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Important Lessons Learned Captured in 2023-Quality - QU Project

Lesson learned register -Project-TD023 [ QATAR UNIVERSITY ]

Sr No. Hazard Type HSE Observation Recommended Action / Alternative Plan

• All units to be protected by Electrical Circuit Breakers

• All Electrical Tools should be visibly inspected before use
• All equipment's carried for PAT test before taking for the activity
• Competent technicians involved to carry the all inspection and activity
• Control and security system to avoid unauthorized entries
Damaged power extension cord used by cleaning subcontractor, • Activity carried by proper method statement
1 Electrical Hazards , Electrocution
found during HSE inspection. • LOTO Procedures for Isolation
• Special PPE's for handling electrical activities (shock proof hand gloves) •
Periodic Training and TBT prior to start the activity
• Regular Inspections of Toos and Equipments to be carried at site .
• Team should be brefied for the safe use of equipments
• Any damage tools / Equipments should be immediately removed from site

Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify fragile areas on the roof. Clearly mark and communicate these zones to
all workers.
Training and Competency: Ensure workers are trained in roof work safety, including recognizing fragile areas, proper use of equipment,
and emergency procedures.
Safety Barriers and Signage: Install guardrails, safety nets, or edge protection systems around fragile areas. Clearly mark these zones with
Working on Roofs (Fragile), Technician was found working on the Roof Fragile in male and visible signage or barriers.
1.Personal Injury due falling through fragile roof Female Hostel, fragile materials such as asbestos, fiber cement, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Require the use of appropriate PPE, including non-slip footwear, helmets, harnesses, and fall arrest
2. Fall of Man or Materials or old and weakened structures can pose risks as they are prone systems, especially when working near fragile edges or surfaces.
2 Access and Egress: Provide safe access and egress points to and from the roof, minimizing the need to cross fragile areas.
3 .Damage of equipment to collapse or breakage, leading to falls. Roof Stability: Ensure the roof structure can support workers and equipment. Prioritize inspections and maintenance to reinforce or repair
4. Fatality/Death fragile sections.
5. Hitting people below Safe Equipment Use: Use specialized equipment like crawling boards, roof ladders, or roof anchors designed for working on fragile
surfaces. Avoid placing heavy equipment directly on fragile areas.
Proper Supervision: Assign a competent supervisor to oversee work on fragile roofs, ensuring compliance with safety protocols and
responding promptly to any safety concerns.
Emergency Preparedness: Establish and communicate emergency response procedures, including rescue plans, in case of a fall or roof

Excavation work involves various risks, so prioritizing safety measures is crucial. Here are recommended safety measures for excavation:
Pre-Planning and Inspection: Conduct a thorough site assessment before excavation begins. Identify potential hazards, such as
underground utilities, unstable soil, or nearby structures.
Excavation Competent Personnel: Ensure that workers involved in excavation are properly trained, competent, and aware of safety procedures,
Undermining of nearby structures causing their including emergency response protocols.
collapse into the excavation, Protective Systems: Implement protective systems based on OSHA standards, such as sloping, shoring, or shielding, to prevent cave-ins
Damage to underground services during and maintain the stability of excavated areas.
excavation work causing electrocution, Sub Contractor was found conducting Excavation activity without Access and Egress: Provide safe access and egress points into and out of the excavation site using ladders, ramps, or properly sloped
3 explosion, gas escape, flooding etc. proper procedure, no signages were marked and improper tools entrances.
Utility Marking and Identification: Locate and mark underground utilities to prevent accidental damage during excavation work.
Ingress of water causing flooding. and equipments were been placed at site for the activity. Trench Box or Shields: Use trench boxes or shields to protect workers within the excavation from potential collapse or cave-ins.
People and vehicles falling into the excavation. Equipment Safety: Inspect and maintain excavation equipment regularly. Train operators on safe equipment use and ensure all safety
Falls into excavations and falling loads features are operational.
Hazardous atmospheres in trenches Protective Equipment: Provide and enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, high-visibility
Hitting utility lines while excavating clothing, gloves, and safety footwear.
Emergency Procedures: Establish and communicate emergency procedures, including rescue plans and evacuation protocols in case of a
cave-in or other emergencies.

