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TA- 1-6


Torsten Wik ClaEs Lindeborg
Control Engineering Laboratory
Chalmers University of Technology
S-41296 Gothenburg

This study concems the dynamics of the nitrifying efficiency of a , a”onia=19 g N m-3, total nitrogen=21 g N m-3, dcalinity=3.2
trickling filter for waste water treatment. In a novel approach, based HC0-j- m-3 and COD=39 g 0 2 m-3.The tower (diameter 2.7 m, height
on minimum plant area usage, a filter will be placed after the second- 7.2m) is packed with a crossflow PVC-media with a very large surface
ary sedimentation tanks with recirculation to the activated sludge area, presently 226 m2/m3. A biofilm is gradually developed on the
process stage. The objective of the trickling filter model is to describe exposed surfaces. The necessary oxygen for the nitrifying process will
the growth of the nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter in pass up through the bed from four inlets at the bottom of the plant.
the bio-film. A steady state mass-balance model for the substrates in Liquid has been sampled from different levels of the filter in order to
the film based on Monod kinetics has been formulated. The dynamics study the concentration profiles in the bulk and the nitrification rate
of the filter, or the “memory”, is described by a division of the film in inside the trickling filter.
four volume fractions, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, inert (non-active)
material and water. These fractions are calculated at different depths rotary distributor 1 - 1
of the film as well as for various layers of the filter StrUCtUTe. Data
from a pilot plant at Rya treatment plant in Gothenburg, Sweden, have holes for test
provided the necessary feedback for calculating model parameters,
verifying assumptions etc. A shooting and matching routine in the
NAG Fortran library is used for the solution of the model equations.
Simulations performed so far have indicated that it can take days and
even weeks for changes in the bacteria populations to take place. This
means that the working point for the proposed full scale filter at the air’ inlet
plant should track the past history of the filter.
Keywords: Process modelling, waste water treatment, trickling fil- U inflow
ter, biofilm, nitrification. -f
Figure 1.2. Schematic illustration of the pilot plant.
1. Introduction
Increasing demands for nitrogen removal from municipal waste Laboratory analyses over long time periods show, as expected, that
water have contributed to new process designs and plant configura- the nitrification rate varies under different operating conditions. The
tions. A pilot trickling filter is, since December 1990, connected to the determining factors are not only the current concentrations, bulk flow,
effluent from the Rya treatment plant in Gothenburg, Sweden. In the temperature etc. but also how long time the plant has been operating
proposed plant expansion with the design criterion: “higher capacity under these conditions. The purpose of the filter model is to study the
with constant usage of land area ”, a full scale trickling filter will be dynamic behaviour of the filter. This is done by dividing the biofilm
placed after the secondary sedimentation tanks with recirculation to into four discrete volume fractions, i. e. Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter,
the activated sludge process stage. (Ste figure 1.1). inert (non-active) material and water, and by describing the growth of
these fractions. The fractions are calculated at different penetration
depths of the film as well as for various heights of the filter tower. Data
assembled from the pilot plant has been used for verifying assump-
tions, calculating model parameters etc.
A number of simulations have been made in order to identify the
key conditions for an efficient operation of the filter. Some examples:
(1) The nitrite concentrations as a function of the flow through the fil-
ter. They indicate that this nondesirable by-product of the filter pro-
cess has an optimum for a certain flow; (2) Step response in the bulk
flow leading to changing volume fractions of the bacteria populations.
The nitrification rate profile (in the vertical direction) will be affected
presettler activated sludge stage settling tanks up to 20 days after the step. This implies a long term dynamical beha-
viour of the filter; (3) Response from a step change in the ammonia
Figure 1.1. Proposed plant design (position 1) and present pilot plant concentration. Wik has given a more detailed description of the back-
(position 2). ground of the model, experimental data and the parameters selected
The operation of the pilot plant, figure 1.2, has been closely moni- [2]. This work has been done within the Gothenburg Consortium of
tored by the plant staff since its installation [ 11. Incoming water is the STAMP-project (Control of waste water treatment plants new -
sprinkled at the top of the filter with a rotating device. Averdge values methods and process technology). The programme is administrated by
for the test period: flow=680 m3d-I. temp=14 “C, nitrate=0.9 g N m? NUTEK (National Swedish Agency for Industrial Developments).

