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1. Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in

1 3D films existed (exist) since 1922, when The Power of Love was first shown.

2 Smoking isn’t allow (not allow) on any planes in the EU.

3 The world’s first manned hot-air balloon made (make) by the Montgolfier brothers
in 1783.

4 Look out of the window! I think our house is watching (watch)!

5 By the time Sandra got to the party, all the food got eaten (eat).

6 More than three million tourists visited (visit) the Taj Mahal in 2004.

7 Do you think hotels builds (build) in space in the future?

8 Twelve people walked (walk) on the Moon since the first Apollo landing in 1969.

9 The traffic is really bad this week because a tennis tournament holds (hold) in our

10 The shopping centre doesn’t close (not close) until midnight on Thursdays.

2 Choose the correct answers.

11 It’s a large town with lots of famous landmarks, so everybody / everything /

everywhere knows where it is.

12 I’ve been here for an hour now, but I still haven’t spoken to someone / no one /

13 You need to have something / anything / everything to eat before you take your
exam. You won’t do well on an empty stomach.

14 I’ve never done anything / something / everything I regret.

15 Chris tried to switch on his mobile on the train but nobody / nothing / nowhere
30 The bite of this Australian spider can be poison to humans. It can kill you in a few

Use of English

Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

Alaska is the largest and the least populated state of the USA. It 31____ from Russia
in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars, but it didn’t actually become a state until 1959. Alaska
is a 32____ and 33____ place, and it is home to some 34____ wildlife, from the
humpback whale to the grizzly bear.

35____ is the humpback whales which attract many eco-tourists, who can take whale-
watching tours along the Alaskan coast. Whales can 36____ and enjoyed in many
ports, with humpbacks and orcas being the most common. The best way to see and
experience these enormous creatures is to take a whale-watching boat tour, from April
through to September.

Another popular tourist activity is hiking, but hikers must be aware of the potential
dangers they might encounter along the walking trails. Grizzly bears are one of these.
Ideally, bears should 37____ . If you do come across one, you shouldn’t try and run
away, as you 38____ . Although it is good to be careful, very few people 39____ by
these creatures in the last 80 years.

These are not the only animals Alaska is famous for. Some people joke that Alaska's
unofficial state bird is the mosquito, because they are relatively large and very
common in most parts of the state. While these insects are not particularly 40____ ,
they can be very annoying and their bite can be quite painful.

31 A bought B has bought C was bought D was buying

32 A wild B scruffy C gaudy D deserted

33 A isolate B isolated C isolating D isolation

34 A immature B afraid C fascinating D traditional

35 A And B But C It D There

36 A saw B be seeing C be seen D see

37 A avoid B avoided C be avoided D be avoiding

38 A are chased B will be chased C were chased D have been chased

39 A are attacked B had been attacked C will be attacked D have been attacked

40 A breathtaking B widespread C threatening D irritating


Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

The Dakar Rally

You’ve probably heard of the off-road motor vehicle rally called the Dakar Rally, but
do you know where is finishes? Before you say Dakar, the capital of Senegal, think
again! The last time the rally finished in Dakar itself was in 2007. In 2008, because of
concerns about security, the rally was cancelled and a shorter, less challenging race
called the Central Europe Rally was held in its place. And since 2009, the Dakar Rally
has been held in South America due to the increasing risk of terrorism in Senegal.

The first Dakar Rally was held in 1978. During a race in 1977, a French competitor,
Thierry Sabine, had got lost on his motorcycle in the Libyan desert. Having been
rescued, he returned to France convinced that the desert landscape would provide a
fantastic challenge for an international competition. The Dakar Rally began the next
year, and for the next fifteen years, hundreds of drivers and motorcyclists competed in
the annual long-distance race. Competitors would drive from Paris to the
Mediterranean, then across the north-western corner of Africa to the Senegalese
capital, trying to avoid getting lost in the desert sandstorms. Then things became
complicated: the

region became more and more politically unstable, and officials have had to change
the starting point, rally route and finishing line of the race nearly every year since

The Dakar Rally has always been highly competitive. Each year, more than 350 car
and truck drivers and motorcycle riders enter the rally, about 80 per cent of whom are
amateurs. Unsurprisingly, the majority of winners have been professionals. The most
successful Dakar competitor is Stephane Peterhansel, who won the rally six times
riding a motorbike, before switching to a car and winning a further four titles between
2004 and 2012.

The rally has been subject to a lot of criticism. Many people have protested against it
because of the impact it has on the environment. Others are upset by the fact that the
race passes through countries where many people make less money in their whole
lives than a wealthy competitor spends during a single rally. Nevertheless, the famous
race remains as popular as ever. Among rally drivers and car companies, as well as
fans who enjoy the thrill of following the progress of their favourite competitors, the
Dakar Rally is still one of the most important off-road racing competitions in the

46 Although some people think differently, the Dakar Rally has never finished in
Dakar. ____F

47 Thierry Sabine had to be helped home from the desert. ____T

48 The route has often changed because it is too easy to get lost in the desert. ____T

49 The rally has only been won by professionals. ____F

50 The rally is in danger of being cancelled as more and more people protest against
it. ____T

Writing ( 30 minutes )

You have arranged to go to the circus with your French friend Jean today, but you
won't be able to go. Write an e-mail to Jean. In your e-mail, you should

· apologise to Jean

· explain why you won't be able to go the circus

· suggest another activity that you can do together next weekend.

Hi Jean,

Today I won’t be able to go the circus because I want to relax at home. We can go climbing mountain
next weekend.

See you soon


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