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Important Lessons Learned Captured in 2023-Quality - QU Project

Sr No. Hazard Type HSE Observation Recommended Action / Alternative Plan

Training and Education: Ensure all personnel handling chemicals receive comprehensive training on the properties of the
chemicals, safe handling procedures, storage protocols, and emergency response.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Maintain accessible SDS for all chemicals used, providing information on hazards, handling,
storage, and emergency procedures.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Mandate the use of appropriate PPE such as gloves, goggles, lab coats, respirators,
Chemical handling
During Safety Rounds, BMS technician was found persuading the or other protective clothing when handling chemicals.
- Chemical spills
unsafe practice of chemical handling. He was found refilling of Spill Response Preparedness: Develop and practice spill response procedures, including providing spill kits, training on
4 - Trips & Falls
Chemicals without proper procedure and no emergency plan was spill containment, and reporting protocols.
- Exposure to hazardous substances
been adressed during the course of activity Handling Procedures: Follow strict protocols for handling, transferring, and mixing chemicals. Avoid shortcuts and always
- Exposure to insecticides and pesticides
use appropriate tools and equipment.
Labeling and Identification: Clearly label all containers with the name of the chemical, hazards, and handling precautions
to ensure proper identification.
Equipment Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain equipment used for chemical handling to prevent leaks, spills,
or equipment failure.

Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training on proper lifting techniques, posture, and ergonomics to all employees involved
in manual handling tasks.
Assessment of Loads: Assess the weight and nature of the loads to be handled. Avoid lifting heavy or awkward loads whenever possible,
and use mechanical aids (like trolleys or hoists) for heavier items.
Proper Lifting Techniques: Emphasize techniques like bending the knees, keeping the back straight, and lifting with leg muscles rather than
the back. Use a stable base and maintain a firm grip on the object.
Manual Handling
Technicians was found transporting excessing weight materils at Team Lifts: Encourage teamwork for heavier or awkward loads. Coordinate and communicate effectively when lifting objects together.
- Excessive pushing, pulling, lifting, bending,
5 site, Manual Lifting safety measures was not addressed and no Use of Mechanical Aids: Provide and encourage the use of appropriate mechanical aids (such as forklifts, pallet jacks, or dollies) to reduce
twisting manual lifting requirements.
buddy system were used to move the heavy material Workstation Ergonomics: Ensure workstations are designed ergonomically to minimize the need for repetitive or strenuous manual
- Repetitive motion
- Body position and placement handling.
Rotate Tasks: Rotate employees through different tasks to vary the physical demands and reduce the risk of overexertion or strain.
Rest and Breaks: Encourage regular breaks to prevent fatigue and allow for recovery between manual handling tasks.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide and enforce the use of appropriate PPE, such as back belts or supportive braces, where
Reporting and Feedback: Encourage workers to report any discomfort, pain, or concerns related to manual handling. Address these issues
promptly and consider suggestions for improvement.

Immediate Hazard Mitigation: Take immediate action to address the ingress issue. Prioritize safety by shutting off power
to affected areas and isolating electrical systems to prevent electrocution hazards.
Emergency Response Plan: Develop and implement an emergency response plan specific to rainwater ingress incidents.
Outline procedures for evacuation, isolating power sources, and contacting relevant authorities.
Professional Assessment: Engage qualified engineers or specialists to conduct a thorough assessment of the affected
areas. Identify design flaws contributing to the ingress and develop corrective measures.
Flooding of water Rain water ingress into electrcal room and site basements during.
Repair and Retrofitting: Implement necessary repairs and retrofitting measures to prevent further ingress. This might
6 - Personnel Injuries Project Related defeciencies (Design Issue) lead into catastropic
include improving drainage systems, installing waterproof barriers, or redesigning entry points.
- Materials & Equipment Damages incident at site damaging the equipments and leading the rain
Electrical Safety Checks: After ingress incidents, conduct comprehensive electrical safety checks to ensure no damage to
- Unhygienic water ingress into the potentially emergency equipments.
electrical components or systems. Verify insulation integrity and equipment functionality before restoring power.
Emergency Equipment: Ensure emergency equipment, such as pumps, dehumidifiers, or emergency lighting, is available
and functional to mitigate immediate risks during water ingress incidents.
Regular Maintenance: Implement a comprehensive maintenance plan to prevent recurrence. Regularly maintain
drainage systems, waterproofing, and structural integrity to mitigate future ingress risks.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure all measures taken comply with local building codes, regulations, and safety standards.

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