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Wormhole Development Book



Welcome to the Wormhole

xDapp Book!
This guide aims to help you in your journey as a
cross-chain developer by explaining the core
concepts of Wormhole and xDapp development.

We'll start by outlining the most important

aspects of Wormhole and the considerations
which must be taken when developing an xDapp.
After that, the second portion of the book helps
you set up a development environment and get
started writing actual code. By the end of this
guide, you should be ready to build and deploy
your first xDapp.

While this document doesn't assume you have

experience with any particular technologies, a
general understanding of blockchain
development will help you get up to speed.

Ready to step into the wormhole?

For additional resources, see the Reference


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An Introduction to
This chapter aims to give you a clear
understanding of what xDapps are and why
they're gaining traction in the blockchain
development community.

To start, let's go over the current state of the

decentralized finance (De-Fi) ecosystem, the
emerging role of xDapps and the advantages
they have over conventional Dapps.

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Ecosystem Basics
Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, the
cryptocurrency and decentralized computing
ecosystem has rapidly evolved and expanded.
The ecosystem now includes hundreds of
blockchains, often also referred to as Layer 1s.

Prior to 2015, blockchain transactions were

limited in their capacities, typically being used to
transfer funds from one user to another. This
changed with the intoduction of Ethereum and
smart contracts. Smart contracts allowed
developers to perform arbitrary on-chain
computation as part of a blockchain transaction,
opening the door for blockchain technology to
become a global computing platform. These
innovations laid the groundwork for the creation
of Decentralized Applications or Dapps.

Now, a rich ecosystem of Dapps exists across an

array of smart-contract-enabled blockchains.
These Dapps provide a number of services
across categories like:

• Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

• Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
• Borrow-Lend Platforms
• Decentralized Games
• NFT Protocols
• Metaverse Platforms
• and more

However, Dapps are not without limitations,

many of which are tied to their underlying

Two notable limitations are that blockchains have

no access to off-chain data and no mechanism to
interact with other blockchains. These limitations
have lead to a fractured ecosystem where each
blockchain is closed off from the others by
default. That means assets native to one chain

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are not accessible on another, and some services

can't be leveraged on particular chains

Blockchain developers are now aiming to solve

these interoperability problems to create a
unified ecosystem. In this new cross-chain
ecosystem, people can move beyond being users
of individual blockchains and take advantage of
Web3 on a broader scale.

In the next section, we'll discuss the history and

challenges of cross-chain interoperability, as well
as introduce the role Wormhole plays in the
future of this space.

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Because blockchains are siloed by nature,
individual cryptocurrencies being bound to their
own chains has been a longtime limitation of
blockchain technology. The first attempt at
solving this problem was the creation of
cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and
Binance. Today these are refered to as
centralized exchanges (CEXs).

Centralized exchanges play an important role in

cryptocurrency, but they are not a complete
solution for blockchain interoperability for two
primary reasons: (1) they're centralized, which is
counterproductive to creating a decentralized
platform, and (2) they deal only with tokens.

To solve the centralization problems with CEXs,

decentralized exchanges (DEXs) were created. A
DEX operates inside a smart contract runtime
and can be as decentralized as the blockchain it
runs on. Unfortunately, a DEX is only able to
utilize the tokens on its native blockchain. In
order to obtain a token which is not native to
that chain, the DEX must be used in combination
with a bridge.

Bridges are complex and will be discussed at

length in a later section. For now, we can
categorize bridges as applications which 'lock'
assets on one chain in exchange for wrapped
assets on another chain. The wrapped assets
can then be exchanged for the original 'backing'

There are some other essential things you should

know about bridges before going further:

• Bridges are capable of being decentralized

in theory, but are often quite centralized in
• Bridges are currently the only way to hold a

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token on a chain other than its 'native'

chain. If you're holding ETH on a chain
other than Ethereum, it is, by definition, a
wrapped token.
• Bridges are all mutually incompatible with
eachother. Using multiple bridges just
makes 'double wrapped' tokens.
• If tokens have become double wrapped
after traversing multiple bridges or
blockchains, there can be a complex
unwrapping process to get back to the
original token.

This explains how the ecosystem arrived at its

current state -- CEXs are a solution to siloed
blockchains, DEXs are a simple response to CEXs,
and DEXs have created a demand for bridges.
Each solution in this timeline is an ad-hoc patch
to the previous problem, and the current
landscape of fractured liquidity, double wrapped
tokens, isolated userbases and wallet
incompatibilities is the result.

Adding to this complexity are blockchains moving

toward being general-purpose computing
platforms. As such, interoperability will require
data structures that are more complex than
tokens and operations that are more
sophisticated than transfers.

More ad-hoc solutions would only be short-term

fixes for long-term problems, so it's critical to
design new primatives and core infrastructure
that will allow the next generation of
decentralized applications to move beyond these
lingering limitations.

This is why Wormhole exists. Wormhole

proposes a new way of developing applications
which leverages the strengths of each blockchain
while mitigating the problems of the current

Rethinking the next generation of decentralized

applications means dethroning the token as the

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fundamental atomic unit of blockchains. We'll

expand on this change in the next section.

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xData and xAssets

High on the wishlist of blockchain features is the
ability to detach tokens from their native chains.
It is a tremendous limitation that ETH only exists
on Ethereum, MATIC only exists on Polygon and
SOL only exists on Solana. It would be far more
useful if those assets were able to move freely,
independent of their native blockchains.

That thought underpins the idea of an xAsset,

which could be considered a next-generation
wrapped token. In a sense, xAssets exist on a
layer outside of the blockchain ecosystem, and so
are able to transact on a variety of blockchains.
An xAsset is chain- and path- agnostic, so it
retains fungibility regardless of where it travels.
xAssets can also move fluidly around the
blockchain ecosystem without ever becoming

Now that we've established the idea of an xAsset,

you might think they're an excellent atomic unit
for solving interoperability challenges. However,
xAssets are just one step short of the real
solution. Let's take a step back: blockchains now
process arbitrary data, and some of that data just
happens to represent assets. The full solution
then, is to create xData.

xData is akin to an xAsset in that it exists in its

own layer independent of any blockchain, which
makes xData accessible by all blockchains. The
difference is that xData represents arbitrary data
rather the token information represented by an

Cross-chain interoperability then becomes a

matter of creating, consuming and managing
xData. Once blockchains have the ability to read
and write data into a shared, global reservior,
application design can take on innovative new

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Later in this document, we'll delve deeper into

how Wormhole implements this xData layer (also
referred to as the 'Core' layer of Wormhole), but
for now let's talk about how xData can be used to
create xDapps.

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What is an xDapp?
The term xDapp is short for "Cross-Chain
Decentralized Application". At first glance, this
might give the impression that xDapps are simply
Dapps that do cross-chain things. However, once
you start building decentralized products
designed to operate across a variety of
blockchains and runtimes, it becomes clear that
these applications are architected in a
fundamentally different way than traditional

xDapps have the capacity to perform all the

operations of traditional Dapps, but they are also
able to utilize xData. xData allows xDapp
developers to build from a top-down, message-
passing approach, rather than the bottom-up
world of Dapp development. The Wormhole Core
Layer implements xData, which acts as a shared
repository of data across the entire Wormhole

Something we'll explore further in the upcoming

xDapp Architecture chapter is the philosophy of
Protocol-First Design. Protocol First Design is an
approach to building decentralized applications
where the first order of business is to lay out
your application into a series of data structures,
APIs and message payloads. Once you've laid out
your application into a high-level protocol, the
protocol acts as an agreement to which all
components must adhere. From there, the smart
contracts underlying the protocol can be
considered an implementation detail.

If you're familiar with web2 development, you

might notice that this philosophy is analogous to
microservice architecture. This is no coincidence,
as similar problems should expect to be solved
by similar solutions, and the Wormhole Core
Layer has a number of parallels to the OSI
Network Model.

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Thus, a more fitting depiction of xDapps might be

to see them as Distributed Decentralized
Applications with multiple, specialized
components working in unison to deliver a
smooth, unified user experience across a variety
of layer 1 ecosystems.

In the next section, we'll summarize the concrete

advantages which xDapps built on Wormhole
have over traditional Dapps today.

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Advantages of xDapps
Here are a few xDapp features that are making
an impact across blockchain technologies:

• Expanded User Base - Rather than being

limited to the users of one blockchain, any
user on any blockchain in the ecosystem
can interact with an xDapp.

• Unified Liquidity - Liquidity fragmentation

is a major problem in the current
ecosystem. Unlike traditional tokens,
xAssets can be pooled and moved

• Decentralization - Cross-chain solutions

today usually involve centralized exchanges
or bridges. However, Wormhole has been
designed to be decentralized from day one,
and eventually totally trustless.

• Increased Performance - xDapps are able

to utilize the strengths of each blockchain.
With xDapps, expensive computations can
be offloaded onto high-performance
platforms, final settlement can take place
on a preferred chain, and data can be
stored wherever is cheapest.

• Broader Market Reach - Because xAssets

move freely through the ecosystem, they
can be listed on a variety of exchanges and
custodied on any blockchain.

• Increased Extensibility and

Composability - xDapps can utilize
anything across the ecosystem, including
other xDapps, expanding upon the
composability and openness of smart

• Futureproofing - As new environments and

protocols join the decentralized ecosystem,
the connected nature of the Wormhole

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ecosystem allows existing protocols to

expand and support them.

Now that you have an understanding of what

xDapps are and the advantages they offer, let's
move on to the next chapter where we will delve
into how Wormhole works and how it enables
the creation of these next-generation protocols.

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In the previous chapter, we established concepts
like xDapps, xData and xAssets. In this chapter,
we'll focus on the inner workings of the
Wormhole ecosystem and how they power these

By the end of this chapter, you'll have a clear

understanding of what Wormhole is, what its key
components are and how each component
comes together to create a powerful, new cross-
chain ecosystem.

