Ple English Marking Guide 2023

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1. How
2. bit
3. more
4. whom
5. kittens
6. tomatoes
7. sold
8. thirsty
9. strongest
10. ironing
11. carelessness
12. normally
13. Egyptian
14. behaviour/behavior
15. ascending
16. after, before, far, near
17. blue, brown, pink, purple
18. We visited patients/cases at Mulago Hospital yesterday.
19. Some of his supporters continued/kept rejoicing even after he had lost the
20. The windows were open when the visitors arrived.
21. it is/ it has
22. Wednesday
23 and 24 a candidate should construct a sentence that can make the best idiot to
understand the meaning of the given homophones.
The sentences should as well have qualifiers.
The individual words should maintain their original sounds much as they (the
individual words) could have many lexemes
For the case of no. 23, wearing, wears can be accepted as the other forms of the
word wear because the idea of the original sound is still existent.
25. benches
26. dining rooms
27. Chesuro always turns on the security lights before going to bed.
28. The head teacher’s office is on the lower floor of the new building.
29. Many people attended his graduation.
30. Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?
Sub-section 11
31. Kharobo is my sister but her daughter is my niece.
Kharobo is my sister, but her sister is my niece.
32. If I had handed in my book to the teacher, he would have marked my work.
If I’d handed in my book to the teacher, he’d have marked my work.
33. I am not as tall as my brother.
I am not as tall as my brother is
34. It is important for parents to teach their children to do domestic chores.
It is important that parents teach their children to do domestic chores.
It is important that parents should teach their children to do domestic chores.
35. Of the two games, which one was your choice?
Of the two games, which was your choice?
Which of the two games was your choice?
36. The girl who was sworn in yesterday won the election.
37. “I will see the doctor tomorrow,” said Kassim.
38. Do not play with sharp objects because they may hurt you.
39. What is sandpaper used for in carpentry?
40. When they were cutting down a tree, they saw a very big snake.
41. Was the news read by Mr. Andama?
41. What a hard-working woman Tumukunde’s mother is!
43. No sooner had the accident occurred than a police car arrived.
No sooner did the accident occur than a police car arrived.
44. Every baby is fed on milk.
45. The more fresh fruit and vegetables you eat, the healthier you will keep.
46. Kasula has been in the library since 10.00 a.m. Don’t change the time given
in the rubric to ten o’clock in the morning.
47. After Bruno finished his homework, we went out to play.
After Bruno had finished his homework, we went out to play.
After Bruno finishing ---- 0 mrks
Use of ‘then’--- 0 mrks because it is a repetition
48. The Bible is an important book and so is the Koran.
The Koran is an important book and so is the Bible.
49. Being cruel to the poor is bad.
Being cruel to the poor is not good.
Being cruel to the poor isn’t good.
50. The guest of honour is likely to arrive at the venue early.
The use of most likely ----- 0 mrks, most likely is wrong English though
it is very common
51.a) There are two market days in Berabera Town Council.
b) The two friends had learnt from their teachers that plastic materials are
dangerous to people and their environment.
The two friends had learnt from their teachers how plastic materials are
dangerous to people and their environment.
The two friends had learnt from their teachers the dangers of plastic materials
to people and their environment.
The two friends had learnt from their teachers that plastic materials thrown
away anywhere and anyhow are dangerous to people and their environment.
The answer to this question can also begin with,
From their teachers, the two friends had learnt ---------------
Ending with from their teachers ------ 0 mrks
c) Plastic materials prevent air and water movements in the soil.
Plastic materials destroy the soil by preventing air and water movements in
the soil.
d) Mosquitoes lay eggs in plastic materials because they contain/keep/hold/
have/retain water.
Mosquitoes lay eggs in plastic materials because plastic materials contain/
keep/retain/hold or have water.
Mosquitoes lay eggs in plastic materials because these plastic materials
contain/have/hold/retain or keep water.
Use of may as indicated in the passage directly in the answer -----0 mrks
e) The two friends learnt that a lot of/ a great deal of/ a number of / some items
can/ could be made out or from plastic materials when they went for a tour in
The two friends learnt how to make some/ a number of items out of or from
plastic materials when they went for or on a tour in Jinja.
The two friends learnt to make bags, mats, dolls, sandals, toy cars and belts
when they went for or on a tour in Jinja.
From their educational tour in Jinja, the two friends learnt that a number of
items could be made out of plastic materials.
The two friends benefited from the educational tour they had in Jinja by
learning that a number of items could be made out of plastic materials.
Use of such materials in the answer ------ 0 mrks.
f) The residents thought that the two friends had gone mad because they/ these
residents had never seen normal people picking plastic materials.
The residents thought that the two friends had gone mad because it was the
first time for the/these residents to see normal people picking plastic
The residents thought that the two friends had gone mad because the two
friends were moving from place to place picking plastic materials.
g) The two friends bought waste bins with their earnings.
The two friends bought tree seedlings with their earnings.
The two friends bought waste bins and tree seedlings with their earnings.
The two friends bought waste bins which were placed at most shops and
stalls with their earnings -------0 mrks. This answer makes it look like the
earnings were placed at most shops and stalls together.
h) The area Member of Parliament/ the area MP donated two million shillings
the two friends.
The area Member of Parliament /the area MP donated sh. 2,000,000 to the
two friends.
i) The MP/ area MP advised/ adviced /urged/encouraged/ called upon the youth
in the district to wake up and protect their environment.
The advice the area MP gave to the youth in the district was to wake up and
protect their environment.
The suitable title of the poem is HARWORK PAYS
The suitable title of the poem is “Hardwork Pays”
52.a) The above document is called a bank paying-in slip.
The above document is a paying-in slip.
The above document is a deposit slip.
b) The document was used in Grand Bank.
The bank in which the above document was used is Grand Bank.
c) The above document is for Karibu Boarding Primary School.
d) Kusasira Martha’s school fees was paid using the above document.
It is/ was Kusasira Martha’s school fees that/which was paid using the above
The school fees which/that was paid using the above document was for
Kusaria Martha.
The school fees which/ that was paid using the above document was
Kusasira Martha’s.
e) It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document for easy
identification of the pupil who had paid school fees.
It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document so as/ in order
identify the pupil who had paid.
It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document so as/ in order
to follow up the pupil who had paid school fees.
It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document to ensure that
the fees is paid for the right child.
It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document to avoid
confusion of the pupil who had paid.
It was important to indicate the pupil’s class on this document to avoid
allocating or paying for a wrong child.
f) The above document was used on 18/09/2023/ 18.09.2023/ 18th September
2023/ 18 September 2023/ September 18, 2023.
g) Eighty thousand shillings was paid using notes of twenty thousand shillings.
Sh. 80,000 was paid using notes of twenty thousand shillings.
h) One hundred fifty thousand shillings(only) was paid as school fees.
Sh.150,000 was paid as school fees.
One hundred and fifty thousand shillings ----- 0 mrks
Without units ‘shillings’ ----- 0 mrks
i) Nera Timothy took the school fees to the bank.
It is/was Nera Timothy who took the school fees to the bank.
Nera Timothy is/was the one/ the person who took the school fees to the bank.
j) Nalutaya Agnes was the cashier on the day the above document was used.
It is/was Nalutaya Agnes who was the cashier on the day the above document
was used.
53.a) The poem is about a unique/ a special/ a wonderful/an exceptional/Akullu
Jessica’s school.
b) A pupil/ a student/ a learner/ a schoolchild/Akullu Jessica is speaking in the
One of the pupils is speaking in the poem.
It is a pupil/ a student/ a learner/ a schoolchild/ Akullu Jessica who is
Speaking in the poem.
c) The poem has four stanzas.
d) A beautiful hedge is surrounding the school.
e) Two languages are used for teaching in that school.
There are two languages used for teaching in that school.
There are two languages which/that are used for teaching in that school.
In that school, two languages are used for teaching.
f) School children feel comfortable when their teachers make learning enjoyable
for them.
g) The speaker is inviting fellow children to the school to have the best
The speaker is inviting fellow children to the school to have fun as they
study/learn/ different languages.
h) I think the pupils in this school would perform well in their examinations
because their teachers are knowledgeable and friendly.
--------- because they learn in two languages.
---------- because they learn in local language and English.
----------- because they learn in a comfortable environment.
----------- because they have experienced teachers.
---------- because they have friendly teachers.
i) (i) orderly/clean/tidy/organised/ well-ordered/ uncluttered
(ii) learn/read/ learn about

