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blahblahAuspice Benefit:

Prophetic Dreams. A Cahalith’s sleep is never quiet. Her dreams every night are vivid, but
sometimes,they are prophetic. This manifests, in terms of game systems, in two ways.
First, the Storyteller can choose to grant the character aprophetic dream at any time. The Storyteller
simply takes the player aside and describes the dream, making it as obvious or as cryptic as he
wishes. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the player can roll Intelligence + Occult to interpret facets of
the dream; success should give the player a hint into what a given aspect of the dream is meant to
Second, following a prophetic dream (defined as any scene that follows a night in which the
character got more than four hours of uninterrupted sleep), the player can declare that a particular
action or event was foretold in her dream. If she foresaw the action or event as a benefit, she (or a
packmate) gains a +3 modifier to one action, or a Storyteller character suffers a –3 modifier to one
action (the Storyteller might choose to simply allow the action in question to succeed or fail,
respectively). If the dream indicated that the action or event was detrimental to the pack, the player
can choose to automatically fail the action or suffer damage or a setback as a result of it, and take a
Beat. In either case, the player can only use this ability once per chapter.


War Howl (Gibbous Moon 1):

The Cahalith howls her defiance and spurs her pack to greater heights of violence and fury.
Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Glory
Action: Instant
Duration: 1 turn per success
Dramatic Failure: A single enemy who can hear the howl
regains 1 spent Willpower point.
Failure: The Cahalith’s howl fails to inspire her pack.
Success: All members of the Cahalith’spack within earshot gain +1L rating on their Brawl and
Weaponry attacks for the duration of the Facet. This bonus damage is always lethal, even if the
attack deals bashing damage.
Exceptional Success: The Cahalith gains the Inspired Condition.

Glorious Lunacy (Dominance, Glory)

Radiating the raw, glorious might of Luna, the Uratha causes awe in those who would face him.
Cost: 1 Essence
Action: Reflexive
Duration: 1 scene
When entering a form that inflicts Lunacy, the Uratha may activate Glorious Lunacy to inflict the
Awestruck Condition on all prey rather than another Lunacy Condition.

Berserker’s Might (Rage, Glory)

Girded with this Facet, the werewolf becomes a horrifying juggernaut who simply shrugs off the
most grievous of wounds.
Cost: 1 Essence
Action: Reflexive
This Facet can be used once per turn when the user is in Dalu, Gauru, or Urshul. He may either
reduce the damage inflicted by a single source by his Glory Renown, or may immediately heal a
single Tilt that is a physical injury such as Arm Wrack, Blind, or Leg Wrack. If the Uratha is in Basu-Im,
Berserker’s Might costs no Essence to use and he will use it instinctively.

Skin Thief (Change, Cunning)

Although grisly, an Uratha with this Facet can don the skin of a kill as if it were his own natural hide.
Cost: 5 Essence
Action: Instant
The Uratha can only use this Facet while in Hishu form. He must skin a human or predatory animal of
roughly the same size as a wolf, enough to wear across his shoulders at least, and then don the skin.
Once he has paid the Essence cost of the Facet, the Uratha’s skin warps and ripples before settling
into a copy of the deceased’s appearance, bone structure, and muscle. In the case of a human, the
Uratha becomes a physically perfect mimic of the prey until such a time as he willingly sheds the
stolen skin or shapeshifts, bloodily tearing his way out of the sheath. In the case of an animal, the
werewolf’s Urhan form now becomes a copy of the slain predator for one lunar month, although its
traits do not otherwise change. If the werewolf spends a Willpower point, his Urhan copies the
predator indefinitely, until he chooses to copy another animal with this Facet or decides to return his
Urhan to the form of a wolf. Whether the mimicked prey is human or animal, the Uratha’s eyes
never change to match the new shape — they remain his own.


Chain Rage:

This pact with spirits of rage forestalls fury, but only for a time. In the end, the chained beast must
be free.
Symbols: Rage, calm, binding, dawn
Action:Extended (10 successes; each roll represents 1 minute)
Duration: 1 month

Success: The rite affects all Uratha who take part. It binds a container or focus to each participant,
such as a bottle or piece of chain. As long as the Uratha keeps the focus about her person, then
achieving five turns of lucidity during a period of Wasu-Im (not continuous) immediately ends the
rage. At the end of the month, or should the focus be broken or taken, the Uratha immediately
enters Wasu-Im.


This rite invokes the pack’s authority as guardian between the two worlds, casting intruders out
from realms to which they do not belong.
Symbols: Warning, the two worlds, the Wolf’s last howl, bitterness
Action: Extended (5 successes; each roll represents 1 minute); spirits may contest with their
Resistance, but other creatures cannot resist
Success: This rite banishes a targeted spirit from the physical world into Shadow, or a creature in the
Shadow that is not a spirit or werewolf to the world of Flesh. The banished creature
appears at the corresponding point in its appropriate realm.
There are reports that this rite also works on Wound-tainted spirit servants of the dread Maeljin if
conducted in theWound in question, pushing them out of the Shadow and into somewhere else
beyond the Uratha’s ken.

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