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31ST JULY, 2022

1. The graph below represents part of the periodic table. (The letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements.




a) (i) Select an element that can form an ion of -2. (1mk)

(ii) What type of structure will chloride of Q have? (1mk)
(iii) Explain how the reactivity of V and W compare. (1mk)
(iv) Compare the atomic radius of U and that of T. Explain. (1mk)
b) 2.5g of Q react completely with 1.2dm of gas R at s.t.p.
i) Write a balanced equation for the reaction between Q and R. (1mk)
ii) Determine the RAM of Q (Molar Volume of gas at S.T.P = 22.4 dm3). (2mks)
c) Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow.
Formulation of compound NaCl MgCl2 Al2Cl3 SiCl4 PCl3 SCl2

Boiling point 0C 1470 1420 Sublimes 60 75 60

Melting Point 0C 800 710 at 3000C -70 90 -80

i) Why is the formula of Aluminium Chloride given as Al2Cl6 and not AlCl3? (1mk)
ii) Give two chlorides that are liquids at room temperature. Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
d) The structure below is a section of a model of element Q.

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In which group of the periodic table does the element belong? Explain. (2mks)

2. (a)
Solution X W Z Y Q
pH value 2.2 7.2 6.5 13.5 9

i) Which solution is likely to be:

I. Acid rain (1mk)
II. Potassium hydroxide. (1mk)
ii) A substance U reacted with both solution X and Y. what is the nature of substance U and state two possible identities of
U. (2mks)
(b) Describe how the pH of anti-acid (Actal) powder can be determined in the laboratory. (3mks)
c) State and explain the function of tartaric acid in baking powder. (2mks)
3. The table below shows the relationship between the volume of a fixed mass of a gas and its temperature ( C) at constant
Volume cm3 30 32 34 37 39 41 43

Temperature (0C) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Temperature (K)

a) (i) Complete the table by filling the corresponding temperature in Kelvin. (2mks)
(ii) Plot a graph of volume on the vertical axis against temperature using a temperature range of -300 0C to 1200C. (3mks
(iii) Extrapolate the graph in (ii) above to cut the horizontal axis and read the temperature value of this point. (1mk
(iv) Determine from the graph the volume of the gas when the temperature is -2250C. (1mk)
b) When 15cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon P was burnt in 100cm3 of oxygen, the resulting gaseous mixture occupied 70cm3 at
room temperature and pressure. When the gaseous mixture is passed through potassium hydroxide solution, it’s volume
decreased to 25cm3.
i) What volume of oxygen was used during the reaction? (1mk)
ii) Determine the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon. (3mks)
4. (a) Give the IUPAC Names of the following compounds.
A. CH3CH2CCH (1mk)

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B. CH3CBrCBrCH3 (1mk)
C. CH3 CH2 CH2 C H2


(b) (i) Apart from burning, Describe a test on how C3H8 and the fourth member to the homologous series of the general formula
CnH2n can be distinguished. (2mks)
(ii) Draw and name any two structures of isomers of the compound with molecular formula C4H8. (2mks)

(c) Study the reaction scheme below and answer the questions that follow.

i) Name solid S. (1mk)

ii) Write an equation for the reaction between solid S and water. (1mk)
iii) Identify substances T, U, V, W (2mks)
iv) Explain how the colourless solution Y is formed. (1mk)
v) State the type of reaction occurring in
a) Process I…………………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
b) Process II ………………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
5. (a) Study the flow chartbelow and answer the questions that follow.

i) Identify substancesA, B, C, D, E, T (3mks)

ii) Name process I. (1mk)
iii) Write a balanced equation for the formation of B, C and D from solid A. (1mk)
iv) Describe the test for colourless gas C. (1mk)
(b) In the preparation of magnesium carbonate, magnesium was burnt in air and the product collected. Dilute sulphuric acid was
added and the mixture filtered and cooled. Sodium carbonate was added to the filtrate and the content filtered. The residue was
washed and dried to give a white powder.
i. Name the white powder. (1mk)
ii. Name the filtrate collected after sodium carbonate was added. (1mk)

