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Term 1 Maths

Section A

Rational numbers :-

1. Multiplicative inverse is also called as _________ .

 Reciprocal
2. 2/3 – 3/5 = ?
 1/15
3. Identify the property used :-
i) ¾ × -9/7 = -27/28
 Closure property
4. Zero is ________ identity .
 Additive

Squares & Square roots :-

5. 258 is a perfect Square . ( True / False )

6. Which of the following will have 6 as its unit's place :
i) 19^2
ii) 11^2
iii) 24^2
iv) 13^2
7. Square of an event number is always _________ .
 Even
8. If a natural number m is represented as n^2 , then m is a ________ .
 Square number

Algebraic expressions and special products :-

9. Find the literal coefficient in 86xyz

 xyz
10. Define :- Term , monomial
 Term = The various parts of an algebraic expression connected by + or – sign are called
terms of the expressions.
 Monomial = Expressions with a single term are called monomial .
11. A symbol in algebra which has a fixed value is called __________.
 Constant
12. Product of two binomials is a _________.
 Polynomials
13. A constant is a polynomial with degree ______.
 0

Linear equations:-

14. 4/3 + ______ = 4/3

 0
15. 8x + 4x = 12

Here x = 8 ( True / False )

 False
16. When a term is transposed , it’s sign ______ .
 Changes
17. A statement which says that two expressions are equal is called _______.
 Equation
Percentage and it’s applications:-
18. Increase 480 by 30%
 480 × 30/100 = 144
19. Decrease 80 kg by 10%
 80 × 10/100 = 8kg
20. C.P = S.P - ______
 Profit
21. The deduction allowed on marked price is called _______.
 Discount
22. Additional expenses on C.P are called _______.
 Overhead expenses


23. Two sides of a quadrilateral are said to be _______ if they have same end points .
i) Opposite sides
ii) Adjacent sides
iii) Diagonals
iv) Angles
24. A diagonal is a line segment connecting two ( consecutive/non-consecutive) vertices of a
polygon .
 Non-consecutive
25. Define quadrilateral:
 A quadrilateral is a polygon bounded with four line segments.
26. Sum of angles of quadrilateral is ______.
 360°

Area of a trapezium and a polygon :-

27. Area of a polygon can be found by_______ it into different figure.

 Splitting
28. Find out the polygon by its area :-
i) √3/4 ( side ) ^2
ii) 6 × √3/4 (side)^2
 i) triangle
 ii) hexagon
29. Find the area of a rectangle whose length = 40 m. and breadth = 20 cm.
 l×b
 4000 × 20 = 80000 cm.^2
30. State the area of rhombus :
 ½ × product of diagonals
31. Define polygon :
 A flat shape with at least three , and usually five or more angles and straight side .

Statics :-

32. The difference between the greatest and the least values of observations , in a set of data is
called the _______.
 Range
33. Define relative frequency :
 The ratio of the frequency of each item to the total frequency is called the relative
frequency .
34. Countable data is called ______ .
 Discrete
35. Relative frequency = Frequency of item / ____________
 Total frequency


36. _________ is a way of describing the chance of an event happening.

 Probability
37. Probability of event= ?
 No. of favourable outcomes / Total no. of outcomes
38. Outcome is the result of an ________.
 Experiment
39. A die is tossed once . What is the probability of the number “ 7 “
 No face of die is marked 7
So , 0/6 = 0
Impossible event
40. A coin is tossed . What is the probability that it will land with “ tail “ ?
 ½

Section B

Rational no.s :-

41. -7/4 + 5/3 + ( -5/6 ) + 1/3 + ( - ½ )

 LCM = 12
 : . -21 + 20 – 10 + 4 – 6 / 12
 -11-12/12
 -13/12

Algebraic expressions and special products :-

42. Divide 5x^3 – 15x^2 + 25x by 5x

 _________________
 5x ) 5x^3 – 15x^2 + 25x
 5x^3


 - 15x^2 + 25x
 -15x^2
 25x
 25x


Quotient = x^2 - 3x + 5

Linear equations:-

43. Adman's father is 49 years old . He is 5yrs. Older than four times Adman's age . What is adman's
age ?
 Adman's father = 49yrs.
 Adman’s age = x
 : . 5 + 4x = 49
 4x = 49 – 5
 4x = 44
 X = 44/4
 X = 11 yrs. = Adman’s age

Percentage and its applications :-

44. In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8yrs. Of age . The number of students above 8yrs.
Of age is 2/3 of the number of students of 8yrs. of age which is 48 . What is the Total no. of
students in school ?
 Let the no. of students ne x
 Then ,
 Number of students above and equal to 8yrs. Of age
 ( 100 – 20 ) % of x
 80% of x
 : . 80% of x = 48 + 2/3 × 48
 80x/100 = 80
 X = 100

Area of a trapezium and a polygon :-

45. Find the altitude of a trapezium whose area is 65cm^2 . And whose bases are 13cm and 26cm .

65 cm^2
Bases = 13 + 26

: . ½ × ( 13 + 26 )× h = 65 cm^2

½ × 39 × h = 65cm^2

H = 65 × 2 /39

H = 130/39 = 10/3 cm

Probability :-

46. If you put 21 constants and 5 vowels in a bag . What would carry greater probability ?
 Total possible outcomes = 21 + 5 = 26
 Probability of vowels = 5/26
 Probability of constants = 21/26
 : . Constants have a greater probability

Section C

47. What least number should 2527 be divided to get a perfect Square number ? Find the number
whose Square number is the new number .
 2527 = 7×19×19
 7 don't have any pair ….. hence , if the number is divided by 7 it becomes a perfect
square .
 The new number formed after dividing is 361 .
 It is the square of 19
48. Sum of two consecutive multiples of 5 is 55 . Find these multiples .
 Let 1st multiple be x
 : . Other will be x + 5
 x + x + 5 = 55
 2x + 5 =55
 2x = 55 – 5
 2x = 50
 X = 50/2
 X = 25 ( first no. )
 X + 5 = 25 + 5 = 30 ( second no. )
49. Find the discount in percentage when M.P = ₹ 1250 and S.P = ₹ 1125
 Discount% = [( M.P – S.P ) ÷ M.P ] × 100
 [ ( 1250 – 1125 ) ] ÷ 1250 ] × 100
 10%
50. In the given figure , ABCD is a parallelogram. Find x

------------5x -1 ----------

-----------3x + 5 -------
 AB = DC
 3x + 5 = 5x – 1
 -2x = -6
 X = -6/-3
 X= 3
51. In the class interval 5 – 10 , find the
a) Lower limit
b) Upper limit
c) Class mark
d) Class size
 a) lower limit = 5
 b) upper limit= 10
 c) class mark = 5+10/2 = 15/2 = 7.5
 d) class size = 10 – 5 = 5
52. One card is drawn at random from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards . Find the probability that the
card drawn is
a) 4
b) A queen
c) A black card
 Probability of 4 :-
 4/52 = 1/13
 Probability of queen = 4/52 = 1/13
 Probability of a black card = 26/52 = ½

Section D

53. Rita had ₹300 . She spent 1/3 of her money on notebooks and ¼ of the remainder on stationary
items . How much money is left with her ?
 ₹150
54. Abhishek is 6yrs. Older than Jagadish . Six years ago Abhishek was twice as old as Jagdish .
Find Jagdish's present age .
 12yrs.

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