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JUNE ,2019


We hereby declare that this project work is the result of our own original work and that no part

of it has been submitted for any other award in Tamale Technical University, or else where

Musah Mohammed Awal 08160518

Signature………………………… Date……………………………

Ani Jude 08160469

Signature………………………… Date……………………………

Mbah Okwara Goodness 08160548

Signature………………………… Date……………………………


We hereby certify that the preparation and presentation of the project work were supervised in

accordance with the guideline on project work laid down by the computer science department,

tamale technical university.










Managing the various activities of students in the Hostels without any computerized system can

be very challenging. Tamale College of Education is our case study for this project. The hostel

manager uses manual method of keeping records, assigning room to student, moving round to

find our which rooms are empty, writing all the complain of the students on papers and any

others. The files containing the records of the students occupied in this office given him small

space to manage himself. It has been a difficult task for the hostel manager in this college. It is

against this background that a Hostel Management system called Hostel Management System for

Tamale College of Education which is a computerized system is developed for the college. With

this software designed in PHP, the administrator will be able to manage the activities of the

Hostel without any difficulties. The software was tested and it was found to be efficient to handle

the college hostel challenges.


Our profound gratitude to the Almighty God for the knowledge, wisdom and understanding that

he has given to us to carry out this project.

We will like to express our gratitude and appreciation to our Head of Department who is also our

supervisor Mr. Jibreel Fuseini for the supervision and support that he gave, we are really very


Our thanks also go to the entire staff of computer science department of Tamale Technical

University who prepared us from the base of computer science to its application.

May the almighty God bless you all and keep you all to enjoy the fruit of your labor.


We dedicate this work to our parents Mr. Musah, Mr. Ani and Mr. Mbah for their parental care

during our upbringing to this stage of our education. We also dedicate this work to all lectures of

the computer department especially to our HOD, Mr. Jibreel Fuseini (Supervisor).

Another dedication to all 2019 final year students in computer science department ot Tamale

Technical University.

Table of content

Table of content.........................................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................................ix
List of Figures...............................................................................................................................................x
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations...........................................................................................................xii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
BACKGROUD OF THE STDUY....................................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM.................................................................................................................2
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY.........................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objectives......................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................2
1.4 RESEACH QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................3
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE....................................................................................................................................3
1.6 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................3
1.7 LIMITATION.......................................................................................................................................3
1.8 APPLICATION SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT..........................................................................................4
1.9 ORGANISATION OF CHAPTERS...........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................................5
Chapter Three............................................................................................................................................13
3.2 System Investigation........................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 INPUT OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM..............................................................................................14
3.3 system analysis................................................................................................................................14
3.3.1 OUTPUT OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM...........................................................................................14

3.3.2 CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXISTING SYSTEM..........................................................14
3.3.3 DATA PROCESSING PROBLEMS.................................................................................................15
3.4 System design..................................................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram......................................................................................................16
3.4.2 Data flow Diagram....................................................................................................................17
3.4.3 The Use Case Diagram..............................................................................................................19
3.5 System Algorithm............................................................................................................................20
3.5.1 Algorithm for Login.................................................................................................................20
3.5.2 Algorithm for Adding New User..............................................................................................20
3.5.3 Algorithm for Adding New Room Reservation........................................................................21
Step5: Click on Save button to save record or Cancel button to cancel the operation......................21
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................22
SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................22
4.2 proposed system..............................................................................................................................22
4.2.1 Advantages of the proposed system..........................................................................................24
4.3 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING OF THE SYSTEM..........................................................................24
4.4 OUTPUTS (report generated) BY THE PROPOSED SYSTEM.....................................................27
4.5 Database Design (Table Structures).................................................................................................30
APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................................................33
Backend coding......................................................................................................................................33
4.7 HARDWARE REQIREMENT...............................................................................................................40
4.8 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT..............................................................................................................41
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................42
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..........................................................42
5.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS...........................................................................................................42
5.3 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................42
5.4 RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................................43
5.4.1 RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE DEVELOPERS.........................................................43
5.4.2 RECOMMENDATION FOR USERS......................................................................................43
5.5 References.......................................................................................................................................45

