reigo's.

Sanay na sanay na si Zehannah sa kalandian ni Reigo sa text man o sa personal na

nagiging-immune na siya.

Though nothing really changed between the two. Reigo still buys food for Zehannah
and Zehannah would sometimes do the same for Reigo. And it might not be every day,
but Reigo was happy when Zehannah would let him drive her home and have dinner with
him in her condo.

Just like that Friday night. Inimbitahan ni Zehannah si Reigo na mag-dinner ng

ihatid ito ng binata sa condo nito.

Reigo eagerly accepted the invitation, and now he's trying his hardest to peel four
pieces of carrots for their dinner.

It was so hard, Reigo started cussing the carrots.

Napailing naman si Zehannah na katatapos lang maghiwa ng bawang at cabbage.

"Don't judge. I don't cook, okay?" Said Reigo when he felt Zehannah's gaze on him.

"I'm just looking." Inosenteng sagot ni Zehannah.

"Yeah, right."

Pigil ni Zehannah na matawa ng sunod-sunod na mura ang lumabas sa bibig ng binata

ng dumulas ang ginagamit nitong peeler para balatan ang carrots.

"This is so fucking hard..." despite that, he continued peeling the carrots until
he got the hang of it and slowly finished peeling the four carrots.

"Slice it afterwards," utos ni Zehannah kay Reigo habang nakapameywang si Zehannah

sa harap ng air fryer at binabantayan ang nilulutong buong manok sa loob.

Reigo let out a loud, exhausted breath. "Zee! Can't we just order? It's easy as

"Nope. Kung gusto mong kumain kasama ko, umpisahan mo nang hiwain 'yang carrots."

Nagpakawala ng malalim na hininga si Reigo saka dahan-dahang hiniwa ang carrots. He

had no proper training, so Reigo was scared shit that he'll cut his fingers.

Meanwhile, Zehannah was inwardly smiling at Reigo's unparalleled concentration

while slicing the carrots.

Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung papalakpakan niya ang binata ng matapos din ito sa

"Yes! Success!" He hissed and even punch the air in happiness.

Napailing si Zehannah saka pinatay na ang air fryer na katatapos lang lutuin ang
roasted chicken. Kapagkuwan ay kinuha niya ang cabbage at bawang na hiniwa na nasa
island counter bago kinuha ang carrots na hawak-hawak pa rin ni Reigo ang
pinaglagyan na pinaggan parang nagmamalaki ito saka mabilis na niluto 'yon.
It was nothing complicated. She just sauteed the carrots and cabbage in garlic and
butter. Then she added a little bit of water, let it boil for a couple of minutes,
seasoned it with salt and pepper and done.

Zehannah served it alongside the roast chicken. And she was thankful that Reigo did
not ask for a cup of rice because, truthfully, she had none. Nasanay kasi siya sa
bahay ng mga magulang niya ng doon pa siya nakatira. Hindi kumakain ng kanin ang
Papi at Papa niya. They said it's for their health and she adopted that way of
eating as well.

Nang makaupo si Zehannah, bahagyang pumikit si Reigo saka umusal ng maikling

pasasalamat sa pagkain bago nito tinikman ang roasted chicken na ginawa niya.

"It's..." patuloy itong ngumuya saka nagkomento, "it's not bad."

Sapat na 'yon kay Zehannah. Wala naman kasi talaga siyang talent sa pagluluto. And
she prefered the 'it's not bad' comment than a 'it's delicious' just to please her.
Alam naman kasi niyang hindi siya kagalingang magluto.

"Magpasalamat ka sa air fryer," ani Zehannah na nag-umpisang kumain na rin. "It did
all the work. Pinaglalagay ko lang lahat ng ingredients sa loob tapos ini-on ko."

Reigo was impressed. "Damn. That's magic."

"Yep." Sangayon ni Zehannah saka tinuro ang nilutong cabbage at carrots. "Eat it,
just don't expect anything. I'm not a good cook. I just like cooking for myself."

Reigo said nothing and eat the cabbage and carrots. After chewing, he looked at her
and said, "walang lasa. Ang tabang."

Tinuro ni Zehannah ang asin, "dagdagan mo nalang."

Without complaints, Reigo added salt to his sauteed cabbage and carrots and
continued eating.

"You said you like cooking. Have you tried attending cooking classes?" Tanong ni
Reigo kay Zehannah habang kumakain.

"Walang oras, walang pera." Deretsong sagot ni Zehannah dahil 'yon naman talaga ang
dahilan niya.

"Are you having a hard time?"

Napatigil sa pagkain si Zehannah saka napatingin kay Reigo. "What?"

That was the first time someone asked her that. Ang iba kasi kapag nalalaman na
Marketing Supervisor siya, feeling ng mga ito e ang yaman-yaman na niya.

"I'm born wealthy, but even I'm having a hard time with this 'adulting' thing." He
looked at Zehannah. "Are you, too?"

Reigo was always flirtatious, that when he gets serious, it always takes Zehannah
aback. Like now.

"Who doesn't?" Zehannah went back to eating. "May pera naman ako, may ipon, pero
hindi pa rin sapat. I have bills to pay, I have dues and I'm working my ass off
every day to not go broke and support myself, but at the end of the day, I'm not
really going anywhere with my job and life. I mean, it has always been a dream of
mine to build my own business, but it's not really that easy. Sa pinagta-trabahuan
ko ngayon, kahit naman mag-split at tumambling ako sa trabaho, wala pa ring
patutunguhan 'yon."

Reigo nodded after listening to Zehannah. He understood her, and he was happy that
she was thinking about her future. "You're still young, Zee. Marami ka pang
magagawa at mababago sa buhay mo. Just keep on slaying like you're doing now."

"Young, huh?" Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Malapit na akong mamaalam sa


"Mamamaalam na ako ngayong taon sa kalendaryo pero wala lang naman sa'kin 'yon.
Aging is inevitable, but it's no reason to stop growing, dreaming and setting
goals, Zee. As they say, life begins at thirty. There's still a lot you can do.
Maybe, hmm, say, build a business?"

Napangiti si Zehannah. "Hindi ka lang pala malandi, puwede ka na ring maging

motivational speaker."

Reigo smiled back. "I will be your motivational speaker anytime. I may not be able
to tell you what you want to hear, but I will be sure to tell you what you need to
hear. I won't sugarcoat my words. I'll always give it to you straight." Then he
grinned so gorgeously. "How's that for your future boyfriend?"

Natawa si Zehannah saka inirapan ni Reigo. "Okay na sana. Dinagdagan mo pa sa


"Syempre. I have to work hard. I only have a week left."

Napailing si Zehannah saka hiniwa-hiwa ang roasted chicken at nilagyan ang pinggan
ni Reigo.

Nuong unang kumain si Reigo kasama si Zehannah, ikinagulat 'yon ni Reigo, pero
ngayon naiintindihan na ni Reigo na ugali na 'yon ng dalaga. She was doing it
unconsciously that Reigo would bet that she was not even aware of it.

"Papauwin mo ba ako kaagad pagkatapos nating kumain?" Tanong ni Reigo habang

inuubos ang nilagay na roasted chicken ni Zehannah sa pinggan nito.

"Hmm. Why?" She glanced at him. "Want to stay?"

"Can I?" The way Reigo's face lit up made Zehannah smile inwardly. "Just until your
bedtime, but if you want, I can—"

"Huwag mo nang tapusin." Pigil ni Zehannah sa iba pang sasabihin ni Reigo. "Alam ko
na ang kasunod niyan, kabastusan. Huwag mo nang dagdagan pa. Baka magbago ang isip
ko at pauwiin kita kaagad."

Reigo immediately straightened his body as if he was in a military and in front of

his commander. "Yes, ma'am."

Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata saka nagpatuloy sa pagkain. Napangiti naman si

Reigo saka tinuloy na rin ang pagkain.

Zehannah and Reigo finished their dinner while making small talks and when it was
time to wash the dishes, Reigo tried again, but failed. Sa pagkakataong 'yon,
pinggan naman ang nabasag nito kaya naman pinaubaya na nito kay Zehannah ang

Napailing si Zehannah sa nabasag ni Reigo. "Go away. Doon ka sa salas. Wait for me

Reigo instantly listened and left the kitchen to go to the living room, afraid that
he might break something again.

Sa barn ni Lysander, hindi siya nahihirapang maghugas dahil may dishwasher doon. He
just had to put the dishes in, press some buttons and then viola, done.

Who would have thought that it was hard to manually wash the dishes?

Sighing, Reigo stayed in the living room, appreciating the minimalist design of
Zehannah's condo, when he spotted a guitar in the corner.

Does she play? Tanong ni Reigo sa isip habang naglalakad patungo sa gitara.

It has her name on it. Reigo carefully picked up the guitar and strummed it softly
to check the tune. It was in perfect condition. And by the looks of the guitar up
close, it was often used.

Reigo wanted to play, but was reluctant since it was not his, so he called out to
Zehannah from the living room. "Zee...! Can I borrow your guitar?"


With Zehannah's consent, Reigo took the guitar and went to sit on the long sofa.
Reigo did not have to think about what song to play, he always play the same song
when he's playing the guitar.

'I feel you crumble in arms down to your heart of stone,

You bled me dry just like the tears you never show,

Why don't you take want you want from me?

Take what you need from me,

Take what you want and go.'

That's when Zehannah entered the living room and when she saw Reigo playing the
guitar and singing, she stopped on her track to watch and listen. His deep,
baritone voice immediately got her.

'I never needed anything from you,

And all I ever asked was for the truth,

You showed your tongue and it was forked in two,

Your venom was lethal, I almost believe you.

Yeah, you preyed on my every mistake,

Waited on me to break,

Held me under hoping I would drown,

Like a plague, I was wasting away trying to find my way out.

Find my way out...'

Zehannah was listening intently, but Reigo suddenly stopped.

In Zehannah's eyes, Reigo looked so somber that she unconsciously walked towards
the long sofa and sit on the opposite end while facing Reigo. "What's that song
called? Ngayon ko lang narinig 'yon."

Reigo face Zehannah and place the guitar in between them. "Take what you want by
Post Malone."

Zehannah took the guitar and place it on her lap. "I'll assume that it's your
chosen break-up song?"

Reigo leaned on the back of the sofa on his side while looking at Zehannah. "I
don't know. It's a song that sums up my dating experiences, so... maybe?"

Zehannah strummed her guitar. "I envy you a little. You've dated a lot, been hurt
and cheated on, but you're still here and risking it all over again. Only brave
people could do that."

"Choosing to be single and staying single is also a brave thing to do, Zee." Ani
Reigo. "Hindi lahat kayang gawin 'yon. Some are afraid to be alone and single, but
not you. It takes courage to be alone same as it takes courage to enter a
relationship. I dated a lot and honestly, I'm at my limit." Reigo let out a
strained chuckle. "I don't want to date anymore because I can already see how it'll
end. I can already see them cheating on me or picking on my mistakes and

"But here you are..." Zehannah drawls.

Reigo smiled at her, and it was the most gorgeous smile she had even seen him wear.
"But... here I am. I want to risk it one more time with you. One more. Who knows?
You might be my lady luck."

"And if I'm not?"

"That's why it's called risk. Because nothing great comes without a risk. And you,
my Zee, is one of the greatest human beings I've met. You...are worth the risk."

Wala sa sariling humigpit ang hawak ni Zehannah sa gitara kapagkuwan ay huminga

siya ng malalim dahil pakiramdam niya kinakapos siya ng hininga.

And it's all because of Reigo's earnest words and the sincerity in his eyes.

He's exasperating but amusing when he's flirty, however, when he's like this... I
honestly don't know how to handle him. Zehannah felt like she was being cornered,
but it was not an uncomfortable space like she was used to.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked as if that was the last thing he wanted.

Umiling si Zehannah. "May naisip lang ako. Pero bakit parang huli na ang tanong mo
na 'yan? Pagkatapos ng mga malalanding pinagsasasabi mo?"

Nagkibit-balikat ang binata. "You don't really get uncomfortable when I'm being
flirty and suggestive. Yes, you get exasperated with me, but not uncomfortable."

Reigo was right on the money that Zehannah couldn't even deny it. "Well. You're
amusing sometimes."
"I deserve a praise and a kiss then." Reigo extolled shamelessly.


"Why?" He was like a child asking why he couldn't have what he wanted.

"Because I don't want to kiss you. Is that reason enough?"

"Well..." he sighed heavily and his shoulders fell. "Yeah. It is."

"Good." Zehannah smiled and turned her attention on her guitar.

She had been strumming it since earlier and she was itching to play a song.

"Want to play?" Reigo asked, seeing Zehannah staring down at her guitar.

"Kinda. Pero pakiramdam ko hindi mo magugustuhan ang mga paborito kong kanta."

That intrigued Reigo. "By all means, let me hear it."

"Hmm..." Zehannah strummed her guitar and started with the first chord of one of
her favorite songs.

'I book myself tables at all the best restaurants then eat alone,

I buy myself fast cars just so I can drive them real fucking slow,

I like my own company, company I don't need it,

I'm not always cold, I'm just good on my own, so good on my own.'

Zehannah raised her head and looked into Reigo's eyes as if the next lyrics were
meant for him.

'I've always been told

One day, I'll find somebody who changes my mind,

If they come along, I won't think twice,

'Cause I already got a good thing with me,

Yeah, I already got everything I need,

The best thing in life are already mine,

I'm good by myself, need no one else,

Don't tell me that you got a good thing for me,

'Cause I already got a good thing with me.'

Zehannah stopped playing and smiled at Reigo. "That's one of my anthems. It's 'Good
Things' by Zedd and Kehlani. Did you like it?"

Reigo smiled back, unfazed by the lyrics of one of Zehannah's favorite songs "My
Zee, I'm not that fragile. If that one song could easily break my spirit, then I
don't deserve to be sitting in front of you right now."
Zehannah chuckled and started playing her guitar again. This time, it was a
different song but still one of Zehannah's favorites.

'Kings & Queens' by Ava Max.

'If all of the kings had their queens on the throne,

We would pop champagne and raise a toast,

To all of the queens who are fighting alone,

Baby, you're not dancing on your own.'

She looked at Reigo and smiled.

'Oh, no damsel in distress, don't need to save me,

Once I start breathing fire, you can't tame me,

And you might think I'm weak without a sword,

But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours.'

Zehannah repeated the chorus while looking into Reigo, who never looked away. He
listened to her song, her anthem, without making a face or a snide comment. He even
seemed like he was enjoying himself listening to her.

At nang matapos siyang tumugtog at kumanta, pumalakpak pa ang binata habang

nakangiti. "Indeed. That song is so you."

Zehannah was pleased at Reigo's reaction. "I know, right?"

Reigo's smile turned flirty and Zehannah exactly knew what he would say next.
"Though that song mentioned a king. And since you're the queen, I could be your
king. I'm not really interested in anything but you, so you can have the throne. I
don't mind."

"I'm really amazed at how your brain works, Mr. Vasquez."

"I know, right?" Parang nagmamalaki pa ang binata. "So, how am I doing so far? Are
you leaning to 'yes' now?"

Napailing si Zehannah. "I'm leaning to 'kicking you out of my condo'."

Kaagad na umayos si Reigo. "Can't I stay for the night?"


His shoulders fell. "At least I tried asking."

Tinuro ni Zehannah ang pintuan ng condo. "Oras na para umalis. Inaantok na ako."

"Yes, my Zee. I'm leaving."

Zehannah was surprised that Reigo stood up without a fuss, but she was not
surprised when he leaned in, stole a kiss then ran.