0-7803-1872-2/94/$4.00 0 1994 E E E 1035

~~ ~

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2. Nitrification in biofilms In general. a Monod expression is used to describe the transforma-
tion for the complete oxidization of ammonia (2.3). It is a convenient
The basic phenomena involved in biofilm reactors of this type have way of describing a transition from a first order reaction to a reaction
been well described by Awin er al. 131 and are visualized in figure 2 . I . of zero order with increasing substrate concentration. The rate expres-
The biofilm is attached to the substratum and its surface is continu- sion is then set to
ously exposed by the downward flowing bulk liquid. Within the bio-
film, organisms are being maintained by the substrate transformations
they are carrying out. Diffusion can be considered to be the main proc- (2.4)
ess for transportation of the substrates both i n the biofilm and in the
liquid film that develops on the biofilm surface. The biofilm surface is where
continuously eroding at the same time as particles and organisms rv = substrate production rate per u n i t volume
existing in the liquid are being adsorbed on the biofilm. The necessary pm= maximum growth rate.
gas exchange occurs at the interface between the water and the air. Y = yield coefficient for the active bacteria.
,X , = density of active biofilm.
K, = monod saturation coefficient.
Si = substrate concentration.

Fick's first law of diffusion in one dimension is assumed to

describe the transportation of substrate inside the film. i.e.



J i = substrate flow.
x = distance from support media.
air D';= molecular diffusion coefficient in the biofilm.

Figure 2.1. Basic phenomena in the biofilm. Only one dimension has to be considered since the substrate gradi-
ents in the direction of increasing film depth are much larger than in
A model describing this kind of process can be made exceedingly the direction of the bulk flow. Due to diffusion, the concentrations of
complex. Most of the phenomena occurring like the adsorption, the the reactants will decrease and the concentrations of products will
erosion, the dynamic behaviour of the bacteria and inhibitative effects increase with increasing distance from the biofilm surface. For nitrite
due to chemicals in the water are difficult to describe mathematically which is an intermediate product, the concennation profile can not be
and many of them can not be explicitly measured. Despite these cotn- given any generalized appearance.
plications it may very well be possible to achieve important results If the biofilm is thick and the nimfication is assumed to be of zero
from modelling by making simplifying assumptions and comparing order then one of the substrates will reach zero concentration at the
modelling data with the results from e.g. a pilot plant. biofilm support [ 5 ] . The substrate for which this occurs can be defined
The nitrifying organisms are usually generalized into the two dif- as the rate limiting substrate. A penetration depth is then defined as the
ferent groups of bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. Nitro- depth at which the concentration of the rate limiting substrate reaches
somonas is carrying out the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and zero. A change of rate limiting substrate will occur when two sub-
Nitrobacter then further oxidizes the nitrite to nitrate. strates have the same penetration depth which can be calculated from
Theoretically, the oxidization of one ammonium ion into one nitrite
ion results in a production of two protons. This agrees completely with
the observed decrease of alkalinity for the pilot plant, which in aver-
age was 2.0 consumed bicarbonate ions for each nitrified ammonia
ion. Combining d e alkalinity consumption with the stochiometry for
the two transformations found by Wezemak et al. [4] gives the follow- where
ing simplified reaction formula for Nitrosomonas v 6. = stochiomemc coefficient in ( 2 . 3 )
2 Si = bulk concenuation of rate limiting substrate.
IgN - NH,+ + 3.22g0, + - m o l e H C O ; + IgN - N O ; + Jn = nitrification rate.
CO, + H z O +biomass (2.1)
The relations between the bulk concentrations for the reactants in
and for Nitrobacter (2.3) can now be calculated for the transitions from one substrate
being rate limiting to another. (See figure 2.2).
1gN - N O ; + 1.1 l g 0 , -+ 1 g N - NO; +biomass (2.2)
However, if a Monod expression is used, none of the concentra-
The latter reaction is performed at a much higher rate than the tions will reach zero, but at least one substrate concentration will be
former. and in most models for nitrification it is assumed to be instant. very close. Since we are only considering the steady state concentra-
This results in the following simplified formula for the total reaction: tion profiles in the biofilm, the following relation will hold for the sub-
2 strate concenuations in the bulk and at the support, independently of
I g N - N H , + + 4 . 3 3 g 0 2 + - m o l e HCO; + l g N - N O ; + which kinetics are used:
CO, + H,O + biomass (2.3)
D'i D'
In many cases though, restrictions on nitrite emissions must be -(S,
"i -s@) = 1'
v I. (S.-S
I n.1
observed and nimte also affects biological processes that occur after
the trickling filter. In such cases the nitrification should bedivided into where SW.; =substrate concentration at the substratum
the two separate oxidations.