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What is Wormhole?
Wormhole V1 was introduced in 2020 by Certus
One, and was initially conceived as a traditional
token bridge between Ethereum and Solana. It
served as the first bridge on Solana and was
responsible for bootstrapping a large amount of
the liquidity in the early Solana and Serum

However, despite its beginnings as a token

bridge, Wormhole quickly grew beyond Solana
and token transfers.

Wormhole v2 launched in August 2021 as a

decentralized generic interoperability protocol
for multiple blockchain ecosystems with initial
support for Solana, Terra, Ethereum and Binance
Smart Chain.

Over the past year, Wormhole has evolved to

support an ever-growing list of blockchains
across an unrivaled number of smart contract

While Wormhole is a generic interoperability

protocol, it is also an ecosystem and platform for
developers to grow the decentralized computing
space. Wormhole consists of multiple modular
swap-in components that can be leveraged
independently and supports an increasing
number of composable applications built by
numerous teams.

In the next section, we'll go over the major

components of the Wormhole ecosystem and
how they fit together to enable the cross-chain
functionality required to develop xDapps.

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Architecture Overview
Wormhole is a complex ecosystem with several
noteworthy components. Before we go into each
component in depth, let's talk about the names
of the major pieces and how they fit together.

On-Chain Components

• xDapp Contracts - Contracts developed by

xDapp developers. They receive
transactions from the end user and then
interact with other xDapp contracts and
Wormhole Ecosystem Contracts in order to
provide their service.

• Ecosystem Contracts - Contracts subject to

Wormhole governance which live inside the
Wormhole Ecosystem. Their job is to
provide the feature suite of Wormhole to
xDapp developers.

◦ Core Contracts - Primary ecosystem

contracts. These are the contracts
which the Guardians observe and
which fundamentally allow for cross-
chain communication.

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◦ xAsset Contracts - Contracts that

allow normal tokens to be converted
to xAssets and enable these xAssets to
be bridged.

◦ Relay Contracts - in development* -

Contracts that allow xDapps to send
messages to a specific blockchain via
the decentralized Generic Relayer

◦ Gas Oracle - in development* - Oracle

for recommended fair gas prices
across the ecosystem.

◦ Worm Router Contracts - in

development* - Contracts that allow
developers to make their Dapp an
xDapp that users on any Wormhole
supported chain can interac with
purely through clientside code.

Off-Chain Components

• Guardian Network - Validators that exist in

their own p2p network. Guardians observe
the Core Contract on each supported chain
and produce VAAs (signed messages) when
those contracts receive an interaction.

• Guardian - One of 19 validators in the

Guardian Network that contributes to the
VAA multisig.

• Spy - Validators on the Guardian Network

which are not part of the Guardian set. A
spy can observe and forward network
traffic, which helps scale up VAA

• VAAs - Verifiable Action Approvals (VAAs)

are the key piece of data in the Wormhole
ecosystem, containing the messages
emitted by xDapps along with information
such as what contract emitted the message.

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The VAAs are signed by the Guardians and

need 13/19 signatures to be considered

• Specialized Relayers - Relayers that only

handle VAAs for a specific protocol or
xDapp. They can execute custom logic off-
chain, which can reduce gas costs and
increase cross-chain compatibility.
Currently, xDapp developers are
responsible for developing and hosting
specialized relayers.

• Generic Relayers - in development* - A

decentralized relayer network which
delivers messages that are requested on-
chain via the Wormhole Relay Contract.

• Wormchain - in development* - A purpose-

built cosmos blockchain which aids the
Guardian Network and allows for formal
interaction with the Guardians.

*Features listed as in development are not yet


In the next section, we'll give an overview of how

the Wormhole Guardian network creates VAAs
along with a look at the key design
considerations that underpin the network.

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Core Contracts
The Core Contracts are the mechanism by which
all Wormhole messages are emitted. All xDapps
either interact directly with the Core Contract or
interact with another contract that does. There is
one Core Contract on each blockchain in the
ecosystem, and this is the contract which the
Guardians are required to observe.

The Wormhole Core Contracts are one of the

most pivotal pieces of the Wormhole ecosystem.
They serve as a great place to start when learning
about how data flows through the ecosystem.

In general, Core Contracts are simple and can be

broken down to a sending and receiving side,
which we'll define next.


Below is the mechanism by which Wormhole

messages (aka Verified Action Approval, VAA) are

int nonce,
byte[] payload,
int consistencyLevel
) returns int sequenceNumber

Let's break it down a bit:

• payload - The content of the emitted

message and an arbitrary byte array. It may
be capped to a certain maximum length
due to the constraints of individual

• consistencyLevel - The level of finality to

reach before emitting the Wormhole VAA.
This is a defense against reorgs and

• nonce - An index number for the message

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that is used to produce Batch VAAs. How

this is generated is elaborated in the
CoreLayer section.

• sequenceNumber - A unique index

number for the message. When combined
with the emitter contract address and
emitter chain ID, the corresponding VAA
can be retrieved from a guardian network

The implementation strategy for publishMessage

differs by chain, but the general strategy consists
of the Core Contract posting the emitterAddress
(the contract which called publishMessage),
sequenceNumber, and consistencyLevel into the
blockchain logs. Once the desired
consistencyLevel has been reached and the
message passes all of the Guardians' optional
checks, the Guardian Network will produce the
requested VAAs.

Currently there are no fees to publish a message

(with the exception of publishing on Solana) but
this is not guaranteed to always be the case in
the future.


Below is the mechanism by which VAAs are


parseAndVerifyVAA( byte[] VAA )

When passed a VAA, this function will either

return the payload and associated metadata for
the VAA or throw an exception. An exception
should only ever throw if the VAA fails signature
verification, indicating the VAA is invalid or
inauthentic in some form.

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Let's take a moment to point out that there is no
destination address or chain in these functions.

VAAs simply attest that "this contract on this

chain said this thing." Therefore, VAAs are
multicast by default and will be verified as
authentic on any chain they are brought to.

This multicast-by-default model is integral to the

design. Having this multicast capacity makes it
easy to synchronize state across the entire
ecosystem, because a single blockchain can
make its data available to every chain in a single
action with low latency. This reduces the
complexity of the n^2 problems encountered by
routing data to a large number of blockchains.

Use cases where the message has an intended

recipient or is only meant to be consumed a
single time must be handled in logic outside the
Core Contract. There are standard practices for
accomplishing these features later on in the code
examples, and some ecosystem contracts
(namely Token Bridge & the Relaying contract)
handle this on behalf of downstream consumers.

Lastly, because the VAA creation is separate from

relaying, there is no additional cost to the
multicast model when a single chain is being
targetted. If the data isn't needed on a certain
blockchain, don't relay it there, and it won't cost

In our next section, we'll dive into the technical

specfications of the VAA.

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VAAs (Verified Action

VAAs are the core messaging primitive in
Wormhole. You can think of them as packets of
xData that are emitted any time an xDapp
contract interacts with the Core Contract.

The basic VAA has two components--a Header

and a Body.


byte version (VAA

u32 guardian_set_index
(Indicates which guardian set is signing)
u8 len_signatures
(Number of signatures stored)
[][66]byte signatures
(Collection of ecdsa signatures)

The Header is used by the Core Contract to

determine the authenticity of the VAA, but can
generally be ignored by other consumers.


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u32 timestamp
(Timestamp of the block where the source
transaction occurred)
u32 nonce (A
grouping number)
u16 emitter_chain
(Wormhole ChainId of emitter contract)
[32]byte emitter_address
(Emitter contract address, in Wormhole
u64 sequence
(Strictly increasing sequence, tied to
emitter address & chain)
u8 consistency_level
(What finality level was reached before
emitting this message)
[]byte payload (VAA
message content)

The Body is the relevant information for

consumers and is handed back from
parseAndVerifyVAA. Because the emitterAddress
is included as part of the Body, the developer is
able to tell if this VAA originated from a trusted

VAAs are uniquely indexed by their emitterChain,

emittedAddress and sequence. They can be
obtained by querying a node in the Guardian
Network with this information.

Because baseline VAAs have no destination, they

are effectively multicast. They will be verified as
authentic by any Core Contract on any chain in
the network. If a VAA has a specific destination, it
is entirely the responsibility of relayers to
complete that delivery appropriately.

Batch VAAs
Certain blockchains support version 2 VAAs, also
referred to as Batch VAAs which are designed to
provide an easier paradigm for composability
and better gas efficiency when multiple cross-
chain actions are involved in a single transaction.

Batch VAAs are designed to be automatically

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generated for all messages that come from a

single transaction.

In an extreme composability scenario or

advanced integration, there may be some
messages in a transaction that may not be
relevant to one another. To control the create of
additional batches, some messages can be
created with the same nonce to additionally
group them.

It is of note that Single VAAs will always be

emitted for each message generated, regardless
of it they are contained in a Batch VAA or not.

Go here for a more detailed description of how

Batch VAAs are generated.

Note: Batch VAAs are not currently live on mainnet,

but will have initial support on all EVM chains when
they launch.

How to leverage Batch VAAs

Imagine a transaction generates three

messages (A, B, C) that a consuming
contract needs to know about.

If each message is independent of each

other, the consuming contract can handle
and validate each of these VAAs individually
like [A], [B], [C].

If all of the messages are related to each

other, the consuming contract can handle
and validate the Batch VAA of the entire
transaction that is automatically generated
like [A, B, C].

If only two of the messages are related to

each other, say A and C, the same nonce
can be used for those two messages to
generate an additional Batch VAA and the
consuming contract can then handle and
validate two sets of VAAs like [A, C] and [B].

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In the next section, we'll give an overview of how

the Wormhole Guardian network creates VAAs
along with a look at the key design
considerations that underpin the network.

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Guardian Network
The Guardian Network is designed to serve as
Wormhole's oracle component, and the entire
Wormhole ecosystem is founded on its technical
underpinnings. It is the most critical element of
the Wormhole ecosystem, and represents the
single most important component to learn about
if you want a deep understanding of Wormhole.

