Maple Linear Sem 4

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Lab Assignment 1.

Complete the tasks given in the following table:
Instructions Maple or Shortcut Output
Enter any 3x3
square matrix A

Enter any 3x3

upper triangular
matrix U

Enter any 3x3

lower triangular
matrix L

Enter any 3x3

symmetric matrix

Find U + L

Find A - S

Find UA

Find 3S

Find determinant -58

of A
Find transpose of
Lab Assignment 2.4.1
Complete the task given in the following table:

Instructions Maple Command Output

Lab Assignment 2.4.2

a) Solve the following systems of linear equations by using the Gaussian elimination method.
Then repeat the problem by using Gauss-Jordan elimination method.
Maple Command Output
Conclude: Entries in the fourth row in AR10
Error, (in linalg:-backsub) is a false statement. Hence the system of
inconsistent system linear equations does not have a solution or
Laboratory Assignment 2.4.2

b) Solve the following systems of linear equations by using the Gaussian elimination method. Then
repeat the problem by using Gauss-Jordan elimination method.
Since the Rows 4 result with a false statement which is [0 0 0 0 0 1]. So, the system is not always
consistent. Therefore, there is no solution for the given system.

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