List of Tables

Table No. Tittle page

Table 4.1 Create room Page 30

Table 4.2 Administrator table Page 30

Table 4.3 Complain table Page 31

Table 4.4 Registration table Page 31 - 32

Table 4.5 Booking room table Page 32 - 33

List of Figures
Figure No. Tittle Page

Figure 2.1 login Page 6

Figure 2.2 Students detail Page 7

Figure 2.3 add room Page 7

Figure 2.4 change password Page 8

Figure 2.5 home page Page 9

Figure 2.6 login page Page 9

Figure 2.7 student’s details Page 10

Figure 2.8 room information Page 11

Figure 2.9 View list of students Page 11

Figure 3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram Page 16

Figure 3.2 DFD for Allotment Process Page 17

Figure 3.3 DFD for Admin Module Page 18

Figure 3.4 Use case diagram Page 19

Figure 4.1 Admin Login Page 24

Figure 4.2 wrong password Page 25

Figure 4.3 Admin Dashboard Page 25

Figure 4.4 Add Room Page 26

Figure 4.5 Program Registration Page 27

Figure 4.6 View Room Details Page 28

Figure 4.7 View student’s details Page 28

Figure 4.8 View access log Page 29

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Abbreviations Meaning

TACE Tamale College of Education

Varchar Variable Character

Int Integer Data Type

TATCO Tamale Training College

URL Universal Resource Locator




The Tamale Training College(TATCO) and now TACE, was established in 1958 under the

leadership of a Swiss Missionary and educationist, Miss Frieda Mischler. Initially, the college

was to provide female students training leading to the award of Certificate ‘A’ Post-Middle. In

1960, the college was officially commissioned by the then President of the Republic of Ghana,

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

Being the first of its kind in Northern Ghana, the College distinguished itself as a college of

excellence providing teacher education training for selected female middle school-leavers across

the country from 1960 until 1977. It was later turned into a co-educational institution where male

students were admitted alongside their female counterparts to pursue the certificate ‘A’ Post

Middle Programme in 1987 within which the National Education Reform Programme had

influenced the programme content and quality of the college. A year after the launch of this

reform programme, the status of the college, like all other teacher training colleges in the country

was by policy upgraded to run the certificate ‘A’ Post-Secondary programme. Over the years the

college has therefore lived up to this mandate of offering various post-secondary Teacher-

Training courses to trainees. However, as the number of students increases, the hostel challenges

also began.

A hostel by definition is a building in which cheap food and lodging is provided for

students, especially in tertiary institution in Ghana.

However, management of these hostels has been a major problem in TACE which includes, Data

duplication, incorrect data capturing and misplacement of files and student information

. It is against this background that, this project designed software called “TACE Hostel

Management System” to ease this problem.


There are a lot of drawbacks in keeping and maintaining a hostel in TACE. Especially with a

manual system. Since most hostels are being run by only one hostel manager, the number of

students in a room are sometimes not known by the officer. He has to move room by room to

check whether a room is occupied or not. Sometimes people may be owing the hostel fees and

they are recorded on papers, and sometimes receipts. If the papers are missing or stolen, one will

never be able to know if a student is owing or not and also who is in which room. Room

allocation also becomes a problem as the officer might not know which rooms are available or

not. Some hostels have a lot of rooms or have more storeys and it would be very tedious to go

through all storeys in search of a free room for an applicant. Also the officer might not know the

number of students in a room or know if a room is full or not.


1.3.1 General Objectives

The aim of the project is to provide a hostel management system for TATCO to help manage

their students’ hostels.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

a. Online Tracking of Students and rooms

b. High level of data Security

c. Easy assignments of rooms

d. Well Integrated and synchronized data

e. Update, delete and search for student


a. How can we track students and their rooms online?

b. How do we ensure security of the system?

c. How can we make room assignment easy for the administrator?

d. How do we ensure proper integration of data?

e. How should the system update, delete and search for student’s records?


This is going to help the student and the administrators as well in the following aspect:

a. It will reduce the work load on the hostel managers

b. This will also aid in easy identification of students and their hostel

c. Easy management of rooms and students

d. It can be served as a reference material for future improvement


The software is designed to manage TACE hostels but can also be used in similar institutions

where hostel management is a challenge. The software can register students and book them a

hostel. Provide them with user Email and password for them to able to login into the system to

check their details and print, and allow students to view courses of their colleagues.


