Chapter 1 Physics

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| 4 \ 194 Eleckvostaties The branch of ph sics that deals uth the stationary charge by ctudyin An. “1 Mhew properties of charger. Uke ; f here Geld, elechic préstial | capacitance Chavap ‘ Jers an arbi pepe* of a particle yee attract ov sepa other none parties Th can positive ov negak How can an object be charged? 1 NC Ye waiad 19 adA a pratt an cite. abou ee baby dio vd fresh diseto electvotabe force but whorthe tilance bjs den | ‘Ne piton We then thee ull be a very chreg acttyacte ¢ force called strong nucleay force anck then the protien revber ch wil Wienadehy so the whole elem — Yons » Vonage “j > To chavge a particle , we will only increase SY deureare the nub 4 eta of electrons which will Wwouct a poe ox pote en te petiely no chonge ual\ be dane to the pres Coulomb’, law ¥ of alae Vv > 2 . : Feo. . oy Sa tek qq; where E i: ond y> Re Kaye F > eo Gran Y yr LF can be athachive a5 a. Fe ig aly, well ay ve pulsive, a ra uw Ke 4 x10'Nne/c* s0 2 Fe is ve Sima , : ‘ Fe is my big. QP 6.44 nal Ing Yk : ge G's univer tal Un h. ‘x a de t medium, is) . 5. &K' is leper unt oh Lm, Gis weld ea t fleck of medium on Coulomb’s fwce- ke Uke FE =« 4 An. = 4 tye Une See « shave Sphevical fw —vodually gubwavd . dictan «, 1. SiINCR > is inversely elated te Fe, accthe aren inuieny the free deveases sthis will ha pen spherical Yo chius ot sphere ineveages » force will decveace. r. Fover is aeeslls proportional to 'qag: So a, the product Incveastss fuer inoreayes. * a the 3: Since K > ee > the overlay for cuy fag area 8}, sphere is in the fovmula whick shows hat Fe a spherical re whidh is enevted ‘odtally patwavd. > u. Fauall alunys be a dent om roedium, A denser wnedivanr, will oveate hurdles but no medium oy vaccurn wi'll let qpeaker force aut onthe charges, This ic chown bu fe where fais the rey wn thok chows behawour 4, medium wi duke tate, vee. Eo isuvitten for pei Free space | vaccum. { Fov free ee Fe 19+ where, & = 9-5 x10 Cf nlm On tev" 77 For any medium « Fe a x At4r Whe ye ge Neocentat Jove | adhin aba dnlante . force whol, dot yequve We-tue rnadtr aleto Core Un contac ont Relative Pevmitivity (Ee) > Vaccum har an dette behaviow whocls does not allow 1007 Duby pal a a tyrce Force in medium. a x VE x We x a Yee xe Yee & se & te ie, = Fovcein ain | free space = h. he Gy inerenser » force, ecreases Q Two similar spheres, each of mass Ibo ave Sepevatect b ‘ Find out how many elechon . distance - vd 5 must be vempved bot sothak the elecho sbakic vepuliion is balanced b. th qyrnitalional free ? d ° fe = Fa qr = 4 mi = m2 =\0q. = eat: (= b-b1K 15" Ne | kg? Ke 4xt0' Ne] C7 Kat = Gw? ¥ “ 4 . Oharps aeony © fem wtegek val chow 5 furdamental chowte : os Qetae “11, 10 © Eledvic Geld of a che so fe Qe} . \/ tes : at 7 proofed > 4! chowge \ clog none ! = We can on! anothey deat Char Hecaust, no-torce will be enetted dhavge on & neutral object but aptrdu deg ansthew chavge will nave afield of tht ovr > To miniwire the. effect 8 this nape peiton 2 VE UGE A Very sal chavge which we imagine has a field clocetenone-, Knew oo eo ov tet change Gy the rain change ell ke Q x Souvce cha oh pre where the fer chavge will enpetience a areaty Lovee will nave more dechic field