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Logic and Model Theory 639

that this is an equivalent statement, let ψ be any sen- any satisfiable theory is consistent. On the other hand
tence. Then precisely one of ψ and ¬ψ is true. There- if T is not satisfiable, then every sentence φ is a logi-
fore, if the theorem is false, then PA must prove either cal consequence of T , for the trivial reason that there
ψ or ¬ψ. But this means that we can decide which by are no models of T in which φ is required to be true.
simply going through all possible proofs in PA until we But the completeness theorem then tells us that T ⊢ φ
find a proof of ψ or a proof of ¬ψ. for every φ. Choosing φ to be some contradictory state-
Gödel’s original example of a true but unprovable ment, of the form ψ ∧ ¬ψ, for instance, we see that T is
sentence was a self-referential sentence that effectively inconsistent. This way of reformulating the complete-
asserted ness theorem has the following simple consequence,
“I am not provable from PA.” called the compactness theorem, which turns out to be
surprisingly important, as we shall see.
More precisely, he found a sentence ψ for which he
was able to show that ψ is true in N if and only if ψ is Theorem. If every finite subset of T is satisfiable, then
not provable from PA. With more work he showed that T is satisfiable.
there is a sentence that asserts
The reason this is true is that if T is not satisfiable
“PA is consistent”
then it is inconsistent (as we have just seen), which
that is unprovable from PA. The somewhat artificial means that a contradiction can be proved from T . Since
and metamathematical nature of these sentences might this proof, like all proofs, must be finite, it involves
lead one to hope that all “mathematically interesting” only finitely many sentences from T . Therefore, T has
sentences about N are settled by PA. However, more a finite subset that implies a contradiction, which con-
recent work has shown that even this is a forlorn tradicts our assumption that all finite subsets of T are
hope, since there are undecidable statements related to satisfiable.
ramsey’s theorem [IV.19 §2.2] in finite combinatorics.
Although the compactness theorem is an easy con-
Undecidability also appears in number theory in
sequence of the completeness theorem, it has many
a very basic way. Hilbert’s tenth problem asked if
immediate intriguing consequences and lies at the
there is an algorithm to decide whether a polynomial
heart of many constructions in model theory. Here are
p(X1 , . . . , Xn ) with integer coefficients has an integer
two simple applications that show that theories have
zero. Davis, Matijasevic, Putnam, and Robinson showed
many models that you might not expect. If M is some
that the answer is no.
L-structure, let us write Th(M) for the theory of M:
Theorem. For any recursively enumerable S ⊆ N there that is, for the set of all L-sentences that are true in M.
is n > 0 and p(X, Y1 , . . . , Yn ) ∈ Z[X, Y1 , . . . , Yn ] such We also extend our earlier notation M ⊨ φ from sin-
that m ∈ S if and only if p(m, Y1 , . . . , Yn ) has an integer gle formulas to collections of formulas, so if M is an
zero. L-structure and T is an L-theory, then M ⊨ T means
that every sentence of T is true in M, or in other words
Since the halting problem provides an undecidable
that M is a model of T .
recursively enumerable set, the answer to Hilbert’s
tenth problem is no. An important open question is Corollary. There exists an Lexp -structure M containing
whether there is an algorithm to decide if a polynomial an infinite element a (which means that a > 1, a > 1+1,
with rational coefficients has a rational zero. Hilbert’s a > 1 + 1 + 1, etc.), such that M ⊨ Th(Rexp ).
tenth problem is also discussed in the insolubility
That is, there is a structure M in which all the true
of the halting problem [V.20], and other interesting
first-order statements about the structure Rexp are still
examples of undecidability can be found in geometric
true, but M is different from Rexp because it contains
and combinatorial group theory [IV.10].
an infinite element. To prove this, we add one more
constant symbol c to our language and consider the
3 Compactness
theory T that consists of all the statements of Th(Rexp )
A theory T is called satisfiable if there are structures (that is, all true statements about Rexp ), together with
that satisfy all of the sentences in T (that is, if T has a the infinite sequence of statements c > 1, c > 1 + 1,
model), and we call T consistent if we cannot derive a c > 1 + 1 + 1, and so on. If ∆ is any finite subset of T ,
contradiction from T . Since our proof system is sound, then we can make R a model of ∆ simply by interpreting

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