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An Assignment on

Grievance Redressal System Of J.P.Morgan Chase & Co.

Submitted By:
Nitya Sec- A Enroll no.- A30101910037 AGBS, Noida

Grievance Redressal System

A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfaction, which needs to be redressed in order to bring about the smooth functioning of the individual in the organization. Broadly, a grievance can be defined as any discontent of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organization. It can be real or imaginary, legitimate or ridiculous, rated or unvoiced, written or oral, it must be however, find expression in some form of the other. Discontent or dissatisfaction is not a grievance. They initially find expression in the form of a complaint. When a complaint remains unattended to and the employee concerned feels a sense of lack of justice and fair play, the dissatisfaction grows and assumes the status of grievance. Usually grievance relate to problems of interpretation of perceived non-fulfilment of ones expectation from the organization. Aggrieved employees usually manifest defiant behaviour. The grievance procedure can be divided into two parts: A formal grievance redressal process and An informal process of grievance handling

All the employees of the Corporation fall under the broad purview of the grievance redressal system.

Handling grievances
There are three formal stages in which any grievance can be redressed. Each stage has a form which is numbered according to whichever stage it belongs to. A grievance can be of any type ranging from problems regarding promotion to discharge and dismissal, and suspension but it is mandatory that the grievance should be work related and not personal. It is required that the grievance must fall under the following category to be considered one: 1. Amenities 2. Compensation 3. Conditions of work 4. Continuity of service 5. Disciplinary action 6. Fines 7. Leave 8. Medical benefits 9. Nature of job 10. Payments 11. Promotions 12. Safety environment 13. Super Annuation 14. Supersession 15. Transfers 16. Victimisation The list is indicative and not comprehensive. The apparent because or sources of grievances may always be the real ones. There is need for deeper analysis of the policies, procedures, practices, structures and personality dynamics in the organization to arrive at the real causes of grievances. Grievances stem from management policies and practices, particularly when they lack consistency, fair play and the desired level of flexibility. Grievances also may arise because of intra-personal problems of individual employees and union practices aimed at reinforcing and consolidating their bargaining, strength. The absence of proper two-way flow of communication can indeed be a fertile ground for breeding grievances.

Individual or Collective (Group) Grievances

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) defines a grievance as a complaint of one or more workers with respect to wages and allowances, conditions of work and interpretation of service, condition covering such areas as overtime, leave, transfer, promotion, seniority, job assignment and termination of service. The National Commission on Labour observed that complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotion seniority, work assignment and discharge would constitute grievances. It is important to make a distinction between individual grievances and group grievances. If the issue involved relate to one or a few individual employees, it needs to be handled through a grievance procedure, but when general issues with policy implications and wider interest are involved they become the subject matter for collective bargaining.

Reasons for grievances

Grievances occur for a variety of reasons: Economic Wage fixation, wage computation, overtime, bonus Employees feel they are getting less than what they ought to get Working Environment Poor working conditions, defective equipment and machinery, tools, materials. Supervision Disposition of the boss towards the employee perceived notions of favoritism, nepotism, bias etc. Work Group Strained relations or incompatibility with peers. Feeling of neglect, obstruction and victimisation. Work Organisation Rigid and unfair rules, too much less work responsibility, lack of recognition. Effects of Grievances Grievances can have several effects which are essentially adverse and counterproductive to organizational purposes. The adverse effects include: a. Loss of interest in work and consequent lack of moral and commitment b. Poor quality of production c. Low productivity d. Increase in wastage and costs e. Increase in employee turnover f. Increase in the incidence of accidents g. Indiscipline h. Unrest, etc.

Dos and Donts in Grievance Handling Check Lists

All the points are not applicable to every case, but if the supervisor is familiar with all of them and observe them in his handling of grievances, he will be prepared for almost any kind of case that may arise. Investigate and handle each and every case, though it may eventually result in an arbitration hearing. Talk with the employee about his grievance, give him a good and full hearing Enforce the contractual time limit Comply with contractual time limits on the company for handling the grievance Dont argue the merits of the grievance first if the grievance is untimely Dont make agreements with individuals that are inconsistent with the labour agreement Dont hold back the remedy if the company is wrong Visit the work area of the aggrieved part Determine if there were any witnesses Examine the relevant contract provisions Determine if the company has been consistent Examine the total agreement and make interpretations based on the whole Dont admit to the binding effect of a past practice Examine prior grievance records Produce all available evidence Permit a full hearing of the issues Treat the union representative as your equal Dont relinquish your authority to the union Admit your errors and take corrective action Dont settle grievances on the basis of what is fair Bear burden of proof in discipline and discharge case Treat union representatives and employees as people Dont argue grievance issues off work premises

J.P.Morgan Chase & Co.

JPMorgan is committed to creating an environment that promotes open communication and allows free and informal discussion of any problems relating to work. Most grievances can be resolved on an informal basis between the parties involved, but occasionally problems may arise which can only be handled satisfactorily via a formal procedure. If possible, you should discuss any concerns with your manager in the first instance. If, however, you feel unable to do so, you are advised to contact your HR Business Partner for advice on how to resolve the situation informally. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of informal discussions, inform your manager or HR Business Partner in writing that you want the matter raised under the formal Grievance Procedure, attaching a full explanation of the nature of your grievance.

Principles The Firm will protect your right to a fair remedy to your grievance. Once the issue has been resolved, no further reference will be made to the grievance, and no employee will be discriminated against for raising it. You may be accompanied at all formal stages of the process by a work colleague who is an employee of the Firm or a trade union official. The companion may act as a witness, take notes of the hearings, address the hearing to put and sum up your case, and confer with you. They cannot, however, answer questions on your behalf, address the hearing if you do not wish them to do so or prevent you from explaining your grievance. It is your responsibility to secure the attendance of a companion. The companion has the right to decline to attend. The Firm reserves the right to refuse a companion to attend a hearing if it considers that person would prejudice the hearing or if it is not reasonable for them to attend due to their geographical location and there is someone suitable and willing to attend on site. If the Firm exercises its right to refuse the attendance of your chosen companion, you will be able to chose another companion subject to the same conditions. Please note that the Grievance Procedure may not be used to appeal against redundancy. This procedure does not form part of your Contract of Employment but sets out JPMorgan policy and, as such, may be amended from time to time. These procedures will be applied where practicable. However, circumstances may arise where JPMorgan may deviate from these procedures. 7

Procedure On receipt of your written notification, your manager or HR Business Partner will arrange a meeting to discuss the matter. Should you wish, you are able to bring a colleague to accompany you at the meeting. Following this meeting, your manager or HR Business Partner will conduct an appropriate investigation. This will be conducted and completed as soon as practicably possible. You will receive the outcome in writing. An individual must make every effort to attend a formal hearing or an appeal hearing. Should they fail to do so without good cause, the hearing manager may have to make a decision based on the evidence available to him/her without the benefit of hearing anything further the individual may wish to say on the issues. Grievance Appeal Procedure If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your grievance, you can move to the appeal procedure. In order to appeal, you should contact your HR Business Partner within 5 working days of receipt of the written outcome, giving a full account of your reasons for appeal. An appeal hearing will normally be arranged and your appeal will be heard by an appropriate senior manager or HR Business Partner who will conduct any further necessary investigation. You will receive the outcome in writing and this decision will be final. It is important to JPMorgan that all investigations are carried out as soon as reasonably practicable in order to minimise the disruption and anxiety caused to all concerned. However it can take some time to thoroughly conduct such an investigation and JPMorgan will not compromise the integrity of its Grievance and Appeal procedure by striving to reach any conclusion before the appropriate level of investigation has taken place.

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