FTQ360 - Guide To Better Quality Through Advanced Commissioning Techniques

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FTQ360 - Guide To Better Quality Through Advanced Commissioning Techniques


As projects become more complex and have increased levels of

automation systems, we need to approach commissioning from
a fresh angle and leave bad habits of the past behind.
Devising a new approach to commissioning will help you to adapt to integrated systems that are a
given if you want to achieve quality success. As you’ll know, commissioning is not simply just testing
of the equipment at the end of the project. To achieve the levels of quality required by the project,
commissioning must be front of mind from the outset and integrated throughout every single stage.

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If you want better quality on your projects, start by defining your end goal and only
then start preparing for commissioning. This will set your project up for success
- to deliver on-time and on-budget. Only when you start with the end in mind will
you achieve better quality with these advanced commissioning techniques.

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As underlined earlier, commissioning cannot be an Of course there are perceived barriers to this approach:
afterthought and addressed when the commissioning team one example often cited is that it requires way too
arrives on-site at the end of the project to start their testing. much significant upfront work. But by fully defining all
commissioning requirements, the project team will better
At this point, all the commissioning team can do is point understand expectations right from the outset and may even
out problems. And as projects become more complex, save hours spent on rework. The commissioning team should
the problems also become more complex if they are help by providing input to the earlier stages of the project to
not identified and addressed early on in the project. ensure that work that precedes commissioning is always
started with the end in mind.
The new approach to commissioning should be
implemented as early as the project initiation stage - way
before a shovel ever touches the ground. When plans Commissioning (Cx)
are being developed and contracts are being written is Management Software
the time to integrate commissioning into the project. All Built by the experts.
project participants must share the end goal of project FREE DEMO
completion during the project’s initiation stage.

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How the project is structured and the contracting strategy both have a major
impact on commissioning success. Right from the beginning of the planning
process, the thought process needs to establish how the project will fit together
during end-stage commissioning.

For every additional contract created, there is an additional contract interface

between systems that needs to be verified. With too many contracts and too
many interfaces to align between different subsystems, commissioning can
become unnecessarily complex.

There are certainly many competing priorities when evaluating contracting

strategies, and the commissioning team can provide input to help the project
team understand the commissioning process and how the project components fit
together in the end.

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The most important aspect of the contract for the The logic programmers will only be able to implement what is
commissioning team is the technical specification, since this defined in the PCN and FRS. Without these details, the system
defines what the project needs to accomplish and therefore may not function as intended and add significant effort during
what the commissioning team needs to verify in the end. commissioning to troubleshoot and design the missing logic
An inadequate or incomplete technical specification will cause
challenges through all stages of the project if the design team As well, if your project requires cyber secure systems, this
is not able to understand the detailed requirements to include needs to be defined upfront in the technical specification. It is
in the design, the construction team does not have the details not enough to state that ‘systems must be cyber-compliant’
of the installation and the quality requirements that must since it becomes much more complicated than this when
be achieved, or the commissioning team does not know the implementing in the field. A thorough definition of cyber
performance requirements that the system must achieve. compliance needs to be agreed at the beginning of the project
rather than at the end of the project during commissioning.
There are a few important aspects to consider in the
technical specification. If your project has a large automation The design process must incorporate the following:
component, then this needs to be clearly defined in process k Constructability
control narratives (PCN) or functional requirements k Commissioning sequence
specifications (FRS). k Operation and maintenance

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The construction team can certainly provide input to the Procurement contracts are established early in the project and
design team to ensure that the systems being designed can need to consider commissioning requirements as well. One
viably be installed in the field. And the commissioning team of the first set of tests on equipment is Factory Acceptance
can provide guidance on the sequence of how commissioning Testing (FAT). Procurement contracts need to clearly define
is planned, in order that the design packages are systematized the FAT requirements, expectations for level of testing and
in the same manner. requirements for witness testing.

Operation and maintenance of the equipment needs to be Procurement of specialized equipment can often have
considered, and since the commissioning team will be the a long lead time, and this needs to be aligned with the
first group to operate the new equipment, they can provide commissioning sequence while accounting for any longer
valuable input to the design process to ensure that the duration FAT requirements.
systems can in fact function in the field and be adequately
tested prior to handover to the owner’s operating team.

Commissioning (Cx) Management Software FREE DEMO

Built by the experts.

FAT is a critical step of the process that can mitigate risk on the project. Any
errors or defects identified during FAT can save significant time in the project
while float may still exist, rather than during critical path commissioning activities.
Proper planning of FAT needs to take place with the commissioning team’s

There are two components of FAT – hardware FAT and software FAT. Hardware
FAT is well established in the construction and commissioning industries. But
as projects have become more complex, a properly conducted software FAT is
essential to the process. The software FAT tends to be deferred to site, since it
requires the hardware and software design to be completed early in the project.