Napailing naman si Zehannah na nakatingin sa pintuan na nilabasan ni Reigo,

Kapagkuwan ay hinagilap ang cellphone para i-text ang binata.
'Kapag ginawa mo pa 'yang modus operandi mo, hahambalusin ko ng maraming spatula
'yang labi mo hanggang sa magtanda ka.'

At ang reply ng dumuho, 'good night, My Zee. Until my next modus operandi.'

Napabuntong-hininga nalang si Zehannah saka ni-lock ang pinto at tinungo ang

kuwarto para matulog na.

She prayed for a good night sleep, but looks like she wasn't heard, because in the
middle of her sleep, she dreamed of Reigo and that dream was far from being



ZEHANNAH'S NOT SO wholesome dream bothered her greatly, especially when she woke up
and realized that today was Reigo's day. She promised him her entire weekend and if
she could take it back, she would.

But even how much she didn't want to see him, she was now face to face with the man
in her not-so-wholesome dream, Reigo Vasquez.

"Good morning," kaagad na bati ni Reigo kay Zehannah ng pagbuksan ng pintuan ng

dalaga ang binata.

"Ang aga natin, ah." Hindi pinahalata ni Zehannah na hindi siya makatingin ng
deretso sa kaharap. Paano siya makakatingin ng deretso kung sariwa pa sa ala-ala
niya kung paano niya ito niluhuran sa 'panaginip' niya. "Hindi pa nga ako nagka-
kape, nandito ka na." Aniya saka pinapasok ang binata.

Zehannah should feel guilty that Reigo had to wait for her, but it's only five-
forty five in the morning! He was too early! May karapatan siyang magpahintay!

"The early bird catches the worm." Reigo reasoned as he entered her condo, and
Zehannah grimaced at that.

"So you're telling me that ... I'm the worm?"

"In this saying, yes, you are. But of course you're not a worm." Nakangiting
paliwanag ni Reigo. "You're too great to be one. I'm risking my all for you, after

Hindi na nagulat pa si Zehannah na may sagot at banat na naman si Reigo. He always

had an answer to everything, and a segue to his flirtatiousness. Hindi natatapos
ang sasabihin nito ng walang kaharutan o banat sa dulo.

"Maliligo lang ako tapos mag-aagahan. Wait for me here." Ani Zehannah na iniwan sa
salas si Reigo at naglakad pabalik sa kuwarto nito.
"Can I join you?" With a charming smile, he asked. "It's for the environment, my
Zee. Save water, bath together — ever heard of that saying? It's for mother earth,
not for me."

Zehannah just sighed and showed Reigo her middle finger.

At least I tried. Reigo mused. "If I can't join you under the shower, can I use
your kitchen instead?"

Doon napatigil sa paglalakad si Zehannah saka umikot paharap kay Reigo. "Why?"

"I'll make breakfast."

Zehannah frowned. "I thought you don't cook?"

"I can cook a little. Like frying eggs and frying other stuff. But nothing
complicated. Unfortunately, I'm really no good at slicing and peeling stuff. It's
scary as shit, so I have an automatic peeler and slicer at my place. Pero nag-aral
na ako maghiwa kagabi pagka-uwi ko. Inisturbo ko si Calderon at nagpaturo ako para
marunong na akong maghiwa at maayos akong makatulong kung kailangan mo ng tagahiwa
ng mga sahog."

Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah sa kamay ni Reigo na puno ng band-aid ang ilang
daliri. He really did practice last night.

"Gusto ko lang matikman ang luto mo kaya sinabi kong hindi ako nagluluto."
Kapagkuwan ay nakagat ni Reigo ang pang-ibabang labi na para bang kinakabahan. "Are
you, um, mad?"

"Hmm. Not really." How could she be mad after seeing those band aids around his
fingers? He learned how to slice and peel just for her. "But of course I will not
let you off the hook." She smirked at Reigo. "Gusto mong matikman ang luto ko di
'ba? Sure. I'll cook for you every night. Be grateful and say thank you."

Reigo gulped in nervousness. Dapat maging masaya siya na ipagluluto siya gabi-gabi
ni Zehannah, pero bakit pakiramdam niya torture sa katabangan ang mangyayari sa
kaniya gabi-gabi?

Pero at least, hindi maalat. Pakunsuwelo ni Reigo sa sarili bago nakangiwing

ngumiti sa dalaga. "Thank you. Pakidagdagan lang ng asin, please."

Misteryosong ngumiti lang si Zehannah kay Reigo at pumasok na sa kuwarto para

maligo. Si Reigo naman ay napabuntong-hininga ng makita ang ngiti ni Zehannah.

It felt like a predator smiling at its prey. And I'm the prey! Ah, fuck. Bagsak ang
balikat na tinungo ni Reigo ang kusina para gumawa ng agahan.

He was not an amazing cook like Calderon. His cooking skill was just so-so, nothing
special, but he was proud to say that he could make a perfect sunny side-up egg.

Yep. I'm an egg master. That's his specialty. Cooking eggs and frying stuff. Pero
nasisiguro niyang hindi matabang ang timpla niya.

Hindi naman sa pinapatamaan niya si Zehannah pero parang ganun na nga. Pero syempre
pa, sasarilinin niya lang 'yon, baka masapak siya ni Zehannah at pakainin siya ng
walang lasang pagkain. Mukhang 'yon pa naman ang balak ng dalaga.

Habang nagluluto siga, nakatanggap siya ng tawag mula kay Calderon.

He answered his call while frying bacon and sausages.

"So you're actually cooking...?" Thorn sounded skeptical when Reigo told him what
he was doing at the moment.

"Yep. I can cook, you know."

"You can't. Imahinasyon mo lang na marunong ka. All you can do is fry. Nakakahiya
naman sa mga marunong magluto."

Tiningnan ni Reigo ng masama ang cellphone na naka-loud speaker na parang bang

nakikita doon ang kaibigan na kausap. "I can cook, asshole. I just can't slice or
peel stuff, but I can cook a decent meal."

"You mean you can fry."

"It's cooking too!" He exclaimed.

"Imahinasyon mo nga lang 'yon." Thorn clicked his tongue. "Anyway, how are you and

"Magdi-date kami kaya huwag kang isturbo. Bye!" Pinatay niya ang tawag at
pinagpatuloy ang pagpi-prito.

Nang matapos siyang magluto, tamang-tama naman na pumasok si Zehannah sa kusina.

Bagong ligo ito at may dala-dalang first aid kit.

Huh? Reigo was confused as to why she was carrying a first-aid kit until she took
his hand and inspect his fingers. "I'm fine, Zee."

"When did you put these band-aids on?"

"Last night before sleeping...?"

"Alisin mo lahat tapos hugasan mo ang kamay mo." Utos ni Zehannah saka ito na ang
naghain ng niluto ni Reigo.

Nakamasid lang si Reigo kay Zehannah habang gumagalaw ito sa kusina at hinuhugasan
niya ang kamay. At nang makita ni Zehannah na tapos na siya, lumapit ito sa kaniya
habang dala-dala ang first-aid kit.

Reigo just watched as Zehannah dried his hand with a clean, lint-free towel,
inspect his cuts before carefully putting an ointment on them. Only after that did
Zehannah put a new band-aid around his cuts.

"There. Let's eat."

Sumunod ang tingin ni Reigo kay Zehannah na naglalakad na patungong hapag-kainan.


"You're welcome."

Reigo looked at his hands and thought, yeah, those cuts are worth it.

Mabilis na sumunod si Reigo sa hapagkainan at pinagsaluhan nito at ni Zehannah ang

niluto nitong agahan.

A perfectly cooked sunny side-up egg that was praised by Zehannah, a well-cooked
bacon and sausage and also perfectly toasted bread.
"I only accept praise with a kiss."

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah habang sumisimsim ng ginawang kape. "Reigo, masyado

pang maaga para sa kalandian mo. Pakapehin mo muna ako."

"Kapag nakapag-kape ka na ba, hahalikan mo na ako—" Reigo abruptly stopped and his
eyes widened at Zehannah when he realized something. "Fuck. You just called me by
my name!"

When Reigo pointed it out, Zehannah was surprised herself that she did. Palagi
kasing Mr. Vasquez ang tawag niya rito dahil hindi naman sila matagal ng
magkakilala. But now that she had called him by his name, it means she's
acknowledging his existence in her life little by little.

Hay. Gusto kong sabihin na gutom lang 'to, pero tangina, busog ako.

Gustong kutusan ni Zehannah ang sarili pero umakto siyang hindi big deal ang
pagtawag niya kay Reigo sa pangalan nito. "Ayaw mo bang tawagin kita sa pangalan
mo? I'll happily go back to calling your Mr. Vasquez—"

"Nope. I'm happy." He was smiling happily alright. "Call me by my name again."

Zehannah indulged Reigo. "Reigo."




Ibinuka ni Zehannah ang palad kay Reigo. "Give me your phone."

Curious about what Zehannah needs on his phone, he gave it to her after unlocking
it. Nakamasid lang si Reigo habang nay pinipindot-pindot ang dalagawa sa cellphone
niya saka biglang sinabi nito ang pangalan niya. Kapagkuwan ay ibinalik nito sa
kaniya ang cellphone niya.

"Hayan. Ni-record ko na ang pagtawag ko sa pangalan mo. If you want to hear it

again, just press play." Zehannah innocently smiled at Reigo. "Now, be grateful and
say thank you."

"Thanks, Zee!"

Balak inisin ni Zehannah si Reigo sa ginawa niya pero nakangiti ang dumuho habang
nay ginagawa sa cellphone nito. Hindi niya alam kung ano 'yon hanggang sa hilingin
ng binata na tawagan niya ito sa cellphone.

And that's when she found out what he did to her recording.

He made it his ringtone! And it was so weird hearing her voice calling Reigo's name
again and again while his phone was ringing!

It sounded like she was moaning his name, goddamnit! "You...!"

"I made it a ringtone and assigned it to your number. Aren't I a genius?" He

proudly grin at her as if he did something so remarkable. "Come on, My Zee. Praise
me and kiss me."
Zehannah was beyond exasperated, but getting annoyed by Reigo would only stress her
out, so she breathe in and out deeply until she calmed down.

The whole breakfast, Zehannah did not heed Reigo any attention. Baka talaga ma-
spatula niya ang binata.

"Hindi mo ba nagustuhan ang ringtone na ginawa ko?" Tanong ni Reigo ng natapos

silang mag-agahan at naghahanda nang umalis. "You recorded it."

She glared at Reigo. "E kung gawin ko ring ringtone ang pagtawag mo sa pangalan ko,
matutuwa ka ba?"

"Yep." No hesitation whatsoever. "Give me your phone. I'll happily record myself
calling you 'Zee' again and again. Nanginginig pa."

Zehannah internally shuddered. "That's creepy."

"Really?" Reigo did not feel the same. "I'm okay with it, though. It's actually a
turn on. You sounded like you're moaning my name. At least, kahit man lang sa
ringtone, inuungol mo ang pangalan ko."

Okay! That recording was a mistake! A big mistake! "Burahin mo."

Mabilis pa sa alas-kuwatro ang sagot ni Reigo. "Ayoko."

"Kahit halikan kita bilang kapalit?"

Again, he didn't hesitate. "That's tempting, but no. Gusto ko halikan mo ako kasi
gusto mo, hindi dahil may kapalit kang gusto. I may not seem like it, but I'm a
very pure minded when it comes to kisses, my Zee."

Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Pure minded, my ass."

"I am." He gorgeously and playfully smiled at her. "Kisses are meant to be enjoyed
and not to be used as a means to barter, my Zee."

"Wow. Ang kapal ng mukha. Pagkatapos ng modus operandi mo?"

"Bakit? Hindi ka ba nag enjoy sa halik ko?"

Zehannah did not deny because she did not dislike those stolen kisses, but she was
a savage woman. "Halik pala 'yon? Those were just pecks, Reigo. I can hardly call
it a kiss—"

Suddenly, Zehannah's face was in between Reigo's hands, cutting her words off and
in less than a breath, Reigo's lips claimed hers and unlike those stolen kisses of
his, he slid inside his tongue and kissed her senseless that he was almost
devouring her lips.

The bastard was too good of a kisser that Zehannah didn't even think of pushing him
away. Plus that fresh breath of his that was one of Zehannah's weakness. She didn't
even think of distancing herself from him.

Her body tingled and shuddered at that kiss and she felt like chasing Reigo's lips
when he slightly pulled away. But still, his lips were hovering over hers and his
tongue was licking her lower lip as if tempting her for another kiss.

"How's that for a kiss?" Reigo whispered over her lips, making her subtly gulped.
"Did it pass your standard of kisses, my Zee?"
Thanks to Zehannah's strong willpower, she was able to speak calmly even though her
insides were melting after that kiss. "Yeah. It was good."

Reigo's lips dropped, and he softly kissed her neck, then her shoulder, and then he
rested his forehead on her shoulder as if tired.

"Sorry for kissing you with tongue without your consent." He apologized softly
while wrapping his arms around her waist. "I got a little pissed, and I snapped.
I'm sorry, Zee."

Sa narinig, ibinalik ni Zehannah ang sinabi ni Reigo sa kaniya ng mapansing hindi

ito masaya kahit nakahalik sa kaniya. Hindi katulad ng modus operandi nito palagi
na nakangiti itong tumatakbo. "I thought kisses are meant to be enjoyed?"

"I did, but you didn't. That's why I'm sorry."

Zehannah sighed and tapped Reigo's back. "Raise your head."

Reigo obliged and looked at Zehannah as if he was ready for anything — even a slap.

Iyon ang nasa isip ni Reigo, na sasampalin siya ni Zehannah dahil sa ginawa niya at
nakahanda na siya roon, pero kabaligtaran ang ginawa ng dalaga.

Instead of slapping him, her hands softly cupped his face and her lips met his.

It was a simple meeting of the lips for a couple of seconds until Reigo opened his
mouth and welcomed Zehannah's addictive tongue.

With ragged breathing, Reigo pulled Zehannah closer and deepened the kiss that
Zehannah started. He was devouring her, and Zehannah was doing the same as she
wrapped her arms around his neck, biting, sucking and licking Reigo's lips and

The sound of kissing and soft moans and groans filled Zehannah's condo. It's as if
the two had forgotten that they were about to go out on a date.

They kissed and kissed some more until their lungs screamed at them to breathe.

That was the only time they pulled away from each other, but their lips were still
brushing against one another as they filled their lungs with air.

"Alam ko na ang isasagot mo sa 'kin pero gusto ko pa ring magtanong." Reigo place a
quick kiss on Zehannah's lips. "Want to stay at home and kiss 'til we can't anymore
or food hopping?"

Mabilis ang sagot ni Zehannah. "Kahit gaano pa kasarap ang labi mo, pagkain pa rin
ang pipiliin ko."

Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Sabi ko nga."

Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo as she stepped back from him and glanced at his
crotch. "You should calm that down before we leave."

"Yeah, I should." Reigo breathes in and out while jogging in place a little, but it
was not going down.

"Why don't you sit?" Zehannah suggested saka ang dalaga na ang humila kay Reigo
paupo sa mahabang sofa habang nakatayo naman siya at nakaharap dito. "Kalma lang.
Breath in, breath out. You can do it."

Sinunod ni Reigo ang sinabi ni Zehannah pero hindi siya makapag-focus dahil nasa
harapan lang niya ang dahilan kung bakit buhay na buhay ang pagkalalaki niya.

Reigo did not realize that he was giving Zehannah a hot and bothered look like he
would devour her any second.

And those seductive and lust-filled eyes were giving Zehannah the feeling like
Reigo was fucking her with his eyes, and it made her shiver.

"Hindi tayo makakalabas sa ginagawa mo." Tumalikod si Zehannah para takasan ang
titig ni Reigo. "Nakatalikod na ako. Calm down, will you?"