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mole HCO; carbon dioxide and water. This transformation is known to require
s 0 2 oxygen [ 141.
t N-NH4+
ammonia limitation
g N-NH,+ 3. Inactivation of the organisms, i.e. a pure conversion to inert
For the expression describing the growth of Nitrosomonas, a triple
Monod expression has been chosen with respect to ammonia, oxygen
.23 and alkalinity as in IAWPRC model no.1 for active sludge processes.
The alkalinity expression has been included to take into account the
alkalinity oxygen dependence of pH which of course could be described in several dif-
limitation limitation
- mole HCO;
g 02
ferent ways. When a complete comparison with data from a pilot plant
is performed, different expressions for describing this dependence
should be investigated. As for the growth of Nitrobacter, a double
Figure 2.2. Approximate bulk concentration ratios for rate limiting Monod expression with respect to oxygen and nitrite has been chosen.
substrate at 2OOC. For the endogen respiration simple Monod expressions with respect to
oxygen are used for both types of bacteria.
By defining the rate limiting substrate as the one for which The total growth rate for the fractions of solid material can now be
D',S, ,./vi has the smallest value the same relations as deduced from formulated as
(2.6)will hold even if the reaction is not of zero order. This altemative
definition might cause some minor discontinuites in the nitrification
rate. Even so, it follows that the transitions between rate limiting sub-
strates are basically independent of the kinetics used when the film is
3. Themodel
In biofilms there exist a variety of different organisms living on
various transformations of the available substrates. Besides the organ- rvs,2 = p m2 p E K S , , + S 1 A-
K , , +S,
isms, there also exist inert material and liquid. The organisms are
competing for space and substrates. Since the different bacterias gain
differently depending on the prevailing conditions, the distribution of
the organisms will be a function of time, depth in film and level in the
trickling filter. This leads to varying transformation rates and hence
also a dynamic behaviour for the total efficiency of the filter. Fruhen rvs.3 = k,P,E, +k,P,E2
et al. [6] illustrated the importance of the dynamic behaviour of the
biofilm in the case of a competition between heterotrophic bacteria and the production rates for the substrates become
and autotrophic bacteria. Other models describing a dynamic behav- Sl s2 s3
iour in biofilms have been reported [7 - lo]. All these models focus on r v , , = - -VI1
p P E
Y, ml1 K s. I +SI K S . 2 +s2 K s , 3 +s3
the competition between heterotrophic bacteria transforming organic
material and nitrifying autotrophic bacteria. None of them consider
the dependence on the alkalinity or pH for the nitrifying bacteria
[11 - 131. The model [7) developed by Kissel et the only one in
which both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are modelled. The compe-
tition between Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter is different from the
competition between heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria since the
existence of Nitrosomonas can be considered to be. a necessity for the
existence of Nitrobacter at the same time as they are competing for
space and oxygen in the film. In the case of heterotrophic and
autotrophic bacteria none of the organisms can be considered to be a
necessity for the other.
In our case the concentration of inorganic material is naturally very
low since the trickling filter is connected to the effluent from the entire
plant. Data from the pilot plant showed no correlation between the
COD concentration and the nitrification rate. Hence, the heterotrophic
bacteria are not taken into consideration in this model.
Following the general idea for biofilm modelling outlined by Gujer
and Wanner [lo] the biofilm is assumed to consist of four different
fractions, i.e. Nitrosomonas. Nitrobacter, inert material and water. (3.7)
Inert material is not only dead material but also all material that does
not interfere with the nitrification process. Only the diffusion of The growth of the fractions of solid material causes a transporta-
ammonia, oxygen, bicarbonate and nitrite are considered and assumed tion of solid material from the substratum towards the biofilm surface
to follow Fick's first law in one dimension. The accumulation of nitro- at a velocity vs. The mass flow of each fraction can then be expressed
gen and oxygen in the biofilm is neglected. All phases and fractions as
within the film are assumed to be continuous.
The following three processes are assumed to describe the bacterial J ,i = VsP;E; i = 1,2,3 (3.8)
transformations: A mass balance for component i over a film segment ax gives
1. Growth of the bacteria due to the transformations of substrate
according to (2.1) and (2.2). aEi
2. Endogen respiration, i. e. a mineralisation of the organisms to
pj.z z -ax2 ~. + r
S. I .
i = 1,2,3 (3.9)