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iii) Write a chemical equation for the formation of product after burning magnesium in air. (1mk)
iv) Name the ions present in the filtrate after addition of sodium carbonate. (1mk)
v) Write an equation to show what happens when white powder is strongly heated. (1mk)
6. (a) (i) Identify reagent A or B used in the preparation of the following gases according to the table below.
Gas Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Chlorine
(Iv) Oxide
REAGENT Dilute Lead (IV)
A Sulphuric oxide
(VI) acid
REAGENT Sodium Calcium
B peroxide carbonate

(ii) Draw a well labeled diagram to show how a dry sample of hydrogen gas can be prepared. (3mks)
(b) The set-up below was used to investigate the effect of an electric current on molten lead (II) iodide.

i) Identify the cathode and anode. (1mk)

ii) State what is observed at the:
I. Cathode ………………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
II. Anode ………………………………………………………………………...………… (1mk)
iii) Write equations for the reactions at the:
I. Cathode ……………………………………………………………………..………….. (1mk)
II. Anode ………………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
7. (a) Describe how the percentage of mass of Copper in Copper carbonate can be determined. (3mks)
(b) When 2g of a metal carbonate XCO3 was dissolved in 160cm of 0.5M hydrochloric acid and then the resultant solution
diluted to one litre, 25.0cm3 of this solution required 20.0cm3 of 0.05M sodium hydroxide for complete Neutralization.
i. The number of moles per litre of excess hydrochloric acid that reacted with sodium hydroxide. (3mks)
ii. The number of moles per litre of acid that reacted with the carbonate. (2mks)
iii) The number of moles of carbonate XCO3, that reacted with the acid. (2mks)
iv) The formula mass of the carbonate. (2mks)
v) The atomic mass of the metal X. (1mk)

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8. The grid below forms part of the periodic table. Study it and answer the questions that follow. The letters do not represent the
actual symbols of the elements




a) What is the name of the chemical family to which element P belongs? (1mk)
b) An element N has an atomic number of 15. Write down its electronic arrangement and hence fix it in its right position on the
grid above. (2mks)
Electronic arrangement ………………………………………………
c.Compare the size of the atom of R and that of its ion. Explain your answer. (2mks)
d. Give the formula of the compound formed between (1mk)

i. P and W …………………………………………………………………………
ii. T and Y …………………………………………………………………………..
e) Compare the melting points of element Q and S. Explain. (2mks)

f) Give two advantages that element S has over element Q in making electric cables. (2mks)

g) Draw (a) dot (.) and cross (x) diagram to represent the bonding in compound formed
between T and Y (2mks)

9. (a) An investigation was carried out using the set-up below. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

ii) State and explain what will happen in two test-tubes R and T after seven days. (2mks)

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ii) Give one reason why some metals are electroplated. (1mk)

(b) The reduction potential of elements K, L, M, and P are as given below


K+ -1.46v

L2+ +0.49v

M2+ -2.69v

N+ +0.52v

P+ -0.86v

(i) Which letter represents the, strongest reducing agent? Give a reason. (2mks)

(ii) Which two letters represent elements whose half cells would form an electrochemical cell with the largest e.m.f?

(iii) Calculate the e.m.f of the cell formed in (ii) above (2mks)

(d) During the electrolysis of a molten chloride of metal Q, a current of 0.25A was passed though the molten chloride for 2
hours and 10minutes. Given that 0.9grams of metal Q were deposited at the cathode.
(i) Calculate the quantity of electricity passed (1mk)

(ii) Charge carried by the ions of metal Q given that R.A.M of metal Q is 84 (2mks)

10. (a)(i) Name the allotropies of sulphur (1mk)

(ii) Sulphur is mined using the Frasch process which uses super-heated water at 170 0c and hot compressed air.