"Zee..." They were in the living room, but Zehannah was certain that that was
Reigo's bedroom voice. "Your back looks so sexy."

Zehannah cleared her throat and move so Reigo will see her side and not her back.

"Such seductive side-profile." He commented while gulping.

And Zehannah groaned. Front, back and side, Reigo's horniness knows no bounds!
"That's it! Doon ako sa kuwarto ko. Hindi ka kakalma kasi kung saan-saan ka
natingin. Tawagan mo ako kapag kalmado ka na."

Nang makapasok sa kuwarto niya, naiiling na napaupo si Zehannah sa gilid ng kama.

Seriously, that guy.

Kapagkuwan ay wala sa sariling napahawak si Zehannah sa mga labi.

The kiss she shared with Reigo made her mind stopped working, which was dangerous.
But she did not dislike it. She actually enjoyed it. A lot.

Kinagat niya ang pang-ibabang labi. Slow down, Zehan. Kalma lang. Halik palang
'yon. Hindi ka pa niya hinahawakan, gaga. Huwag maging marupok kahit masarap si
Reigo! Isipin mo nalang na diet ka at bawal na pagkain si Reigo. Huwag na huwag
mong titikman. Huwag magpapa-akit!

Zehannah was talking to herself and conditioning herself while Reigo, who was now
alone in the living room, was surprised to see how fast he went soft after Zehannah
left. Ngayong walang Zehannah sa harapan niya, parang nawalan ng buhay bigla ang
pagkalalaki niya at bumalik sa pagtulog.

"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath. "That was dangerous. Halik palang 'yon."

Reigo was worried about himself, but his addiction to those lips was something he
couldn't and didn't want to control. Kissing Zehannah makes him happy. He enjoys
feeling her lips against his.

I don't think I can stop. I am interested in those lips and the owner of those lips
too much.

Reigo groaned and called for Zehannah. "Zee...! I'm calm now. Let's go before I
become hard again!"

Lumabas naman kaagad si Zehannah sa kuwarto niya at pinakatitigan si Reigo na

ngayon ay nakatayo na at wala nang bukol sa harapan ng pantalon.

"Okay ka na?" Tanong ni Zehannah.

Tumango si Reigo at parang nagmalalaking sumagot. "Yep. It's down."

Zehannah just shook her head, put her sling bag on and silently walked towards her
condo's door.

Nang makalabas ang dalawa, siniguro muna ni Zehannah na naka-lock ang pintuan ng
condo niya bago umalis.

"That's my car," ani Reigo ng nasa parking lot na sila. "Gusto mong sumakay sakin—I
mean, it would be nice if you would ride me and—"

Tumikhim si Zehannah. "Wala talagang pinipiling lugar ang kahalayan mo."

Reigo smiled. "Thank you for the compliment. Anyway, which do you prefer? Ride in
my car, ride on me, or in your car?"

"Mahal ang gas." Nauna na siyang maglakad patungo sa sasakyan ni Reigo. "I'll ride
in your car."

"How about riding on me?"

Her middle finger saluted at Reigo before she opened Reigo's car door and went

Kaagad na nag seatbelt si Zehannah ng makasakay si Reigo at tinanong ang binata ng

nasa daan na sila. "Ang aga-aga pa at busog pa ako, ma-i-enjoy ba natin 'tong food
hopping natin?"

"It's a food hopping date, Zee." Pagtataman ni Reigo kay Zehannah. "It's a date. A

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah. "Oo na. Food hopping date. Masaya ka na?"

Reigo grinned. "Yep. Anyway, I think the time is perfect. I want to take you to
fifteen different places with great food and delicacy — just like me since I'm an
over all delicacy—and I think we can go to the first seven places today and visit
the eight tomorrow."

Tumango si Zehannah. Reigo invited her and he had an itinerary in mind, so he let
him decide their route. At ayaw niyang mag-isip sa mga sandaling 'yon dahil abala
siya sa pagtingin sa dashboard ng sasakyan ni Reigo.

Ang laki talaga ng kaibihan ng normal na sasakyan sa luxury cars. There're tons of
buttons and Zehannah admits that it was a little intimidating, but she was curious.

"Reigo, anong pipindutin dito sa sasakyan mo para magpatugtog ng kanta?" Tanong ni

Zehannah dahil inaantok siya. Ang aga ba naman niyang magising at lumabas ng condo.

"Here." Reigo pointed at the center of the dashboard and patiently taught her how

The music in his car was connected to Reigo's phone, so the playlist that Zehannah
was now browsing was Reigo's playlist.

"Bakit lahat ng kanta mo pang-broken hearted at bitter?" Tanong ni Zehannah sa


"Because that was me before I met you."

Napa-tsk si Zehannah. "Bumanat ka na naman."

Reigo chuckled. "I only have two new songs. It's on the top list. Check it out."

Zehannah listened, and it surprised her to see that it was 'Kings and Queens' by
Ava Max and 'Good things' by Zedd and Kehlani.

"Seriously?" Hindi makapaniwalang niya na bumaling pa sa binata.

"What?" He smiled while driving. "They're wonderful songs and they remind me of

Zehannah chose 'Kings and Queens' by Ava Max and the sound inside the car surprised
her. It was so good that Zehannah couldn't help moving her body and singing along.

"... to all of the queens who are fighting alone, baby you're not dancing on your
own...!" Bigay na bigay si Zehannah habang sumasabay sa kanta. "Can't live without
me, you wanna, but you can't, nah-nah-nah."

To Zehannah surprised, Reigo sang along too and he was slaying the lyrics. "Think
it's funny, but honey, can't run this show on your own. I can feel my body shake,
there's only so much I can take..."

"...I'll show you how a real queen behaves. Oh..." Zehannah continued singing and
when the song hit the chorus, Reigo sang along with her with a wide radiant smile
on his lips while moving his body as if dancing while sitting down.

Nawala ang antok ni Zehannah habang sabay silang kumakanta ni Reigo. Early in the
morning and she was having fun listening and singing along to her favorite song.

"Ah, that was good." Sumandal si Zehannah sa kinauupuan at ngumiti. "Nawala ang
antok ko. Parang gusto ko tuloy paulit-ulit na pakinggan ang 'Kings & Queens'."

"You can put it on repeat. I don't mind."

"Sure ka?"

"Yep. Go ahead."

Zehannah was happy to put her favorite song on repeat while singing along. And
seeing Zehannah having fun in his car, Reigo had a smile on his face while driving.

It was a first for him. He did not want to compare Zehannah to his exes, but
Zehannah was just so refreshingly different that he couldn't help it. It was not
only Zehannah, his reactions and emotions too differed from before. He's genuinely
happy, and it shows on his face. Hindi na niya kailangang i-schedule kung kailangan
siya dapat masaya. Just thinking of Zehannah and her savageness and witty comebacks
were enough to make him smile.

"Huh?" Zehannah frowned when she saw the sign of the building where they were
parking. Vasquez Constructions. "Anong gagawin natin dito?"

Nginitian lang ni Reigo si Zehannah saka lumabas na ng sasakyan. Kaagad naman

sumunod si Zehannah at natigilan ng lumapit sa kaniya si Reigo at inilahad nito ang
kamay sa kaniya.

A flash back entered her mind—it was the time when she first met Reigo at the café.
Reigo did the same too — he offered his hand at her and, just like now, she didn't
hesitate to accept it.

"May naiwan ka ba sa opisina mo?" Tanong ni Zehannah sa binata habang nagkahawak-

kamay silang naglalakad patungo sa elevator.

"Nope. Just trust me." He smiled at her. "It'll be fun."

As if she had another choice, she was already holding his hand and riding in the
elevator with him to the ... wait, rooftop?

Bago pa makapagtanong si Zehannah kung anong gagawin nila sa rooftop, dumating na

ang elevator. It was the fastest elevator she had ridden, and it surprised her, but
what awaits her when she stepped outside the elevator was even more surprising that
it made her jaw slacked.

A helicopter with a three letter on its tail — E.E.Z.

Reigo tugged Zehannah's hand, pulling her out from her reverie. "Come on, Zee.
Let's go to our first food hopping destination. Cavite and their pansit."

Zehannah was still having a mini-shocked. Nang sabihin ni Reigo na magfo-food

hopping sila, sa isip niya ay sa lungsod lang kung nasaan sila at sa malalapit na
bayan. Hindi ito!

Food hopping date on a helicopter.

Sinampal na naman siya ng kahirapan. Sinusubok talaga siya araw-araw ni Lord.

Hay. Makapag-pancit na nga lang sa cavite.



REIGO AND ZEHANNAH started their food hopping date and their first stop was Cavite
for their 'pansit'. Ideya 'yon ni Reigo at dahil ibinigay na ni Zehannah kay Reigo
ang buong araw niya, nagpaubaya siya sa gusto nito.

Their mode of transportation was a helicopter—yes, a freaking helicopter, as if gas

expenses didn't matter. And when they landed, it was on a private property and a
luxury car was already waiting for them.

"It's rental." Wika nito Reigo bago pa makapagtanong si Zehannah. "For hassle-free

Wala nang sinabi si Zehannah dahil hindi lang siya sinampal ng kahirapan,
tinadyakan pa.

And since it was Reigo, Zehannah already expected that it'll be a high-end
restaurant, but to her surprise, he brought her to a simple one, much to her
"According to my research, they'd been serving pansit pusit longer than any
restaurants here and according to the reviews, it's delicious." He looked excited.
"Buti maaga silang nagbukas."

Pasimpleng tiningnan ni Zehannah si Reigo saka masuyong napangiti. He researched

the place and the food before coming here and Zehannah couldn't help feeling
flattered by the effort and Reigo's attention to small details.

"Come on, Zee." He smiled at her. "Let's eat."

Lumabas na ng sasakyan si Reigo at sumunod naman kaagad dito si Zehannah. Nang

makapasok sila sa restaurant, matatawag ni Zehannah ang sarili na early bird dahil
sila pa lang ang tao roon.

Reigo immediately ordered Pansit Pusit, Pansit Puso and Bacalao.

"Gutom ka?" Tanong ni Zehannah ng makitang marami-rami ang inorder ni Reigo.

"Magaan lang naman ang agahan natin." Rason ni Reigo saka inilabas ang cellphone
nito sa bulsa. "I don't get why my exes do this stuff before, but now I kind of get

Zehannah frowned. "What?"

"Pictures." He said. "I want to take a picture of us. Is that okay?"

Zehannah was not against it, but she wanted to know his reason. It was Reigo, so
she was sure that he had one. He's always flirty, but he was a deep person when he
wanted to be.


"Making and collecting memories." Sagot nito saka kinunan siya ng larawan at
masuyong ngumiti habang nakatitig sa larawan niya na kinuha nito. "I'm not sure if
a week from now you'll say 'yes', so I want to collect memories as much as I can.
Para kung humindi ka, kahit papaano, may babalikan ako."

Huminga ng malalim si Zehannah ng maramdamang kinakapos siya ng hininga, kapagkuwan

ay sumandal siya sa kinauupuan. "Mamaya na tayo mag picture kapag may pagkain na.
It'll be nicer that way."

Reigo smiled at that before he placed his phone on the table so he could give his
unparalleled attention to Zehannah. "Zee, may tanong ako. Can you answer me

"Kailan ba ako nagsinungaling sayo?"

"Hmm. Fair enough." Somehow, he looked serious and serious Reigo was not someone
Zehannah could handle easily, but she had to. "Anyway, my question is, how am I
doing so far? Am I doing good, or am I doing bad?"

"I'd say good."

Reigo's lips broke into a gorgeous smile, as if he heard a wonderful news. "Really?
I am? Even though I'm not really a good—"

"Huwag mong tapusin 'yan." Nagbabanta ang boses ni Zehannah na ikinatigil ni Reigo
sa pagsasalita. "If you want to continue doing good, you have to appreciate
yourself too, Reigo. If you keep bringing yourself down, I won't even consider
dating you. Ever."

Reigo stilled.

"Seryoso ako, Reigo." Tumingin siya sa mga mata ng binata. "I know those exes of
yours did a number on your self-esteem and it will take a while for you to recover,
but it would be good for you if you start appreciating yourself. Not just your
handsome looks, or your big dick and your performance in bed. There are a lot of
things about yourself that you can appreciate, Reigo."

"Like what...?" Reigo looked and sounded as if he had no idea.

"You're smart and witty. Funny too, when you're not being horny. And your attention
to little details is amazing. The effort you give when you want to learn something
is incredible. Your open-mindedness in a lot of things is remarkable. Your amazing
voice when you sing and how good you are with guitar." Ayaw niyang naririnig na
binababa ni Reigo ang sarili nito kaya naman gusto niyang malaman nito kung anong
nakikita niya rito kahit pa nga alam niyang delikado 'yon. "Sabi mo sakin 'I'm one
of the greatest human beings you've met'. Well, this greatest human being
appreciates you, so you should appreciate yourself too, Reigo."

Reigo's expression softened, and a tender smile appeared on his lips. "Appreciate,
huh? I'll try."

Zehannah's face broke into a wide smile. "That's good! You won't regret it.
Appreciating and loving yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself."

"Hmm. I'll keep that in mind, my Zee."

Nanatili ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Zee hanggang sa dumating ang pagkain na inorder
nila at nagpa-picture sila sa waiter. Her mood improved and her smile became a lot

For some reason, knowing that Reigo would try to appreciate himself more from now
on made her day.

"Masarap ba?" Tanong ni Reigo ng matapos silang kumain.

Nasapo ni Zehannah ang tiyan. "Masarap."

"Kasing sarap ko?"

Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Really?"

"You said appreciate myself more." Bahagyan nitong ibinuka ang mga braso. "This is
me appreciating myself. Masarap ako at alam mo 'yon. You already tasted this over
all delicacy before."

Zehannah just let out an exasperated breath and stood up to go to the counter to
pay their bill. Hindi kasi niya nakita ang waiter kanina at gusto niyang matakasan
ang kahanginan ng kasama niya.

"I'm paying," imporma niya kay Reigo bago umalis patungong counter.


"Magkano ho?" Tanong niya sa babae na nasa likod ng counter ng makalapit siya.
Kaagad naman nitong ibinigay sa kaniya ang total ng kinain nila.

Taking out her wallet from her sling bag, Zehannah handed the payment and was
waiting for her change when Reigo appeared behind her, rested his chin on her
shoulder and spoke with his baritone voice.

"Zee, can you buy me soda?" Tinuro nito ang ref na nasa gilid na puro soda. "I feel
like having one."

Ngumiti si Zehannah sa cashier, "miss, isang in-can soda pa ho."

Kaagad namang tumango ang babae at binawasan ang sukli niya habang pasulyap-sulyap
kay Reigo.

"K-kuha nalang ho kayo, ma'am, Sir."

Nilingon ni Zehannah si Reigo at hindi binigyang pansin ang pagkakalapit ng labi

nila dahil sa biglaan niyang paglingon. "Kumuha ka na."

He just groaned.


"Can you get one for me, please?"

She glared at him over her shoulder. "Ano ka, bata?"

"Nope. Pero kaya kong gumawa ng bata kasama ka." Anang dumuho habang may inosenteng
ngiti sa mga labi nito.

Sanay na si Zehannah sa kalandian ni Reigo pero hindi ang cashier na malinaw na

nadinig ang sinabi ng binata. Napasinghap ito saka namumula ang mukha na nagbaba ng

Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Huwag kang magkakat dito, Reigo. Ilugar mo
'yang kalandian mo. Sige na, kumuha ka na ng soda. Dahil kung ako ang kukuha, baka
isapak ko 'yang soda sayo. Sayang naman ang binayad ko."

"So violent." Reigo whispered before he went to get his soda.

