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WORLD History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

World History – European Renaissance

During the late Middle Ages, Europe suffered from both war (Hundred Years’) and plague
(Black Death). Those who survived wanted to celebrate life and the human spirit. This
movement was an explosion of creativity in Art, Writing and Thought. The period lasted from the
1300 – 1600’s in Europe and would become known as the Renaissance, reshaping the world.
Directions: Using the information provided in class, from the video and information from the
textbook (pages 37 – 53), answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper

1. What does Renaissance mean?

2. The renaissance originated in Italy and would spread throughout Europe. What factors or
advantages allowed Italy to become the birthplace of the renaissance?

3. What significance did the Medici Family play in 1400s Italy?

4. Is there another family or person (past or present) that you feel can be compared to the Medici
family? Explain your answer

5. Create a Venn Diagram, showcasing the similarities and differences between a Renaissance Man
vs. Renaissance Woman

6. Explain what humanism and humanities are

7. During the renaissance, more and more people lived a secular lifestyle. Explain what this means
and why you believe these individuals lived a life that reflected the secular?

8. What are some examples of people who were patrons of the arts and what role did they play
during the renaissance? Do these people still exist today? Explain
WORLD History Mr. Kassube Room #5

9. There are 5 key factors which define Renaissance Art. Provide a brief example for each of the
following: Classical Art, Perspective, Religion, the Individual and Beauty
This question is worth 5 points

10. Create a drawing that embodies perspective, a technique used by Renaissance artists. Make sure
to include a brief explanation that explains how you accomplished this.

11. Select the FOUR (4) Renaissance artists and/or writers that you feel were most influential.
Provide a brief description of each along with their accomplishments and why you chose them
This question is worth 4 points

12. Look at the Mona Lisa. Briefly explain this piece of art (is it a painting, sculpture, etc.), what
message is the artist trying to convey and who created it?

13. Look at the David. Briefly explain this piece of art (is it a painting, sculpture, etc.), what message
is the artist trying to convey and who created it?

14. Look at the School of Athens. Briefly explain this piece of art (is it a painting, sculpture, etc.),
what message is the artist trying to convey and who created it?

15. A prince must be as strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox. What does this meaning suggest and
where does this sentiment come from (who wrote this)?

16. Christian humanists such as Thomas Moore, began to write about an ideal place, which was an
imaginary land where greed, corruption and war no longer existed. This place he referred to was
known as a what?

17. When the Renaissance spread to England in the mid-1500s, it became known as what and after
whom? Why do you think it was named after this individual?

18. Johann Gutenberg was a craftsman responsible for a revolutionary creation. Explain this creation
and its importance to history

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