intensity. d > Cledic Feld ‘tensity — fer Yo Fa 4 Eg etudy an elecbic Kad of a charge Myre the © T= Is> ms \ . fou \ > 4h) dary 5 : piieg ater te dans withie thet dleadae Aelds 5 Whee the deat change is ight io We middle 4 the PU dang, | Ye dedne tid iment will be zed vince tere i: egal free from bath ende. al wg wecegnitucle have to be ime aatred ug c my ua ok 4a 5 EL = Ex with came 6—5 8 rag ibaa Game pele We tee dagen ave B,urnegual wagnauc, ihe Heal low Wo heaka srafe distin Wert magus AB, Lyth Soccunuill H Sane y which will benearey to the cmaller chap. co F=0 > —_— ¢ 4. @—t —__ . ars end 20 (rear cane Te mapas yey > Ele we ST pO ye #0 = Eledie eld ineneilg will only be revo wher eledvicfeld of both changes at equal ie Exo ke. o———_9 An _ E E1 ‘ y what. Y a> 42 wn tamer of eagle aq ve? I 1 eo - 4 9K Yo yGSeLW)(. 25x18) C3) HUNT FxeIOYC a _ L Ib xl0 = iL 4x10 ytuya-d*) 8 8SxID — y(atu) gasxl" A* Ver Ut ee = baa AO td” (a) 5 7 atexID = xld 4-4 +d? a oh ri A cos® maerepsot = 1 tos 40°= phe igo’ 2 - 4 -+ Wears a vector portly and its divection is aleays pe perdi, fo the suvFace - Beas ame \ > Yov a Circular objeat, the dvection will be Pevpenctiaulay every point on the cued surface & will —e wh, a? \- Ly pind ke hic. Flue blcid ic perprdicnl” go | | 5 € eS 2 ———_ —s > RS T= 100" O° = | —__—| a >| neg. cleans fly —————- > SS divedion Of arto win sted ioe paw > 2 es eked BUA Vines 2 axe ‘ Etim a) > The numberof electric field lines psi m4 ine sorne aye ave called eleckic Flux . EK 2 EAwse af" A = ( Seo. = 4 = Siprtol for eledac um Ehedrae Hoan Product of two verlors, so bo cul + leche flux is a scalay ayranhiy vith the unié New| c os ve chevae won nde an cect neakes a eyt tos — -ve dl * show innide ony ayer creates a —ve {lin +1 0 41 a4 +1 A adadelede +4 4 NE chage when bende an dbp ov oulsrde & wall cake wo Flux so, it never matters we The clechic flux iovide am objeit ic what. oust and rake ~ difference, oud vidle te ob) eck > Flume ie adi c shart to pe such that iL. tar, ayia ok Over post will be pels, {lok didn qe shea Ad {row vidlin Te as ° =O yea prrtions dj, the sphere Oo ARAL, AR tonsider small At 1: > far EBM = EAB sWs(0") + Cosd°= 1 Smiley Diz EAR: Ba Gu - EAR Quen ) all fun: Dz ut Dr. + Ds -..Bw DB = EA + Eak -.. Baty = E (oh Ah, ... Sdn) = E(S AN @ = E(uney*) x Sie surface iv coed Me Change ill not dep wd a The above statment |fovenula a that electvic fun oy a closed cuvface dogo eotidepend "tre a tor-chy Ov avea of He dlejeck bukit depends ont upon he cee of ae tae enclosed nit d t Vy shay o sae Hine cechic JO Hla will b¢ “fe same A i Nath den j »| af Namie fle Tove lwo can, Aejrk wt co Find the eS ife aie yok cee r+] ie e tH Re 2t : iy be ajete Ae s v.tetedy , A= Mie 44 fos indicabe te @ ie parts Gis) & &), 7 Ip, Comparthe vasitehivonal force. and elechostatlic fovey | droguniiton. « Given that» Mp = wisi Mee 4 xlO q yY=2o0-5\R es bexlo'e = 61 210 nt Ee 85 110°C et | Bhs. Fd the net: flaw in *e Fling Cares. Aso indicate ” (23 37K). (7-8 (324) z Net [eC n a 0 it) B= ec: nr = (2b +27). (j- %) ZB =(2 Neo'|¢ iy BER = (54) - (24) pi ve PaO re to han = 0 Noo'Je (se = ao") porperticutann oo ivy . @ = E ze f. = (UF UR). (32) gece, 1 pagent AA & jgeay ie Hy 42 FONw/C (= ao)? a 4 a ») GER = (2 24 