"Pasensiya ka na Miss sa kasama ko." Ani Zehannah sa cashier habang pasulyap-sulyap

siya kay Reigo na nasa harapan na ng ref at pumipili ng sofa na gusto. "Makalat
talaga 'yan."

"O-okay lang." Namumula pa rin ang pisngi na sagot nito.

Nginitian ni Zehannah ang cashier saka naglakad palapit kay Reigo na nasa harapan
pa rin ng ref. "Hindi ka makapili?"

"Yep. This one, or this one? Can't decide."

Kinuha ni Zehannah ang dalawang uri ng soda na tinuro ni Reigo saka binigay 'yon sa
binata bago bumalik sa cashier para bayaran ang isa.

Nang makabayad, lumabas na ng restaurant si Reigo at Zehannah habang umiinom ng

soda si Reigo.

Napailing si Zehannah. "Ang aga-aga, nag-so-soda ka na. It's not good for you."
"Minsan lang naman." Anito saka humilig sa hood ng sasakyan nito habang inuubos ang
soda na iniinom.

Seeing that it might take a little while before Reigo finished his soda, Zehannah
leaned on the car's hood too, beside Reigo.

And under the rising sun, they talked.

"Is that your company? The Vasquez Construction?" Zehannah asked.

"Hmm? Yep."

That building was enormous. "So, you're a successful businessman."

"I just got lucky." Ani Reigo. "Sinasabi ko palagi na ayokong umasa sa mga magulang
ko kahit pa may pera sila, pero pera pa rin naman nila ang ginamit ko para itayo
ang Vasquez Construction. I mean, galing 'yon sa ipon ko mula nuong nag-aaral pa
ako pero pera pa rin naman nila 'yon. Inipon ko lang. And my parents are already
well known in the business world, so it's not that hard for me because I already
have connections."

"But you still worked hard for it, right?"

Napatigil sa paginom ng soda si Reigo saka napabaling kay Zehannah. "What?"

"You worked hard for it." Ulit ni Zehannah saka tumingala sa maaliwalas na
kalangitan. "I saw your company. It's huge. Ibig sabihin, napalaki mo siya ng
maayos. Sabi mo galing sa ipon mo ang pera na ginamit mo para itayo 'yon, ibig
sabihin hindi 'yon ganun kalaki ng umpisahan mo, pero napalago mo siya. It only
means one thing—you worked hard to make it happen. Sabihin na nating may connection
ka at kilala ang mga magulang mo, pero hindi lang naman 'yon ang basehan para
lumago ang kompaniya mo. Maybe your parents' fame made them curious about you and
made them chose you, but it was all your hard work that made them stay. It's easy
to attract clients, but making them stay and chose your company's products and
services repeatedly was the challenge."

Reigo's expression softened before he leaned his head against Zehannah's shoulder.
He said nothing and just savor the warm feeling of being close to Zehannah.

Si Zehannah naman ay napatingin sa binata na nakahilig ang ulo sa balikat niya.

Reigo's eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful and content being there.
Zehannah didn't have the heart to shrug him off of her shoulder like she planned
after seeing that peaceful face.

Well, maaga pa naman. Pagdadahilan ni Zehannah sa sarili at hinayaan ang binata na

humilig sa braso niya.

But Reigo was not Reigo if he was not flirtatious. From resting his head on
Zehannah's shoulder, he also wrapped his arm around Zehannah's waist and kissed her

"Namimihasa tayo, ah." Ani Zehannah saka matalim na tiningnan ang binata na
nakangiti rito.

"Not everyday you'll let me get this close to you." Anito. "Kailangan kong sulitin.
Baka hindi na masundan."

Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Pasalamat ka masarap 'yong kinain nating pansit."
"So if our next stop is delicious, you'll let me get close to you again?" Reigo
sounded hopeful.

"Who knows?"

"How about a kiss if it's delicious?" Reigo puckered his lips.

And Zehannah flicked it. "Maaga pa para magkalat, Reigo."

"I don't mind making a mess out of you." Reigo said suggestively.

"I won't let you make a mess out of me."

"Why not? I'm a delicacy, delicious, big and long, handsome with a great body and I
can do it all day and all night—standing, sitting, on the bed, outdoor and anywhere
you want. Wala ka nang hahanapin pa sakin." He grinned proudly. "I'm an over all
package only for my Zee."

Zehannah sighed, shrugged Reigo off of her shoulder and stood up. "Umalis na tayo.
Baka biglang magka-ipo-ipo rito sa sobrang hangin mo."

Reigo leaned back with both his hands on the hood of the car, supporting him. "Look
at me, Zee. Am I not delicious?"

Walang pag-aalinlangsn na tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo. "You are."

"Then why don't you want to taste me?"

"'Cause I'm on a diet." Zehannah replied blandly and smiled. "And on my diet,
you're the food that I'm not allowed to eat."

That made Reigo's eyebrows rose before a seductive smile appeared on his lips. "My
Zee, there is a thing called a cheat day. And I taste so good that every bite, lick
and suck is worth it."

"Sorry, but I don't cheat." Zehannah matched Reigo's seductive smile. "And I'm more
delicious than you, Reigo. My lips and kisses got you hooked, remember?"

"Indeed. That's why I want to taste you." Reigo's gaze became hot and seductive
that it was making Zehannah feel tingly and bothered. "It's been so long since I
tasted such delicacy. And I was drunk. I feel like I missed out on a lot, so I
wanted to taste you again, this time, to savor the favor which is you."

Zehannah's lips parted, and her pulse quickened. Fuck this guy. That voice and
those eyes... a minute more of those and Zehannah—freaking—Sevil will, without a
doubt, kneel and sing.

"What happened to us in the club is just an appetizer, my Zee." Reigo smiled. "The
main course and the dessert has yet been served."

Zehannah pressed her lips and pulled herself together so she wouldn't melt from
those words and voice. "Well, I am a full course meal, Reigo. To enjoy my main dish
takes effort and to eat my dessert takes time. If you're not into that, I suggest
you stop. You'll be just wasting your time."

Reigo's smile broadened. "For my lady luck, Zee, no time is wasted. I told you,
you're worth it."

Zehannah smiled. "I really like how smooth that mouth of yours is, but I would
prefer it more if you take me to our second food hoping date spot now. You want a
kiss if it's delicious, right?"

Kaagad na umalis sa pagkakahilig sa hood ng sasakyan si Reigo saka tinapon sa

malapit na basurahan ang lalagyan ng soda na iniinom nito saka ngumiti kay

"Come on, My Zee. Next stop, Batangas and their lomi and goto."

Reigo excitedly drove back to the private property, where the helicopter landed and
the two were off to Batangas.

Less than an hour later, Zehannah was kissing Reigo in the car after washing her
mouth with mouthwash in the restroom.

Yes. She lost. Masarap ang goto at lomi. At masarap din ang labi ni Reigo kaya
walang pagkatalo na maramdaman si Zehannah.

Of course, Reigo, who was enjoying the kiss, was unaware of that.

After kissing for half an hour only stopping to breathe because Reigo was
insatiable and won't let Zehannah's lips go, the two continued their food hopping

Their third stop was Laguna and their delicacies. Reigo made the pilot stop at
different towns of Laguna to buy kesong-puti, buko pie, rice cake and ube flavored

Those were quick stops via taxi. Pinigilan ni Zehannah na mag-renta ng sasakyan si
Reigo dahil ilang minuto lang naman sila. Sayang lang sa pera dahil alam niyang
mamahaling sasakyan ang rerentahan nito.

And it was more convenient traveling via taxi because they get to eat the snacks
they bought while on the road.

"This is good." Komento ni Reigo ng matikman ang rice cake.


And Reigo kissed Zehannah because the food was delicious. At laking pasasalamat ni
Zehannah na nasa taxi sila. Reigo only gave her a peck on the lips, much to her

Nang makabalik si Reigo at Zehannah kung saan nakalapag ang helicopter, ilang
minuto silang naghintay bago sumkay kasi nag re-refuel 'yon.

After that, they went to Pampanga where they enjoyed morcon and sisig. Sobrang
sarap ng kinain nila na may ngiti sa mga labi ni Zehannah ng matapos siyang kumain.

"That was so good." Kapagkuwan ay mabilis na tinakpan ni Zehannah ang bibig saka
tiningnan ng matalim si Reigo na alam niya kung ano ang iniisip. "No kissing.
Kakakain ko lang ng sisig."

"I don't mind—"

"I do!"

"Okay. I'm noting it though. One kiss—saved for later."

Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Pasalamat ka masarap ang kinain natin."

Ngumiti si Reigo. "How was our food hopping date? Nag-i-enjoy ka ba?"

Tumango si Zehannah. "The best date I ever have, if I say so myself."

Reigo was pleased. "I'm glad. We still have two more stops. Dapat may isa pa, pero
masyado nang malayo. Gagabihin tayo sa pag-uwi at baka masyado ka nang mapagod sa
biyahe. Kaya naman tinawagan ko ang isa sa mga Engineer na nagta-trabaho sa
kompaniya ko kanina na taga doon na naka-paternity leave. Nakisuyo ako. Pinadala na
niya kanina 'yong pagkain kaya daanan nalang natin."

Napatango-tango si Zehannah. "You know, Reigo, your idea of date is something else.
Siguro kasi mayaman ka."

"Huh? Anong kinalaman 'non?"

"It's because you're wealthy that you could pull this kind of date."

"Is that a bad thing?"

Umiling si Zehannah. "Hindi naman. Sinasabi ko lang. Saka nag-i-enjoy ako. Not only
that, you let me pay for all of our food and you didn't stop me from doing so even
once. And to me, that's something to be happy about. Alam kong mayaman ka at kahit
ilang libo pa ang gastusin mo hindi ka kukurap, pero para sa 'kin masyadong mahal
ang fuel ng helicopter kaya naman sakin na ang pagkain. That's why I'm thankful
that you let me pay for our food."

Reigo was silent for an entire minute before he said. "I, um, have a confession to

Zehannah looked at Reigo curiously. "Hmm? Ano 'yon?"

Gumuhit ang ngiti sa labi ni Reigo. "I like it when you pay for me. It makes me
feel special. I mean, you're spending your hard earned money on me. Who wouldn't
find that special?"

Zehannah was lost for words. This side of Reigo always left her speechless.


Zehannah blinked and cleared her throat. "Alis na tayo? Excited na ako sa sunod
nating pupuntahan."


Zehannah asked for the bill and paid for it. At nang handa na siyang umalis,
inilahad ni Reigo ang kamay kay Zehannah. "Let's go?"

Walang pangingiming tinanggap 'yon ni Zehannah saka lumabas sila ng restaurant.

Leaving Pampanga behind, they went to Pangasinan and visited a couple of towns.

Bumili si Zehannah ng bagoong, sinubukan nila ni Reigo ang pinakamasarap na luto ng

bangus, kumain din sila ng longganisa, syempre, bumila ang dalawa ng tupig at puto
calasiao para baon sa biyahe patungo sa sunod nilang pupuntahan.

Nang matapos ang food hopping date nila sa Pangasinan, may dinaanan sila ni Reigo
para kunin ang pinasuyo nito at laking gulat ni Zehannah ng malaman kung saan pa
'yon galing. Ilocos Sur!

Longganisa, dinuguan at empanada. Nakalagay sa styrofoam ang dalawang pagkain para

siguro hindi masira, habang ang empanada naman ay nakalagay sa box at paper bag.

Reigo looked happy while telling Zehannah about the food that she suggested eating
it in her condo after they got home.

Feeling happy at the invitation, Reigo held Zehannah's hand, and the two went back
to the helicopter and it took them back to the city — in the Chinatown district, to
be specific.

Sadly, Zehannah was too full to eat everything she wanted. Nakakalungkot man pero
hindi na talaga niya kayang kumain pa. Kaya naman ang plano nila ni Reigo na kainin
ang pinasuyo nito sa Ilocos ay hindi rin natuloy.

Nang ihatid siya nito sa condo niya, sa halip na kumain, nagpahinga sila sa salas
at uminom ng wine habang nanonood ng pelikula sa Netflix hanggang sa makatulog si

Reigo carried Zehannah to her bedroom and made sure that she was comfortable before
he kissed her forehead good night, then he whispered. "Me too, my Zee. It's the
best date I ever had. See you tomorrow."

With that, Reigo left Zehannah's condo after locking it and went home with a smile
on his lips. Ang hindi alam ni Reigo, habang masaya siya sa date nila ni Zehannah,
ginawa siyang pulutan ng mga baliw na umiinom sa tindahan nila Eva.

Si Reigo ang sentro ng tsismis dahil pinagkalat lang naman ni Thorn sa mga baliw
ang date nito at ni Zehannah. At dahil do'n, umaatikabong tsismis ang nagaganap sa
tindahan nila Eva patungkol Kay Reigo na walang kaalam-alam sa nangyayari.



BALAK NI REIGO na umuwi kaagad sa barn para makapagpahinga dahil maaga pa siya
bukas para sa food hopping date part two nila ni Zehannah, pero ang mga gago niyang
kaibigan, pinatigil muna siya sa tindahan nila Eva.

Reigo thought something urgent happened, only to find out the truth when he

"Balita namin nagbibinata ka na raw."

"Ayon sa tsismis, patay na patay ka raw sa ka-date mo ngayong araw."

That was Iuhence and Calyx. The gossipers.

Everyone looked at Reigo, expecting an answer from him, but nothing came out of his
mouth and he just stared blankly at his friends.
"The fuck happened to Vasquez?" Knight asked. "Pipi ka na ba ngayon?"

Binatukan ni Valerian si Knight. "Tumahimik ka nga. Ang ingay mo."

Cali was curiously staring at Reigo. "He doesn't talk much, and he's always bitter,
so this was not shocking, but something is different about him."

"Nakadilig ka ba?" Tanong ni Lander.

"Na basted?" Tanong naman ni Lath.

"Naka-first base?" Tanong ni Beckett.

"Second base?" Si Train.

"Third base?" Si Tyron.

"Saan kayo umabot?" Tanong ni Evren.

"Sa Pangasinan." Sagot ni Reigo at lahat natigilan.

"Pangasinan?" Ulit ng lahat.

Bored na tumango si Reigo. "Yeah. Can I leave now? I still have to get ready for

"Anong mayroon bukas?" Usisa ni Phoenix.

"Date. Part two." Sagot naman ni Reigo saka tinalikuran ang mga kaibigan. "Uwi na
ako. Ayoko kayong kausap. You're not my Zee. Not worth my time. Bye."

Napatanga ang lahat kay Reigo saka nagkatinginan ng makaalis ang binata.

"What was that?" Tyron asked, stunned. "Schedule niya ba ngayon para maging

Si Dark ang sumagot. "Nah. Hindi lang talaga tayo si 'Zee'."

"Is that his woman?" Ymar asked.

"I think so." Dark shrugged. "We all know Reigo. He's moody and grumpy, but when it
comes to his women, he's generous and tolerant."

"Yeah, but that was before his exes cheated on him." Ani Titus. "Nagbago na siya
pagkatapos niyang ilang beses na naloko."

Lash nodded. "Napansin ko rin. He became bitter and spiteful towards women."

"At nawalan na rin siya ng pakialam sa mga nakakarelasyon niya nitong huli." Dagdag
ni Shun. "He had lost interest in dating."

"So what fucking change?" Usisa ni Valerian.

Si Knight ang sumagot. "Easy, best friend. He found a good woman who could please
his bitter tastebuds. In short, malapit ng maging miyembro ng understanding si

"Who the fuck is your best friend?!" Walang pumansin sa pagrereklamo ni Valerian
kay Knight.

"Oh." Tyron smiled. "Should I prepare a grand welcome?"