To understand not just how the Guardian

Network works, but why it works the way it does,
let's first take a step back and go over the key
design considerations. To become the best-in-
class interoperability platform, there were five
critical features Wormhole needed to have:

1. Decentralization - Control of the network

needs to be distributed amongst many
2. Modularity - Disparate parts of the
ecosystem such as the oracle, relayer,
applications, etc, should be kept as
separate and modular as possible so they
can be designed, modified and upgraded
3. Chain Agnosticism - Wormhole should be
able to support not only EVM, but also
chains like Solana, Algorand, Cosmos, and
even platforms that haven't been created
yet. It also should not have any one chain as
a single point of failure.
4. Scalablity - Wormhole should be able to
secure a large amount of value immediately
and be able to handle the large transaction
5. Upgradeability - As the decentralized
computing ecosystem evolves, Wormhole
will need to be able to change the
implementation of its existing modules
without breaking integrators.

Next, let's go into how Wormhole achieves these

one at a time.

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Decentralization is the biggest concern. Previous
interoperability solutions have largely been
entirely centralized, and even newer solutions
utilizing things like adversarial relayers still tend
to have single points of failure or collusion
thresholds as low as 1 or 2.

When designing a decentralized oracle network,

the first option to consider is likely a Proof-of-
Stake (PoS) system-but this turns out to be a
suboptimal solution. PoS is designed for
blockchain consensus in smart-contract enabled
environments, so it's less suitable when the
network is verifying the output of many
blockchains and not supporting its own smart
contracts. While it looks appealing from a
decentralization perspective, the network
security remains unclear, and it can make some
other outlined goals more difficult to achieve.
Let's explore other options.

The next option would be to rush straight for the

finish line and use zero-knowledge proofs to
secure the network. This would be a good
solution from a decentralization perspective, as
it's literally trustless. However, zero-knowledge
proofs are still a nascent technology and it's not
really feasible to verify them on-chain, especially
on chains with limited computational
environments. That means a form of multisig will
be needed to secure the network.

If we step back and look at the current De-Fi

landscape, most of the top blockchains are
secured by the same handful of validator
companies. Currently, there are a limited number
of companies in the world with the skills and
capital to run top-notch validator companies.

If a protocol could unite a large number of those

validator companies into a purpose-built
consensus mechanism that's optimized for chain
interoperability, that design would likely be more

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performant and secure than a network

bootstrapped by a tokenomics model. Assuming
the validators would be on board, how many
could Wormhole realistically utilize?

If Wormhole were to use threshold signatures,

the answer would basically be 'as many as are
willing to participate.' However, threshold
signatures have spotty support across the
blockchain world, meaning it would be difficult
and expensive to verify the signatures, ultimately
limiting scalability and chain agnosticism. Thus, a
t-schnorr multisig presents itself as the best
option: cheap and well supported, despite the
fact that its verification costs increases linearly
with the number of signatures included.

All these things considered, 19 seems to be the

maximum number and a good tradeoff. If 2/3 of
the signatures are needed for consensus, then
13 signatures need to be verified on-chain, which
remains reasonable from a gas-cost perspective.

Rather than securing the network with

tokenomics, it is better to initially secure the
network by involving robust companies which
are heavily invested in the success of De-Fi as a
whole. The 19 Guardians are not anonymous or
small--they are many of the largest and most
widely-known validator companies in
cryptocurrency. The current list of Guardians can
be viewed here

That's how we end up with the network of 19

Guardians, each with an equal stake and joined
in a purpose-built Proof of Authority consensus
mechanism. As threshold signatures become
better supported, the Guardian set can expand,
and once ZKPs are ubiquitous, the Guardian
Network will become fully trustless.

With our perspective on Decentralization laid out,

the remaining elements fall into place.

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The Guardian Network is robust and trustworthy
by itself, so there's no need for components like
the relayer to contribute to the security model.
That makes Wormhole able to have simple
components that are very good at the one thing
they do. That way, Guardians only need to verify
on-chain activity and produce VAAs while
Relayers only need to interact with blockchains
and deliver messages.

The signing scheme of the VAAs can be changed

without affecting downstream users, and
multiple relay mechanisms can exist
independently. xAssets can be implemented
purely at the application layer and xDapps can
utilize whatever components suit them.

Chain Agnosticism
Today, Wormhole supports a wider range of
ecosystems than any other interoperability
protocol because it uses simple tech (t-schnorr
signatures), an adaptable, heterogenous relayer
model, and a robust validator network.

Wormhole can expand to new ecosystems as

quickly as a Core Contract can be developed for
the smart contract runtime. Relayers don't need
to be factored into the security model--they just
need to be able to upload messages to the
blockchain. The Guardians are able to observe
every transaction on every chain, without taking

Wormhole scales well, as demonstrated by its
ability to handle huge TVL and transaction

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volume--even during tumultuous events.

The requirements for running a Guardian are

relatively heavy, as they need to run a full node
for every single blockchain in the ecosystem. This
is another reason why a limited number of
robust validator companies are beneficial for this

However, once all the full nodes are running, the

actual computation and network overheads of
the Guardian Network become lightweight. The
performance of the blockchains themselves
tends to be the bottleneck in Wormhole, rather
than anything happening inside the Guardian

Over time, the Guardian Set can be expanded
beyond 19 with the use of threshold signatures.
A variety of relaying models will emerge, each
with their own strengths and weaknesses. ZKPs
can be used on chains where they are well
supported. The xDapp ecosystem will grow, and
xDapps will become increasingly intermingled
with eachother. There are very few APIs in
Wormhole, and most items are implementation
details from the perspective of an integrator. This
creates a clear pathway towards a fully
trustlessness interoperability layer which spans
the entirety of decentralized computing.

In the next section, we will talk about the role

and responsbilities of relayers in the Wormhole

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All simple cross-chain processes on Wormhole
essentially boil down to a three-step process:

1. Perform an action on chain A.

2. Retrieve the resulting VAA from the
Guardian Network.
3. Perform an action on chain B using the VAA.

Relayers play a key role in the final step of the

process -- they can be thought of as the 'write'
portion of interoperability, complementing the
'read' portion that Guardians provide.

The definition of a Relayer in the context of

Wormhole is: Any process which delivers VAAs to
a destination.

Unlike other interoperability protocols,

Wormhole does not have a required relaying

In most designs there is a dedicated relaying

mechanism which operates inside the protocol's
trust boundaries. This means that the relayer
either has an adversarial relationship to the
oracle, or the relayer has trust assumptions and
contributes to the protocol's security model.
Relayers are usually a trusted party, are often
also privileged, and developers are typically
forced to use the relayer model built into the

In Wormhole, relayers are neither trusted nor

privileged. This means relayers cannot
jeopardize security, only liveness. Because
Wormhole is designed to have a firm trust
boundary at the level of the VAA, relayers have
exactly the same capabilities as any regular,
untrusted blockchain user.

From this perspective, relayers are just delivery

trucks that deliver VAAs to their destination, and
have no capacity to tamper with the delivery

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outcome. VAAs either get delivered or don't,

which makes relayers analagous to the off-chain
'crank turners' of traditional Dapps.

As a result, Wormhole is able to facilitate a

variety of heterogeneous relaying mechanisms,
and the developer is able to choose whatever
best suit their needs.

Next, we'll go over a few of the most common

relaying strategies.

Client-side Relaying
Client-side relaying relies on the user-facing
frontend, like a webpage or a wallet, to perform
all three steps of the cross-chain process.

There are two major benefits of this approach:

• Low cost. Users pay exactly the transaction

fee for the second transaction.
• No backend relaying infrastructure.

However, client-side relaying also has two

notable drawbacks:

• Users must sign all transactions required

with their own wallet.
• Users must have funds to pay the
transaction fees on every chain involved.

Overall, client-side relaying is a simple solution,

but can make the user experience cumbersome.
It's generally not recommended if your goal is a
highly-polished user experience but can be
useful to getting an MVP up and running.

Specialized Relayers
Specialized relayers solve the UX problems of
client-side relayers by adding a backend

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component which can handle steps 2 and 3 on

behalf of the user.

In this model, relayers either listen directly to the

Guardian Network via a spy (called Spy
Relaying), or will simply provide a REST endpoint
to accept a VAA which should be relayed (called
REST Relaying). Once a relayer has the VAA, it
simply performs any necessary off-chain
calculations and submits the VAA to the required

An important consideration when developing a

specialized relayer is that the relayer is still
considered untrusted. VAAs are public and can
be submitted by anyone, so developers should
not rely on off-chain relayers to perform any
computation which is considered "trusted."
However, things that do not impact security like
deterministic data transforms, waiting for gas
prices to drop, or various forms of 'batching' can
be very useful cost-reduction strategies.

Specialized Relayers have the following


- They simplify user experience

- They allow off-chain calculations to be
performed in the relayer, reducing gas
- They are generally easy to develop

However, they also have a couple notable


- They add a backend relaying component

which is responsible for liveness
- They can complicate fee-modeling, as
relayers are responsible for paying target
chain fees.

Due to specialized relayers being such a common

solution, an extensible relayer (called the plugin
relayer) has been provided in the main
Wormhole repository. The plugin relayer stands
up most of the requisite infrastructure for
relaying, so that you only need to implement the

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logic which is specific to your application.

If you plan to develop a specialized relayer,

consider starting from the plugin relayer found

Because relayers are responsible for liveness,

they become another dependency component
(similar to the frontend, blockchain nodes,
blockchains, third party APIs, etc.) for the xDapp.
If the relayers are all down, your application has
an outage.

To mitigate this, multiple relayers can be run in

order to provide redundancy either by (1) the
xDapp team or (2) a decentralized network based
off economic incentives. However, creating a
robust model for decentralized relaying is generally
application-specific and complex.

Overall, Specialized Relayers add a backend

component that is responsible for liveness, but
can simplify the user experience. It's generally
recommend if your goal is a highly-polished user
experience, and you want to have better control
over message delivery.

Generic Relayers
Note: this feature is not yet available in mainnet

Because relaying is such an integral component

to xDapps, Wormhole has built a protocol which
allows developers to utilize a decentralized
network of untrusted relayers to deliver their
messages, removing the specialized relayer as an
infrastructure responsibility.