(b) Explain how water at 1700c is obtained. (1mk)

(c) State one role of the super-heated water (1mk)
(d) State and explain what happens when wet petals of red flowers are put in a gas jar full of sulphur (IV) oxide
Write an equation for the reaction of sulphur(IV) oxide and concentrated Nitric (V) acid (1mark)
(e) (i) Name the catalyst used in contact process (1mark)

(ii) An equilibrium exists as

2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)

State and explain what happens if more oxygen is added to the system (2 marks)
11. (a) A hydrocarbon contains 85% carbon. Its molecular mass is 70g.

(i) Determine its empirical and molecular formula. (C = 12, H = 1). (4mks)

(ii) Draw two positional isomers of the hydrocarbon. (1mk)

(b) In an experiment an organic compound was reacted with absolute ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid
to form a compound whose formula is

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(i) Name
I The type of reaction that took place. (1mk)

II What is the role of concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid in the experiment? (½mk)

(ii) Write the structural formula and give the systematic name of the acid used in the above experiment. (2mks)

(c) Study the flow diagram below and answer the questions that follow.


Polymer Step II Ni / H2
Step I
Reagent P Step III

Reagent Q KMnO4(aq)/H+
Ethylpropanoate CH3CH2OH C
Step V Step IV

(i)Identify the following compounds. B, C, A, E ( each ½mk)

(ii)Name the process in steps. I, II, IV (each ½mk)
(iii)Reagent P, Q (each ½mk)

12. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.


Ore N Na OH (s) Q Step (i) Solution x

Step (ii)

Molten Electrolysis Molten Step (iii) Al2O3

Aluminium mixture

(a) Name one Ore of N. (1mk)

(b) Explain why the ore is first dissolved in excess sodium hydroxide solution (1mk)
(c) Name the major compound present in the residue. (1mk)
(d) Give the formula of the aluminum compound present in solution X (1mk)
(e) Explain how to obtain aluminum hydroxide from solution X (2mks)
(f) (i) Write an equation of the reaction that takes place in (e) above (1mk)
(ii)What is the role of cryolite (Na3 AlF6) in the extraction of Aluminium: (1mk)
+ –
(iii) Explain why Na and F ions are not discharged during electrolysis in step (iv) (1mk)
(iv)Aluminium is a good conductor of electricity. State two uses of aluminum based on that property. (2mks)
13. I. State Le chateliers principle on equilibrium? (1mk)

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II. Bromine reacts with water in accordance with the following ionic equation.

Br2 (aq) + H2O(l) Br -(aq) + OBr -(aq) + 2H+(aq)

Explain how addition of sodium hydroxide solution would affect the given equilibrium.

b) 3g of a powdered carbonate of metal X of formula XCO3 were mixed with 13.2cm3 of 2M hydrochloric acid. The mass of the
reaction vessel and its contents was recorded at various times. From these readings, the total loss in mass of the reaction
vessel and its contents was calculated and recorded as shown in the table below

Time (sec) 30 60 90 120 150 180 210

Total loss in mass (g) 0.08 0.37 0.90 1.19 1.28 1.32 1.32
i) On the grid provided below, draw a graph of total loss in mass (y-axis) against time (3mks)

i) Calculate the rate of reaction at the 120th second. (2mks)

ii) Explain why there is no change in mass between 180 and 210 seconds. (1mk)
iii) Write an equation for the reaction that takes place. (1mk)
iv) Calculate the relative atomic mass of X (C=12.0, O=16.0) (2mks)

14. The flow chart below shows industrial manufacture of sodium carbonate.

Study it and answer the questions that follow.

NaCl(aq) Ca(OH)2

Chamber 3
Chamber 1 D


Carbon (IV) oxide B Chamber 2

Water Chamber 4 BB B Chamber 5


(a) Name substances A, B, C and D. (2mks)

(b)Write equation for the reactions taking place in chamber 3. (1mk)

(c) Name the physical process in chamber 4 and 5. (2mks)

(d) Name one source of cheap carbon (IV) oxide for Solvay process. (1mk)

(e) Briefly explain how sodium chloride required for this process is obtained from sea water. (2mks)

f) Below are allotropes of carbon.

