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OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 6.

Add-On: VIM-Express (VIM-X)
Demonstration Script
Open Text - Technical Marketing/Global Services
Author: K.Woestehoff/R.Will
Version 1.2 – 10 of March 2012
2 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

About this Document ..................................................................................................................... 3
About OpenText Vendor Invoice Management ............................................................................ 4
Important to know about VIM-Express (VIM-X) ........................................................................... 5
Demo Guideline .............................................................................................................................. 7
General Information ................................................................................................................... 7
Validation in VIM-X .............................................................................................................. 7
Roles in VIM-X ..................................................................................................................... 7
NON-PO VIM-Express Demo Scenarios ................................................................................... 8
Straight Post including Approval of Invoices (Baseline) ..................................................... 8
Duplicate Check & Missing Requester Exceptions .................................................................... 9
PO related VIM-Express Demo Scenarios .............................................................................. 10
Straight Post without Validation ......................................................................................... 10
Quantity & Price Discrepancy ............................................................................................ 10
Currency Mismatch via VIM-X ........................................................................................... 10
Demonstration Support/Contact ................................................................................................. 12
3 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

About this Document

This document is an add-on guideline to the existing Vendor Invoice Management 6.0 demo script.

Reading of VIM 6.0 Demo Script is absolutely mandatory and prerequisite to understand the VIM-X
demo guideline and showcase the demo scenarios.

This demo guideline is just an add-on to the existing VIM 6.0 Demo Script and all descriptions about
necessary demo preparations steps as well as information about the general demo environment set-
up is not part of this document.
4 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

About OpenText Vendor Invoice Management

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) is a packaged business solution that basically solves a
business problem – paying correct amount to vendor’s on-time. VIM is an add-on to your SAP system,
the majority of its functions and processes run inside the SAP system; it deals only with invoices that
will be posted to SAP ERP. It integrates with standard SAP functions such as Invoice Verification,
Financial Processing, etc.

VIM consists of the following components:

 ICC (Invoice Capture Center)

o Automate the capture of paper invoices by using OCR to extract invoice data

 Document Processing

o Capture invoice metadata including line items for PO.

o Handle suspected duplicate invoices.

o Collaborate with others.

 Invoice Approval

o List invoices to be approved.

o Approve and code the invoices.

 Exception Handling (Invoice Exception)

5 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

Important to know about VIM-Express (VIM-X)

VIM Express (VIM-X) shows the SAP Invoice Management solution with alternative customizing
settings compared to the pre-delivered SAP IM baseline. The intention of this setup is to provide the
possibility of a more streamlined demonstration for small to mid-sized customer cases.

The VIM-X configuration provides a configuration of standard SAP IM functionality that often fits small
to mid-size customers working in one country better than a setup for large organizations and shared
service centers, which utilizes many different roles. Essentially VIM-X assumes that most exceptions
and manual tasks during DP processing are performed by an accountant in a single step. It provides
DP dashboard from which the accountant can choose between all relevant actions including manual
submit for approval and simulation of business rules to resolve all configured exceptions in one AP
Processor step. This setup makes the demonstration of core VIM features (especially AP exception
handling) to some customers easier than following the classic baseline process. Please see demo
script VIM-X for further details.

VIM-X is not part of the product delivery but can be implemented for a customer by changing
the customizing settings of the pre-delivered baseline.

VIM-X is offered as a package including implementation methodology by OpenText Global

Services EMEA. Contacts are

 Germany, Austria, Switzerland



 UK+Ireland


 Nordic

6 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

The VIM-Express demo scenarios are available for following VIM document types:

You will see document types for DE and CH including mandatory validation step or optional validation
step. You can choose corresponding entry depending on demo requirement.

All processes in VIM-X have got identical Document Processing (DP) parts and a user gets the
impression that all his processes actually look the same. The user is allowed to solve and handle
multiple exceptions at the same time in the same process step.

VIM-X does provide a minimum of exceptions only and is therefore much easier in handling and
complexity than the standard baseline product.

All indexing fields that are mandatory for IV processing are mandatory checks and will be handled by
ICC validation already to make sure that these verifications have already been done. This leads to the
fact that all PO and NON-PO data will get completely verified into the SAP VIM processing. First
exception check in SAP will be the duplicate-check.
7 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

Demo Guideline
General Information

Validation in VIM-X
The Validation in VIM-X is setup in two different ways triggered by Archiving in OAWD.