In order to utilize the generic relayer network,

developers must request delivery from the
Wormhole Relay Ecosystem Contract and must
also implement a "receiveRelay" function in their
contracts, which will be called by the relayer.
Once a delivery has been requested, the VAA is
guaranteed to be delivered within a certain

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timeframe. The specifics of this vary by

blockchain and smart contract runtime.

Generic relayers have the following benefits:

- They feature simplified UX

- There are no relayer infrastructure
requirements for the developer

And potential downsides:

- They require all calculations to be done

- They sometimes have less gas efficiency
- They may not be supported on all chains

Overall, Generic Relayers simplify both the

developer and user experience. They're a great
choice if they cover all your usecases.

In the next section, we'll discuss the xAsset

module, which allows xAssets to be created and
moved freely around the ecosystem.

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xAsset Layer
There is a set of ecosystem contracts that
provision Wormhole's xAsset layer which allow
tokens to be bridged around the Wormhole
Ecosystem in a path-independent fashion, and
are easily composable with other functions in the
Wormhole ecosystem.

This section provides a high-level overview of

how to interact with two smart contract modules
that implement xAssets: (1) Token Bridge module
and (2) NFT Bridge Module.

If you're looking to interact with the Token Bridge

directly from a typescript client or backend, you
should start with the Wormhole Typescript SDK.

Creating xAssets
xAssets always have an origin chain. This is
where the token is initially minted via the
standard of that chain (ERC-20, SPL, etc for
tokens; ERC-721, Metaplex, etc for NFTs).

xAssets are all fungible with each other. This

means the Wormhole-wrapped asset can be
exchanged for the original asset or a wrapped
asset from other chains.


To convert tokens into an xAsset, an attestation

must first be created. To create an attestation,
simply call the attest function on the token
bridge contract of the origin chain.

function attestToken(
address tokenAddress,
uint32 nonce)
returns (uint64 sequence)

The Guardian Network will then produce an

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attestation VAA, which can be retrieved using

the sequence number returned by the
attestToken function.

The attestation VAA must then be submitted to

the createWrapped function of every other
chain, referred to as foreign chains for this

function createWrapped(
bytes memory encodedVm)
returns (address token)

Calling this function will deploy a new contract

for the token on the foreign chain, creating a
Wormhole-Wrapped Token. The wrapped token
will use the same symbol as the origin asset, and
will append (Wormhole) to the end of the name.


NFTs do not need to be attested before they can

be created into a xAsset.

Transferring xAssets
Initiating xAsset transfers is a straightforward
affair. Once the transfer is initiated, the
Guardians will produce a transfer VAA when
finality has been reached on the source chain.
The VAA must then be relayed to the target

All tokens managed by the Token Bridge are

backed by the origin asset, allowing assets to be
transferred in a path-independent fashion.
Regardless of what chain the assets are passed
to, a 'double-wrapped' asset will never be
created for a single backing asset. Additionally,
there are no liquidity limitations.


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function transferTokens(
address token,
uint256 amount,
uint16 recipientChain,
bytes32 recipient,
uint256 arbiterFee,
uint32 nonce) returns (uint64


function transferNFT(
address token,
uint256 tokenID,
uint16 recipientChain,
bytes32 recipient,
uint32 nonce) returns (uint64

Contract-Controlled Transfers
Basic transfers are intended to transfer xAssets
from one wallet to another, whereas Contract
Controlled Transfers (CCTs) are meant to transfer
xAssets from one smart contract to another. If
you're writing an xDapp, CCTs will likely be a
large component.

CCTs allow xDapp contracts to easily perform

simple xAsset transfers, but have two additional

• An arbitrary byte array can be appended to

the transfer and can be used to easily pass
additional information to the recipient
• The CCT VAA redeem can only be
performed by the recipient contract, as
opposed to basic transfers, which can be
performed by any caller. This ensures that
any additional operations which the
contract wants to perform as part of the
redeem transaction must be executed.

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In the next section, we'll discuss Wormchain and

some upcoming features it will enable.

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Wormchain is a purpose-built cosmos blockchain
for the Wormhole ecosystem. It has two primary

1. Provide a public and auditable mechanism

for users to interact with the Guardian
2. Create a robust platform for on-chain
infrastructure which would be infeasible to
build elsewhere.

Wormchain is built to provide things like:

- Redundant security checks

- Governance
- Interactions with 'legacy' chains like

Wormchain is less relevant to xDapp developers

than some other parts of the ecosystem, but it
will become an increasingly important
component as Wormhole matures and features
are added.

In the next section, we'll get into the key concepts

that underpin xDapp design.

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xDapp Design
Now that we've established the major concepts
and components underlying xDapps, let's dive
into the process of designing one. This chapter
will guide you through the considerations you
should make before developing an xDapp,
including topics like network topology, protocol
design and more.

By the end of this chapter, you will have all the

tools you need to lay out a design for your xDapp
and start building.

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Key Considerations
Before we get started, we should outline the key
considerations that will shape your xDapp.
Below, we'll show how each of the decisions you
make about these key considerations can impact
the structure of your application as a whole.


The reason you're building an xDapp is the

foremost consideration. Think about the
advantages of cross-chain development -- which
of these are most important to you? Are you
building a brand new application and you want
the widest reach? Are you trying to increase the
performance of an existing Dapp? Are you
interested in composing on top of protocols that
only exist in certain ecosystems? Determining
your key priorities will help you make better
technical decisions and tradeoffs when designing
your xDapp.

Target Ecosystems & Languages

Which blockchains do you intend to support?

Because different blockchains utilize different
virtual machines, supporting more blockchains
often requires writing smart contracts in more
than one language.

Data Flows

Think about where your data originates and

where it needs to go. Does all your data come
from user-initiated transactions? Do you have
governance messages that need to be emitted
from a central governance contract? Do you have
automated actions which need to happen
periodically to synchronize your data?

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Liquidity & Tokens

Not all xDapps deal with tokens, but many do. If

your app is centered around tokens, you'll have
to decide which tokens will be utilized, where
liquidity is aggregated (or fractured), and how
this liquidity can be best utilized across your

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At present, there are 6 ecosystems supported by
Wormhole, though the number of supported
ecosystems is always growing.


EVM is the most popular ecosystem, and most

xDapps will have some support for this platform.
These contracts are written in Solidity -- a 'jack of
all trades' style of computation environment. A
common strategy for xDapps is to develop one
single contract in Solidity, and then deploy that
contract to all the supported EVM blockchains.

Example chains:

- Ethereum
- Polygon
- BNB Chain
- Avalanche (C Chain)
- Aurora (Near Network)
- Karura (Polkadot Network)
- Acala (Polkadot Network)
- Celo
- Fantom
- Oasis (Emerald)


Solana is characterized by its high transaction

throughput, increased computation power and
cheap data storage when compared to EVM
environments. These contracts are written in


Cosmos is a network of blockchains that share a

common ecosystem. Cosmos is a general
purpose environment, but excels in certain areas

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like application-specific blockchains and the use

of Cosmos-wide standards via its sdk 'modules.'
It uses CosmWasm for its smart contract
runtime, which is based in Rust.


Algorand is a leading blockchain on the state

proof front and repesents the bleeding edge of
trustlessness. These contracts are written in


Aptos is characterized by its optimisitic approach

to computation parallelization to bring increased
performance. These contracts are written in


NEAR is characterized by its sharding technology

that may allow for greater transaction capacity
and security. These contracts are written in Rust.

Read-Only Chains

Some chains in the Wormhole ecosystem are

'Read-Only.' These chains are able to verify
messages emitted from other chains in the
network, but are not able to emit messages
themselves. For information about these chains,
check the contracts page.

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Protocol Design
They key feature of Wormhole is bringing
message passing to the world of blockchain, so
it's worthwhile to take some inspiration from
other areas of software development that are
based on similar principles.

Much of the traditional web stack is based on

distributed systems that rely on message passing
to create interfaces and boundaries for disparate
systems to work together. We can think of
xDapps as web3 distributed systems founded on
similar paradigms.

Protocol First Design

Protocol first design is a design philosophy where
you initially lay out your data types, message
formats and supported operations into a well-
defined protocol. This creates a solid protocol
layer which can serve as the foundation for your
application. This way, the code instantiating that
protocol can be treated as an implementation
detail when reasoning about the protocol itself.

At this stage in the design, you should also

consider the incentive structures surrounding
your protocol. What is the incentive for each
party to engage? Are there economic attack
vectors in your application which might
jeopardize its security? Do certain market
conditions result in perverse outcomes?

Depending on your goals, this stage of the

process can be as simple as stating "people will
want my NFT" or as difficult as designing an
entire ecosystem with multiple competing
interested parties.

Once you have a clear idea of your core product,

incentives and users, you can begin to lay out

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your data model. From there, you can define

your message types and operations.

Common Strategies and


Address Space

Because there are many different formats for

addresses across the different supported
blockchains, a compatibility format is necessary.
Wormhole uses its own address format
(generally referred to as Wormhole format) in
order to solve this issue. These addresses
correspond 1 to 1 with native addresses on each

A Wormhole address is a tuple containing the 2

byte Wormhole chain ID and a 32 byte shim
address, totalling 34 bytes.

Because EVM addresses are only 20 bytes in

length, to convert this to a Wormhole address,
the address is left-padded with zeros until it's
length 32. To transmit as this as a single item, the
Wormhole chain ID is usually appended to the
front, resulting in a 34 byte address.

When dealing with addresses inside your

messages, it's recommended to always convert
to Wormhole format and transmit in that format.
You will regularly encounter addresses in the
Wormhole format when interacting with other
parts of the ecosystem, and adopting the format
in your protocol will enhance your forward
compatibility as you add more chains.

Trusted Contract Network

Typically, the first check performed when

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receiving a message is to validate that it

originates from a trusted source. If your protocol
has smart contracts deployed to multipe chains,
it will be important for your contracts to know
which other contracts are 'in network' for your

Generally, this list of trusted contracts is stored

in the state of each contract individually.
Updating the trusted contracts is tied into the
governance mechanism of the protocol.