"Unahin muna natin i-welcome si Calderon." Sabad ni Khairro na katatapos lang

makipag-usap kay Eva tungkol sa 'listahan' nito sa tindahan. "Nagbibinata palang si
Vasquez, samantalang si Calderon, binata na na malapit nang mamental dahil sa asawa
niya. Calderon needs more attention."

Tumango ang lahat.

"Hayaan natin si Vasquez." Ani Knight na panay kain ng barbeque. "Si Calderon ang
panay hingi ng advice at dahil magalino ako, kahit nasa CR ako at naglalabas ng
sama ng loob, sinagot ko ang tawag niya."

Nalukot ang mukha ng lahat sa sinabi ni Knight.

"Velasquez! We're eating here!" Beckett snapped.

Knight just grinned.

"Tama si espanyol." Sabad ni Shun. "Kapag nanghingi na ng advice si Reigo, oras na

para sa spotlight niya."

"So, this is for real this time?" Pierce asked. "I mean, he dated a lot."

"Who knows?" Ream shrugged. "But I think this one is different."

"Why?" Khairro asked.

Ream answered. "Well, for one, he's not scheduling his mood to suit the taste of
the woman he's dating like he always does before. He's being himself, he said."

That was enough for everyone to stop being concern.

"Gossipers," tinuro ni Tyron si Iuhence at Calyx. "Galingan niyo makasagap ng

balita tungkol kay Vasquez. Kailangan fresh palagi ang balita. Baka kapag na
brokenhearted 'yon, araw-araw niyang i-schedule ang pagkairitado niya, maapektuhan
tayong lahat."

"Leave it to us!" Iuhence even pounded his chest.

"Kami pa ba." Wika naman ni Calyx.

Some nodded, and some shook their heads at the gossipers, but one thing was certain
with everyone, they're all concern about Reigo and his love life.

JUST LIKE YESTERDAY, Reigo was just as early making Zehannah groaned. She just woke
up, for Pete's sake! It's just five in the morning! "Natutulog ka pa ba?" Tanong ni
Zehannah sa binata. "Seriously, Reigo. It's still fucking early."

"Early bird catches the worm, my Zee."

She glared at him. "The only thing you'll catch here is my anger!"
The bastard just smile, kissed her forehead and said, "good morning, my Zee. What
do you want for breakfast? Me, me or me?"

Zehannah couldn't help it anymore. She groaned in annoyance. "Fuck! I'm pissed."

Reigo blinked at Zehannah. "Did I do something?"

Napasabunot nalang si Zehannah sa sariling buhok saka impit na sumigaw bago

nagmamartsang bumalik sa kuwarto nito at iniwan sa salas si Reigo.

Napakurap-kurap si Reigo sa pintuan ng kuwarto ni Zehannah saka sinundan ang dalaga

pero hindi siya pumasok. Nanatili siya sa labas habang kinakausap ito.

"Zee...? You look mad."

"Oo! Sayo!"

Napangiwi si Reigo. "Is it because I was early and I interrupted your sleep?"
Tanging impit na sigaw lang ang narinig ni Reigo sa labas. "Zee...? What do you
want for breakfast?"

"Not you!" Sigaw ni Zehannah. "I want eggs, but not your eggs!" Inunahan na ni
Zehannah ang kahalayan ni Reigo. "Hotdog as well, but not your hotdog! And you're
not included in the menu! I don't want to eat you!"

Reigo sighed at the door. "How can this woman be so savage in the morning...?"

"I heard you!" Zehannah snapped.

"Sabi ko nga." Bagsak ang balikat ni Reigo. "Normal eggs and hotdog—not my eggs and
hotdog — coming right up."

Reigo went to the kitchen to make breakfast while Zehannah was trying to tone down
her frustration so early in the morning.

In the kitchen, Reigo was humming while cooking. To avoid staining his clothes, he
used Zehannah's apron and continued making breakfast until he heard the doorbell

Remembering that Zehannah was in her room, pissed, Reigo went to open the door with
apron and all.

And Reigo came face to face with two good looking and familiar middle-aged man.
Maybe in their late forties. And they looked so shock when they saw him.

"Anong kailangan nila?" Tanong ni Reigo para masabihan niya si Zehannah na may
bisita ito.

Pero sa halip na sumagot ang isa sa dalawa, siya ang inusisa ng mga ito.

"Who are you?"

"What is your relationship with our daughter?"

Reigo blinked, and he looked at the two men in front of him. They said daughter...
Wala sa sariling napalingon si Reigo sa loob ng condo bago ibinalik ang tingin sa
dalawang lalaki na nasa labas.

"What are you doing in our daughter's condo?" One of the two men asked him.
"Um, cooking breakfast...?" Sagot ni Reigo saka nilakihan ang pagkakabukas ng
pintuan ng maalala kung bakit pamilyar sa kaniya ang dalawa.

Ito ang dalawang lalaki na kasama ni Zehannah sa graduation picture nito na nakita
niyang naka-display sa divider nuong nakaraang gabi habang naghihintay kay Zehannah
na matapos maghugas sa pinagkainan nila.

"Pinapasok ka ni Zehan sa condo niya?" Tanong ng isa sa dalawa kay Reigo.

Nalukot naman ang mukha ng kasama nito. "Cam, nakikita mo ng nasa loob na siya,
itatanong mo pa talaga?"

Napangiwi ang lalaki saka hinalikan sa gilid ng nuo ang kasama. "Sorry, Dan, love.
I was just shock that Zehan let someone inside her condo other than us and little
Cassia. You know how she values her privacy and space."

Reigo's pulse quickened at that. So I'm the first person she ever brought here
aside from her parents and Thorn's wife? He wanted to smile, but remained calm and
collected since he was in the presence of Zehannah's beloved parents.

"So," Dan face Reigo. "Anong relasyon mo sa anak namin?"

Reigo didn't know how to answer that, but he tried his best to explain. "Um, we're,
um, friend...? No, not that. I'm kinda of a suitor, but not really...?"

Now Dan and Cameron were confused.

"Which is it?" Cameron asked.

Reigo didn't know too, so he simplified it. "I'm Zee's future boyfriend. Nice to
meet you." Inilahad ni Reigo ang kamay sa dalawa. "I'm Reigo Vasquez. I'm an
engineer, a businessman, and I'm currently doing my best to win Zee's affection."

Nagkatinginan si Cam saka si Dan sa huling sinabi ng binata kapagkuwan ay

nagpakilala ang dalawa.

"I'm Daniel and this is my partner, Cameron. We're Zehan's parents."

Nakipagkamay ang dalawa kay Reigo habang inoobserbahan ang reaksiyon ng binata. Dan
and Cameron were trying to gouge the young man's opinion to the same-sex couple.
They had met some of Zehannah's ex-boyfriends and some of them had that uneasy
glint in their eyes when they found out that Zehannah's parents were a same-sex
couple, while some tried their best to hide their distaste.

Zehannah never hid who her parents were from her exes and if her exes showed any
distaste towards her parents, Zehannah would immediately break up with them.

So Dan and Cameron wondered what this young man, Reigo, reaction would be.

To Dan and Cameron's surprised, Reigo didn't even blink. His expression didn't
change at all, and he treated them normally, like any other parent, and that got
Reigo into Dan and Cameron's good side.

"Pinapahirapan ka ba ng anak namin?" Tanong ni Dan pagkatapos magkamay ng dalawa.

"I bet she is." Cameron whispered. "We know our Zehan. She's very savage."

Bumagsak ang balikat ni Reigo sa narinig saka nagsumbong. "She's always being
savage with me. But I'm really interested in her, so I'm doing my best."

Tinapik-tapik ni Cameron ang balikat ni Reigo. "Hang in there. Our Zehan can be so
mean, but she's very caring. You just have to unlock that side of her. You'll get

Tumango si Dan habang nakakaramdam ng munting awa para sa binata. Kapagkuwan ay

napalinga-linga ito. "Nasaan pala si Zehan?"

"In her room. She's pissed because I arrived early for our date."

Napangiwi si Cameron saka mabilis na nag-iwas ng tingin ng makitang pinaningkitan

ito ng mata ni Dan.

"Katulad ka pala ng isa rito, mas maaga pa sa tilaok ng manok kung bumisita." Ani

Napakamot sa batok si Cameron. "Early bird catches the worm."

Reigo's lips formed into an 'o'. "Damn. That's my reason too!"

Dan groaned. "No wonder my Zehan is pissed. I'll go talk to Zehan."

Dan left the two near the door. After a couple of seconds just standing there,
Reigo asked Cameron.

"Want some coffee...? Oh, wait, this is your daughter's house. That came out

Mahinang natawa si Cameron. "Sure. I'd like a coffee."

"Great." Nauna nang naglakad si Reigo papuntang kusina na para bang bahay niyo 'yon
saka nag-timpla ng kape para sa ama ni Zehannah at para sa sarili.

Cameron enjoyed his coffee on the island counter while Reigo went back to cooking
breakfast. Dinagdagan ni Reigo ang niluluto para sa mga magulang ni Zehannah.

For our Zehan to let this young man cooked in her kitchen and let him stay, she
must've trusted him a lot. Cameron was observing Reigo, who was so immersed in

"Reigo, can I ask you something?" Kapagkuwan ay kuha ni Cameron sa atensiyon ni


Kaagad na humarap si Reigo kay Cameron. "Yes, Sir."

Mahinang natawa si Cameron sa reaksiyon ng binata bago seryosong nagtanong. "Let's

say that you and my daughter ended up together and God blessed you two with a son
or a daughter. Will you let me and Dan take care of them from time to time?"

Reigo was confused by the question, but he still answered. "Isn't that a given? I
mean, you're their grandparents."

Reigo's answer brought a smile to Cameron's lips that Cameron hid by sipping his
coffee. "Hmm. Yeah. We are. Anyway, do you want to know anything about my daughter?
I'll happily tell you three things about her."

Reigo did not even think. "It's tempting and I appreciate it," bumalik si Reigo sa
pagpi-prito ng longganisa, "but I want to know those things about Zee myself. It'll
be more memorable that way."

Cameron was impressed. Looks like my Zehan found a good guy. I just hoped she
opened up to him. But knowing his daughter, that'll be hard.

Napatigil sa pagsimsim ng kape si Cameron ng makita ang kapareha at ang anak na

pumasok sa kusina. Kaagad na dumeretso si Zehannah sa coffee maker para gawan ng
kape ang Papi niya at ang sarili pagkatapos ay pasimpleng lumapit ito kay Reigo at
tumabi sa binata habang nagkakape.

"Binomba ka ba ng tanong ng mga magulang ko?" Pabulong na tanong ni Zehannah.

"Hmm? Not really."

That's a first. "Wala ka namang kahalayang pinagsasasabi sa harapan nila 'di ba?"

Nginitian ni Reigo si Zehannah. "Hindi ba sabi ko, sayo lang ako lalandi. Ibig
sabihin no'n, sayo lang din ako magiging mahalay."

Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Anong sakin lang? Ang kalat mo kaya. Kung
saan-saan ka lang naghahasik ng kahalayan mo."

"Only when I'm with you."

Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo and was about to go enjoy her coffee with her
parents when Reigo used a fork to bring a hotdog over her mouth.

"Here, my Zee. Taste it."

Zehannah looked at the hotdog. "That's a big one."

"Mine's bigger." He said with an innocent smile, as if he was not talking about
something explicit. "And this is practice, my Zee."

"Really?!" Zehannah half whispered and half shouted at Reigo. "In front of my

"Hindi naman nila naririnig," dahilan nito saka mas inilapit pa ang hotdog sa labi
ni Zehannah. "Come on, my Zee. Open up and let me feed you. No worries, it's just a
normal hotdog."

Zehannah sighed and looked at Reigo flatly. She already had given up on hoping that
Reigo would stop being a suggestive, horny guy. "Kung 'yong hotdog mo kaya ang
prituhin ko?"

"No need to fry my hotdog, my Zee. You can eat it raw."

"Maybe I should cancel our date." Kalmadong wika ni Zehannah.

Kaagad na ibinaba ni Reigo ang hawak na tinidor saka hinalikan sa gilid ng nuo si
Zehannah. "I'll be finished with breakfast soon. Help me set the table?"

Zehannah narrowed her eyes on Reigo before saying, "sure." Then she gave him the
'don't-say-anything-horny-related' look before she set the table.

Pangiti-ngiti naman na tinapos ni Reigo ang pagluluto saka inihain 'yon sa lamesa.

"I'm glad you can cook, Reigo." Ani Dan habang kumakain na silang apat. "Gustong-
gusto ni Zehannah na nagluluto, pero walang gusto sa kaniya yong pagluluto kaya
hanggang ngayon, matabang pa rin."

"At least it's not salty." Sinimangutan ni Zehannah ang Papi niya. "Gusto mo, Papi,
dalhan kita ng niluto ko araw-araw?"

"Araw-araw na katabangan." Bulong ng Papa ni Zehannah.

"Papa...! Mas wala kang alam sa kusina keysa sakin."

"Anong wala? Marunong na ako ngayon. I can boil eggs now, cooked a perfect noddles
and fry anything to perfection."

"Oh. Me too. I'm good at frying too. It's my specialty. I'm like the god of
frying." Sabad ni Reigo saka napatingin kay Zehannah ng lagyan ng dalaga ng ulam
ang pinggan nito.

"Isang matabang ang timpla at isang pagpi-prito ang specialty." Dan sighed. "What a

"Papi, hindi kami 'pair'." Pagtatama ni Zehannah sa ama. "I haven't said yes yet."

Dan looked at his daughter flatly before he motioned his hand at Reigo, as if Reigo
was a product he wanted to introduce. "Look at him, Zehan, and tell me that he's
not worth saying yes to?"

Reigo immediately showed his charming smile to Zehannah.

"Kahit papaano ay marunong siyang magluto, guwapo, magalang, mabait at higit sa

lahat, hindi makitid ang utak." Dagdag ng Papi niya. "Ano pang hahanapin mo?"

Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Papi, huwag kang magpapaloko riyan. Mahangin at
mahalay 'yan."

Dan and Cameron looked at Reigo as if expecting him to defend himself. But Reigo
just shrugged and smiled innocently, as if he couldn't say the word 'fuck'.

"Huwag kayong magpapadala sa inosenteng ngiti na 'yan." Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah

si Reigo. "Mahalay po 'yang nilalang. Nagpapanggap lang 'yan na hindi."

"Well..." Dan shrugged, "mahalay din naman ang Papa mo at okay lang naman kami."

Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "That's too much information, Papi!"

Nginitian ni Reigo si Zehannah. "You heard your Papi, my Zee. We'll be just fine."

Sa halip na ma-stress siya umagang-umaga, kalmadong kumain nalang si Zehannah

habang sumisimsim ng kape paminsan-minsan at hinayaan ang tatlo na mag-usap-usap.

At habang nakikinig siya, hindi niya maiwasang mapansin na mukhang gusto ng mga
magulang niya si Reigo. Halata iyon sa kung paano makipag-usap ang mga ito sa

Her parents were even giving Reigo tips on how to get into her good side.

Zehannah never intended it, but Reigo met her parents and it went well that it
surprised her. Her parents left her condo after breakfast with a smile on their
faces and wishing them to have an amazing date.

Nang maisara ni Zehannah ang pinto ng condo, bumaling siya sa katabi na inosente pa
rin ang bukas ng mukha.

Zehannah clicked her tongue. "If only you're as innocent as you look right now."

Reigo closed the space between them and softly kissed her forehead, then his lips
pressed against her neck so seductively before he whispered over her ear, "my Zee,
admit it, you like that I'm like this. It turns you on. You make me hard as much as
I make you wet. Aren't we a perfect pair?"

Zehannah gulped subtly.

