Sea of Fog

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Function and purpose In terms of what purpose may be in

relation to how it was viewed by other

Friedrich is thought to have been a people, the perspective, looking at the
very personal painter, as was wanderer from behind upon the same
common during the romantic period. view suggests that Friedrich may have
He is quoted saying “The painter wanted to share the view, with
should paint not only what he has in intention of inducing a sense of awe,
front of him, but also what he sees or some other strong emotion, whether
inside himself. If he sees nothing that be fear or confusion, once again,
within, then he should stop painting expressing this idea of nature and the
what is in front of him.”, which puts sublime. He may have also have
into perspective how this painting wanted to create a sense of mystery, in
(and his paintings in general) was the viewer, which is suggested
created with the expressed purpose through the back view, which in itself,
of showcases his feelings. This conceals much about the wanderer
painting was made the year Friedrich (what he looks like, his expression,
married, so may been made with the etc.), while the use of fog continues to
intention of expressing his own perpetuate this idea of mystique,
complex emotions, but it could have where one is lead to come t their own
also been a product of his Christian conclusion about what may be
teachings, with him being influenced concealed.
by Ludwig Gotthard Kosegarten,
who discussed similar themes about
the association of nature with
religion. In this way, the painting
may have been a means to release his
feelings to religion, expressing for
example, the greatness of the This portrait of friedrich shows his hair Part of a portrait of
Christian God through his revelationscolour as similar to the wanderer in the C D Friedrich by
in nature. painting. Perhaps he intended to create Johann Karl Bahr
Citation: the painting with him as a self insert of https://en.wikipedia. sorts org/wiki/File:Carl_J
ar-David-Friedrich 29/1/23 ohann_Baehr_-_Bil
Baltic Light: Early Open-air Painting in
Denmark and North Germany (ISBN
0-300-08166-9) aspar_David_Friedr ich.jpg 31/11/23
-Above-the-Sea-of-Fog 31/1/23

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