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Topology describes how data flows through your
application and defines the responsibilities of
each component. In terms of overall xDapp
topology, the primary decision is determining
where your smart contracts will live and the
responsibilities each contract will hold.

Ultra-light Clients

Ultra-light Clients are often the best option when

designing an MVP for your xDapp. The defining
feature of an Ultra-light Client is that you are able
to support users from every chain in the
Wormhole ecosystem while only having smart
contracts on a single chain (!!!).

xDapps with this structure work by having a hub

chain that all application contract logic is
deployed to and entrypoints which receive and
send Wormhole messages to remote chains. The
network of Wormhole contracts deployed on
other chains across the ecosystem provide the
rest of the heavy lifting to send messages across

You can think of the data flow across a xDapp

with a Ultra-light Client as follows:

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1. The end user's wallet interacts with

Wormhole contracts on remote chain.
2. The Wormhole contracts on remote chain
generate a VAA which is received by your
xDapp contract on the hub chain.
3. Your xDapp contract on the hub chain
performs all necessary operations.
4. Your xDapp contract interacts with
Wormhole contracts on the hub chain.
5. The Wormhole contracts on hub chain
generate a VAA which is sent back to the
end user's wallet on the remote chain.


• Very little added smart contract risk.

• Simple to develop.
• Easiest way to get heterogenous ecosystem


• Latency: Transactions incur latencies

associated with bridging into and out of
both the remote and hub chain.
• Transaction Fees: There are always a grand
total of three transactions. Two on the
remote chain, and one on the hub chain.
• Use cases: There is no place to perform
trusted computation on the remote chain,
so some use cases are more difficult to
implement (or potentially not possible).


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Hub and Spoke models can somewhat be

thought of as the natural evolution of the ultra-
light client. There is still a hub contract which
handles all transactions, but there is now also a
contract deployed to all the remote chains that is
capable of performing some trusted

You can think of the data flow across a Hub-and-

Spoke system as follows:

1. The end user's wallet interacts with your

(lightweight) remote contracts.
2. The remote contracts perform any
necessary trusted computation.
3. The remote contracts use Wormhole to
generate a VAA, which is consumed by the
hub contract.
4. The hub contract performs all necessary
5. The hub contract uses Wormhole to send a
message back to the original remote
6. The remote contract takes whatever action
is needed to finish the process.


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• Remote contracts are lightweight and don't

carry large amounts of risk.
• Can perform trusted checks on the remote
chain. (Such as validating wallet balance, or
any other piece of blockchain state)


• Latency (same as ultra-light clients)

• Transaction Fees
• Managing multiple contracts


Mesh topologies can somewhat be thought of as

the next evolution of the Hub and Spoke model.
There are now contracts capable of handling all
transactions for an application are deployed on
all supported chains. Each contract can be
thought of as a peer of other contracts in the
trusted network and can act autonomously.

This is historically the most popular methodology

for going cross-chain. It's very attractive in
ecosystems like EVM or Cosmos, where a single
smart contract can simply be deployed across
many different blockchains.


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• Latency: Users can often perform their

operation without waiting for other chains.
• Transaction Fees: Does not stack the
transaction fees of multiple chains.


• Complexity: there are now quite a few

contracts to manage, especially if they are
implemented multiple times across
different VMs.
• Data desync: because each blockchain acts
independently, each chain will have
independent state. This can open up
unwanted arbitrage opportunities and
other discrepancies.
• Race conditions: In cases where an event is
supposed to propagate through the entire
system at a fixed time (for example, when
closing a governance vote), it can be difficult
to synchronize all the blockchains.


Distributed topologies can somewhat be thought

of as the next evolution of the Mesh model.
Instead of contracts that are capable of handling
all transactions for an application on all
supported chain, applications are broken up into

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separate responsibilities (i.e. data storage, user

interaction, asset custody, governance) and
deployed to different blockchains.


• Power: utilize each blockchain for whatever

is most optimal.


• Complexity: requires multiple specialized

smart contracts, and potentially additional
on-chain processes.

Mix & Match

Different use cases have different optimal
topologies, and it's possible to use different
topologies for different workflows in your
application. This means you should not feel
'locked in' to a single topology, and should
instead consider designing each workflow
independently. For example, governance
workflows are generally best implemented using
a Hub and Spoke topology, even if the rest of the
application uses a Mesh architecture. As such,
your contracts will likely evolve over time as your
xDapp evolves and adds additional workflows.

You can also progress through different

topologies. A common strategy is to start off with
an ultra-light client, move to a hub and spoke
configuration, and then add optimizations and
specialties to contracts as the need arises.

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In Chapter 2, we discussed the general concepts
associated with relayers in the Wormhole
ecosystem. In this section, we'll elaborate on the
considerations that should be accounted for
when using relayers in your xDapp.

It's important to remember that relayers are
untrusted. This means you don't have to trust
them--but it also means you can't trust them.
This is true of both generic and specialized

Let's dive into a little more detail about why

relayers are untrusted and what this means for

A few key properties of VAAs:

• They are publicly emitted from the

Guardian Network.
• They need to be signed by the Guardian
Network to be considered authentic.
• They can be verified as authentic by anyone
and any Wormhole Core Contract.

Relayers are untrusted as an inherent

consequence of these properties. Anyone can
pick up a VAA and deliver it anywhere, but no
one can alter the content of the VAA without
invalidating the signatures.

So, when writing your contracts, it's incredibly

important to only trust information which is
either inside your contract or inside a VAA. If you
trust information provided by a relayer, you are
opening yourself up to untrusted input attacks.

The easiest and most secure way to interact with

relayers then is to only accept the VAA as input. If

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the relayer can't provide any additional args,

then there's no way for them to provide
untrusted input.

More advanced strategies involve having the

relayer perform untrusted off-chain computation
which is passed into the destination contract.
These strategies can optimize gas costs, but can
also create attack vectors if not used correctly.

With this in mind, relayer design becomes a

matter of structuring the messages in your
protocol such that there is a single, deterministic
way that they can be processed. In a well
designed protocol, relayers have a 'correct'

Relayers are conceptually quite similar to "crank

turner" processes used elsewhere in blockchain,
in that there is only a single action which can be
taken (pulling the crank), and their sole
responsibility is to initiate this action and pay for
the costs.

Generic Relayers
Generic relayers are a decentralized relayer
network which can deliver arbitrary VAAs as long
as the recipient contract conforms with the
generic relayer API.


• Generic relayers are done purely on-chain,

so there's no need to develop, host or
maintain relayers.


• There's less room for optimization via

features like conditional delivery, batching,
off-chain calculations, etc.

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Specialized Relayers
Specialized Relayers are relayers that are
purpose-built to relay messages for a certain
application. In the future, there may be ways to
customize generic relayers such that they will
gain the advantages of today's specialized


• Specialized relayers can perform off-chain

untrusted computation.
• They are highly customizeable and can
perform batching, conditional delivery,
multi-chain deliveries, etc.
• Can home-roll an incentive structure.


• Requires development work and relayer


Relayer Incentives

Relayers have to cover the costs of executing the

downstream transactions resulting from the
original 'source' transaction. Unless the relayers
are running at a loss, there must be a
mechanism for reimbursing the relayer in
exchange for message delivery.

There are many strategies for reimbursement,

and the 'best' strategy for an application is often
dependent on the specifics of that application.
However, a few of the most common strategies

• Pay the relayer with a potion of the tokens

being sent cross-chain.
• Collect a safe amount of gas money from
the end user prior to performing any

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• 'Lazy' relaying, where relaying might only be

profitable in certain, potentially rare,
market conditions.

Generic relayers have an incentive model built in

to the network, so you do not need to design an
incentive structure when using them.

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Environment Setup
The bare minimum Wormhole environment is
just a blockchain linked up to a Guardian node.
There are quite a few ways of accomplishing this,
and if you're just looking to get your feet wet, you
should try whichever sounds easiest.

However, as you get deeper into cross-chain

development, you'll likely find yourself with a
growing number of components, dependencies,
and teammates in the picture making your
development environment more complex. Here
are some of the considerations you should have
in mind when choosing a development
environment which will be well suited for your

What components do I need now?

What components will I need in the

• You may be able to get a lot done with just

an EVM chain and a Guardian. However, as
your application gets more sophisticated,
components like relayers, frontends,
automated tests, databases, explorers, and
other blockchains are likely to get added
into the environment.

What are my dependencies?

• If your smart contracts have no

dependencies, it may be possible for you to
develop in a vacuum.

• If your smart contracts does have

dependencies, there are several options
that range from deploying your
dependencies in Tilt to simulating an
existing testnet/mainnet in Foundry to

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working directly in testnet alongside other


How am I going to collaborate?

• You should consider how your teammates

or collaborators are going to work in this
environment from the start. There are
some basic considerations like "how will
they access it", but also some subtler points
such as ensuring that contracts will deploy
deterministically and that automated tests
can be trusted to run reliably. The two
paths to accomplish this are to use a public
environment (testnet), or to ensure the
local environment is well controlled (like

In the following sections we'll describe three

different development environments that are
available -- Tilt, Wormhole Local Validator, and
Testnet -- in more details as well as some
additional tools that should be helpful in your
xDapp development.

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Tilt (Devnet)

What is Tilt?
Tilt is part of the official Docker ecosystem. It's a
tool which allows developers to easily configure a
Kubernetes environment for development.

However, in the context of Wormhole, 'Tilt' refers

to the development environment used by the
Wormhole Core Repository. This environment
stands up docker images for all the tools
necessary to build across multiple blockchains,

• All the Wormhole supported blockchains /

• A Guardian Node
• Relayers
• Databases, Redis
• Utility frontends

The 'Tilt' environment is meant to provide an

entire cross-chain development stack right out of
the box.

Note: Tilt is often referred to as 'Devnet' in the

Wormhole ecosystem so any information that is
labelled as 'devnet' also applies to Tilt.

Is Tilt Right for You?

Tilt is generally a good starting point for most

developers. Here's a succinct list of the pros and
cons of the environment, so you can decide if it's
the right fit for you.


