Class-2 Evs Annual Question Bank 2023 - 24

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Name _____________________ Class -2 Sec: ___

I. Fill in the blanks :

1. The weather is pleasant in ___________ season.

2. Big and tall plants are called _____________ .

3. Scavengers eat the flesh of ________________ animals.

4. Trees shed their leaves in _________________ season.

5. Aquatic animals live in ___________ .

6. ______________ are dry areas that are covered with sand.

7. A ______________ is a large water body surrounded by land.

8. _____________ tree can live for hundreds of year .

9. The tip of the mountain is called a _____________.

II. Name the following :

1. We use air-conditioner – ______________________________

2. We drink hot soups – ______________________________

3. We wear raincoat – ______________________________

4. Very high hills - ______________________________

5. Two trees – ________________ , _________________

6. Two land forms - _______________, ___________________

7. Two omnivores animals - ______________ , ________________

8. Two insects – _______________, __________________

III. Tick (√ ) the correct option :

1. Cotton is used to make ( furniture / clothes ).

2. ( Cow /Elephant ) gives us milk.

3. It rains in ( monsoon / summer ) season.

4. Frog is an ( pet / amphibian ).

5. A lake is a water body surrounded by ( land / desert ).

6. Hen lives in a ( coop / shed ).

7. (Carnivores / Herbivores ) eat plants.

8. Wild animals live ( in the jungle / on the farm ).

IV. Write True or False :

1. Bees give us honey. ______________

2. Raincoat helps to keep us dry in the rainy season. ______________

3. Plants gives us oxygen that we breathe in. ______________

4. Cotton is used to make furnitures. ______________

5. The Earth is not a planet. ______________

6. Deserts get very heavy rainfall. ______________

7. Camel is also called the ‘ship of the desert’. ______________

8. Some flowers are used to make perfumes. ______________

9. Monsoon is also known as ‘Fall’. ______________

10.Tigers are herbivores animals. ______________

V. Name the homes of the animals :

dog - hen -

horse – bird -

ant – bees -

cow – rabbit -

VI. Answer the following :

Q1. What is the Earth made up of ?
Ans. __________________________________________________________


Q2. Name any four water bodies found on the Earth.

Ans: __________________________________________________________

Q3. Name any four seasons.
Ans: __________________________________________________________


Q4. What are wild animals ?

Ans: __________________________________________________________


Q5. What are trees?

Ans: __________________________________________________________


VII. Match the following :

A --- B
1 snowfall Rose
2 Duck Cub
3 creeper Winter
4 Shrub Spring
5 Hen Duckling
6 Trees Watermelon
7 Picnic Chick
8 Lion big and tall

VIII. Colour the aquatic animals only :

IX. Draw and colour a Rainbow :

X. Draw , name and colour any one animal and its home:

All the best for your examinations .



I. Fill in the blanks :

1. The weather is pleasant in spring season.

2. Big and tall plants are called trees .
3. Scavengers eat the flesh of dead animals.
4. Trees shed their leaves in autumn season.
5. Aquatic animals live in water .
6. Deserts are dry areas that are covered with sand.
7. A lake is a large water body surrounded by land.
8. Banyan tree can live for hundreds of year .
9. The tip of the mountain is called a peak.

II. Name the following :

1. We use air-conditioner – Summer season
2. We drink hot soups – Winter season
3. We wear raincoat – Rainy season
4. Very high hills – Mountains
5. Two trees – peepal, coconut
6. Two landforms – Desert , Plains
7. Two omnivores animals – crow , cat
8. Two insects – ants , flies

III. Tick (√ ) the correct option :

1. Cotton is used to make ( furniture / clothes√ )
2. ( Cow√ / Elephant ) gives us milk.
3. It rains in ( Monsoon√ / summer ) season.
4. Frog is (a pet / an amphibian√ ).

5. A lake is a large water body surrounded by ( land√ / desert )
6. Hen lives in a ( coop√ / shed )
7. (carnivores√ / herbivores ) eat the flesh of other animals.
8. Wild animals live ( in the jungle√ / on the farm )

IV. Write True or False :

1. Bees give us honey - True
2. Raincoat helps to keep us dry in the rainy season - True
3. Plants gives us oxygen that we breathe in - True
4. Cotton is used to make furnitures - False
5. The Earth is not a planet - False
6. Deserts get very heavy rainfall - False
7. Camel is also called the ‘ship of the desert’ - True
8. Some flowers are used to make perfumes – True
9. Monsoon is also known as ‘Fall’. - False
10.Tigers are herbivores animals - False

V. Name the homes of the animals :

dog - kennel hen – coop

horse – stable bird - nest

ant – anthill bees – bee-hive

cow – shed rabbit- burrow

VI. Answer the following :
Q1. What is the Earth made up of ?
Ans: The Earth is made up of air, land and water.
Q2. Name any four water bodies found on the Earth .
Ans: Lakes, seas, rivers, and streams.
Q3. Name any four seasons -
Ans: Summer season, winter season, monsoon season and spring
Q4. What are wild animals ?
Ans : Animals that live in the jungle are called wild animals.
Eg. : lion, tiger
Q5. What are trees?
Ans: Big and tall plants are called trees. eg. peepal, banyan etc.
VII. Match the following :

A --- B

1 snowfall 4 Rose

2 duck 8 Cub

3 creeper 1 Winter

4 shrub 7 Spring

5 hen 2 Duckling

6 trees 3 Watermelon

7 picnic 5 Chick

8 lion 6 big and tall

VIII. Colour the aquatic animals only :

IX. Draw and colour a Rainbow –

X. Draw , name and colour any one animal and its home:

Dog Kennel


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