The combination of lectures and fieldwork to produce a comprehensive research report and the

software itself within this given time was quite challenging.

Moreover, during the process, the case study place(TACE) went on an indefinite strike so we

couldn’t have access to all needed data.


a. Web server operating system

b. A database software

c. Text editor

d. Web browser


The following are the chapters that make up the research work:

Chapter one consist of introduction which comprises background of the study, statement of

problem, objective of study, research questions, significance, scope, limitation, organization of

chapters, hardware requirement, application software requirement, system software requirement.

Chapter two is literature review which shows the review work of the research.

Chapter three is the methodology which aim at explaining the methods used in this research. This

method includes system investigation, input of the existing system, system analysis, system

design and proposed system algorithm.

Chapter four system presentation and analysis which tell how data is collected and

visualization graphics such as table, pie chart, histogram etc. is used to explore the results.

Chapter five is summary of findings, conclusions and recommendation.




This chapter focuses on reviewing previous work done by other researchers on the hostel

management system in institutions. The chapter concerns itself with the definitions and basic

concepts of hostel management system. In the face of growing enrolment of students in tertiary

enrolment globally (sharma, 2012), student accommodation has become one of the teething

problems faced by higher institutions in developing countries (center for global education, 2002).

In many countries, especially in developing countries.


Several hostel management systems have been developed and some of them are explained below:

An online Hostel management system developed by Adu Baffoe (2015) for

Christian service university college department of computer science. The

hostel management system is web based software to provide college students

accommodation to the university hostel more efficiently. This project also

keeps details of the hostellers and applied students. It is headed by Warden

who is the administrator. This document is intended to minimize human

works and make hostel allocation an easier job for students and hostel

authorities by providing online application for hostel which automatically

select the students from the waiting list and provide other services such as

mess calculation, complaint registration, notice board etc. Students will get

approval notification in their mails. Hostellers can view notice board, hostel

fee and mess menu by login into the online system.

Figure 2.1: Login Page

Figure 2.1 contains two login forms, that is the login form for a visitor which when log into will

send the person to the home page with the rooms and their payment details for you to make a

choice to book your hostel and an employee login form for administrators of the system which

send them to manage students, rooms and others.

Figure2.2: Student Details

The above figure 2.2 shows the details of a registed student which include the Course, Name,

Room No., Address etc.

Figure 2.3: Add Room

The above figure 2.3 shows the page for the admin to add a room to the system by putting the

block, room No., No. of beds in the room, the description of the room and also the status either

its enabled or disabled.

Figure 2.4: Change Password

Figure 2.4 shows the form to change a password for both employees and visitors by entering the

old password, the new password and the confirmation of the new password.

S.A. Braimah1; and O. Duduyemi2(November 2016) also introduced an electronic system of

registration which focuses on saving cost, improving the efficiency of the processes involved in

both registration and management of hostels and makes the overall procedure stress free. The

hostel management system is aimed at streamlining the registration and management process of

hostels for both students and the administrators in charge of the procedures involved. It is to

eliminate unnecessary administrative tasks and reduce or even avoid paper work. This system

helped improve productivity and reliability of the hostel registration and management process in

a more efficient manner.

Figure 2.5: Home page

Figure 2.5 shows the home page of the system with three headers. that is, Registration for new

user to register, Login for already registed users to check their details and Booking for students

to book a hostel.

Figure 2.6: Login Page

The above figure 2.6 shows the login form which when you put your user id and the password

base on your credential authorization you are logged in as a user or an administrator.

Figure 2.7: Students Detail

The figure 2.7 above shows the students details form that contain all details about students

registered in the system.

Another project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree by

Wan Nur Hidayu (2012). The Hostel Management System is a system specialty designed to

centrally manage Hostel Association. This system is standalone system. Its customize and user

friendly software for Hostel. All administrative function and application system data has been

designed to be kept centrally and unique for entire organization.

Base file Hostel creation, Block creation and Room Facility are defined in master file of hostel

module and other main process such as room allocation, room change and mess management

facilities are available in transaction file of this module

Figure 2.8: View of Room Information Interface

Figure 2.8 shows the room information at the first floor in hostel. Here, it shows all the

detail of room information such as room code, room number, and type of room. Here also

administrator can add new room information of another floor.

