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Define the following Terminologies:

* Autoclave

A medical autoclave is a device that uses steam to sterilize equipment and other objects.
This means that all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores are inactivated.


Antiseptic is a biocide or product that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganism in

or on living tissue.


Asepsis is a complex of actions aimed to prevent the contamination of wound, tissues,

organs and organism as a whole. Main rule is - "one and all that get into the contact with
wound obligate to be sterile" airborne way of contamination infection from respiratory
tract of patients, and health-care workers infected bandages and infected wound discharge
Pathogenic germs from clothes and skin of workers and patients.


A bactericide or bacteriocide is a substance that kills bacteria and, preferably, nothing

else. Bactericides are either disinfectants, antiseptics or antibiotics.

*Chemotherapeutic Agent

Chemotherapeutic agents, also referred to as antineoplastic agents, are used to directly or

indirectly inhibit the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cancer cells

* Genus

A genus (from Ancient Greek genos, "offspring, family, race, gender" - plural: genera) is
a low-level taxonomic rank used in the classification of living and fossil organisms.

*** Haematology

Haematology is the branch of biology (physiology), pathology, clinical laboratory,

internal medicine, and pediatrics that is concerned with the study of blood, the blood-
forming organs, and blood diseases. Hematology includes the study of etiology,
diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of blood diseases.


Interferons are natural proteins produced by the cells of the immune system of
most vertebrates in response to challenges by foreign agents such
as viruses, parasites and tumor cells. Interferons belong to the large class
of glycoproteins known as cytokines.


* Pathogen

A pathogen or infectious agent is a biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host.[1] The
term is most often used for agents that disrupt the normal physiology of a multicellular animal or

1. Kageyama, Yuri (2007-04-29). "Up to Speed". Retrieved 2007-
04-30. (Autoclave)
2. Moiseeva O, Mallette FA, Mukhopadhyay UK, Moores A, Ferbeyre G (2006).
"DNA damage signaling and p53-dependent senescence after prolonged beta-
interferon stimulation". Mol. Biol. Cell. 17 (4): 1583–92.
3. Tannock IF, Ahles TA, Ganz PA, Van Dam FS. Cognitive impairment associated
with chemotherapy for cancer: report of a workshop. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22:2233-
9. PMID 15169812.
4. Baillieres nurses dictionary for nurses and health care workers 26th edition (2014)
5. Oxford dictionary of nursing sixth edition.
6. World health organisation institute for work and health Toronto (2007)
7. PPT, Pdf, Txt Or Read Online From Scribd

8. Index of all genus and subgenus names in zoological nomenclature from 1758 to
2004. (genus)
9. Definition of


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