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Since the hardware design is often required prior to undertaking Only then can further activities take place to interface
the software design, the software lags the hardware and is not all the subsystems into a single system, verifying that
always available for FAT. By skipping this critical integration there are no installation errors and that the system
of hardware and software in the factory, all the issues to be functions seamlessly to execute the plant process. If
discovered during software testing are deferred to site. instead, each subsystem design and hardware/software
integration need to be verified in the field, this can add
While it may seem that the project is saving significant time to the whole sequence, especially if the
schedule by shipping the hardware to site earlier software is still at an early stage of design and test.
and completing the software design in parallel with
equipment delivery and installation, this is actually
only deferring issues to later in the project when they
will have a greater impact on cost and schedule.

When carefully planned and executed, an integrated FAT

sets the commissioning phase of the project up for the
best chance of success. During the project planning
phase, the project needs to establish sufficient timelines
to allow the hardware and software designs to be available
for FAT, in order that the hardware and the complete
integrated design are verified prior to arriving at site.

Based on the commissioning sequence, the Cx team The handover process from the construction team to the Cx
determines both the order of what subsystems are team can be quite complex with many activities on-site and
required and when they need to be handed over from overlapping work functions.
the construction team.
Each subsystem handover needs to be planned in micro detail
While the construction team’s attention is on installation for it to go smoothly. Even then, there may be delays due to
of each piece of equipment (as it should be), the mindset uncontrollable equipment delivery or installation issues. It is
must shift towards subsystems rather than each piece of critical that the commissioning team be involved early in the
equipment, as the commissioning team requires a group project to plan the commissioning sequence, work with the
of equipment to perform a given function of the system. construction team to establish construction priorities and
The project mechanical completions help to define the forecast potential impacts to the commissioning sequence
construction priorities and what is required for and how they can be mitigated.
each group of equipment.

But it is not suitable to simply define all the mechanical

completions on the project. These need to be incorporated
into an integrated construction and commissioning schedule.

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Once all construction ITPs are successfully completed and mechanical completions
are signed off, the commissioning team can commence with pre-commissioning
activities. The commissioning team must prepare all the pre-commissioning
checklists in advance to perform the required checks in the field without delay.

Since the hardware and software were properly integrated and tested in the factory,
pre-commissioning mainly consists of confirming that there are no installation errors.

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However, anything that has changed since factory testing It is recommended that a fully integrated software system needs
needs to be verified. For example: mechanical piping, cabling, to be investigated and implemented early on in the project.
any interfaces that were not available in the factory, or any
design changes since FAT. If the construction team has Following pre-commissioning activities, the equipment can
implemented a thorough quality management system during then be integrated, and commissioning tests performed.
installation, then pre-commissioning should go smoothly. Again, since the hardware and software were tested in the
factory, the commissioning tests should focus on confirming
However, if quality was not a strong focus during installation, there are no installation errors and that all components of the
pre-commissioning can take much longer than anticipated system, including field devices that were not available during
with impacts to cost and schedule. FAT, are integrated together and tested as one system.

To ensure that quality is maintained through construction, If the hardware and software were not fully tested in the
pre-commissioning, and commissioning, a software system factory, then the errors and deficiencies will be encountered
needs to be implemented to manage inspections and track later in the project during commissioning activities. This will
deficiencies. Spreadsheets are no longer suitable to manage add cost to the project and cause schedule delays as each
quality and commissioning processes on complex projects, error is encountered and while troubleshooting takes place to
and there are much better solutions that exist today to help rectify the deficiency.
manage these functions.

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Following commissioning activities, start-up includes starting the plant process for the first time. For example, adding
process fluids to the systems such as in the oil and gas industry or initiating power transfers such as in the power
industry. Starting the systems allows performance testing to begin, where all technical requirements from the technical
specifications are verified, including all fault scenarios, to confirm correct operation of the systems. Any fine tuning of the
system is determined and implemented during performance verification to ensure optimized performance of the system.

By starting with the end in mind, the With the help of the tools available today, it is no
commissioning phase of your project can be longer necessary to struggle with tracking and
set up for the best chance of success. With managing activities in spreadsheets. Involve the
commissioning incorporated into every stage commissioning team early on in your project and
of the project, your project has a better chance implement the techniques mentioned above to achieve
of being completed on-time and on-budget. better quality and performance on your projects.

Commissioning (Cx) Management Software FREE DEMO

Built by the experts.

It is no easy task attending to every detail and staying on schedule.

We understand these challenges and built our FTQ360 Commissioning platform with tools that improve and streamline your
construction commissioning process by giving you the power to:

k Digitally collect reports and documents in an organized way to create an automatically formatted closeout package
k Guarantee an organized and safe start-up with pre-planned and tracked activities
k Replace multiple apps with a single source solution you can share across all devices and team members
k Kick-start your Cx program with adaptable and powerful interactive checklists
k Communicate all issues quickly and easily and then seamlessly document those deficiencies
k Integrate equipment, sub-systems and systems into the heart of the Cx process
k Take a managed approach to data accuracy and security, but in a user-friendly way

The FTQ360 Cx Platform ensures that commissioning engineers can focus more time on inspections and reports – and
less on administrative processes and unnecessary tasks. If you’re looking for more streamlined ways to complete project
commissioning, book a demo today to take a tour of FTQ360’s software.

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1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway

Annapolis, MD 21401

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