54.a) Good afternoon, sir/madam/officer.

b) My name is Kawudha Brenda/ My name is Brenda
I am Kawudha Brenda/ I am Brenda.
c) I would like to cross the road but I fear vehicles.
I want to cross the road but I fear vehicles.
d) What can I do to cross the road more easily?
How can I cross the road more easily?
What should I do to cross the road more easily?
What must I do to cross the road more easily?
What do I do to cross the road more easily?
What ought I do to cross the road more easily?
e) What is a zebra crossing?
Could you tell me what a zebra crossing is?
May I know what zebra crossing is?
Please, tell me what a zebra crossing is.
I don’t know what a zebra crossing is.
f) What can I do when I get to a zebra crossing?
What should I do when I get to a zebra crossing?
What must I do when I get to a zebra crossing?
What ought I do when I get to a zebra crossing?
g) Will drivers stop when they see me standing at the zebra crossing?
h) Is there a zebra crossing near here?
Is there any zebra crossing near here?
Is there any zebra crossing around/nearby?
i) Thank you/ Thank, sir/officer/ Thanks a lot/ Thank you very much
Thank you for helping me/ Thank you for your help
Thank you, Inspector Drici Bravo
j) Goodbye! / Goodbye/ Goodbye, sir/officer/ Inspector Drici Bravo
55 Business or official letter
Writer’s address mk
Date mk
Recipient mk
Recipient’s address mk
Salutation mk
Subject heading (Re) 1mk
Requesting for permission mk
Date for the wedding mk
Date of departure mk
Date of return mk
How to catch up 1mk
Complimentary close mk
Valediction mk
Signature mk
Name mk
Title mk
Type of letter mk
Paragraph mk

Sipi Boarding Primary School
PO Box 52

Monday 4th November 2023

The Head teacher

Sipi Boarding Primary School
PO Box 52

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request for permission to attend my uncle’s wedding which will

take place next weekend on 18th November 2023.

If granted permission, I will leave for home on 17th November 2023 and come
back to school on 19th November 2023 after the wedding.

Since I am going to miss some lessons, I will copy and revise the given notes in
order to catch up with the rest of the pupils in my class.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Kalema Ronald

Sipi Boarding Primary School

PO Box 52

Monday 4th November 2023

Mr. Oyata Herbert Samuel

The Head teacher
Sipi Boarding Primary School
PO Box 52

Dear Mr. Oyata,


I am writing to request for permission to attend my uncle’s wedding which will

take place next weekend on 18th November 2023.

If granted permission, I will leave for home on 17th November 2023 and come
back to school on 19th November 2023 after the wedding.
Since I am going to miss some lessons, I will copy and revise the given notes in
order to catch up with the rest of the pupils in my class.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Kalema Ronald

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