Figure 2.9: View of Listing Student Gate Pass in and Out at Hostel Interface

Figure 2.9 above shows the list of student in and out from hostel. Administrator can add

new, checks in and check out of a student from hostel.

From the three systems mentioned above, we realize some main features are not added to

their systems such as

1. Students details can only be viewed but cannot be print out.

2. There are little security features in their system for the students.

Chapter Three


The motivation that drives every study is to discover findings about perceived problems (issues)

at hand and as much as possible provide measure that will be implemented in solving the


This chapter therefore focuses on the methodology of the study. Methodology is the step by step

procedure or process and research design used in meeting the objectives of the study.

The methodology here will concentrate on the system investigation, system analysis, system

design, the E-R diagram data flow diagrams use cases diagram.

3.2 System Investigation

The current system of residence application is not yet computerized and this has made the

process of application to be very slow and tiresome from the investigation we did. During

application, forms are provided to students who fill them by hand and deposit them to the

residence officer (hostel manager). The staff in charge classifies all the application forms and

processes each case at a time. The current system being manual, the management does not have

updated records of vacant rooms or occupied rooms. To know whether there are still some rooms

vacant, the person in charge has to go to the residence building and check physically. Also the

lack of updated information about the room availability and their types causes some students to

be allocated to the type of rooms they did not want. Hostel facilities in Tamale College of

education (TACE) are managed with manual paperwork in a labor intensive environment. The

system of managing and administering hostel is ineffective.


The input of the existing system is how the system administrator (Hostel master) get his records

manually from the student as they come for hostel registration with their details. This input

includes student’s name, student’s registration number, date of birth, gender, contact, and

parent’s guardians details. Other inputs the administrator may include his course, level, and the

amount paid.

3.3 system analysis

Systems analysis the process of observing systems for troubleshooting or development purposes.

It is applied to information technology, where computer-based systems require defined analysis

according to their makeup and design. After investigation, the data collected and observed were

analyzed and the following were realized.


The output of the existing system is how the system administrator (Hostel master) manually

assign hostels to the student after they have completed their registration.


a. When student apply for rooms, there is confusion because some student are given the

type of room they did not apply for. This is because administration does not always have

updated records of vacant rooms and their types.

b. Paper based application requires student to print, complete and submit the application

form at the residence administration. It is difficult because it takes time to register.

c. Currently students register for accommodation at residence office only.

d. In case of Students who stay at distant areas where they cannot reach the university,

registration for accommodation is quite difficult.


a. Human error, human make mistake in spelling grammar punctuation, misinterpretation of

words and saving works and also miswriting in the wrong fields

b. Speed, no matter how fast human can type, process data and think quickly speed will

always course a problem in entering.

c. Tedious capturing of data and processing of paper based student applications.

d. Allocation of same room to two different people. Residence administrators make a

mistake of giving a single room to two different students at the same time.

So the summary of the system analysis revealed the following:

I. Long queue: during the first term all students are expected to pay their hostel fee as they

report causing a long and delay in bank

II. Missing of lectures: as student try to pay their fees upon returning and or reporting to

campus they end up sometime missing lectures.

III. Loss of money: some student end up losing their fee as they try to wait for the

population paying fees to reduce either at the bank or in campus

IV. Error in data entry: due to the pressure and number of student trying to acess the same

service at the same time from limited staffs responding to them most time there is always

error in data entry

a. Data duplication

b. Incorrect data capturing

c. Misplacement of files and student information

3.4 System design

Systems design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules, architecture,

components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the specified requirements. It

is the process of defining, developing and designing systems which satisfies the specific needs

and requirements of a business or organization

This system design of our research work is divided into two sections. The Administrator section

and the Student section

3.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship (E_R) Diagram is a graphical representation of entities and their

relationships to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization

of data within databases or information systems. An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept

about which data is stored.

Figure 3.1: show the Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 3.1 show entities and their attributes. From the above diagram, admin is an entity with

the attribute name and password as the login details and the perform the various action, that’s

managing students, rooms and course. Also the entity student also can fill the registration form

and view his room details.

3.4.2 Data flow Diagram

The data flow diagram shows how data flow between entities and how the data is stored in the


Figure 3.2: Data Flow Diagram for Allotment Process.