How could she rebuke that fact? She knew she couldn't, and she didn't want to lie
just to save herself.

But the bastard was not done.

"I'm maybe food that you're not allowed to eat, but I'm certain that my Zee is
salivating right now." He smiled and kissed her shoulder so tenderly. "And there's
nothing to be ashamed about it. I, too, am drooling and want to devour you. So if
you finally want this piece of delicacy in front of you, no need to ask, you can
take a bite anytime you want."

And as if he didn't say anything to stimulate Zehannah's brain and body, he

straightened his body and offered his hand. "Shall we date, my Zee?"

Zehannah accepted Reigo's hand and looked him in the eyes. "When the time comes
that I want to eat you, you better give me everything you have or I won't eat you
again. I love good food, after all."

A broad smile grazed Reigo's lips. "I told you, I'm a delicacy."

Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mr. delicacy. Mag-date nalang tayo. Ibang
delicacy ang gusto kong tikman ngayon, hindi ikaw."

Tumawa lang si Reigo saka hinawakan ang kamay ni Zehannah habang palabas ng condo.

Nagpaubaya naman si Zehannah at paminsan-minsan ay napapatingin sa magkahawak

nilang kamay ni Reigo habang naglalakad. At sa paminsan-minsan na 'yon ay sumasagi
sa isip niya ang sagot na 'oo' sa alok ni Reigo.


A/N: For those who are asking, it's pronounce as Rey-go po. Anyway, happy reading!


ZEHANNAH THOUGHT REIGO couldn't surprise her anymore, but that was only her
imagination. Sinong hindi magugulat kung kailangang sumakay sa isang pribadong
eroplano para sa 'food hopping date'?

At para lang kumain ng lechon.

Then they went to Illilo for their La Paz Batchoy, roasted native chicken, and
Binakol. Afterwards, they hit Bacolod for their chicken inasal, Kansi and Piaya.
After that, they went to Guimaras for their mango pizza. And their last stop was
the Seafood capital of the Philippines, Roxas City.

Eating lots of seafood mixed with different kinds of foods they've eaten that day,
Zehannah's stomach was not feeling happy.

Nanlalamig na napahawak si Zehannah sa tiyan ng makalabas sila ni Reigo sa

restaurant na kainain at nakasakay sa nirentahan nitong sasakyan.

She was trying to hold it in, but her stomach was not being nice to her.

Zehannah breathe in and out and she did it a couple of times that Reigo took

"You okay, Zee?"

Tangina naman tiyan! Huwag kang magkakalat! Napakagat ng labi si Zehannah. Ayaw
niyang sabihin! Ayaw niya! This was their second date, for Christ's sake! "Nothing.
Just keep driving."

Of course, Reigo didn't buy that and did the last thing Zehannah wanted. He stopped
the car on the side of the road!

Sinubukan ni Zehannah na kumalma, umaasa na makikisama ang tiyan niya pero ayaw
talaga. Kahit anong kagat niya pa sa labi, hindi siya pinakinggan ng walanghiya
niyang tiyan.


Okay. This is it! Makapal ang mukha mo 'di ba? Pagkausap ni Zehannah sa sarili.
Oras na para mas kapalan mo pa!

"Zee...? Are you okay?"

Lumunok muna si Zehannah bago bahagyang umiling. Ayaw niyang igalaw ang katawan
baka biglang may sumabog na hindi kanais-nais.

"Anong problema?" Kaagad na ibinigay ni Reigo ang buong atensiyon sa dalaga. "Is
there something I can do?"

Zehannah squeezed her eyes shut and spoke the words that she never thought she
would speak in front of Reigo. "I want to..." Zehannah's voice became a whisper at
the end, "poop."

Hindi narinig ni Reigo si Zehannah. "What did you say?"

Bahala na, tangina! Tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo. "Sama ng loob." Tinuro ni
Zehannah ang tiyan. "Lalabas na. As in, sobrang lapit na!"

Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo. "Sama ng loob...?" A couple of seconds, a

realization hit Reigo. "Oh. You want to poop?"

Fuck! Zehannah nodded. "Nasobrahan yata ang kain ko ng sea food. May-giyera sa
tiyan ko."

Mabilis na pinagalaw ni Reigo ang sasakyan saka may tinawagan ito sa cellphone.
Zehannah was too focused on controlling her muscles down there to care who and what
Reigo was talking about.

"Three minutes, my Zee. Hold for three."

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?!" Zehannah snapped.

"Just focus, Zee." Ani Reigo saka binilisan ang pagmamaneho habang may tinatawagan
sa cellphone nito.

Reigo never drove fast when he's with Zehannah and he wouldn't dare use a phone,
but they were in different circumstances at the moment.

Finally, they arrived at their destination and Reigo carried Zehannah inside the
establishment—which was a hotel owned by Tyron Zapanta. And since Reigo already
called the owner, he was immediately welcomed by the manager, who guided them to
their room.

Zehannah, on the other hand, was gripping the front of Reigo's polo while still
holding it in. She knew they entered a hotel, but she didn't care how luxurious
looking it was. She just wanted to poop.

"Zee, we're here—"

Zehannah literally jumped down from Reigo's arms and run towards the bathroom as if
she was on fire.

Meanwhile, Reigo cleared his throat and face the manager. "Thank you for
accommodating my sudden request to checked-in."

"It was our pleasure, Mr. Vasquez." Anang manager saka ngumiti. "Please, excuse

Akmang aalis na ang manager ng pigilan ito ni Reigo. "Wait, um, may malapit ba
kayong pharmacy dito?"

"Yes, Sir. Nasa baba lang ho. Katabi lang ng hotel."


"You're welcome, Sir." Anang manager saka umalis na.

Thinking that Zehannah might take a while, he took one of the two key cards and
left the room. He didn't waste any time. He went down to the pharmacy and bought
something for Zehannah and some that he thinks Zehannah might need. Then he went
back to their hotel room.

Pagkabalik ni Reigo, nasa loob pa rin ng banyo si Zehannah kaya iniwan niya sa
pinakamalapit na lamesa sa banyo ang pinamiling alcohol, wet wipes at gamot saka
pabagsak na nahiga sa kama.

That scared me. Reigo thought. Akala niya napaano na si Zehannah ng mapansing
pinagpapawisan ito, buti 'yon lang pala ang dahilan. Maybe eating different kinds
of food in one day was not a good idea.

Mabilis na napalingon si Reigo ng bumukas ang pintuan ng banyo at lumabas doon si

Zehannah na parang nakipag-sabunutan sa kung sino.

"You feeling okay now?" He asked.

Zehannah groaned and stilled when she saw the alcohol, wet wipes and medicine on
the table near the bathroom. "Binili mo?"

"Yep. I thought you might need it."

"Thanks." Kaagad na ginamit ni Zehannah ang alcohol saka sapo-sapo ang tiyan na
tinungo ang kama at nahiga sa tabi ni Reigo.

Reigo immediately put a safe distance between them. He didn't want to do anything
he might regret, like forcing himself on Zehannah.

"Medyo masakit pa rin ang tiyan ko." Ani Zehannah.

Tumagilid si Reigo paharap kay Zehannah. "Want me to take you to a hospital?"

"I'll be fine. Pahinga lang ng kunti. Parang naubos ang lakas ko sa mga lumabas.
Tangina talaga."

Reigo smiled. "I know for a fact that you have an amazing stamina, my Zee. Hinding-
hindi ka basta-basta napapagod kahit pa ilang beses kang labasan."

"Reigo," Zehannah didn't want to be stressed out because it takes a lot of energy,
"please lang, tama na muna ang kalandian mo. Masakit pa ang tiyan ko. Hindi ako
makakalaban sa kahalayan mo. Baka mas sumakit pa lalo ang tiyan ko, masasapak

Tinuyo ni Reigo ang pawis sa gilid ng nuo ni Zehannah. "I'll try. Pahinga ka na."

"Salamat naman. Let me rest for a little while."

"Sure. Kung sa tingin mo makakatulong 'yong gamot na binili ko, sabihan mo muna ako
bago mo inumin. I'll ask a friend of mine if the medicine is good for you."

Zehannah nodded and closed her eyes. "Pahinga lang ako. Huwag kang gagawa ng
katarantaduhan, tatamaan ka sakin." Pagbabanta rito ni Zehannah.

"Malandi lang ako, hindi tarantado."

Zehannah just grimaced and was planning to relax when she felt a hand softly
combing her messy hair.

She opened her eyes to look at the owner of those hands.

"Hindi ba puwede?" Tanong ni Reigo na kaagad na itinigil ang ginagawa.

"Nah. It's okay. Massage my head too while you're at it." Ani Zehannah saka
nginitian ang binata. "Ayosin mo, ha?"

Mahinang natawa si Reigo saka umupo para maayos na mamasahe ang ulo ni Zehannah. It
felt so nice that Zehannah's eyes slowly dropped.

"Ah, that feels nice."

Tumikhim si Reigo. "Zee, don't moan. You're turning my head into a pile of

Umingos si Zehannah. "Matagal ka nang berde. Huwag mong sisihin ang ungol ko. Saka
hindi 'yon malanding ungol, 'ungol of appreciation' 'yon."
"Ungol pa rin." Reigo argued while still massaging Zehannah's head. "The effect is
the same."

"Maharot ka lang talaga." Zehannah opened her eyes and looked up at Reigo. "Ganito
ka ba sa lahat ng naging ex mo?"

Umiling si Reigo. "I usually pattern my attitude to whatever they wanted me to be."

Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "The fuck...?"

"It was tiring," Reigo kept massaging Zehannah's head and scalp while combing her
hair with his fingers, "adjusting your attitude and mood to suit someone's taste.
It drained me. And then I realized, whatever I do, however much I change for them,
they'll just discard me when I no longer suit their taste. That's when I got tired
of dating. Ang daming manloloko at ang hihilig pa nilang manisi. Kesyo naghanap
sila ng iba dahil wala akong oras o kaya naman hindi ko daw binibigay ang atensiyon
na gusto nila mula sakin. Gaano ba kahirap sabihin sakin na ayaw na nila?" Reigo
sighed. "It's tiring to keep a lid on yourself while dating. Because aren't we
dating to get to know each other?"

"So... this is your true self?"

Reigo smiled. "You could say that."

"So, itong kalandian mo, ito ang naipon mong kalandian sa mahabang panahon?"
Napatanga si Zehannah sa binata. "How did you manage to survive that? With that, no
filter mouth of yours?"

"I don't know. I just did." Reigo shrugged. "Siguro dahil na rin sa kagustuhan kong
magkaroon ng katuwang sa buhay. All of my friends already have a partner and
they're all happy. I want the same happiness. But what I failed to realize is that
everyone is different. That I shouldn't have compared myself to them, but it was
already too late for me to realize that." Reigo took a deep breath. "Life really is

Bumangon si Zehannah saka pa-indian sit na naupo paharap kay Reigo. "You're looking
at it the wrong way, Reigo. Don't think that it was sad because it's already too
late when you realized it. Instead, think that it's a blessing that you realized it
before it was too late. Sabi mo pa nga, life begins at thirty, or forty to some, so
it's still not too late, right?"

Reigo's expression softened. "I like it."

Zehannah tilted her head so the side because Reigo's response didn't make sense to
her. "Huh?"

He smiled. "I like how our opinion differs in some ways and how we see things
differently. Together, we're growing. Isn't that nice? We're becoming a perfect
pair. You can expect nothing less from your future boyfriend."

Dalang-dala na si Zehannah sa mga unang sinabi ni Reigo, pero dinagdagan pa nito sa

huli. Nawala 'yong kaseryosohan ng sinabi nito.

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah. Lately, she realized that she'd been sighing

heavily a lot. Thanks to Reigo. "When I first met you, you're very serious that
your smile is too expensive, but now.... I don't know anymore."

"Isn't that normal?" Ani Reigo saka nahiga sa kama at walang pagaalinlangan na
ginawang unan ang hita ni Zehannah. "Everyone is serious at the first meeting.
Then, gradually, people show their true colors as they become comfortable. They
begin to smile, cuss, joke and even act childish. Katulad lang 'yan sa mga kaibigan
ko. Mga seryoso sa trabaho, sa ibang tao na hindi ng mga ito kilala o kakikilala pa
lang, pero kapag kami-kami lang ang magkakasama dahil komportable kami sa isa't-
isa, lumalabas yong ugali na hindi namin pinapakita sa iba. Like being childish and
doing crazy stuff because we've known each other for so many years that we can act
like that.

"And I'm also like that when I'm with you. I'm getting comfortable with you, Zee.
Hindi ko kailangang i-ayon sa gusto mo ang ugali na pinapakita ko at para sa akin,
big deal 'yon at naging rason 'yon para maging komportable ako sayo. That's why I
wanted to get to know each other. Tulad ng sinabi ko nuong una, paano ka o-oo kung
hindi mo ako lubusang kilala? Aside from my handsome face, big dick and the fact
that I could bring you to high heavens, you know nothing about me. But now, you
know so much in just a short amount of time. Aren't I an amazing future boyfriend?"

Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Anong 'so much'? Maliban sa malandi ka, mahalay
ka, malibog ka at mayaman ka, wala na akong alam tungkol sa'yo." Well, she knew
other things, but compared to the four she mentioned, they seemed so little to her.
"At bakit pala ginawa mong unan ang hita ko?"

"Gusto kitang landiin ng palihim."

Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Para namang madali akong malandi."

"What can I say? I'm enjoying the chase, Zee."

"And after that? What happens after you catch me?"

"I'll spoil you, of course. But I don't think the chase will end once you say yes.
Knowing you, my Zee, that would be close to impossible."

"And when I'm not a delicacy in your eyes anymore?" Zehannah asked earnestly. "A
time will come that I will just be a normal meal to you."

"When would that be?" Reigo frowned. "I don't see that happening."

"Siguro hindi ngayon, pero darating ang panahon na mangyayari 'yon."

"Wala akong sagot sa tanong mo," ani Reigo. "It could happen to anyone, not just
you, Zee. In the back of my head, I think of that as well. But I don't want that
thinking to consume me. I want you, and I'm doing all this because I want to be
with you, not because I'm thinking that in a year or so, I will lose my interest in
you. It's risky, trust me, I know. But, compared to not being with you at all, I'll
take the risk however much I'll pay in the end."

"How brave of you. I can't do it."

That did not deter Reigo. "I still have a few more days to change your mind."

Hindi umimik si Zehannah at bumaba lang ang tingin sa binata. Kapagkuwan ay umangat
ang kamay niya saka hinaplos ang buhok ni Reigo.

That gesture made Reigo stilled and looked up at Zehannah. "Zee...?"

"I'll think about it properly while getting to know you," Zehannah said while still
caressing Reigo's hair. "Thank you for thinking that I'm worth the effort and
Reigo smiled. "Anytime." Somehow, he felt like he's getting one step closer to
Zehannah, but he knew he had a long way to go. "Though, my Zee, tasting each other
is part of getting to know each other. Want to taste each other now?"

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah saka piningot ang tainga ni Reigo. "Ang seryoso ko

tapos puro kahalayan ang nasa utak mo."

"Aw! Ouch! Zee! Have mercy!"

"Bakit? Naaawa ka ba sakin kapag naghahasik ka ng kahalayan mo kung saan-saan?"

"Hindi naman kung saan-saan, basta kasama lang kita."

"At nagdahilan ka pa?"

"It's a fact."

Tinigil ni Zehannah ang pagpingot sa tainga ni Reigo saka tinulak paalis sa hita
niya ang ulo nito. "Umuwi na nga tayo, baka masakal kita ng wala sa oras."

"If choking is your kink—"

Zehannah's sharp glare clamp Reigo's mouth shut. "Continue that and I will murder

"Sabi ko nga."

