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Oyster Mushrooms (American oyster/ Abalone/ Pink

Pleurotus ostreatus /Pleurotus cystidiosus /Pleurotus angustatus

Oyster mushrooms can be grown on substrate which contain lignin,

cellulose and hemicelluloses
Substrate preparation for oyster mushroom is very simple.
It does not require controlled environmental conditions and have very
wide temperature, relative humidity and CO2 tolerance
Cultivation steps

1. Preparation of spawn.
2. Substrate preparation.
3. Substrate sterilization
4. Spawning of substrate
5. Crop management
Released Varieties
! American oyster
! Abalone
! Pink oyster

Variety details >>


Climatic requirements/ Areas suitable for cultivation

American oyster

T0 C RH% CO2 (ppm) Light (lux)

Spawn run 24-27 90-100 20,000 Total dark

17-19 95 600 2000

Fruiting body
19-20 85-92 600 2000


T0 C RH% CO2 (ppm) Light (lux)

Spawn run 24-30 90-95 5,000-20,000 Total dark

18-24 95-100 500-1000 500-1000

Fruiting body
21-27 85-90 <2000 500-1000
Pink oyster

T0 C RH% CO2 (ppm) Light (lux)

Spawn run 24-27 90-100 20,000 Total dark

17-19 95 600 2000

Fruiting body
19-20 85-92 600 2000

For spawn run –Incubation room

For primodia formation and fruiting body formation – Cropping house


Saw dust Media for Oyster mushrooms

For 50 packets

Saw dust 20kg

Rice bran 2kg

CaO 400g

Soya Sour 200g

MgSO4 40g

Other requirements

200 gauge polypropylene bags (7” width and14” height)

¾” width and ½” height PVC pipes
Rubber bands
Rubber bands
Cotton waste/cotton

Pest Management

Mushroom Sies (Bradysia, Cecid Sy, Phorid Sy, Sciarid Sies)

Lycid beetle


Construct a standard cropping house with insect proof net

Proper cropping house sanitation
Use of neem water extract
Use of garlic, neem extract
Use of sulphur containing insecticide for mites

Disease Management

Fungal diseases :

Trichoderma spp. infection –Green color mould

Aspergillus niger infection – Black color mould

Controlling :

Use of standard saw dust, rice bran and cotton waste

Proper sterilization of bags
Should be used disease free spawns
Inoculation should be done under sterilize condition
Proper management of temperature and humidity during growing period
Removal and discard of infected bags

Control of bacterial infections

Regular application of chlorinated water containing 10g/1litre water of freely available

chlorine at an interval of 3 – 5 days

Spawn requirement
200g grain (rice) spawns for 50-60 packets


American Oyster and Pink Oyster : 20-30 days in incubation room

Abalone : 45-60 days in incubation room

Transfer the cropping house

After completion of the spawn running

Opening the packets

Fully open or half open (for high temperature areas)

Water supply

Watering should be done as a mist or humidicers can be used


The fruit bodies should be harvested before spore release, by twisting

pick all the mushrooms at one time from a pot


300-400 g fresh mushrooms/pot

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