The above figure 3.2 shows how a student apply for a hostel which goes to the admin for

verification and then a confirmation message is back by the admin to the student.

Figure 3.3: Data Flow Diagram for Admin Module.

In figure 3.3 when the admin typed his or her username and password, He is logged into the

system. And when logged in he can verify applications sent by students, he can also add or

remove room (allot or vacat), again he can edit the notice board and lastly view students


3.4.3 The Use Case Diagram

The Use Case shows how each entity interacts and influences the system, how the depend on

each other and this entity can be internal or external entities.


Student NAme

Student ID Number



Figure 3.4 Use case diagrams

The figure 3.4 above shows the use case diagram of the system. From the admin login he

allocates rooms to student with their names and students id and a confirmation is sent to the

student with his details attached to the room.

3.5 System Algorithm

This is the systematic procedure for solving a problem based on conducting a sequence of

specified actions. Below are the some of the basic algorithm for the online hostel management


3.5.1 Algorithm for Login

Step1: Start

Step2: Select User Name

Step3: Enter password

Step4: Click on Login button

If (User ID) and (Password) is Valid then

Unload the user form from memory and

Load and show MDI Main form.


Display the message “Username and Password doesn't match”

Go to Step2

Step5: Stop

3.5.2 Algorithm for Adding New User

Step1: Start

Step2: Go to system > manage user

Step3: Enter the administrative password to carry out the operation.

Step4: Click on Add New User and a field appears,

Step5: Enter new User name, Password, Confirm Password.

Step6: Click on save button for adding user and cancel button for cancelling operation.

Step7: If all condition remains true then print message “Username Added”.

Step8: Stop

3.5.3 Algorithm for Adding New Room Reservation

Step1: Start

Step2: Go to New Room Reservation

Step3: Click on New Button of the form

Step4: Fill all the given fields,

Step5: Click on Save button to save record or Cancel button to cancel the operation

Step6: If clicked Save

Print the message “Record Saved successfully”. And it saves the record to the database

Else program terminates to main form.

Step8: Stop.




As the part of system testing we implement the program with the aim of finding error and

missing functions and also a complete verification to determine whether the objectives are met

and the user requirement are satisfied. The major aim is quality assurance.

Testing are conducted and the result are compared with the expected with the document. in the

case of error in result debugging is performed.

4.2 proposed system

This project work is aimed at developing a system for keeping, allocating and showing

information about students in a hostel of Tamale College of Education. The system will help

hostel master to be able to manage the affairs of the hostels. The proposed system will provide

all details about a student in the hostel, show detail information about the rooms in the hostel and

provide a report on the summary information regarding the student fee payment.

The developed system has two modules. The module for hostel Administrator or hostel Master

and that of the students.

When you open the system using its Uniform Resource Locator(URL), will see a side bar with

three menus, that is student registration, student login and admin login.

The Students Module

The student registration sends you to the registration form for new users who don’t have login

details. The fields of this form are registration No., student name, gender, contact, email,

password and confirm password. The Register button is clicked to submit the contents to the


The student login is meant for students who have already registered and have login details. When

a student clicks on the menu, it opens the student login form which prompt him or her for

username(email) and password. If a student forgets his or her password, then forgotten password

button is clicked to recover the password. However, if the correct details are provided and clicks

on login, then the student is sent to the student home page. From there you will see menus like

the Dashboard which gives you summary of your profile and room, change password for you to

change your password, program detail for summary of programmes offered at the institution,

Complain Box for a student to file his or her complains and the access log to check when he or

she has logged in.

The Administrator Module

The admin login is for the system administrator which also prompt for admin username(email)

and password. When these details provided and login button is clicked, it sends the administrator

to the admin page. This page composed of six menus namely: Dashboard, Program, Room, Book

Hostel, Student Registration, Manage Students, Students Complain and User Access logs.

The dashboard menu gives the admin a summary on the total number of students, rooms and

programmes in the system,

The Program menu contains Add program which is use to add new programmes and Mange

Program use to edit the existing programmes in the system.

The menu Room is composed of add room use to add new room and manage room to edit the

existing rooms.

The Book hostel menu opens the book hostel form for the admin to book hostel for students.