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(i) Identify the allotropes

P ………………………………………………………. (½mk)

Q ……………………………………………………… (½mk)

(ii) Allotrope Q can be used as a lubricant. Explain. (2mks)

(iii) Give a reason why burning charcoal jiko in a poorly ventilated room is dangerous. (1mk)
15. The grid below represents part of the periodic table. Study it and answer the questions that follow:
The letters given do not represent the actual symbols of the element



(i) Select the element that can form an ion with a charge of -2. Explain your answer. (1mk)

(ii)What type of structure would the oxide of C have? Explain your answer. (1mk)

(iii)How does reaction of H compare with that of E? (2mks)

(iv) 1.3g of B reacts completely when heated with 1.21 litres of Cl2 (g) at STP

(1 mole of gas at STP occupies 22.4 litres)

(i) Write a balanced equation for the reaction between B and Cl2 (1mk)

(ii) Determine the relative atomic mass of B. (2mks)

(v) Explain how you would expect the following to compare.

(a) Atomic radii of F and G (1mk)

(b) The pH values of aqueous solution of oxides of B and D (1mk)

16. The table below shows some physical properties of some substances. Use the information in the

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table to answer the questions that follow.

Substances Melting Boiling point oC Electrical conductivity

Solid Solid

U 1083 2595 Good Good

V 801 1413 Poor Good

W 5.5 80.1 poor Poor

X -114.8 -84.9 Poor Poor

Y 3550 4827 Poor Poor

(i) Which substance is likely to be

(i) A metal (1mk)

(ii) Liquid at room temperature (1mk)

(ii) Which substance is likely to have the following structures?

(i) Simple molecular (1mk)

(ii) Giant atomic (1mk)

17. The diagram below shows the set up that can be used to obtain nitrogen gas in an experiment carried
out by form 3 of Boseti. Sec school.

Tube K Copper (ii) oxide

Dry ammonia Nitrogen gas
Heat Beaker
(i) How is the ammonia gas from this process dried? (1mk)

Liquid L Ice
(ii) Name liquid L? (1mk)

(iii) What observation would be made at tube K at the end of the experiment? (1mk)

(iv) Write an equation for the reaction that took place in the tube K. (1mk)

(v) At the end of the experiment the pH of water in the beaker was found to be 10.0. (1mk)

(b) A student set up the following apparatus for preparing jars of dry ammonia but found that no gas

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collected in the gas jars, although a reaction occured in the flask.

Heat Ammonium Dry agent


(i) Explain why their was no gas collected? (1mk)

(ii) The following alteration were made

 Using a mixture of ammonium chloride and an alkali, Ca(OH)2 instead of NH4CL

 The flask was made to slope with neck downward.
State the reason for each alteration above (2mks)

(iii) When ammonia gas is passed into a jar of hydrogen chloride gas, white fumes are

formed. Explain with an aid of equation of reaction. (2mks)

(iv) Ammonia decompose if sparked electrically, what would you expect to be the products

of the decomposition? (1mk)

18. (a) Use the information below on standard electrode potentials to answer the questions that follow.
Electrode reaction Eθ Volts

C2+ (aq) + 2ē C (s) + 0.34

D2+ (aq) + 2ē D (s) + 0.44

E+ (aq) + 2ē E (s) - 2.92

F2+ (aq) + 2e- F(s) - 2.71

G2+ (aq) + 2ē G (s) - 0.14

½ H2 (g) +ē H- (q) + 2.87

½ K2 (g) +ē K-(q) + 1.09

L+ (q) + ē ½ L2 0.00

(i) Identify the strongest reducing agent and the strongest oxidizing agent. Give reasons (2mks)

(ii) Calculate the e.m.f of the cell formed by connecting half cells C and D. (1mk)

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(iv) Draw and label a diagram of a cell formed by connecting half cells of E and D.
On the diagram, Indicate the flow of elections. (3mks)
(b) An aqueous solution of copper (ii) sulphate was electrolysed using platinum electrodes. When a

current was passed a gas that relights a glowing splint was produced
Gas A Gas B

Copper (II) sulphate

Electrode Y

Electrode X

(i) Name the electrode which acts as cathode. Give a reason. (1mk)

