Chapter Two

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and implemented in schools.

Even though teachers dominantly believe that technology

provides advantages for both themselves and students, a major problem is still enduring;

teachers' lack of adequate knowledge of how to use technology effectively to support their own

teaching and their students' learning (Russell, Finger & Russell, 2000; Brush, Glazewski,

Rutowski, Berg, Stromfors, Van-Nest., 2003; Ellis, 2003; Nanjappa, 2003; Novick, 2003). To

overcome this trouble, teacher training programs that are currently training prospective teachers

need to effectively incorporate the use of technology into their own instructional programs. One

point needs careful attention that technology is assumed simply to be a tool to encourage the

tasks of learning and teaching; it is not an end in itself.

Evolution of Special Education needs in Nigeria

Special education is the education specially designed to suit the special needs children

who may experience learning problems and learning difficulties as a result of disabilities or

handicaps or other forms of special educational needs (Obani, 2004). Therefore, special

education is designed to help the exceptional children (both the gifted and the disabled

individuals) in making the maximum use of their capabilities in order to contribute their quota to

the socio-economic development of their country. Demographically, Nigeria is the most populous

nation in the continent of Africa today. It gained its independence from Britain on October 1,

1960; and since its independence about 50 years ago, it has experienced many political and socio

economic problems that have retarded its progress (Damachi, 1972; Diamond, 1989).

The coming of the Missionaries and European traders brought what is now known as

formal education. These missionaries and traders did not originally come with the intention of

educating Nigerian citizens as their first priority. Their original intent was to convert the people

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