Student Registration menu opens the registration form for admin to register students.

The manage student’s menu is used to edit, remove and print details of student in the system.

The complaint menu shows the complains of students.

The access log menu keeps track of login details of the admin.

4.2.1 Advantages of the proposed system

a. Easy to retrieve all hostel records

b. Data accuracy

c. Not time consuming

d. No redundancy

e. Easy to update records


Figure 4.1: Admin Login

Figure 4.1 show the login for the Administrator to login by entering his or her username/Email

and password and then click login button to open.

Figure 4.2: login when the wrong password is entered into the system

The figure 4.2 above shows a pop up error message indicating that, the login credentials use is

not correct and cannot be logged in.

Figure 4.3: Admin Dashboard

Figure 4.3 is the Admin dashboard allows the Administrator to navigate easily within the

different section of the software. it’s easy for the Admin to move to the student’s section, see or

make changes to the Rooms, and access any information he needs from the system. It also gives

the admin a summary of total number of rooms and courses in the system.

Figure 4.4: Add Room

Figure 4.4 enables the Administrator to add room in to the database by entering the hostel details

which include Seater number (number of beds in the room),room number and the fee payable by

a student for this room and then clicking on the Add Room into the database.

Figure 4.5: Program registration

Figure 4.5 enables the Administrator to add new program in to the database by entering the

program details which include program code, program name (short) and the program full name

and then clicking on the Add program into the database.

4.4 OUTPUTS (report generated) BY THE PROPOSED SYSTEM

The output design is always the key to any successful system. This serves as a key between the

user and the sensor, the output shows if the system is working as planned.

User never left with the confusion as to what is happening without appropriate error or

acknowledgement messages being received. An unknown person can operate the system without

knowing anything about the system.

Figure 4.6: View Room Details

The above figure shows the all available rooms in the system and their corresponding details and

an edit button to edit each room and a delete button to delete any room.

Figure 4.7: View students details

The above figure 4.7 shows a summary detail on every registered student in the system which

include students name, registration no., room, bed and the date of registration. There is a detail

button that will give page details of the student that can be printed out when needed and a delete

button to delete a student.

Figure 4.8: View Access log

The figure above shows the access log which shows who logged in and when he or she logged


4.5 Database Design (Table Structures)

Create Room
Field Name Datatype Size

Id Number 11

Room_code Varchar 255

Room_sn Varchar 255

Room_fn Varchar 255

Table 4.1

Administrator table
Filed Name Datatype Size

Id Int 11

Username Varchar 255

Email Varchar 255

Password Varchar 255

Reg_date Timestamp

Updation date Date

Table 4.2

Complain table

Filed Name Datatype Size

Roomno Varchar 11

Firstname Varchar 50

Middlename Varchar 50

Lastname Varchar 50

Gender Varchar 10

Problem Varchar 50

Explain Varchar 300

Table 4.3

Registration Table
Filed Name Datatype Size

Id Int 11

RegNo Varchar 50

Firstname Varchar 50

Middlename Varchar 50

Lastname Varchar 50

Gender Varchar 50

Contact No Bigint 20

Email Varchar 50

Password Varchar 50

RegDate Timestamp

updationDate Varchar 45

passudateDate Varchar 45

Table 4.4

Booking room Table

Filed Name Datatype Size

Id Int 11

Roomno Varchar 50

Seater Varchar 11

Feespm Int 11

Stayfrom Date

Duration Int 11


RegNo Varchar 50

Firstname Varchar 50

Middlename Varchar 50

Lastname Varchar 50

Gender Varchar 50

Contact No Bigint 20

Email Varchar 50

Password Varchar 50

Egycontact no Int 10

guardianName Varchar 50

Guardianrelation Varchar 50

guardianContact Int 10

pmntAddress Varchar 500

pmnAddress Varchar 500

Pmntcity Varchar 500

Pmntstate Varchar 500

Postingdate Date

UpdationDate Varchar 50

Table 4.5


Backend coding

The programming language used to code the backend of the proposed system were HTML,

PHP<Java languge, CSS and MSQL. The source codes include entering new student name into

the database (New_students_mysql), student logging into the system (find_student)








$stmt=$mysqli->prepare("SELECT email,password,id FROM userregistration WHERE email=?

and password=? ");