• Out-of-the-box support for the many

components needed to develop across the
heterogenous blockchain spaces.

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Wormhole Development Book

• Consistent development environment,

where contracts deploy deterministically
and everything is already linked up.
• Ability to easily enable/disable components
as needed.
• Regularly updated as new components join
the Wormhole ecosystem.


• Relatively high system requirements but

this can be mitigated by disabling
• Most blockchains are 'fresh' and have no
contracts by default. Thus, if your contracts
have any dependencies, you may have to
deploy them yourself or alter the default tilt
• Spin-up and rebuild times can be slow
which can result in a slow workflow.

Setting up Tilt
Tilt functions best in a UNIX-style environment.
For Windows users, a WSL environment is

In order to run the Tilt environment, make sure

you have Tilt and Go installed.

Once you've installed these two dependencies,

just clone the Wormhole Core Repository and
start Tilt.

git clone --branch dev.v2

cd wormhole

tilt up

Be sure to check out the Tiltfile, which has much

of the configuration and arguments for the
development environment. It's relatively

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straightforward to enable and disable


For example, you can disable blockchains by

setting them to false at startup

tilt up -- --algorand=false --near=false

--solana=false terra_classic=false

Using Tilt
Tilt can pretty much be treated as an external
environment / testnet that you can easily spin up
and tear down.

If you've followed the standard setup, all your

resources will be bound to various ports on
localhost. To see all the endpoints which are
being hosted in your Tilt environment, you
should check the Tilt dashboard, located at

All the deployed contract addresses can be found

under the 'Devnet / Tilt' section of contracts.

Useful information pertaining to funded wallets

& private keys can also be found in the file of the docs.

Additional helpful resources can be found in the

Tooling page.

Shutting down Tilt

In order to shut down Tilt, simply run

tilt down

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Wormhole Development Book

Tilt, Kubernetes, and Docker may be new tools
for developers entering the Wormhole
ecosystem. This section is meant to provide
some additional support when setting up the
Wormhole Tilt environment.

macOS Install

Install Homebrew if you don't already have it.

You can grab it with:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL

From there, all the other installs are one-liners.

1. Install Go

brew install go

2. Install Docker

brew install docker

After installation, go into Docker settings and

switch ON kubernetes . Also configure Docker to
have 4 CPUs and ~16GB of RAM.

3. Install Tilt

brew install tilt

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Wormhole Development Book

4. Clone Wormhole Repo and Start Tilt

git clone --branch dev.v2
cd wormhole/
tilt up

You'll be able to access the Tilt UI at


Linux & WSL Install

Script Setup
If you're using a Debian distro, you should run
the script. Even if you're not using
Debian, this script still contains the main steps
for setup.

Regular Setup

1. Install Go

rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local
-xzf go1.18.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

2. Install Docker

If you're using Linux with a window manager,

consider getting Docker Desktop instead of the
following command. It comes with Kubernetes
built in and you won't need to download
minikube . It's recommended to have at least 4
CPUs and 16GB RAM dedicated to Docker.

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Wormhole Development Book

Also, make absolutely sure that you set up

Docker as a non-root user.

3a. (Docker Desktop Install)

Enable Kubernetes by going into Settings >


3b. (Non Docker Desktop)

Install minikube .

Configure minikube:

minikube start --driver=docker

--kubernetes-version=v1.23.3 --cpus=4
--memory=14G --disk-size=10G

Minikube needs to be running for tilt to work, so

always make sure to run minikube start before
you bring up tilt.

4. Install Tilt

Install Tilt by copy pasting this into the Terminal:

curl -fsSL
dev/tilt/master/scripts/ | bash

5. Clone the Wormhole Repo and start


git clone --branch dev.v2

If you're running Tilt on your machine:

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Wormhole Development Book

cd wormhole/
tilt up

If you're running Tilt in a VM, you'll need to pass

in some extra flags to enable Tilt to listen to
incoming traffic from external addresses:

cd wormhole
tilt up --host= --

You can now access the Tilt UI at either

localhost:10350 or vm_external_ip:10350 .

If the VM's external IP doesn't work, check

firewall and port settings to make sure your VM
allows incoming traffic.

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Wormhole Development Book

Wormhole Local

What is Wormhole Local

Validator (WLV)?
Wormhole Local Validator is meant to be the
simplest custom environment. It consists only of
a dockerized Guardian image, and some utility
tooling to aid with contract management. This
allows you to set it up with any blockchain you'd

Is WLV Right for You?

Here's a succinct list of the pros and cons of the

environment, so you can decide if it's the right fit
for you.


• Lightweight, low system resource demand.

• Fast iteration times.
• Can be added into an existing blockchain
development setup.


• You may end up reinventing the tilt/testnet

environment as you add more components.

Setting up Wormhole Local

You will need Docker running in order to set up
WLV. If you're on desktop, Docker Desktop is
generally the best choice, though Docker Engine

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works fine too.

From there, you just need nodes for the

blockchains you're interested in developing on.
There is code to spin up EVM and Solana local
validators included in the WLV project repo, as
well as scripts to deploy the necessary Wormhole
contracts to your local instances.

Further information can be found in the project's


Q: Anvil isn't working

• While Foundry's 'forge' tool is the generally

recommended tool for EVM contract
compilation, Anvil isn't currently compatible
with guardiand. Anvil reports block headers
in a way which is non-compliant with go-
ethereum, which means the guardian node
can't correctly read anvil headers.

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Wormhole Development Book

Wormhole testnet is spread across many of the
most popular testnet blockchains.

Is Testnet right for you?

The primary reason to use Wormhole testnet is

to simplify the management of your dependent
contracts. This will vary from blockchain to

For example, some blockchain ecosystems have

the standard that their contracts are closed-
source, and there are no tools to fork mainnet.
Other ecosystems, such as EVM, have tools like
foundry, which allow you to hardfork the
mainnet ecosystem into a local development

In short, testnet tends to be the correct choice

only when you have contract dependencies, and
those dependencies are difficult to get working in
a local environment. In most other cases, testnet
tends to be more work than it's worth.

Here's a succinct list of the pros and cons of the

environment, so you can decide if it's the right fit
for you.


• Many other projects deploy their contracts

to testnet.
• In ecosystems without extensive local
tooling, this may be the preferred
development environment.


• Many testnets are somewhat unstable and

have outages or partitioning events.
• Wormhole Testnet sometimes misses VAAs
due to testnet instabilities.

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• Testnet tokens are often difficult to acquire.

Using Testnet
If you elect to use testnet, the Wormhole
contracts addresses can be found in the
Contracts page.

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Wormhole Development Book

Regardless of the development environment that
you use, there are a few wormhole-specific tools
you should know about.

Wormhole Core Repository

• Most developers find it useful to clone the

Wormhole Core repository. This repository
provides the Devnet Tilt environment,
plenty of useful code examples and tests,
along with some utilities which do not have
an official release package.

Worm CLI tool

• Swiss-Army Knife Utility CLI tool. Excellent

for creating one-off VAAs, parsing VAAs,
reading Wormhole contract configurations,
and more.


• Small WIP tool which comes as part of the

Wormhole Local Validator environment.
Used to quickly deploy and redeploy
multiple smart contracts. Will eventually
become part of a larger deployment
management tool.

Wormhole SDKs

• Libraries in various languages to help with

interacting with Wormhole contracts.

Wormhole Typescript SDK

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Wormhole Development Book

• Typescript SDK destributed on npm. Can

greatly aid in writing frontend code for
xDapps and utilizing the Wormhole Token
Bridge directly.

Wormhole Spy SDK

• The Wormhole Spy SDK allows you to listen

to all of the activity on the Guardian

Reference Bridge UI

• An example GUI which can be used to

perform token transfers around the


• Resource for looking at individual transfers

statuses on mainnet and testnet.

Example Projects

Basic Examples

• Several example projects are bundled here.

They show minimum-code examples for
how to send messages, tokens, and other
common functions.


• Productionized, audited xDapp which does

cross-chain token launches. Great example
of what a robust xDapp, written across
multiple ecosystems looks like.

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Wormhole Development Book

Native Swap

• Example cross-chain dex, utilizing the

stablecoin highway model.

Wormhole Examples

• More example components. Has a mix of

relayers, xDapps, NFT projects, and more.

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Wormhole Development Book

Contract Development
This section should help you get off the ground
with contract development in the Wormhole

It is written in a fashion which assumes

familiarity with smart contract development in
each ecosystem. As such, it doesn't provide
information on smart contract basics, and
instead focuses on how to properly interact with
the provided Wormhole functions.

While the syntax for each programming

environment differs, the general structure of the
code and best practices tend to be quite similar.
You should consider referencing the sections for
environments other than the one you're working
in, as many of the concepts outlined here are
universal to cross-chain development.

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Wormhole Development Book

Disclaimer: This section is written as a guide for
how to use Wormhole for experienced EVM
developers. If you are new to using the EVM
ecosystem, it's recommended for you to get
started with a tutorial like this.

Within the Wormhole ecosystem, EVM refers to

any blockchain that utilizes EVM contracts of
Wormhole -- this includes blockchains beyond
Ethereum such as Polygon or Avalanche, as well
as EVM+ environments such as Acala.

At certain points, it may be easiest to integrate

simply by referencing the implementation of the
Wormhole contracts. The official implementation
for the Wormhole contracts can be found here.

Recommended Tooling for EVM

Frontend Development

• Ethers an excellent, widely used library for

using web-based wallets to interact with
EVM blockchains.

Contract Development and Testing

• Foundry is the preferred library for the Core

Repository. It has tooling for development,
testing, compilation, and even the ability to
duplicate mainnet environments for
• Truffle and Hardhat are also viable

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Wormhole Development Book

Core Message Layer

This section will explain how to properly interact
with the Wormhome Core Message Layer in an
EVM ecosystem.

Messages in Wormhole take the form of a

Verified Action Approval (VAA) and both terms
can be used interchangably. The rest of this
section will only use the term VAA.

Configuring the Interface

Here is the interface for applications to interact
with Wormhole's Core Contract to publish VAAs
or verify and parse a received VAAs.

