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1. Why is it important to know about the population of a country? Give three reasons.

2. Which are the three components of population study?

3. What is census? When was the first census held in India? Which type of information can we get through census?

4. What does the population census of 2011 reveal about India’s population size and distribution? / Describe the
distribution of population of India in five points.

5. Describe the three population density zones of India.

6. Give reasons for:

i.high density of population in the Northern Plains.

ii.moderate density in peninsular plateau and Assam
iii low density in:-J&K,H.P and Uttrakhand
North-eastern states.

7. What is population density? Name two countries which have population density higher than India.

8. Name the state with the highest and lowest density of population. / Which state of India has the lowest density
of population? Why this state has the lowest density of population? Explain any two reasons.

9. What is meant by population growth? Explain the two ways by which it is expressed? / Distinguish between
“absolute numbers and the annual growth rate” with reference to population growth.

10. Explain the term: Annual growth rate of population. How is it affected by birth rate and death rate? Give
suitable examples.

11. What was/is the trend of population growth rate: -give reasons for variations also.
i. before 1951
ii. between 1951-1981
iii. after 1981.

Which three decades in India have witnessed rapid growth of population? Why? Give three reasons. OR explain
the main reasons for rapid increase in India’s population since independence./ .Describe any three factors
responsible for population growth in India.
Why rate of growth of population is gradually declining since 1981? Explain three reasons.

12. Explain three main processes of population change? OR Which three processes change the population size of a
country. / Explain the process of population change?
13. What is migration? Name four patterns of internal migration observed in India. How does it influence the
population size? / What is migration? Mention two main types of migration and explain them.

14. Why most of the migration in India is from rural to urban areas? Explain with reference to the push and pull

15. How migration is an important determinant of population change. Explain giving suitable facts. / How does
migration play a significant role in changing the composition and distribution of the population? Explain


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