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Instruction: Interview a two teachers teaching Marungko Approach or experienced teaching Marungko
Approach. Use the format below:

Name of Teacher: ___LUCIA REYES ____________

Number of Years (teaching): ____27 YEARS

Subject: __________________________________

Questions Answers

1. How was your experienced teaching Marungko Based on my experienced is very effective in
Approach? Is the school using this approach? teaching beginning reading. It is a strategic approach
where in , it started to familiarize letter sounds, rather
than alphabet name, Marungpo approach is being
taught through letter sounds not following the
sequence in the alphabet. It is by lesson with 5 letters
sound like m,s,a,b,l to master the letter sound and
then blend with vowel sound with a pattern of CV
( consonant vowel) syllable.
2. What activities did you used in teaching The learner master the letter sound , consonant sound
Marungko Approach? (Encourage the teacher to and short vowel sound blended. Then, 3 letter word
share his/her experiences) CVC ( consonant, short vowel sound, consonant).
From letter sound , to a syllable, to a word , to a
phrase then to a short sentence leading to a short
paragraph, inject with questions to build
comprehension to a learners. I used Marungpo
approach. Fuller approach and other teaching
strategies which can improve my pedagogical
approach in teaching.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Develop the love for reading to a learners who are
Marungko Approach in teaching? considered as beginning readers. Arouse their interest
with pictures, rhymes, and songs.
Reading with comprehension is the very crucial and
perrenial problems in elementary.

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