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Planning is the most important stage at the end of software development. During

planning, the problem of the existing system is identified to understand how the current

system works. In this step, the researcher obtained information about the admin's This

system covers IT student freshmen only that will register in the IT department. Within

the system’s scheduling, student set their desired schedule to take the qualifying exam

and the admin will confirm their scheduled if there is an available slot. If the desired

scheduled has no more available slot the admin will reschedule the student’s schedule.

In addition, the researcher organized a team to develop the system and determine the

type of system to be created based on the demands of the school.


1. username and Password- Your username and password are the only way that you
can access your account. As such, it is important that only you know what they are, and
there are steps you can take to ensure your account remains secure

2. Login- The user needs to enter a valid username and password to the access the system

3..Logout-The User should logout form the system after using to avoid Stolen user name

and Password and theft of documents.

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