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Sound words

- Whisper - susurro
- Crunch - crujido
- Clatter - estruendo
- Noisy - ruidoso
- Murmur - murmullo

Taste/smell words
- Fresh - fresco
- Savoury - sabroso
- Bitter - amargo
- Aroma - fragancia
- Smell
- Sweet
- Delicious
- Feast
- Crispy
- Smooth
- Rich

Touch words
- Sticky
- Rough – tosco
- Prickly – espinoso.
- Crisp - crujiente
- Smooth – liso
- Stiff – rígido
- Solid - sólido

Sight words
- Striped – a rayas
- Bright
- Appears
- Dazzling – deslumbrante
- Twinkling - centelleo
- Decorative
- Striking – sorprendente

It´s an ancient bookstore café in Munich, Germany, called Beispiel. It was first opened in
1813 and it is known for the great philosophers who used to go there and is popular for
the foreigners who go to the place for a retreat.
As you walk into the place, you can feel a bit strange due to the bitter aroma of coffee
mixing with the musty smell of the old books and the fresh air of the nature. The furniture
is rustic and dusty, but as a costumer, you can enjoy of an exotic array of cakes with a
smooth coffee at the time you are reading an iconic book or writing an inspired and
creative article or report.

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