Nakahinga ng maluwang si Zehannah ng hindi na nagsalita pa ng kung anong kahalayan

si Reigo hanggang sa makapag-check out sila sa hotel at makasakay sa sasakyang ni-
rentahan nito.

It was a peaceful drive to the airport. Nang makasakay sila sa pribadong eroplano
ng pamilya ni Reigo, nakahinga ng maluwang si Zehannah na sa wakas ay uuwi na sila.
It's not like she didn't enjoy the date, it was just tiring to travel from one
place to another.

"Zee?" Kuha ni Reigo sa atensiyon ni Zehannah ng nasa himpapawid na ang eroplanong



"Can I have you weekend again?"

Another Reigo's day? Zehannah didn't mind but, "no helicopter and plane involved
and I'll agree."

"Promise. Nothing of sort."

"Okay. Then you can have my weekend again."

Reigo happily leaned his head on Zehannah's shoulder. "I know how much you treasure
you weekends, so thank you."

Sa sinabing 'yon ni Reigo, napaisip si Zehannah. Yes, she valued her weekends so
much because it's her rest day and family day, but she gave it to Reigo just like

What's happening? Hindi masagot ni Zehannah ang sarili. At hanggang sa makauwi sila
'yon pa rin ang nasa isip niya. It was bothering her so much that she didn't
realize Reigo already pulled over his car in her condo's parking lot.

"You okay, Zee? You'd been out of it since we're on the plane."

Huminga ng malalim si Zehannah saka bumaling kay Reigo. "Nag enjoy ako sa date
natin. Hindi mo na ako kailangang ihatid sa condo ko."

"Did I do something?" Tanong ni Reigo ng akmang lalabas na ng sasakyan si Zehannah.

"Wala naman. Gusto ko lang mapag-isa at mag-isip."

"Oh. Okay. Ingat sa pag-akyat."

Tumango si Zehannah saka lumabas na ng sasakyan, pero bago pa siya makalayo,

narinig niyang tinawag ni Reigo ang pangalan niya. Nang lingunin niya ang sasakyan
nito, nagulat siya ng makitang lumabas ito ng sasakyan at naglalakad palapit sa
kaniya pero hindi siya nagulat na hinalikan siya nito sa mga labi at tumakbo ito
pabalik sa sasakyan nito.

Zehannah shook her head before she went inside the building.

Nang nasa elevator na siya patungo sa palapag niya, nakatanggap siya ng text mula
kay Reigo.

From: Talandi Reigo

'I don't know if I did something wrong, but if I did and I'm unaware of it, forgive
me. I hope I can still buy you breakfast tomorrow. Don't worry, I won't be on the
menu—not even part of the package. May nahanap lang akong restaurant na may masarap
na pancake kaya gusto kong matikman mo.'

Zehannah replied. 'Pancake is always welcome.'

'Great! How about me? Am I still welcome?'

'Sure. Just bring good food.'

'I'm a delicacy myself, so that's not a problem.' Reigo replied, making Zehannah
sighed because she knew he was.

'Umuwi ka na at itulog mo lang 'yan.'

'Tell me to drive safely first.'

Napailing si Zehannah. 'Drive safely. There, be grateful and say thank you.'

'Thank you and good night, my Zee.'

'Good night.'

'You know, Zee, you should put 'my' before my name as well. I won't mind.'

'No, thanks. Baka hindi ako makatulog.'

'Sa kakaisip sakin dahil kahit sa panaginip masarap ako?'

'Sa bangungot.' Hindi na nag reply si Zehannah pagkatapos niyon kahit pa tumunog
ang cellphone niya.
Pumasok siya sa condo niya at kaagad na naligo. Pagkatapos ay tumawag siya sa mga
magulang niya para kumustahin ang mga ito pero siya at ang date nila ni Reigo ang
naging sentro ng usapan. Halos tuyo na ang buhok ni Zehannah ng matapos siyang
makipag-usap sa mga magulang niya kaya naman kaagad siyang naghanda para matulog ng
tumunog ang cellphone niya.

Dahil hindi pa naman siya masyadong inaantok, kinuha niya ang cellphone na inilagay
niya sa bedside table saka tiningnan kung sino ang nagpadala sa kaniya ng text.

It was from Talandi Reigo.

Zehannah nonchalantly opened it — and it was a mistake.


Because Reigo sent a photo of him—almost naked! She could see the v-shape along his
hips and the little pubic hairs on the entrance to his groin area!

'Sending my delectable body for sweet dreams. Good night, my Zee.'

With a slightly trembling hand and deep breathing, she put her phone back on the
bedside table and hurriedly lay on the bed and sleep after praying for a good
night's sleep without Reigo in it.

But she was not heard once again.

Though this time, she was not the one eating, but Reigo.



"YOU WANT to build your own company too?" Gulat na wika ni Cassia ng mabuksan nila
ang usaping negosyo ni Zehannah habang nananghalian ang dalawa sa cafeteria. "Me
too, master Zehan. Pero baka magalit sakin ang mga magulang ko. I already caused
them so much pain and trouble. I don't want to add more."

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah saka pinisil ang pisngi ni Cassia. "Sabi nang huwag
mo akong tawaging master."

"Pero master kita—"

"Isa pa, Cassia, iiwan kita rito sa cafeteria."

Napasimangot si Cassia saka bumulong, "master pa rin kita kahit hindi kita tawaging
master Zehan."

Hinayaan na ni Zehannah ang kaibigan at napunta sa asawa nito ang usapan nila.
Tungkol sa 'listahan' na ginawa nito at mga payo ni Zehannah para maniwala na si
Cassia na hindi nga bakla ang asawa nito.
It was a long talk that it consumed their lunchtime, but Zehannah was certain that
she hammered a lot of things into Cassia's head that Cassia will surely follow—
well, after editing them to her own understanding, of course.

"You're hopeless." Ani Zehannah ng matapos tumawag ang asawa ni Cassia rito na
pumutol sa pag-uusap nila.

"What did I do?" Cassia genuinely thinks she did nothing wrong.

She's hopeless. Zehannah thought. "You ended the call like he's one of your
clients. 'Okay. Bye. Have a good day.' Really? Seriously, Cass. Be sweet, for
goodness' sake!"

Cassia blinked at Zehannah. "I am sweet. I told him to have a good day."

Zehannah looked at Cassia dryly. "Cass, you could've added an endearment at the
end, maybe? Sweeten your voice a little. Make it softer. What I'm saying is, flirt
with him on the phone too, not just in person."

"Is that so?" Cassia's shoulder fell. "You know I'm rusty with these kinds of

Napabuntong-hininga saka napailing si Zehannah. "Landiin mo ang asawa mo sa lahat

ng pagkakataong makikita mo. Personal man o sa tawag. Landi lang nang landi. Asawa
mo naman 'yon."

Cassia nodded earnestly while mumbling to herself, "Landi lang nang landi." Kumuyom
pa ang kamao nito na parang pinalalakas ang sariling loob. "Kaya ko 'yan."

She's hopeless, but she's learning in her own way. Nginitian ni Zehannah ang
kaibigan. "Always use endearment. Sweeten him up and soften him until he gets hard
for you."

Cassia stilled and stared at Zehannah. "Gets hard... for me?"

Nakataas ang kilay na inginuso ni Zehannah ang pagkababae ni Cassia. "His penis. If
that got hard because of you" — Zehannah made an 'ok' sign with her fingers—"one
hundred percent not gay, Cass. No doubt."

Napakurap-kurap si Cassia saka napatingin sa pagkababae nito kapagkuwan ay nag-

angat ng tingin kay Zehannah at bumulong. "Sweeten him up and soften him... 'til he
gets hard. What's that supposed to mean? Does that mean I really have to touch his
intimate part? 'Yon lang ang tanging paraan para malaman kong matigas siya."

Tumango si Zehannah saka nag-thumbs up sa kaibigan na sinagot din naman ng thumbs

up ni Cassia. That's not what Zehannah's meant, but if that's how Cassia
interpreted it, that's okay as well. Asawa naman nito si Thorn. And Zehannah thinks
Thorn would thank her if he found out.

"Come on, let's go back." Aya ni Zehannah sa kaibigan. "I have a report to finish
for my meeting later. I don't want to get chewed out."

"Okay. Good luck on your meeting, Master Zehan."

Zehannah just sighed, but didn't correct Cassia anymore.

"Mauna ka na. May gagawin ka pa 'di ba?" Ani Cassia ng makarating sila sa elevator
at isa nalang ang puwedeng sumakay.
"Sabay na tayo." Ani Zehannah.

"Nope." Masuyong tinulak ni Cassia si Zehannah papasok. "Mauna ka na."

"Okay. Okay. I'm going." Zehannah waved her hand at Cassia and rode the elevator.

Unfortunately, Dexter was in the elevator and most of the employees inside got off
at second and third floor. Silang dalawa nalang ni Dexter ang naiwan sa loob ng

"Zehan, puwede ba tayong mag-usap?" Tanong ni Dexter ng silang dalawa nalang sa


Hindi talaga niya ako tatantanan. Zehannah was annoyed, but she didn't show it.
"May kailangan ka?"

"It's about that night—"

"Oh. Don't worry about it. Wala na sa 'kin 'yon."

Natahimik si Dexter kapagkuwan ay nagtanong na naman ito. "Boyfriend mo ba 'yong

lalaking sumundo sayo?"

She could lie and say yes, but what's the point? "Nope. Just a suitor."

Nagliwanag ang mukha ni Dexter at hindi ito lumabas kahit dumating na sila sa
palapag nito at sumira ang elevator. "Kung ganun may pag-asa pa ako—"

"Nope." Zehannah was done being considerate, and it was time to put an end to this.
"I told you, remember? Ayokong magpaligaw sayo."

"Why not?" Dexter snapped. "Nagpapaligaw ka nga sa kaniya, bakit sakin hindi?"

"Hmm? Because he's different."

"How so?" Dexter demanded.

Dumating na ang elevator sa palapag ni Zehannah pero sinagot pa rin niya si Dexter
habang naglalakad palabas ng elevator. "Because he's handsome with a big dick and
he could bring me to high heavens." With that, the elevator behind her closed and
with a smile, she went to her office with her chin up.

Wala siyang paki kung anong isipin ni Dexter sa kaniya sa sinabi niya, ang mahalaga
sa kaniya ay ang tigilan na siya nito at sana naman gumana 'yon. She honestly
didn't want to deal with Dexter anymore. He's suffocating.

Entering her office, she immediately went back to work, but was distracted when her
phone beeped.

It was her Papa.

'Zehan, your Papi is being mean to me again. You know what he did today? Inubusan
niya ako ng ulam! Yes! Ulam! And he told me to buy a take out for myself. What am I
going to do, Zehan? I can't let this go. I have to get my revenge.'

Zehannah sighed and replied. 'Papa, ipapaalala ko lang, malamig ang panahon.'

'Ah, fuck. Bakit ang tagal mag-summer? Talk to your Papi, Zehan. Hindi kami bati.'
Napailing si Zehannah saka tinawagan ang Papi niya. "Papi, nagrereklamo na naman
sakin si Papa. Inubusan mo raw siya ng ulam at hindi ka raw niya bati."

Tumawa lang ang Papi niya. "Hayaan mo siya. Pinagmamalaki niya sakin yong boiled
egg na ginawa niya tapos hindi ako binigyan dahil inubos niya. Binabalik ko lang
naman sa kaniya ginawa niya, ah."

Zehannah sighed. "Papi, Papa wants revenge."

"Tell him it's still cold. Magkakasakit siya sa sofa."

"'Yon nga sabi ko."

"Ano sabi niya?"

"Ang tagal daw mag summer."

Dan chuckled. "Hayaan mo siya. In summer, I'll sweeten him up so he won't think of

Napailing nalang si Zehannah. "Ewan ko sa inyo na Papa. I'll hang up now. Bye,

"Bye, 'nak."

Nakangiting pinatay ni Zehannah ang tawag kapagkuwan ay wala sa sariling napatitig

sa screen ng cellphone niya.

Maliban sa 'good morning' text ni Reigo, hindi na ito nag-text pa sa kaniya.

He must be busy. Zehannah thought before placing her phone on her table.

It bothered her that she was feeling 'bothered' that Reigo hadn't sent her a
message since this morning. She was not a clingy person, so what was this?

Pilit na winaksi ni Zehannah ang nararamdaman saka itinuon nalang ang atensiyon sa
trabaho niya. Pilit niyang hindi pinapansin ang kahungkagan na nararamdaman
hanggang matapos ang araw niya at makauwi sa condo niya.

While going home, she heard an unpleasant rumor about Cassia, David, Cassia's
parents and Cassia's husband. Looks like something awful happened and Cassia left
work with her husband. Gusto niyang tawagan si Cassia at alamin kung anong
kalagayan nito, pero naisip niyang kasama nito ang asawa nito ngayon.

I'm sure he can take care of Cassia and they might need some privacy after what
happened. I'll visit tomorrow.

As usual, she had dinner alone that night. It was peaceful and very much welcomed.
Afterwards, she spent her time watching a series on Netflix and sipping wine.

Zehannah enjoyed her time alone. Paminsan-minsan sumasagi sa isip niya si Reigo
pero kaagad niyang winawaklit ang binata sa isip niya.

Me, myself and I ang gusto ko ngayon. Huwag na muna nating isipin ang mahalay na

It was around ten in the evening when Zehannah decided to hit the hay. She finished
two glasses of wine and finished the series she was watching on Netflix, meaning
she's a very happy woman as she went to her bedroom.

But as soon as her back laid on the mattress, her phone started beeping, notifying
her that someone sent her a message.

She checked her phone.

Zehannah felt like something lit up inside her when she saw Reigo's name on her

From: Talandi Reigo

'I was busy the whole day. Meetings after meetings. How's your day, my Zee? Did you
miss your future boyfriend?'

Sa hindi malamang kadahilanan, parang nakahinga ng maluwang si Zehannah na nabasa

niya ang kahanginan na naman ni Reigo.

'Patulog na ako. Good night.' Reply ni Zehannah.

'Oh. Okay. Good night, my Zee.'

Sa reply ng binata, naisip ni Zehannah ang mga naging ex ni Reigo. Isang araw na
hindi nagparamdam si Reigo sa kaniya. Kung siya 'yong klase ng babae na palaging
gusto ng atensiyon at palaging gusto na siya ang priyoridad, siguradong
nagkasagutan na sila.

But she enjoyed being alone and the peace it gives her, so she didn't mind. It
bothered her a bit, but not enough to anger her since she knew that Reigo had a
company to run, just like she had an eight-to-five job that needs her full

Bumuntong-hininga si Zehannah dahil sinabi niya kay Reigo na patulog na siya, pero
mulat na mulat pa rin naman siya at hindi makatulog kaya nag-reply siya kay Reigo.

'Nakauwi ka na ba o pauwi pa lang?'

Reigo answered her by calling. Zehannah answered.

"I'm driving. Pauwi pa lang ako." Kaagad na sabi ni Reigo ng sagutin ni Zehannah
ang tawag. "Bakit mo pala natanong? Gusto mo iuwi kita sa bahay ko? Hindi pa ako
kumakain. Puwedeng ikaw nalang ang kainin ko kung gusto mo."

Zehannah sighed. Here we go again. "Kahit saan talaga, kahit kailan, nakakatangina
ang kahalayan mo."

Reigo chuckled. "Na miss lang kita."

"I get that, pero anong kinalaman nun sa pagkain sakin?"

"Pumasok lang sa isip ko."

Napailing si Zehannah. "Ang halay mo talaga."

"Sayo lang naman."

Bumuntong-hininga si Zehannah. "Ang tanong niyan, magaling ka bang kumain?"

