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for Commissioning

& Operational Readiness

Carve for Commissioning & Operational Readiness is the first assessment of its kind in the
industry based on research from the Construction Industry Institute (CII).

The Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment

is a methodology designed to support project teams in
the early identification of commissioning and startup
gaps and hot spots that must be addressed to ensure a
successful transition through each phase:
1. Detailed Design 4. Commissioning
2. Construction 5. Startup
3. Pre-commissioning 6. Close-out
Structure of the Assessment
The assessment consists of a series of readiness factors
grouped by phase. As factors are assessed, comments
and action items are captured where gaps exist.
Transition Readiness for a project in Pre-Commissioning,
There are two specialized factor types, Hot Spots and preparing to transition to Commissioning.
Ongoing Factors.

Hot Spots: Factors identified as commonly problematic, higher risk, and a contributor to schedule delays if not
addressed in a timely manner. These factors have a higher weighting within the calculation of the Transition
Readiness score.

Ongoing Factors: Factors that have related activities or deliverables that must be performed continually to
maintain project alignment and transition readiness.
Interpreting Results
The Commissioning & Operational Readiness
Assessment results provide project leaders
with a clear summary of key points to help their
team focus their efforts and ensure readiness for
Commissioning and Startup, including:
1. Transition Readiness % by Phase
2. Transition Readiness % by Category
3. Missing Factors & Hot Spots Assessment screen showing all categories, the number of factors
4. Action Items within each category and the scoring details.

Learn more:
© 2023 Valency Inc.
for Commissioning
& Operational Readiness
Secure Cloud-based Enterprise Application
The Carve Project Assurance platform runs on Heroku, powered by AWS (Amazon Web Services) and includes
SSO (Single Sign-on Support) for simplified user access. Carve also offers ease of integration with your capital
program applications using API technology.

Benchmarking & Analytics

When assessment data is consolidated into a central repository like Carve, key performance indicators are
available in real time through pre-built analytics designed to deliver clear visibility into performance from the
portfolio level all the way down to individual factor scores. With this data, project leaders can easily identify
trends and opportunities for process improvement.

Carve Project Assurance Platform

Valency’s web‐based project assurance tool offers comprehensive insight into project portfolio performance.
Project leaders can manage risk across their entire capital program and identify opportunities for continuous


Carve for Carve for Commissioning &

Carve for PDRI Construction Readiness Operational Readiness

Conduct PDRI sessions in an Visually communicate and highlight Measure transition readiness from
interactive manner that highlights the level of construction readiness construction completion to project
identified gaps and action items. at the category and overall project close-out. Identify missing factors
Compare project to relevant level. Compare project to relevant and address hot spots, clarify roles
industry and portfolio benchmarks. industry and portfolio benchmarks. and responsibilities.

Learn more:
© 2023 Valency Inc.

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