When you archive with a Document Type from OAWD Node: VIM-X 6.0 - ICC Doc Type always
Validate, the Validation will be always triggered

When you archive with a Document Type from OAWD Node: VIM-X 6.0 - ICC Doc Type sel. Validation,
the Validation will only be triggered when the OCR System cannot find one of the following fields:

Vendor Number

Vendor Reference

The reason for this is, that the Duplicate check can only be performed when the vendor, the reference
and the Company Code is available (the Company Code in Demo environment hard set and is not
determined from the OCR)

Roles in VIM-X
The NON-PO processing for VIM-X does involve 3 different roles only:

 AP Processor – gets all workitems first. He is always informed about the status of each invoice

 Vendor Maintenance (needs to be involved by AP Processor)

 Tax Expert (needs to be involved by AP Processor)

In general the AP Processor has the option to send any invoice for approval even if exceptions were
raised. The invoice is verified again after successful approval and can only be posted in background if
all existing exceptions are solved.

The Posting option for NON-PO Invoices is available as soon as the approval is successfully done.
8 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

NON-PO VIM-Express Demo Scenarios

Straight Post including Approval of Invoices (Baseline)

You can showcase the standard baseline process for NON-PO Invoice approval with VIM-X document
type in the same way. Please refer to demo guide VIM 6.0 for details.

 Prepare NON-PO invoice document for German/Swiss example

 In transaction OAWD use corresponding VIM-X document type to start document processing:

 VIM-X ICC Doctype DE/CH Sel. Validation

 You will not get into the validation step described in standard demo script. All further process
step should be identical to the Baseline processing.
9 De m o S c ri p t – O p e n Te x t V e n d o r I n vo i c e Ma n a g e m e n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

Duplicate Check & Missing Requester Exceptions

 Prepare 2 NON-PO Invoice Document DE/CH with identical reference number. Delete
requester on second document

 In transaction OAWD use corresponding VIM-X document type to start document processing:

 VIM-X ICC Doctype DE always Validate

 Please note: Don’t start all documents at the same time to make sure that the
following demo process can be presented

 Process and validate documents. Delete the requester on second document in validation step,
if not done beforehand.

 The first invoice document is routed to requester for coding/approval step.

 The second document should be routed to AP Processor with “Suspected Duplicate” /

“Missing Mandatory Information” (NPO) exception.

The ap-processor is now using the “Bypass/Simulate Business Rules” option in DP Dashboard to
handle the invoice and all exceptions which appear before actual approval steps.

He realized that the invoice is missing the requester information and is an potential duplicate.

 Go back to index data and add requester to index data

 Check for Duplicate: Press button “Not a Duplicate”

The Invoice is now routed through baseline process for approval and automatic posting afterwards.

The AP-Processor can refer the workitem in all process steps.

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PO related VIM-Express Demo Scenarios

The PO processing for VIM-X does involve 5 different roles only:

 AP Processor – gets all workitems first. He is always informed about the status of each invoice

 Buyer

 Vendor Maintenance

 Tax Expert

 Receiver

In general the AP Processor has the option to solve different exceptions in one go. He is able to refer
the item to all required user.

Straight Post without Validation

 Prepare SAP PO, goods receipt as well as PO Invoice Document for CH or DE.

 Start process with OAWD document type  VIM-X Doctype DE/CN Sel. Validation

 The Invoice item should be posted right away without validation step or such.

Quantity & Price Discrepancy

 Prepare Demo for DE or CH Price and Quantity Discrepancy.

 Start process with OAWD document type  VIM-X Doctype DE/CN Sel. Validation

 These exceptions are not routed to the AP Processor first of all. It’s routed to buyer or receiver
right away. The further process is identical with baseline process, please refer to the standard
VIM demo script for all details.

Currency Mismatch via VIM-X

 Prepare SAP PO in USD currency

 Prepare Invoice Document in EUR

 Start process with OAWD document type  VIM-X Doctype DE/CH Sel. Validation
1 1 De m o S c ri p t – Op e n Te x t V e n d o r I n v o i c e M a n a g e me n t 6 . 0 – V I M - X

 Invoice is routed to AP-Processor

 He send the item to buyer in order to adopt the SAP PO currency accordingly

 In a second step the buyer send the invoice back to AP Processor

 AP Processor can execute “RUN Business Rules” in order to process the invoice further

 You will get into Quantity Discrepancy” exception next, please refer to standard demo
guideline for VIM
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Demonstration Support/Contact
In case of issues regarding this demonstration or the corresponding documentation please send
email to:

w w w. o p e n t e x t . c o m

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