$stmt -> bind_result($email,$password,$id);






$ldate=date('d/m/Y h:i:s', time());






$addrDetailsArr = unserialize(file_get_contents($geopluginURL));

$city = $addrDetailsArr['geoplugin_city'];

$country = $addrDetailsArr['geoplugin_countryName'];

$log="insert into userLog(userId,userEmail,userIp,city,country)



if($log) {



{ echo "<script>alert('Invalid Username/Email or password');</script>";


Student Registration













$query="insert into



$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);




echo"<script>alert('Student Succssfully register');</script>";



Booking Hostel






//code for registration

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {



























//$stmt= $mysqli->prepare($query);






$query1="insert into



pmntAddress,pmntCity,pmnatetState) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

$stmt1= $mysqli->prepare($query1);





echo"<script>alert('Student Succssfully register');</script>";



The section of hardware configuration is an important task related to software development.

Insufficient Memory may lead to adverse effect on the efficiency and speed of the system. The

processor should be able to handle the process; the hard disk should have enough capacity to

store the files and application

Processor: Pentium IV and above

Processor speed: 1.4 GHz Onwards

System memory: 128 MB minimum (256 MB recommended)

Cache size: 512 KB

RAM: 512 MB (Minimum)

Network card: Any card can provide a 100mbps speed

Network connection: UTP or Coaxial cable connection

Printer: Inkjet/Laser Colour printer provides at least 1000 Dpi

Hard disk: 40 GB

Monitor: SVGA Colour 15”

Mouse: 104 keys US Key Serial, USB or PS/2


A major element in building a system is the section of compatible software. This document

gives a detailed description of the software requirement specification.

Operating System: Windows XP or higher versions.

Database: My SQL 5.5 or newer

User Interface: HTML, AJAX

Web Browser: Mozilla, Chrome or Internet Explorer 8(or


Software: XAMPP or WAMP Server




This chapter focuses on findings, conclusions and recommendation emanating from issues

arising from the study. Opinions are made base on the finding for considering developing hostel

management system in educational institutions.


Difficulties in managing hostels in Tamale College of Education has been the reason for this

project work. The hostel manager relied on manual methods to register students, assign rooms to

each student, receiving complaints of the students on papers. It was found to be cumbersome,

costly and time consuming. This files now occupied every part of his office restricting his

comfort in the office. In order to solve this problem, a web -based system have been developed

for the school. The computerized system is designed to help in keeping records and showing

information about students in a hostel. This system will help the hostel monitors to be able to

manage the affairs of the hostel. It will show whether rooms are available or not and can indicate

the number of people in a particular room. It will also provide information on students who have

paid in full or still owing.


To conclude the description about the project, developed using PHP, XAMMP, HTML and my

SQL is based on the requirement specification of the user and the analysis of the existing system,

with flexibility for future enhancement. HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is very useful for

hostel allotment and mess free calculations. This hostel management software is designed for

people who want to manage various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of

educational institutions are increasing rapidly, therefore the number of hostels are also increasing

for the accommodation of students studying in this institution. And hence there is a lot of strain

on the person handling the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this context.

This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problems

which occur when managed manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing systems

leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system, and

with a system which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented.


Future developers of this system are recommended to provide a portal for bulk SMS from the

administrator to the entire students on the system and a pop up tab to display this SMS when a

student log on to his or her page.


Based on the finding and the conclusion made, the following recommendations are put forward

for management of the institution to consider. These would help the institution to be part of the

ICT world.

a. Information and communication technology training should be provided for the

hostel management.

b. The research also recommends management should recruit workers who are well

vest in information and communication technology.

c. The institution should provide more ICT facilities in addition to the digital center.

d. ICT should be a mandatory subject in the institution and measures should be put

in place to ensure student does not waste much time in ICT learning instead of

their studies.

5.5 References

Sharma (2012). In the face of growing enrolment of students in tertiary enrolment globally, pp. 5

Adu Baffoe Emmanuel (2015). An online Hostel management system, pp. 5

S.A. Braimah1; and O. Duduyemi2 (2016). Hostel Management System, pp. 8

Wan Nur Hidayu Binti Wan Ja’afar (2012). The Hostel Management System is a system

specialty designed to centrally manage Hostel Association, pp. 10


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