Global Culture

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Claudine Bentillo

BHR 301

Reflection paper about Africa

I am familiar with some cultures of other countries because I often see them on
social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. However, I had little
knowledge about the cultures in Africa and how people live there. Thanks to a report on
Africa, I learned a lot about their culture, beautiful tourist attractions, and their political
system. So Africa is depicted as a diverse blend of cultures, traditions, and historical
narratives intertwined across numerous terrains and communities within the grand fabric of
human society. People often link Africa with vibrant cultures, picturesque landscapes, and
exotic wildlife. Yet, beneath its enchanting surface lies a vast array of elaborate cultural
nuances. Each region, tribe, and community contributes to its unique perspective on life.

In listening to the report, I learned that the culture in Africa is unique. One distinctive
aspect is that men in some African societies kidnap the women they want to marry and then
inform the bride's parents. This was surprising for me because I was more familiar with the
practice where the man seeks the parents' permission before marrying the woman he
desires. I also discovered that Africa boasts numerous breathtaking geographical features.
One of the most famous worldwide is The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, accompanied by The
Great Sphinx and Valley of the Kings. There are also other stunning places to visit in Africa,
such as Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Blue Nile Falls in Ethiopia,
and more. Initially, I couldn't imagine that Africa had such beautiful places, but after hearing
the report, my perspective on the continent's locations changed. Additionally, the political
systems in these countries can be described as unique.

In the end, my exploration of African cultures has been enlightening and rewarding. I
went beyond the surface-level representations frequently found on social media and
explored the core of Africa's rich diversity via the perspective of a thoroughly researched
study. I was astounded by the nuanced cultural details that each village possessed, and I
recognized how they added to the dynamic personality of the continent.
Reflection paper about Europe

Traveling across the diverse continent of Europe has been illuminating, revealing a
multitude of political, geographical, and cultural differences that define its identity. The
values, cultures, languages, and traditions that make up Europe's rich tapestry are
interwoven with distinct historical and social influences. The varied customs, artistic
creations, literary masterpieces, and delectable cuisine of Europe make up its cultural
environment. European societies are based on a foundation of enlightenment, individualism,
democracy, human rights, diversity, social welfare, and environmental conscience. These
principles, while they differ throughout nations, show a dedication to development,
acceptance, and the welfare of society.

Additionally, I learned more about other European tourist destinations and

geographical aspects than I did before I knew only their names and very little else. Their
most well-known tourist destination, the Eiffel Tower in France, is exquisitely shaped and
constructed, as is the Tower Bridge in London, the Old Town in Prague, and other tourist
destinations. The linguistic variety of Europe reflects the richness of its culture. Russian,
German, French, English, and Spanish are among the languages that exist and help to shape
each country's distinct identity. Traditions in literature, philosophy, music, dance,
architecture, and the arts all combine to create a colorful tapestry that tells tales of
creativity and legacy. Europe is remarkably diverse; every nation has its own language,
cultural heritage, political system, economic framework, and physical surroundings. A sense
of unity amid diversity is fostered by shared cultural traditions, democratic political
frameworks, economic diversity, and a common Christian background, notwithstanding
these distinctions. Representative democracy is encouraged by the European Union (EU), a
shining example of cooperation and solidarity. The diverse political systems of the member
nations add to the intergovernmental aspect of the EU. Many countries have parliamentary
democracies, which place a strong emphasis on popularly elected officials and direct

To sum up, my journeys around Europe have opened my eyes to the beauty of
accepting diversity and appreciating our common ancestry. The diverse cultures, languages,
customs, and political structures that make up Europe's mosaic mirror the complex fabric of
humankind as a whole. In addition to sentimental memories, I leave this fascinating
continent having gained a profound understanding of the harmonious coexistence of
diversity and unity, a lesson that cuts across national boundaries and touches the core of the
human spirit.
Reflection about South, East and SouthEast Asia

Exploring the complex web of Asian culture reveals that the region is a mixture of
different traditions, rituals and ways of life. Asia has endless cultural traditions, from special
greetings and traditional clothes to delicious food and festivals. An insight into the
fascinating world of Asian values, culture and traditions is provided by sightseeing. Asian
communities are characterized by a strong sense of community and a deep respect for
tradition. Asian cultures are known for their humility and respect, which is reflected in the
forms of greeting they use, such as the "Namaste" gesture in India and the bow in Japan.
Another thing that unites Asian societies is the emphasis on unity and family planning.
Sharing food and the importance of gifts reminds us of the value of hospitality and

Asian cuisine combines flavors, textures and aromas in a delicious way. Each region
has its own dishes, such as the spicy specialties of Southeast Asia such as Pho in Vietnam
and Nasi Lemak in Malaysia, or the delicious street food of India such as Pani Puri . The
continent's culture is reflected in its diverse cuisine, which invites diners to embark on a
delicious culinary journey. The traditional clothes of the region reflect the rich culture and
national pride of each country. Traditional clothing, from the beautiful saris of India to the
sophisticated hanbok of South Korea, represents the history, values ​and identity of Asian
countries. The rich colors and broad patterns represent the deep cultural symbolism
embedded in each thread. Natural wonders and beautiful architecture adorn the Asian
landscape. Some of the tourist destinations on the continent include the Great Wall of
China, the Taj Mahal in India and the peaceful Halong Bay in Vietnam. These places provide a
window into the spiritual and historical heritage of Asian countries in addition to showcasing
the architectural skills of past civilizations.

In general, the discovery of Asian culture is a journey through history and culture
that reveals a universe of endless tricks. It commemorates the lasting legacy of nature and
human expression, the beauty of diversity and the power of unity. Embracing and using the
diversity of Asian cultures broadens our worldview and promotes respect, understanding
and appreciation for cultures around the world.

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