424) Bt) wheerer © vector ic le ( 4) Cutty) vee woe ae 8+) cleats pede 2 p = lb Neo] (p - Ars 2 . Ta $2. ces kquqe + Fqmm u a Gm M4 a aul \- 4x10") vbel0) ~3t (G-b1x10 )(eerat0 ay xd) U (314) EAsx10 )(6-C1A10') (61x10 (40 = 2-0) x10" Co sy FeSD>>Fq bes, Ca) Qe W3-W= ia + Wb $12 ott () Dectrd Sus o40-3 =0 \| 08 \14- So “ Caleaion of debe Feld boy Gauss lw 4. We will umsidey a suvface (imaginavy) called Gaussian suvfaw a prow convenience, such , the point at whida eleckic fyeld is to be rreasuved must pass trisaghi Kk and caluuldhion of Flux should be easy f r- Find “ah Hon s 7 Q=e-A 3. Find the Flux of closed surface bys G = Denciosed “Ge ue Equake equations Avorn step 1&3. Change pra cocduetoy alums vender on th surface be if W Aneote go inside sthe clavge ovev it will vepdlit fromm all directions epaking it r leak “Fo the suv face \ i xf Me It —_ soe wil pare 100 -flum clue 4, a or Syeet except qe falda heveas in "I | { ata U elec “ Cth formed oo sinte se fald 4 aren ane fiom | diecticn a ang lt fovmed i 0 1 Surface chavge tout . + Dea “yh vided fos Y dencity — some ab ai fe Pe space + cs > Suvface chavae dersily isthe amount 5 hava Pert ap, iks spiel (sigma) o=8 A Units C Lm Applicabins of Gauss’s Law. 4. Cledbic fidd at a posat duets invite sheet of change ae The deabae Ald val ble 9, vad Ve od en \ we outwava wfc Whey XX XY 4 0 Sheed is inhnite a* oe x ie . x Go Ws edger our! Ax : Uta 050 Bo ve xx nt Oe enert Hoan oe x the callin So they ye. pel & cra ee ul , 1 Swasde Maa ai Total tee if EE < ose “TE = = EAy os (0°) ‘ Os . Ay. TT . Qa- a 6A, cs 60") zo pepe Dr= EAx A Bos Ds 2 EAs os 0") Gs =0 Braver - Ehie £A,+0 _ (At A) metrical » Avehe=A cince ¢ Jincler_is syrm 1 tee tel aca en pel Doge tearie fi in! 4 _ ] i coca Matte ] wonky presant 6” Monae : os ane ' \° | woe dio ta vel pe pe hil aos do ve a Gyamiian sala Ae ay enclose mp che, sudh thot some ve 9) “UE wovens nuies Ho eal plates epee outside ‘the Let plate: the 2 Fun ‘heen cath Face: 1 Consider a Gaussian guvface tn eto al . Pre ER Ey = EAy Gos® CO (o) 24 Pre EAs ah . : Gr 2 EA. OsG , 2 EAs Cos (40°) g.- 0 Sint ay ly 4 G3 20 da -O EX he E20 ‘0, $a =0 2. Ceebvic Feld ions dueto ‘a chavged spheve- 4 ay Ma po tate ere, 3 ap ye & * N srt we a aecle te bridal clive} Concidey @ Masssior surface HE ven oF 2 Sphere | wale, Chav ; ‘ ius fa” encloses the le 1° & qn vn y Ya div s ? ; es Flux ak each seq hw duvide sghevical cil tac, sell aizte, ws ‘Als Bho Afa «+ AP “ 2 EARS Cos(0) Ore EAN. sesilet ] G.- EAR Qs = EAs gu = EARN Total fur : : @= Be Orr Os.» Ox — EAA, + EAAr+ EDAs.-- + EARw = © (AAs + DA + APs = Ah) SE CE DAY w - = E (unady Deine Y 3. Flun Sov closed surface P= Qensord — @) €. * Fig 40 © Quesced 2 E (4Ka’) bo ae r) fk a pet ote ane 0 phere a Aven are = Uy” $0> E LQ uttte 7 °) hea pee inade We ssyyface 4, ophere = Se : 7 : pO ¥ + + + €=0 (because there is no eae eutade the sphere) oh How can - allerentiale between the yesubh, d Cte infaite shut 9} chavae ately thr intens¥ . ne vee) orp clay nage! a C2 6 (inkinite® sheet) Ge wp = eae Lkbe e plat) ue ce Vr pecaust 0 0 Gince Me’ plakes ake pbsevvev, we can on sea. tre oy seers dlveck, hall | the electne fretd it ESO canchysey se posine teobsee the otherbalf—sshole-eld ‘ San [ oy thak ade. U The xeoult fam the roathernalics 4 spherical chow, © olishy the eleckicintens# eutvide the sphere ceems valedoet wh with the eledvic tA due tea print charge . Explain cr.