Instantiating the interface will depend on the

contract address of your development ecosystem
and blockchain.

Below is an example line of code to instantiate

the interface for mainnet Ethereum:

address private
wormhole_core_bridge_address =
IWormhole core_bridge =

Primary functions
The Wormhole Core Layer has two important
interactions -- (1) emit VAAs, and (2) parse and
verify VAAs that originated from other chains.

Emitting a VAA

There are two forms of VAAs that can be emitted:

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• Single VAA: all messages will be emitted in

this format
• Batch VAA: messages that are generated
from the same transaction will be emitted
in this format. This feature was developed
to provide an easier paradigm for
composability and better gas efficiency for
more involved cross-chain activity.

To emit a VAA, always use publishMessage

which takes in the following arguments:

1. nonce (uint32): a number assigned to each

◦ The nonce provides a mechanism by
which to group messages together
within a Batch VAA. How the nonce is
used is described below.
2. Consistency (uint8): the level of finality the
guardians will reach before signing the
◦ Consistency should be considered an
enum, not an integer.
◦ On all EVM chains, 200 will result in an
instant message, while all other values
will wait for finality.
◦ On BSC, the consistency denotes how
many block confirmations will be
waited before producing the message.
◦ More information about finality can be
found Here
3. Payload (bytes[]): raw bytes to emit
◦ It is up to the emitting contract to
properly define this arbitrary set of

publishMessage will output a sequence (uint64)

that is used in conjunction with emitterChainID
and emitterAddress to retrive the generated
VAA from the Guardian Network.

How Batch VAAs are generated

There are two mechanisms that allow

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messages to be Batched together that

represent a base and more advanced level
of composability.

1. All messages originating from the

same transaction will be batched
2. Messages that originate from the
same transaction and are assigned the
same nonce are additionally batched

Note: Single VAAs will always be emitted for

each message within a transaction, regardless
of if a message is included in a batch or not.

Here is an example of how messages

generated from the same transaction may
be batched together:

A transaction X that generates 6 messages

[A, B, C, D, E, F] that are assigned nonce [1,
2, 2, 3, 3, 4] respectively will generate the
following VAAs:

• (1) full transaction batch VAA

◦ [A, B, C, D, E, F]
• (2) smaller batch VAA
◦ [B, C]
◦ [D, E]
• (6) single VAA
◦ [A]
◦ [B]
◦ [C]
◦ [D]
◦ [E]
◦ [F]

Parsing and Verifying a VAA

Parsing and Verifying a VAA will depend on the

type of VAA that your application expects: a
Single VAA or a Batch VAA.

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For either VAA type, remember to collect gas fees

associated with submitting them on-chain after
all VAAs have been verified.

Single VAA

To properly parse and verify a single VAA, always

use parseAndVerifyVM which takes in one
argument: encodedVM (bytes). This function will
return three arguments:

1. vm (VM): Structured data that reflects the

content of the VAA.
◦ A breakdown of this message format
is described in the VAA section. Aside
from the header information, which
can be considered 'trusted', it is up to
the recipient contract to properly
parse the remaining payload, as this
contains the verbatim message sent
from the emitting contract.
2. valid (bool): Boolean that reflects whether
or not the VAA was properly signed by the
Guardian Network
3. reason (string): Explanatory error message
if a VAA is invalid, or an empty string if it is

Batch VAA

To properly parse and verify a batch VAA, always

use parseAndVerifyBatchVM which takes in two
arguments: encodedVM (bytes) and cache (bool).

In most scenarios, you'll want to set cache equal

to true.

This will return a VM2 object, containing all the

'headless' VAAs contained inside the batch VAA.
These headless VAAs can be verified by
parseAndVerifyVM , which means that modules
which verify messages in an xDapp can be
agnostic as to whether a message came from a
batch VAA or a single VAA.

The Best Practices section goes into more depth

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of how to interact with the coreLayer.

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Token Bridge
This section will explain how to properly interact
with the Wormhome Token Bridge Module in an
EVM ecosystem.

Configuring the interface

Here is the interface for applications to interact
with Wormhole's Token Bridge.

Instantiating the interface will depend on your

development ecosystem and blockchain. The
Wormhole Token Bridge contract address is
usually stored in your contract address.

Below is an example line of code to instantiate

the interface for mainnet Ethereum:

address private
wormhole_token_bridge_address =
ITokenBridge token_bridge =

Registering New Tokens

Attesting a token from EVM needs to happen
once per token as it will not be claimable until so.
However, there are no restrictions to reattesting
a token; repeat attestations will update the

It is not advised to attest tokens on-chain for

most usecases. To attest a token by an off-chain
process, you can either do it by hand through
one of the Token Bridge UIs (for example Portal)
or using the Typescript SDK.

Here is an example of how to attest a token using

the Typescript SDK.

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Basic Transfer
Basic transfer should only be used if you are
transferring tokens to an end user wallet. If the
end destination is a contract, you should only use
Contract Controlled Transfers (described below).

It is important to note the transferring native

currency is a special case of the Basic Transfer.
As such, a different function call for initiating and
completing a transfer is provided as a QoL
improvement that will handle the wrapping and
unwrapping of ETH.

To transfer a token, there are four steps:

1. Approve the Token Bridge to spend that

token on our behalf.
◦ Note: Tokens in EVM usually denote up
to 18 decimals places. However.
Wormhole normalizes this to 8 decimals.


2. Transfer the token to create the transfer

◦ This function call will return a
sequence (uint64) that is used in the
VAA retrieval step.
◦ Note: For the recipient address,
Wormhole addresses are 32 bytes for
standardization across the different
blockchains within the Wormhole

// To initiate transfer of normal ERC-20s

amount, recipientChain, recipient,
arbiterFee, nonce);

// To initiate transfer of native currency

recipient, arbiterFee, nonce);

3. Retrieve the emitted VAA.

◦ Basic Transfer VAAs are retrieved from

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the Guardian Network by the

emitterChainID , emitterAddress ,
and sequence .

const emitterAddr =
const seq = parseSequenceFromLogEth(tx,
const vaaURL =
let vaaBytes = await (await
while (!vaaBytes.vaaBytes) {
console.log("VAA not found, retrying in
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Timeout to let Guardiand pick up
log and have VAA ready
vaaBytes = await (await

4. Complete the transfer using the VAA.

// To complete transfer of normal ERC-20s


// To complete transfer of native currency


Contract Controlled Transfer

For any token transfers where the destination is
a contract, you should always use Contract
Controlled Transfers.

There are a few main differences between

Contract Controlled Transfers and Basic

• messages contains both tokens and an

arbitrary payload
• messages can only be redeemed by a
specified contract address
• messages do not have a relayer fee field

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because of the redemption restriction


As was the case with Basic Transfers, transferring

native currency is a special case for Contract
Controlled Transfers as well. As such, similar QoL
improvement functions are provided that handle
the wrapping and unwrapping of ETH.

The process of sending a Contract Controlled

Transfer is very similar to that of a Basic Transfer:

1. Approve the Token Bridge to spend that

token on our behalf.
◦ Note: Tokens in EVM usually denote up
to 18 decimals places. However.
Wormhole normalizes this to 8 decimals.


2. Transfer the token to create the transfer

◦ This function call will return a
sequence (uint64) that is used in the
VAA retrieval step.
◦ Note: For the recipient addres,
Wormhole addresses are 32 bytes for
standardization across the different
blockchains within the Wormhole

// To initiate transfer of normal ERC-20s

amount, recipientChain, recipient, nonce,

// To initiate transfer of native currency

recipient, nonce, payload);

3. Retrieve the emitted VAA.

◦ Contract Controlled Transfer VAAs are
retrieved from the Guardian Network
by the emitterChainID ,
emitterAddress , and sequence .

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const emitterAddr =
const seq = parseSequenceFromLogEth(tx,
const vaaURL =
let vaaBytes = await (await
while (!vaaBytes.vaaBytes) {
console.log("VAA not found, retrying in
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Timeout to let Guardiand pick up
log and have VAA ready
vaaBytes = await (await

4. Complete the transfer using the VAA.

// To complete transfer of normal ERC-20s


// To complete transfer of native currency


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Wormhole Development Book

NFT Bridge
This section will explain how to properly interact
with the NFT Bridge Module in an EVM

Configuring the interface

Here is the interface for applications to interact
with Wormhole's NFT Bridge.

Instantiating the interface will depend on the

contract address of your development ecosystem
and blockchain.

Below is an example line of code to instantiate

the interface for mainnet Ethereum:

address private
wormhole_NFT_bridge_address =
INFTBridge NFT_bridge =

Transferring a NFT
The Wormhole NFT Bridge only supports tokens
compliant with the ERC-721 interface, and
functions by creating a 'wrapped NFT' with
identical metadata. How this is implemented
varies by ecosystem.

Note: Unlike tokens, there is no attestation

required for bridging NFTs.

To transfer a NFT, there are three steps:

1. Initiate the NFT transfer

◦ This function call will return a
sequence (uint64) that is used in the
VAA retrieval step

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transferNFT(tokenAddress, tokenID,
recipientChain, recipient, nonce);

2. Retrieve the emitted VAA from the Guardian

Network. (Usually done by a relayer)
◦ NFT Transfer VAAs are retrieved from
the Guardian Network by the
emitterChainID , emitterAddress ,
and sequence .

const emitterAddr =
const seq = parseSequenceFromLogEth(tx,
const vaaURL =
let vaaBytes = await (await
while (!vaaBytes.vaaBytes) {
console.log("VAA not found, retrying in
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Timeout to let Guardiand pick up
log and have VAA ready
vaaBytes = await (await

3. Complete the NFT transfer by submitting

the resultant VAA to the target chain.


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Relayer Module
Disclaimer: This module is only available in
devnet, and is subject to change while still in

In order to integrate with the relayer module

(which enables generic relaying), there are two
requirements placed on the integrator.

1. To receive messages, the integrator must

implement the wormholeReceiver
interface, which will be called by the relayer
to deliver the requested messages. If the
recipient contract does not implement this
function on their contract, the delivery will
automatically fail.

