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I’ve Just Seen Jesus©

Message: I've Just Seen Jesus song by Sandi Patty and Larnelle Harris in Human
video (mime to music – does not include video or music). Tells the story
through those who were there at Calvary and at the tomb.

Bible Reference:

Special Instructions:
In the script the line (or portion of line) is shown followed by miming
Establish a perceived location at the center of the stage which will
represent the invisible location of cross, and also the tomb. Actors move,
and relate, to this location.
Where the actors are moving they should do so in beat to the music.

Cast: varies

Time: 4


at beginning all actors come on stage and will walk, slowly in long strides, in a clockwise
circle around the C/T (cross / tomb), looking toward what is going on at the C/T, but as
much as is possible keeping faces exposed to the audience in order to transmit emotions
to the audience.
All eyes are focused on a spot somewhat above C/T, facial expression is fear and wonder
Before singing starts, position so that actors end up in semi-circle at sides and behind
C/T, where they remain

We knew

at beginning of line shock starts to dominate faces

He was dead

all actors lean back from centerstage as though to get away from what is happening
hands outstretched, palms up, as though trying to keep from being impacted from what is
going on
face shows shock and fright

"It is finished!" He said

mime “no”
hands outstretched, palms upward, shoulder height toward C/T

We had watched as His life ebbed away

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palms up in supplication, shoulder height, on each of the words “watched”, “life” and
“away” the hands will drop about 6” and the gaze will also move downward on each of
those words

Then we all stood around

actors comfort each other, glancing back at “Jesus on the cross”

'Til the guards took Him down

actors recoil from the sight, hands slightly outstretched to C/T, as “the hands slowly
lower the body to the ground level”

Joseph begged for His body that day

one actor steps forward, moves to downstage center location “where the guards would
be”, hands cupped in front, moving toward his body as though pulling the body to
himself, mimes “please”
other actors show deep sorrow

It was late afternoon, When we got to the tomb

all actors again move in clockwise direction around C/T

pace the action so that actors are back in semi-circle around C/T at end of line

Wrapped His body

one or more actors on knees at centerstage location lovingly “wrapping, stroking” body
while the other actors move in behind, assist, mourn, support

and sealed up the grave

actors slowly step backwards in uniform steps from C/T, mourning

So I know how you feel

look at one another, grief on face, nod in appreciation of what the other person is going

His death was so real

hands together, fingers intertwined in front of face, look down, fall to knees


look up a little

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please listen

head upright, slight smile, hands at waist height, slightly apart, palms facing together

and hear

head up more, hands at shoulder height, moderately apart

what I say

head upright, curious look, hands at head height, slightly more apart

I've just seen Jesus

with each word arms are further extended and spread, smile grows, looking upward, rise
to feet

I tell you He's alive

actors excitedly move to another actor, moving hands as though telling the good news

I've just seen Jesus

excitedly motion to each other, pointing to a spot just above audience

Our precious Lord alive

excitement on face, overwhelmed with joy, hands clenched together at chin level

And I knew, He really saw me too

hands in fists at shoulder level and height, head nodding in agreement

As if 'til now

long, slow steps downstage

I'd never lived

fall to knees downstage

All that I'd done before

hands move palms upward, stretched wide shoulder height

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Won't matter anymore

hands move back together in front of chest, cupped together, smiling, shaking head very
slowly in negative response

I've just seen Jesus

center stage hand, index finger extended, points straight up, eyes looking in that
direction, mouth somewhat open in a look of awe and disbelief

And I'll never be the same again

bring both hands as high as possible, spread wide in an attitude of praise and worship
quickly, hands down, to feet, backs to audience, take long quick strides upstage

It was His voice she first heard

with body still faced upstage, look back over centerstage shoulder, frowning, as though
listening to a voice

Those kind gentle words

slight smile, listening closely

Asking what was her reason for tears

turn toward centerstage, disbelief on face, shakes head slowly

And I sobbed in despair

turn downstage, hands covering mouth, head moves a little downward, fall to knees

"My Lord is not there"

head bowed, clasp hands in front of forehead so face is obscured

He said, "Child! It is I! I am here!"

hands down, wonderment replaced by joy, look at each other

I've just seen Jesus

with each word arms are extended and spread, smile grows, looking upward, rise to feet

I tell you He's alive

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actors excitedly move to another actor, moving hands as though telling the good news

I've just seen Jesus

excitedly motion to each other, pointing to a spot above audience

Our precious Lord alive

excitement on face, overwhelmed with joy, hands clenched together at chin level

And I knew, He really saw me too

hands in fists at shoulder level and height, head nodding in agreement

As if 'til now

long, slow steps downstage

I'd never lived

fall to knees downstage

All that I'd done before

hands move palms upward, stretched wide shoulder height

Won't matter anymore

hands move back together in front of chest, cupped together, smiling, shaking head very
slowly in negative response

I've just seen Jesus

center stage hand, index finger extended, points straight up, eyes looking in that
direction, mouth somewhat open in a look of awe and disbelief

I've just seen Jesus

run in ballerina type strides to another actor at opposite side of stage, hands on that
actor’s shoulders, gently shaking that person, explaining the relevance to that person

I've just seen Jesus

gaze downward, arms straight forward at shoulder height and width, hands clenched in
upward fist

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And I'll never be the same again

keep face down, eyes closed, hands palms upward, with each word bring both hands
upward until at the end of the line they are as high as possible, spread wide in an attitude
of praise and worship

I've just

move head upward, spreading feet wide, smile growing

seen Jesus

open eyes, huge smile of wonderment, hands punctuate “seen” “Je” “sus”

quickly and quietly move off stage

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