(ii) Write an equation for the reaction at the anode. (1mk)

(iii) 0.11g of metal R deposited by electrolysis when a current of 0.03 amperes flow for 99

minutes (R = 92, 1F = 96500C)

I. Find the number of moles of R deposited

II. Find the number of moles of electrons passed. (1mk)

III. Determine the value of n in the metallic ion in Rn (2mks)

19. The table below shows the change in concentration of Bromine liquid against time.
Concentration of Br2 (l) mol/dm3 Time in minutes

10.0x103 0

8.1 x 103 1

6.6 x 103 2

4.4 x103 4

3.0 x103 6

2.0 x103 8

1.3 x103 10

Plot a graph of concentration of bromine (vertical axis) against time. (3mks)

(b) From the graph determine

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(i) The concentration of bromine at the end of 3 minutes (1mk)

(ii) The rate of reaction at t = 1 ½ minutes. (2mk)

(c) Explain how the concentration of bromine affects the of the reaction (2mks)

(d) On the same axis, sketch the curve that would be obtained if the reaction was carried out at 20 0C

and label the curve as curve II.

Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)

20. The scheme show the reaction starting with Ethane

(a) (b)
HBr Step 2
Step 1
Process Step 5 NaOH
Step 4
C C (d)
CH4 (C)

(i) Name the compound a, b, c and d (2mks)

(ii) Give the formulae and name of X (1mk)

(iii) Name the reagent and condition needed to carry out steps 2 and 5 (2mks)

(iv) Write a balanced equation which lead to the formation of substance Y. (1mk)

(v) Name process R in the above schematic diagram. (1mk)

(b) The flow chart below shows the manufacture of a cleansing agent.

Step I
Add D

Step II Add L


(i) Identify each of the substance D and L (2mks)

(ii) Give one advantage of using this cleansing agent over ordinary soap (1mk)

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(iii) What is the effect of the above cleansing agent to the environment. (1mk)

21. The diagram below shows a set up used by a student in an attempt to prepare and collect oxygen.

Water Water

Solid w
(i) Complete the diagram by correcting the mistakes in it (2mks)

(ii) Identify solid W. (1mk)

(b) A piece of phosphorous was burnt in excess air. The amount of hot water to make a solution.

(i) Write an equation for the burning of phosphorus in excess air. (1mk)

(ii) The solution obtained in (b) above was found to have a pH of 2.0. Give reasons for this

observation. (2mks)

(c) Explain why cooking pots made of aluminium do not corrode easily when exposed to air. (1mk)

(d) The reaction between sulphur (IV) oxide and oxygen to form sulphur (VI) Oxide per day

(Condition for the reaction a catalyst, 2 atmospheric pressure and temperature between 400 0 –


2SO (aq) + O2 (g) 2SO3 (g)

Factory manufacturing sulphuric acid by contact process produces 350kg of sulpur trioxide per day (conditions) for the
reaction catalyst. 2 atmospheres pressure and temperatures between 4000-5000C.

(i) What is meant by an exothermic reaction? (1mk)

(ii) How would the yield per day of sulphur trioxide be affected if temperatures lower than 400 0C

are used? Explain (1mk)

(iii) All the sulphur (VI) oxide produced was absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid to form


SO3 (g) + H4SO4 (l) H2S2 O7 (l)

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Calculate the mass of oleum that was produced per day. (S = 32.0, O= 16: H= 1.0) (2mks)

22. Dry hydrogen gas was passed over coated copper (II) oxide in a combustion tube as shown below
Copper (ii)oxide

Ice cold
Liquid X water

(i) State and explain the observation made in the combustion tube. (2mks)

(ii) Write an equation for the reaction that took place in the combustion tube. (1mk)

(iii) Identify liquid X. (1mk)

(iv) Give one chemical test that can be used to prove the identify of liquid X. (1mk)

(b) (i) When magnesium oxide is used in place of copper (II) oxide no liquid is formed in the u- tube

dipped in ice cold water .Explain. (1mk)

(ii) Write an equation for the reaction at flame point. (1mk)

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