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You are planning a trip to England, but you don't know which cities to go to because

you only have a week. You ask your friend for advice.

You failed an exam and you have to tell your parents.

Your dog jumped the fence and got lost. You need to tell your mum and ask for help.

Your dad lent you his phone, and someone stole it from you. You need to tell him.

You used the company's credit card by mistake. You bought an expensive holiday week
at the Bahamas. You ask your coworker for help.

Your best friend forgot your birthday.

* How do you feel about it?
* What would you say to your friend?
You missed the bus and are late for school.
* How do you feel about being late?
* What would you do to avoid being late next time?
You found an abandoned puppy on the street.
* How do you feel when you see the puppy?
* What actions would you take to help the puppy?
You have a test that you didn't study for.
* What are your feelings before, during and after the test?
* How could you handle the situation better next time?
Your little brother/sister broke your favorite toy.
* How do you feel when you see your broken toy?

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