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By using the fact that E&, = 1 - E , , where E, is the volume frac- the bulk to the biofilm surface through a liquid film of thickness L j
tion of liquid in the film, dividing (3.9) by p,. inserting (3.8) and sum- the second boundary condition will be
ming over all fractions, v5 can be determined from

If the concentration gradient in the liquid film is neglected. the con-

For the substrates the corresponding mass balance to (3.9) gives centration at the biofilm surface will simply be the same as the bulk
concentration. which is the boundary condition that has been used in
the simulations. The bulk concentrations for all substrates except ox!-
i = 1,2,3,4 (3.11)
gen will be given by the concentrations at the inlet of the trickling fil-
ter and (3.15). The bulk concentration of oxygen is more complicated
If vf is the velocity of the biofilm surface the thickness of the film
to estimate. Since the oxygen in the bulk mainly comes from the gas
varies according to
exchange at the interface between the liquid and the air. the bulk is
(3.12) close to saturated, but not entirely. Studies of the oxygen concenua-
tion in the bulk for the pilot plant showed that the bulk was closest to
The velocity can be determined as saturation at the inlet and at the outlet, i.e. the inlet for the air. For good
estimations of the oxygen Concentration in the filter, the model should
take into account the consumtion of oxygen in the upward air stream,
and the downwards transpcFation of oxygen in the bulk liquid. One
where cri is the rate that component i is transferred from the liquid problem will then be that the complete model becomes fully implicit.
to the surface, i.e. a sum of erosion (negative), shear loss (negative) In the simulations. the bulk has been assumed to be saturated in the
and adsorption (positive). If we assume a uniform erosion and shear entire filter. Finally for solving the concentration profiles we need to
loss, which only depend on the thickness of the film and the flow of
know the distribution of the fractions and the biofilm thickness for
the bulk liquid, (3.13) simplifies to
each element. Initial conditions for the distributions and for the film
vr = lJ,( L ) - f ( k Q ) f'0 (3.14) thickness must therefore be provided.
The equivalent of the function f has been modelled as f = hL' by
Wanner and Gujer [8]. The function f should also depend on the flow
of the bulk liquid. Evidence for this is shown from parts of the plastic
media becoming bare as a result of an uneven distribution of the water
from the distributor when the first cross flow media was tested in the
pilot plant. This occurred as expected where the flow had been too
Analyses of the residence time distribution for the pilot plant
showed that plug flow is a reasonable assumption. The trickling filter
can then be finely divided into Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
(CSTR) elements. A mass balance for each element gives

i = 2.3,4 (3.15)
where A,= the surface area of the biofilm in filter element n.
V,= the volume of the liquide in Nter element fi.

The characteristic times for (3.1 1) and (3.15) are around days
and for (3.9) of the size 10 days. This means that the concentration
profiles in the film and in the bulk are established within minutes for
a certain film composition and set of concentrations in the incoming
water to the lilter, while it takes weeks for the bacteria distribution to
establish. As a consequence a simultaneous solution of (3.9). (3.15)
and (3.1 1) is a very stiff system of differential equations. By using the
fact that we are only interested of the long term behaviour of the filter.
i.e. days and weeks, we can assume that the concentration profiles are
established instantly which reduces (3.11) to an ordinary differential
equation and (3.15) to an algebraic expression. I n the simulation pro-
gram. (3.15) is used in explicit form to shorten the computation time.
To solve the concentration profiles within the film for each ele-
ment, (2.5) has to be combined with (3.11). now in stady state,
together with (3.4). (3.3, (3.6) and (3.7). This results in a system of
non-linear second order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and
hence two boundary conditions are needed. The first one comes from
the fact that no substrates flow into the support media and hence the
INDEX 1 1 2 3 4

derivatives must be zero at the substrstum. SOLIDS I Niuoromons 1 Niuobacier Inen

dS,(O) = 0 i = 1, 2, 3 , 4 (3.16)
If the flow is assumed to be laminar and the substrates diffuse from