-1 pore ees priest charge ] UT eo ¥* E24 Q | putside the URE. oO sphere dh ae ev cal dicvbultery co ve r . > -pb a have many charges bal wird of fy phe uy, rt Ah! tx d cfasgqer ave fuged ‘eyihe Wok ad ove pir v ( Why do ue need + take Average » wha do uc calculate it ok a quantity. we unr " ¥ ty Eledvic p ‘al difference % clechic polenta ~ fry Seyed wl alway ty ty attain lovey poh mhal. Jp bas U is kept ot set AL K-E ull pe ceruen ted weep He ote clLavg@ wi > goto point! B == hay en wsing PE Luv weve bing tl tok € garner unghih + phe omaha ‘ a 8 . Nosy I\ ¥ \ A Ueto wl be doe RE wT be cowed om HE to bring the chavac back to A fyom ook dee Denny 8 Bem eke”? w= Av- bal Us ENecbyie. porectiat snort. sige Petal energy. Ne W uit: To Volt aevtic, coh ¥° c difference. i ee 7 differen da ined a» work done pr uny SX Glecbie ie tend 4 oa r und thy, MVe NR - Ve Sogn yh sour dae oy 6 Ant othe whole sex, de “| Us pe chad onal a . porter enue ih ger chavae with eapecky se y+ potential = souree Chom Pooh J om yeforence- pnt & distance + V (v) ' i Glee potrtial (ok a poirt duet a ene charg ‘) w | ots 16 rz Ye wes oe orn eg | J paler Aree 90 roth — To fed qordene mean = Al Ab So jhere « 7% 2 NtaVe / OR Vs Ys F . ips Og, ve ae 4Kto Y* a 1 By. 9 UKto YaYp For Work + WwW -f- a Wwe Ta Cosh «145 —ble dle fom wale Bee) px Cas (180) “eg a UKE BN - te clechy 4 ayaa) (-L) ” Cone Yee! es -(2¥) Ya=¥p\) Unge 1 \ ave / - (Qa. (NE) . (84) (~~) -@ Foy elechic pertial difference (AV) Ove Ww a = (Ry i \ MMe = WV. @ i =f ¥ bi if et. ant “) . AV = Va-Vp Na-Vep = ce dy ——4 Hanged v yee + ty. . ( - Cov a Temp © Ny Feat ayotigt : V AY Av 2zW Weked g Fado Vv by =F.d Ay = Fdtest® by = (quedo cn (10) ¥ ‘Av = -E AY av . -E aw ov. EDN Y pete bev AY a | -ve ear y de ates Hat worl re f Hite Geld, | aldo tWle Ne divectia joe dis tomar Acac > nq | 4 rlial U 8. A parbele ass b1xto K 4 dhavae no biorler> vetveen two st hk as ko be WW ‘O her rd he distance bebe Iv % \ovi7or en a stertiol difter or when 22 mace is ap aor Yo qlate sy \u Ry, i pie vel Capacitors : . A caper ga doe wed ty stove elednic Sata 4 ele dvical “ay © We know that dbavae \s a“ proportional to hae ov potential di Herence + &«Kv Q@=CNV : ; 5 capacitance (since sil capaciy as filled ~ nent ce v unit: covlunb = Favad . volt » The capadtane 6) 0 capotev i defamed as tre amount of charge + coved » requivee ® yas “IN of the iver plates ta capacitor: ben cLevg is ctored oa city , work clove + boving Ls He e whidk provides OA probel. «Aven 0 lent ak chi (2: “tf AV .s o*V “2 BV= 1V 2 BV = 2[% Combindlion 1. PVayallel. CN av \ — when waver | cr 1Orv « Mon tT Inns cadet ere patho \\S* Gay tread thicadh ‘ —|"|—— By Tot od cage B& = Or:+Qr48s (Voltage remains fe per’ E=fagy «Nog. charge will abso flow luk we wll osovder only one Wie choral change either “4 ov Pp iKve QO: cv uNecetd Qe (ed) + Q=o/k OA = C(Ed) "E20 Cie \a feo (e) oA ny EF dicharce vill Yrake the P Vo Vana ow c at oy A veanny thety aechie eld! 4 chande will Acoveair labeven a owe oy cake lepine (pieleedc) - a Ae . ery y 4) rare, Chavge PY nani 4 picledvic : ce At _aee as pakons OS: oe & (hE ak a inde wdhion: © ba © ul Whe ad wr c C’ . tr c C C wa oF uf 2F 7 AC/y 4C/F 2e\v . bring L volt af ents ldilf. +e vill have to add RC ay abit lee bring IDG clarge bE, & wlerhal differny ) 4, Volts vil be incluce dd Numericals. Qs. Two ckovs of BAF 4 GuAF ave inseries acvost a 10 Wea volts DC supply: Colalate the charges on each capacitev q we dct difference "hon each Q2- Find the chovge> on the capacitors emne ched do shown in the dete cB Oa. Find an emprtstion Lov tre capacitance of a comapounal witey the sace belucen the plates of which anpeel Killed uith a slalo of dielectric - Qa A capadtor ot 100 pF is dang toa prtorton dikference of GOV > k% plakes are ten coonched ox avollel to ancthey capacitey 4 ak ic found that the potertial Aileen ce behween ih piste talk to 35V. Whak 's the capatiben ee ot ceo capacitor 8 ? bn y 1 uletl — OM . Pav Vn 1 be 4 xl0F ~~ =i “ds ae F 2b x!l0 € wet ce OM hack Ve qov nel l + | “ j ¢@i- Pp 6 a on . " f eg * _ c 3x10. éx (0 ob g 2 3rld F 16 2X , _(ax\0°) (40) “4 Q 2 @xlO iG “ellage auross Cagidty 1: Q 2 OY, “4 eG U-Gxl0'= 3x10 x MV Ni 2 60V Matha aeross capacitor 2 Qe GV, 0 lO dat PO's bxlD Ms Vi = 30V iG ee om capautkovs 4H C eras) wo. gO Q = He (818) (120) Q =14dc. B; = C,N = (4) (120) Q; = 0 Ne TV VeI10V Cy2 ME C2 MF Qi= GN (2 ae 2 (2) (1) cy 463 aeepmallel: Gas HAC 2a +G «i 1 Qre CV, c's Buk = (2) (us) C4 & Clayeinseries : Bre Ab ac beled . COU CC 832 Cw, Rete = (A\( 44) S23 Ose YEU C 2 L2UHF B= 2 \-2(120) & = uy guc Q® = QR. +B = CN ¥OG3N SS tay = (2)¥¥ ta (2) uu = V,(3) ‘a= By Moe V+ Vi eds 20 =Vi + Ug ~~ palais. SS a+ An pel plate ceo . S Since capacitan ct of all eee ave different, ™ veh actoss cath one, Yeomans same, the current - paves be cliff since it hos move than one el Jo Slow $0 sone of tk goes me capacity ay sone fo the they (s). oa Sw Gets qlee citoys. The chavat hos one posto Flow 5 thre wget 4 ind ced eh other P etal Yoram Sane eg She oe ince i. capaci ‘is dilletent the vol cwill have to be gillerert 4p yeach thok capacitance: nc eee d ben yetohey F hne chee tavt G wll wi ace tt ‘ go theve vil be we eoainkeinans nee reastt cas We capacity + Wyck hat supple vty shaw A chah teary th bee stay wget drown Sha sho phot nbeuies a), poten al yes chy NW t= wee Ut sec Time Cwkowt: vata east Time comtaud 9 ERC ais the perinneley of an RC dius et thot tells ws eat ume, Neayive Sov the capacitor te charge skal 40 637. of ements -—_ - At (WwW) Electron Vo it nok hunt whid used fo very crmell werk done. Why 1, change ancreases OF decreases ba AV, work of ley, % dome We w 2 (ie) ) We Lev “4 AceVe 4. 6x10 J Electric dipole- Tt « defined onyequa) amount of postive droxae lank charge which is seperated by o Bich. Wah ea wall cults [ike (Or | CHyy te center of patie. ch ‘wpe diarge Sjukids taindd » de et ov lt ips oak the influence 6) on enternal electvic Feld, The contey 8 poutine & wv = ene * seperated § Joa sie is v le is inl rroleales ke 120 m HCL Wave an inherent dip due te sepuvdlion of opposite tae . “0 ats O- . . caer ‘ "4 4 r charg > bath cunts rh my dage -— a coulew aN +Vve Lona a yg ‘ ay wt alae wit, He ee fel, ceneoat \ forge (resented ) Sovie) 1 eentecnde tun he a coche der cts paler He erate vd k

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