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Gyan Bharati School

Final Examination syllabus 2023-24

Class S1
English Reading Comprehension
Writing Tasks:
 Diary Entry
 Descriptive Paragraph
 Short Story Writing
 Letter to the Editor
 Letter of Enquiry
 Letter of Complaint
Integrated Grammar:
 Gap Filling
 Editing
 Omission
 The Fun They Had
 The Road not Taken
 The Sound of Music
 A Truly Beautiful Mind
 The Lake Isle of Innisfree
 A Legend of the Northland
 My Childhood
 No Men are Foreign
 Reach for the Top
 On Killing a Tree
 In the Kingdom of Fools
 The Happy Prince
 The Last Leaf
 The Beggar
 The Adventures of Toto

Hindi अपठित गद्यांश-10

व््यकरण - 16
शब्द और पद
ु वयर, अनन
ु यसिक
उपिगग, प्रत्््
स्वर िांधि
ववरयम धिह्र
अर्ग की दृष्टि िे वयक्् भेद
ियठित्् - 34
ु कय अधिकयर
एवरे स्ि मेरी सशखर ्यत्रय
ु कब जयओगे अततधर्
वैज्ञयतनक िेतनय के वयिक
ु तयरे के िमयन
रै दयि के पद

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रिीम के दोिे
गीत -अगीत
अष्नन पर्
नए इलयके में
खुशबू रिते िैं ियर्
स्मतृ त
कल्लू कुम्ियर की उनयकोिी
मेरय छोिय िय तनजी पस्
ु तकयल्
रिनयत्मक लेखन - 20
ु छे द लेखन
धित्र वणगन
िांवयद लेखन
पत्र लेखन (अनौपियररक)

Mathematics 1. Number System

2. Polynomial
3. Coordinate Geometry
4. Linear equation in two variables
5. Euclid’s Geometry
6. Lines and angles
7. Triangles
8. Quadrilaterals
9. Circles
10. Heron’s formula
11. Surface area and Volume
12. Satistics

Science Physics
1. Motion
2. Force and laws of motion
3. Gravitation
4. Work, Power and energy
5. Sound

1. Lesson 1: matter in our surroundings.
2. Lesson 2: Is matter around us pure.
3. Lesson 3: Atoms and molecules.
4. Lesson 4: Structure of atom.
( All complete lessons as per cbse syllabus)

1. Chapter 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
2. Chapter 6: Tissues
3. Chapter 15: Improvement in Food Resources

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Social History:
science 1. French Revolution
2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution ( Only selected topics)
 Causes of revolution
 February Revolution ( Causes and outcome)
 October Revolution ( Causes and outcome)
3. Nazism and the rise of Hitler
4. Map work for the above lessons

1. People as a resource
2. Poverty as a challenge

Political Science
1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
2. Constitutional Design
3. Electoral Politics
4. Working of Institutions

1. India - size and location
2. Physical features of India
3. Drainage
4. Climate
5. Population
6. Map work for every chapter done in the notebook

1. अपठित- अवबोिनम ् - अपठित-गद्यांशः

2. रिनयत्मक-कय्गम ् - पत्र-लेखनम ्, धित्रवणगनम ् / अनच्

ु छे द लेखनम ्, अनुवयद-कय्गम ्

ु ्क्
ु त-व््यकरण

(i) िष््िः कय्गम ् -स्वरिष््िः-

(ii) शब्दरूपयणण

अकयरय्त पष्ांु ल्लङ्गशब्दयः- बयलकवत ्

उकयरय्त-पुँष्ु ल्लङ्गशब्दयः-ियिव
ु त्

आकयरय्त-स्त्रीसलङ्गशब्दयः- लतयवत ्

ईकयरय्त-स्त्रीसलङ्गशब्दयः- नदीवत ्

िवगनयमशब्दयः - अस्मद, ्टु मद

(iii) घयतरू
ु पयणण → पठ्, गम, वद, भ,ू पय(वपव) (पञ्ििु लकयरे ष)ु l

िेव, लभ ् (लट्लकयरे लि
ृ लकयरे ि)
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(iv) कयरक-उपपद-ववभक्त्ः

(v) प्रत्््यः- पयिो िे

(vi) िख््य -1-100 (1-4 केवलां प्रर्मय-ववभक्ती)

(vii) उपिगयगः- आ, वव, प्रतत, उप, अनु l



(x)श्लोक अ्व्/भयवयर्ग


(xii)प्रिांगयनुियरम ्

4. ियठित््ः - गद्यांशम ् पद्यांशम ्, नयट््यांशम ्

दववती्ः पयिः - स्वणगकयकः

ृ ी्ः पयिः- गोदोिनम ्

पञ्िमः पयिः- िष्ू क्तमौष्क्तकम ्

षटिः पयिः- भ्रय्तो बयलः

नवमः पयिः- सिकतयिेतःु

दशमः पयिः - जिय्ोः शौ्गम ्

एकयदशः पयिः - प्यगवरणम ्

Employability Unit 1 Communication skills

Unit 2 Self-management skills
Unit 3 Information and Communication technology skills
Unit 4 Enterprenuership Skills
Unit 5 Green skills

Physical activity trainer

Unit 1 Role of physical education in child development

Unit 2 Planning age appropriate physical activities
Unit 3 Organizing
Age appropriate physical activities
Unit 4 Children Health and Safety

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French Comprehension
Letter writing
Message writing
Post card
Mettez le dialogue en ordre
Temps conveneables
Mettez au negatif
Trouvez la question
Les pronoms personnel
Les pronoms relatifs simples
Mettez en ordre
Les adjectifs etc Les pronoms interrogatifs
Culture Civilization

Painting Fundamentals of Visual Arts (The Elements)

Methods and Materials of Painting
Understanding and appropriate use of:
Painting Materials – Poster Colours, Water Colours, Oil Pastels and Pencils
Story of Indian Art 10 Marks
Appreciation of Indian Art covering selected paintings, sculptures and architectural
Wizard’s Dance (Bhimbethaka)
Yaksha – Yakshi at R.B.I. New Delhi(done by Ramkinker Vaij)
Sun Temple (Konark, Odisha)
Indian Folk Art – Paintings
(Floor decoration) Alpana, Rangoli and Mandana

Vocal Music * Sangeet Dhwani Naad Shruti Swar Saptak Alankaar Thaat Jaati

* Laya Taal Matra Sam Taali Khaali Vibhaag Avartan

* Contribution by Pt. V.D. Pulaskar and V.N. Bhatkhande

* Raag
1- Yaman
2- Kaafi
3- Alhaiya Bilawal

* Taal Dadra Keherwa Teen Taal Ek Taal

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