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4. The numerical methods 5. Simulations
To solve the system of equations describing the dynamics of the There are several questions concerning the operation of the trick-
biofilm and hence the dynamics of the entire filter, the steady state ling filter which it is our intention to study through a number of simu-
concentration profiles within the fdm have to be solved for each time lations. The queries can be divided into two groups, one dealing with
step. The nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations des- the performance of the filter as a function of current conditions such
cribing the concentration profiles can not be solved by any standard as flow, concentrations and temperature and the other conceming the
integration method since there is one boundary condition at each end long term dynamics of the filter. An example of the first type is simu-
of the independent variable. A suitable method for solving this pro- lation of the nitrite concentration in the filter effluent as a function of
blem is to use a shooting and matching method. Starting at the subsua- the flow. Nitrite in the effluent is even less desirable than ammonia,
tum the missing boundary conditions, i.e. the substrate concentrations sinre it affects many of the biological processes taking place in nature
at the wall, are estimated and then a suitable integration method is as well as after the recirculation. Data from the pilot plant show that
used to get the solution at the biofilm surface (shooting). Comparing on several occasions, the concentration at the outlet from the main
the solution for the concentrations at the surface with the given boun- plant amounts to several g N-N02/m3 and hence cannot be neglected.
dary conditions, a new set of concentrations at the support is estimated The concentration of nitrite at the inlet of the filter is in general close
to get a solution closer to the boundary conditions at the surface (mat- to zero while the ammonia concentration is large. This of course
ching). In general, a Newton based iteration method is used to mini- favours Nitrosomonas in the upper part of the filter which causes a net
mize the residuals between the given boundary conditions and the production of nitrite. As the nimte concentration increases further
solution vector. This type of routine is available in e.g. the NAG down in the filter, Nitrobacter is favoured more and more. Since the
Fortran library [ 151 (routine DO2 SAS). The routine requires that the ammonia concentration and alkalinity also decrease this suppresses
problem is formulated as a first order ODE. Therefore the problem has Nitrosomonas even further, making the transformations performed by
to be converted in such a way. In order to facilitate the numerical solu- Nitrobacter faster than those transformed by Nitrosomonas, i.e. there
tion, it is recommendable to also scale the problem so that the error will be a net consumption of nitrite in the lower regions of the filter.
limits can be used in a more straightforward way. However, the higher the flow, the larger the ammonia concentration
The dynamics of the film is described by the distribution of the dif- and the alkalinity become in the lower regions. A net consumption
ferent fractions within the film which are defined by (3.8), (3.9), and might therefore never take place. (See figure 5.1).
(3.10) together with the process rates. In order to have better control
over the computation time, the method used by Kissel er al. [7] is used
for the simulation. The film is discretisized into elements of equiva-
lent length. The volume fractions are assumed to be constant on each
interval. For each time step taken, an Adams-Bashforth method up to
fourth order is used to evaluate the growth for all volume fractions,
except the water fraction, using the process rates (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3)
evaluated in the middle of the elements. The volume of each film ele-