"Oo naman." Mabilis na sagot ni Reigo. "Gusto mo taste-test?"

"I'll pass."

"Your loss, my Zee."

Zehannah smirked. "Is it? Ang sarap ko kaya."

Mahinang natawa ni Reigo. "Masarap ka, masarap ako, pareho tayong masarap, so why
don't we taste each other?"

"No, thanks."

"Sure? Ayaw mo talaga?"

"Yep. And it's not my loss, it's yours."

"Sabi ko nga." Reigo conceded. "By the way, Zee."


"How's your day?"

Such a simple question, but Zehannah appreciates him asking. "Just so-so. Dexter
was being annoying again, but I told him not to bother me anymore."

"Hmm... knowing you, I'm sure Dexter experience what savagery means."

"I'm not that bad!" Depensa ni Zehannah sa sarili. "Sinabi ko lang sa kaniya na
hindi ako magpapaligaw sa kaniya dahil may manliligaw na akong guwapo, mahaba at
kaya akong dalhin sa langit—huwag lumaki ang ulo. Sasapakin kita."

Too late. Reigo was already smiling. "Ah, I'm such an amazing future boyfriend.
Wala ka nang hahapin pa sakin, Zee. Hindi lang ako sagad sa kaguwapuhan, kaya rin
kitang sagarin ng paulit-ulit hanggang hindi mo na kaya."

Zehannah looked at the ceiling flatly and sighed. "Lahat nalang talaga may
kahalayan kang dinadagdag. Let's stop talking. Matutulog na ako. Maaga pa ako

Reigo smiled. "Good night, my Zee. I'll eat you for dinner some other time."

Pinatay ni Zehannah ang tawag saka hinilot ang sentido. Wala sa kaniya ang
kahalayan ni Reigo. Ang pino-problema niya ay ang mga panaginip niya na parang
tinutulak siyang makipagyugyugan sa binata.

Zehannah sighed. "Ah. My head hurts."

Malapit nang matapos ang dalawang linggo na hiningi niya kay Reigo. Honestly, it
was not hard saying yes to Reigo. As he said, they're a good pair. But she was
frightened of relationship failure, not just for herself, but also for Reigo.

She'd been with Reigo. She knew his experiences with his exes; she knew how low his
self-esteem was and the trauma his exes left behind. And lots of things might
worsen if something bad happened between them.

That's why she was asking herself if it was a good idea to date Reigo, knowing full
well that there were things that she might not be able to give to Reigo if he asked
and she'll just hurt him in the end.
Malakas na bumuntong-hininga si Zehannah saka napatitig sa kisame.

She had never been this conflicted before. Sa mga naging ex niya dati, oo kaagad
ang sagot siya sa panliligaw ng mga ito kapag gusto niya. She never thought of
'what if's'.

Was this because she was getting old?

Napatingin siya sa cellphone na hawak pa rin saka nagpadala ng text sa Papi niya.

'Papi, dating someone who can't give you a lot of things is just a waste of time,

She was thankful that her Papi was still awake, and he replied.

'Nak, you don't date someone because you want something from them or you want them
to give you something. You date them because you like them and want to be with
them. Look at me and your Papa. There are a lot of things we can't give to each
other, things what we have to compromise on, but we're still together. That's
because that's what we wanted—to be by each other's side regardless if we can give
something to each other or not.'

Ilang ulit na binasa ni Zehannah ang reply ng Papi niya bago ulit napatitig sa

Date them because you wanted to be with them, huh? That was the past her. 'Yong
Zehannah na hindi pa iniiwan dahil hindi niya tinanggap ang marriage proposal na
inaalok sa kaniya ng mga naka-relasyon niya.

But once she tasted that feeling of being left behind because she couldn't give
them what they wanted even though she already told them beforehand, that changed
her perception in relationship.

She knew full too well that she hurt her exes by saying no to their proposals and
she was sorry for it, but she did not leave those relationships unscathed.

It left a scar on her too, and the one suffering from her scar now was Reigo.

Zehannah took a deep breath and tried to sleep after that, but sleep eluded her
until midnight. And because her body clock was early as five in the morning, she
woke up groggy.

But she didn't have time to feel that.

Naligo siya, nag-ayos at nagpadala ng mensahe kay Cassia para kumustahin ito. Nang
nag-reply ang kaibigan, sinabi niya ritong pupuntahan niya ito na ikinasiya ng

Going to Bachelor's Village, Zehannah brought bread for breakfast since it was
still early and went to Cassia and Thorn's house. And unlike the last time she
visited, her name was already under the Calderon's household trusted person list,
so the security was not as tight as the first time. Kinailangan lang na tawagan ng
guard ang bahay nila Cassia para kompermahin na walang problema sa pagpasok niya.

After that, she went to Cassia's house, and it was so obvious that Cassia cried
becaause of her eyes.

Kaagad na niyakap ni Zehannah ang kaibigan. "How are you feeling?"

"Ayos lang." Nginitian siya ni Cassia pagkatapos nitong kumawala sa yakap niya. "My
husband was there for me."

"I'm glad."

"Me too."

Cassia guided Zehannah towards the kitchen and they shared the bread Zehannah had
bought while having coffee.

"I'm resigning, Master Zehan." Ani Cassia pagkatapos sumimsim ng kape.

"Ano ba'ng nangyari?"

Cassia told Zehannah what happened yesterday and the words she received from her so
called mother.

Napabuntong-hininga si Zehannah. "Anong balak mo ngayon? May plano ka na ba

pagkatapos mong mag-resign?"

Tumango si Cassia. "Balak kong magtayo ng sarili kong agency. Siguradong

mahihirapan ako dahil mag-isa lang ako, pero kakayanin."

Matiim na tinitigan ni Zehannah ang kaibigan kapagkuwan ay inalok niya ito. "How
about we become partners?"

Umawang ang labi ni Cassia. "For real?! Hindi ako hihindi riyan. You're my Master
Zehan ang my best friend after all."

Napangiti si Zehannah. "Matagal ko na rin gustong magtayo ng sarili kong negosyo

pero tulad mo, alam kong mahihirapan ako. But with you and me partnering up, I'm
sure we can do it."

Mabilis na tumango si Cassia. "Yes! We can."

Tumango na rin si Zehannah saka ngumiti. "Kahit may agiw minsan ang utak mo, alam
ko pagdating sa trabaho at negosyo, maasahan kita at ganun din naman ako. You can
count on me to do everything I can. I will leave my career now and start from
scratch with you. Life begins at thirty or forty, after all. Kaya natin 'to."

Kanina lang may pagdadalawang-isip pa na nararamdaman si Cassia pero ngayong kasama

niya si Zehan na itatayo ang negosyo na naisip, wala na siyang pag-aalangang
maramdaman. Zehan was good with her job and Cassia knew she could always count on
her master Zehan.

"Let's finalize this after we resigned." Ani Zehannah saka inubos ang kape na
iniinom. "Pagkatapos no'n, marami tayong kailangang gawin. So we should get ready
by making plans and studying our planned business."

Tumango si Cassia kapagkuwan ay naputol ang pag-uusap ng dalawa ng pumasok sa

kusina ang asawa ni Cassia na halatang bagong gising lang.

Syempre, naging hangin na naman siya dahil may sariling mundo ang dalawa kahit pa
nga paminsan-misan ay nasisingit siya sa usapan.

Zehannah sighed heavily and spoke, "You two are annoyingly sweet. Can I leave now?
Stop slapping it in my face that I'm single."

"But you're single by choice, right?" Cassia knew about Zehannah's take on
marriage. "But I think you and Reigo are perfect for each other." Dagdag ni Cassia
saka ngumiti ito.

Zehannah looked at Cassia flatly. "Says the woman who's as dense as a rock."

Kaagad na humaba ang nguso ni Cassia. "Hey! I'm just rusty."

"Yeah, yeah," Zehannah said dismissively before leaving the stool. "I have to go
and take care of my resignation." Kapagkuwan ay tumingin siya sa asawa ni Cassia.
"Mr. Calderon, I like that you're taking good care of my dense friend here, but if
you continue spoiling that dense brain she has, you'll regret it." Then Zehannah
showed her fisted knuckle at Thorn, like she was saying 'you can do it'. "Just
consummate your marriage already." Zehannah tsked before turning her back on the
two. "Bye!"

Hindi na hinintay ni Zehannah ang sagot ng dalawa. Kaagad siyang umalis sa kusina
at lumabas ng bahay.

Nang makasakay sa sasakyan niya at nagmamaneho palabas ng Bachelor's Village, wala

sa sariling bumagal ang sasakyan niya ng mapadaan sa under construction na bahay ni
Reigo at nakita doon ang binata na nakatayo sa harapan at nakatingin sa bahay nito.

Zehannah could pass him by and he wouldn't see him, but she pulled over and she
couldn't help looking at his sexy back.

Black sweat pants, white muscle shirt and running shoes. He was sweaty and looking
like he just finished running. But damn, he was really a hot stud—a delicacy like
he always say.

Ibinaba ni Zehannah ang bintana saka kinuha ang atensiyon ng binata. "Good morning,
Mr. Delicacy."

Mabilis na lumingon si Reigo at gumuhit ang ngiti sa mga labi ng makita siya.
"Why're you here?" He jogged to her car. "You here for me?"

"You wished." Tinuro niya ang dereksiyon ng bahay nila Cassia. "May pinagusapan
lang kami ni Cassia tapos nakita kita. Lalampasan sana kita pero nagbago ang isip

That made Reigo smile widened. "Hmm. Na miss mo ako no?"


Reigo rested his arm on her car's window and leaned in to her. "Want to have
breakfast with me, my Zee? Nagpa-deliver ako ng masarap na pancake sa barn na
tinutuluyan ko pansamantala. Want to eat with me? Or we could eat each other, I
don't mind."

Hindi pinansin ni Zehannah ang kahalayan ni Reigo dahil masyado pang maaga. "If
it's pancake, I'm in."

"Great." Reigo leaned back and stretched his arms. "I'll jog, you drive."


Reigo took off jogging on the sidewalk while Zehannah followed him by her car. And
she couldn't help sighing from time to time because of how sexy Reigo's back
Tumikhim si Zehannah para gisingin ang diwa niya. She couldn't let her guard down
around Reigo after having all those crazy, wet dreams. One wrong move and she might
end up his breakfast.

Yeah. Let's avoid that at all cost. Zehannah was not yet ready to be eaten even if
it brings her to high heavens.



"THAT WAS A good pancake." Ani Zehannah ng matapos mag-agahan kasama si Reigo at
ngayon ay naglalakad na patungo sa sasakyan niya habang katabi ang binata. "And
excellent coffee, too. Hope my day goes well today. Sana walang epal akong makita
ngayong araw."

"Why? Planning something today?"

Zehannah nodded. "Handing my resignation."

"Oh. Do you have plans after?" Reigo did not take Zehannah as a someone who would
do something without planning ahead.

"Magtatayo kami ng marketing agency ni Cassia."

Zehannah was taken aback when Reigo smiled as if he was excited for her.

"See? I told you, your life is just beginning." He looked like he was happy for
her. "I'm sure you can do it."

Tumango si Zehannah at ngumiti na rin. She liked that Reigo had so much faith in
her ability to establish a business. There was no doubt in his whole being that she
could handle it, which made Zehannah feel empowered.

"If you need any help, which I doubt you would because you'll be just fine, tell
me." Reigo kissed Zehannah on the side of her forehead, then his lips made way to
her neck, kissing her there as if his lips belonged there.

Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead as she stepped away from him. "Too much kissing."

Namulsa ang binata. "I doubt. It was just a peck. Hindi ba sabi mo hindi halik

Gago. At talagang binalik sakin. Zehannah mused and rolled her eyes at Reigo.

"Unless you want a proper kiss with a tongue?" He smiled suggestively. "I would be
happy to use my tongue to explore your mouth thoroughly to indulge my Zee."

"No, thank you." I should get out of here before my body started to craved that
kiss with tongue. "...tangina. Kasalanan 'to ng panaginip na 'yon."
"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Binuksan ni Zehannah ang sasakyan saka sumakay para makatakas kay Reigo.
"Sige, alis na ako. Bye!"

Ni hindi man lang nakapagpaalam si Reigo ng maayos. Basta nalang umalis si Zehannah
na para bang nagmamadali.

That made Reigo frown. "Hmm... what's gotten into her?"

He had no answer, so he went back inside the barn just in time to hear his phone

It was his mother.

"Hey, ma."

"Reigo," his mother sounded happy. "How's the pancake and the coffee beans?"

"It was good."

"Just good?" There was a frown in his mother's voice.

"Well, compared to the ones you've sent me, yes, it's just good."

To them, 'good' meant just 'so-so'.

"My, my, such connoisseur."

Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Ma, it's the same as when you're buying your precious
gems and stones. Being 'good' is not just enough."

"True," his mother sighed. "Anyway, son, I heard from your father that you have
something for me...?"

Napatingin si Reigo sa attaché case na nasa ibabaw ng center table. "Hmm. It's an

"You know I don't accept mediocre ones."

"I know. This one is an auction for rare diamonds. Are you interested—"

"Did you just say rare...?!" His mother immediately got hooked.

"Yep. That's what I said."

"Goodness..." his mother sighed in bliss. "You really know me, son. Now," she
suddenly became serious and Reigo knew what was coming, "how much do I have to pay
for that invitation you obtained for me?"

Reigo smiled because his mother understood him very well. He actually didn't have
something in mind as a payment for the invitation until just a moment ago.

"Nothing much. It'll just cost you three recommendations."

"For your company? But you're already doing well, Reigo. You don't need our help

"It's for someone else." Zehannah's face entered his mind. "Few months from now,
someone will open a marketing agency. I want you to recommend it to three companies
that you think would highly need their services. They're new, so please be careful
who you recommend them to, Ma."

"Is this 'someone' capable?" His mother asked, doubtful. "I don't want to recommend
someone who would embarrass me."

"No worries, ma. She won't." Reigo had faith in Zehannah.

"So it's a woman."


"Did she ask for your help?"

"No. She would never do that. She's very proud and confident. She likes to do
things her way."

"Then why are you doing this? Do you not trust her abilities?"

"I do." There was no doubt that he did. "That's why I want you to recommend her
agency once it's open. I can't help in a lot of things, but what I can do is create
an opportunity for her. You can recommend her agency, but it's still up to her to
make her clients stay, and I know she will."

Zehannah once told him that his clients stayed because he worked hard. Now, he had
the same belief in Zehannah. He knew his mother's recommendation will not be for

"Okay. I get it." Anang ina ni Reigo. "But this is the first time you asked me do
to something like this. I'm intrigued." She giggled. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"I wish."

His mother chuckled, as if mocking him. "My, my, now I'm curious. What's her name?"

"Not telling." Reigo flat out replied. "Leave her alone, ma. She's just a simple

"For you to be interested in her? I doubt she's that simple."


Mahinang natawa ang ina. "So protective. Fine. I won't do anything but recommend
her agency once it's open."

"Thanks, ma."

"Welcome. Now send that invitation to our house. I can't wait!"

"I will. Bye, ma."

"Bye, son!"

The line ended and Reigo let out a long sighed. Nang sabihin sa kaniya ni Zehannah
kanina na magri-resign na ito sa pinagta-trabahuan nito, ang daming pumasok sa isip
niya na tulong na puwede niyang i-alok dito.

But he knew Zehannah. She would prefer to stand on her own two feet.
The opportunity that I will open for her is just that—an opportunity and nothing
more. It was up to her to grab it, work hard, and make it work. And I know she

He remembered nearly a year ago, while coffee hopping with Zehannah, he thought how
nice it would have been if he met her sooner. But now, he was thankful that

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