ment is then normalized to unity and allowed to expand with its sum,
consequently causing a flow of solid material from the substratum to
the film surface. Depending on the depth of the film at next time step
a new division of the film into elements is made. The new values for
the volume fractions are calculated as the values in the middle of each prred rurlace area In2
element estimated by a cubic spline function adapted to the earlier
nodal values. Since the dynamics of the fractions is very slow, time Figure 5.1. The nitrite concentration in the filter vs passed surface area
steps of magnitude 0.1 d to 0.2 d may very well be used. of biofilm at Q=500,1000 and 1500 m3d-’.
DO2 SAS depends, like most iterative routines, on good start esti-
mates of the parameters to be evaluated. When the simulation is run- The long term dynamics of the filter behaviour is illustrated by two
ning, the start values for the wall concentrations at each time step is step responses. In both simulations the filter is divided into 25 ele-
chosen to be the solution for those concentrations at the former time ments. The film is further divided into 10 film elements and the liquid
step. However, for the start of the simulation, a different way of fin- fraction is assumed to be 0.3 in the entire film. The film is assumed to
ding good estimates must be used. In most cases, oxygen is the rate undergo a uniform erosion “shaving” of all material further than 0.7
limiting substrate at the inlet of the mckling filter which means that mm from the substratum. A film depth of more than 0.7 mm would not
for the first filter element, the oxygen concentration at the substratum change the results significantly since very little happens closest to the
will be close to zero. By setting the Nitrobacter concentration to zero, substratum when the film has reached that thickness.
the wall concentrations for all the other substrates can be estimated The first simulation is a step in the flow from 5 I/s to 20 Vs at 2OoC
with (2.7) and together with the oxygen concentration set to zero are with the following concentrations in to the filter held constant: S2=20,
these used as starting values for the first filter element. The solution is S3=3 and S 4 4 . Before the step in flow, oxygen was rate limiting in
then used as the starting values for the next element and so on. Itera- the upper regions of the filter, alkalinity in the middle and ammonia in
tively. the Nitrobacter concentration is then increased to the desired the lowest regions. After the step, oxygen was rate limiting in the
value. The solution from each iteration is used as the starting values entire filter. The steady state distributions of the volume fractions in
for the next element. Each time the conditions for the trickling filter the film before and after the step for the last filter element are illustra-
are changed, an iterative process which do not update the fractions is ted in figure 5.2b and 5 . 2 ~ where it can be clearly seen how the bac-
used until the solution for the new conditions has been reached. The teria concentrations in the film increase when the substrate
methods for finding good starting values when using a shooting and concentration increases due to the higher flow. The volume fractions
matching routine can naturally be refined much further and conse- in the first filter element, illustrated in figure 5.2a. will not undergo
quently the simulation time will be shortened. A simulation of two any change since the bulk concentrations do not change there.
weeks, with only a few changes in the operation conditions, will take Immediately as the flow is increased, there will be an increase in
approximately five minutes on a SUN workstation. By using a known the overall nitrification rate for the filter due to the short term dyna-
steady state solution for a certain combination of operating condi- mics that are assumed to be instant in this model. This is followed by
tions, the start up of a simulation can be facilitated. a slow increase of the nitrification rate as the bacteria concentrations


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1 I pen when a longer period of rain is suddenly followed by a longer
period of no rain. To maintain the flow in the filter. the reflux is
increased which also will increase the substrate concentrations. A
simulation of an increase in alkalinity gives very similar results if
alkalinity limitation prevails before the increase. since ammonia and
alkalinity play the same role in this model.
It is noteworthy how the nimfication rate changes in the first fitter
element in this case.. Since oxygen, which does not change, is the rate
limiting substrate in the upper regions of the filter during the entire
simulation, the change in nitrification rate is small. The settling times
for this step are the same as in the former simulation. As a fact, the
settling times are mainly dependant on the temperature. The higher
the temperature, the faster the dynamics of the filter will be.

6. Conclusions
The trickling filter is a very complex process with many phe-
nomina which is difficult to describe mathematically. By making

, : u;;i’r4
dirlmcc from ruppn media nx104
-j assumptions, based on experimental data from the pilot plant, it has
been possible to model the behaviour of the variables. It is our belief
that the simulation work can continue, aiming at better understanding
Figure 5.2. The steady state distributions for the volume fractions. of the full scale filter. An important aspect of this work is that the PI-0-
a)First element before and after step. b) Last element before step. posed filter will function in a different process structure than the pilot
c) Last element after step. (ns=Nitrosomonas, nb=Nitrobacter) plant filter.
Some possible improvements of the procedures have been identi-
in the film increase.(See figure 5.3a). The bacteria concentrations fied. The first one is the introduction of an oxygen profile for the bulk
increase especially in the lower regions and hence also the nitrification flow. The second one is the speed of the calculations. However, this is,
rate.(See figure. 5.3b). The settling time T10%for the nitrification rate at this stage of the project, no limitation for our work. The few cases
is 7 days based on the level before the step. If the settling time is based of numerical difficulties experienced so far, have easily been solved
on the level immidiately after the step, it will be 8.6 days. by changing the border lines of the filter elements.
mmhmm ne rvlnevla RIC
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[I51 NAG fortran libmy. M a n w l 10 D02SAS. Binder DOZ.

p’”d ,uIf.<c arc2 1111

a) ton<
w- b)
Figure 5.4. Step (ammonia concentration) responses for the nitrifi-
cation rate. a) The overall nitrification rate. b) The protiles for the rate
inside the filter at time t=O.O+,l. 2, ....9.10 and 20 days.


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