2. To request message delivery, the integrator

must call the
instructions) function on the relayer

Receiving Messages
Receiving messages through the relayer module
is almost trivial. Simply implement the public
function wormholeReciever in your contract that
the relayer module will invoke.

function wormholeReceiver(
bytes[] memory vaas,
uint16 sourceChain,
bytes32 sourceAddress,
bytes memory payload

This is the function takes the following four


• vaas : VAAs which were requested for


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• sourceChain : Wormhole chain ID of the

chain the messages were sent from
• sourceAddress : address which requested
delivery (In Wormhole format!)
• payload : additional payload which is at the
top level

There are a few noteworthy items here:

• wormholeReceiver function should never

throw an exception. Throwing an exception
here will just cause a delivery failure and
will not revert the transaction(!!!).
• wormholeReceiver will only be called with
as much gas as was specified by the
compute budget specified when the
message delivery was requested.
• Batch VAAs are always used by the relayer
module. vaas is an array of all the headless
VAAs for which delivery was requested.
These VAAs are not verified until you have
VM objects which is obtained by calling
core_bridge.parseAndVerifyVM ! (More on
this in Best Practices)
• The generic relay VAA will be included in the
vaas array you receive. This VAA can be
ignored, but you can use it if it's useful to

Sending Messages
In order to send a message to another contract,
you must call
instructions) . There are a few different things
you can accomplish with this call.

First let's lay out the DeliveryInstructions object,

which is part of the relayer module structs.

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struct DeliveryParameters {
uint16 targetChain;
bytes32 targetAddress;
bytes payload;
VAAId[] deliveryList;
bytes relayParameters;
bytes chainPayload;
uint32 nonce;
uint8 consistencyLevel;

• targetChain : chain ID of the chain this

should be delivered to
• targetAddress : contract address to deliver
to (in Wormhole format)
• payload : additional payload which will be
included in the delivery
• deliveryList (optional): mechanism for re-
delivery of already existing VAAs
• relayParameters : information required to
relay to the target env. Contains compute
• chainPayload : information used for
computation efficiency when relaying to
other ecosystems
• nonce (optional): If included, only messages
with this nonce will be relayed
• consistencyLevel : what level of
consistency / finality to reach before
emitting the message
• msg.value : payment in native currency to
relayer that must cover the compute
budget specified in the relayer parameters

Compute Budget
Part of the relay parameters is a
'computeBudget' which specifies the maximum
amount of computation that can be spent
executing delivery on the destination contract.
This is effectively a 'gasLimit' in the EVM
ecosystem, but due to the relayer network
supporting blockchains that don't utilize the

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concept of gas, we use a more generalizable

concept of 'computation budget'.

When requesting delivery, the caller must specify

and pay for the compute budget upfront.
Compute budget which is not utilized will be
refunded on the target chain. If the compute
budget is exhausted during the execution of the
delivery, a delivery failure occurs. When a
delivery failure occurs, the computation budget
from the source chain is not refunded, as the
relayer used it to process the failed transaction.

The computation 'rate' is specified by the relayer

module and is different for each blockchain. The
quote provided by the relayer module contains
the fee for the requested compute budget AND
the fixed overheads of the computation which is
done by the relayer contract.

Delivery Failures
'Delivery Failure' is a technical term in the case of
the relayer module. It does not mean 'something
went wrong', but rather that the relayer
attempted to deliver the VAA, and was
unsuccessful. There are only 3 causes of a
delivery failure.

• The wormholeReceiver function is either

missing or otherwise uncallable on the
recipient contract.
• The wormholeReceiver function
encountered an exception while processing.
• The wormholeReceiver function exhausted
the computeBudget that was specified by
the delivery requester.

All three of these scenarios are controllable by

the integrator. In order to avoid delivery failures,
the integrators should have a top-level try-catch
such that the wormholeReceiver never reverts,
and should always request a worst-case compute

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budget since excess budget will be refunded.

Delivery Retries
In the unfortunate scenario of a delivery failure,
the VAAs can be re-delivered by requesting their
delivery a second time. To accomplish this,
simply list their VAA IDs in the deliveryList in
the call.

More info and features to come. This module

is still in development.

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Best Practices
The Wormhole contracts were designed in a
manner such that composability is the default,
but maximizing composability requires that
xDapp developers follow certain conventions
around the sending and receiving of messages.

Sending Messages
When sending messages, you should follow the
same paradigm as is used by the Wormhole
modules, namely

• Don't couple the message emission to the

message delivery
• Pass through all the optional arguments
(like nonce)
• Always return the sequence

Good Example

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// This function defines a super simple

Wormhole 'module'.
// A module is just a piece of code which
knows how to emit a composable message
// which can be utilized by other
function emitMyMessage(address
intendedRecipient, uint32 nonce)
public payable returns (uint64
sequence) {

// Nonce is passed though to the core

// This allows other contracts to
utilize it for batching or processing.

// intendedRecipient is key for

// This field will allow the
destination contract to enforce
// that the correct contract is
submitting this VAA.

// consistency level 200 means instant

sequence =
core_bridge.publishMessage(nonce, "My
Message to " + intendedRecipient, 200);

// The sequence is passed back to the

caller, which can be useful relay
// Relaying is not done here, because
it would 'lock' others into the same relay

// This portion of the code which deals

with composition and delivery.
// Its job is to string together multiple
modules, and ensure they get relayed
// This code can be private or public,
because it's tightly coupled to
// Do whatever you need to here.
function sendMyMessage() private {

// First, emit a message intended for

MY_OTHER_CONTRACT with nonce zero.
// Because processMyMessage enforces
that msg.sender must equal the
// no one but MY_OTHER_CONTRACT will
be able to call processMyMessage
// with the message emitted from this

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// However, another contract could

call emitMyMessage in a different
// using their own address as the

// This allows for composability of

the module logic while still being secure!

emitMyMessage(MY_OTHER_CONTRACT, 0);

// Suppose I also want to send tokens

to my contract on the OTHER_CHAIN
// Because transferTokensWithPayload
is a composable message, I can include it.
// Because the nonce of both these
messages is 0, they will be combined into
a batch VAA.
// NOTE: transferTokens (the basic
transfer) is NOT considered a composable

0, null);

// Lastly, I request that the batch

for nonce 0 be delivered to


Receiving Messages
The best practices for receiving messages
employ similar concepts. You should keep in
mind that other contracts might want to
integrate with your specific logic. As such, you
shouldn't tie your verification logic to the delivery
mechanism of your VAAs, and you should also
give external integrators a safe way to compose
with your module.


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• Always verify that the emitterAddress of the

VAA comes from a contract you trust.

• If the message should not be allowed to be

'replayed', immediately mark its hash as

• If your VAAs aren't replayable, you almost

always want to include and enforce an
intended recipient. Otherwise anyone can
call your verify function directly with the
single VAA, which will make life much
harder for you and your integrators who
want to process multiple VAAs at once. This
is referred to as a 'scoop' exploit.


• When processing a VAA, always treat the

messages as single VAAs. Destructuring
batch VAAs is the responsibility of the
• Once you have the function written to verify
your message, pretend you are an external

Good Example

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// Verification accepts a single VAA, and

is publicly callable.
function processMyMessage(bytes32 memory
VAA) public {
// This call accepts single VAAs and
headless VAAs
(IWormhole.VM memory vm, bool valid,
string memory reason) =

// Ensure core contract verification

require(valid, reason);

// Ensure the emitterAddress of this

VAA is a trusted address

vm.emitterAddress, "Invalid
Emitter Address!");

// Check that the VAA hasn't already

been processed (replay protection)
"Message already processed");

// Check that the contract which is

processing this VAA is the
// If the two aren't equal, this VAA
may have bypassed its intended entrypoint.
// This exploit is referred to as

== msg.sender);

// Add the VAA to processed messages

so it can't be replayed
processedMessages[vm.hash] = true

// The message content can now be


//This is the function which would receive

the the VAA from the relayer
function receiveVAA(bytes32 memory
batchVAA) public {
// First, call the core bridge to
verify the batchVAA
// All the individual VAAs inside the
batchVAA will be cached,
// and you will receive headless VAAs

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inside the VM2 object.

// Headless VAAs are verifiable by

(IWormhole.VM2 memory vm2, bool valid,

string memory reason) =


// I know from sendMyMessage that the

first VAA is a token bridge VAA,
// so let's hand that off to the token
bridge module.
bytes vaaData =

// The second VAA is my message, let's

hand that off to my module.

// Lastly, uncache the headless VAAs

from the core bridge.
// This refunds a significant amount
of gas.


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Specialized Relayers
Rather than home-rolling a relayer, it's
recommended that integrators start from the
existing Spy Relayer provided in the Wormhole
Core Repository.

Additionally there's an extensible relayer (called

the Plugin Relayer) currently in development.

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Wormhole Development Book

Wormhole Typescript
A Wormhole Typescript SDK provided for
applications that only need to interact with the
Core and Token Bridge contracts off-chain.

It can be installed using npm:

npm i @certusone/wormhole-sdk

The following sections will explain and provide

examples of how to perform key functions with
Wormhole using the Typescript SDK.

For more examples with a more exhaustive

coverage of all the supported blockchains in
Wormhole, be sure to check the official codebase
for the Typescript SDK.

Virtually all functions of the SDK are

demonstrated in the reference bridge UI, which
makes it an excellent source of example code as

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Registering Tokens
Registering tokens with the token bridge can be
done from any supported blockchain, and only
needs to be done once - globally - per token. This
is is typically done via a UI (such as Portal) rather
than done on-chain.

If you need to do it programmatically, you can

also use the Typescript SDK to attest a token.

There are three steps to registerring a token:

1. Create an AttestMeta VAA by calling

attest() function from the SDK and
passing in the Token Bridge address, and
the address of the Token we want to attest.

For example, here is the code to produce an

attestation VAA using ethers:

const networkTokenAttestation = await

network.tokenBridgeAddress, // Token
Bridge Address
signer, //Private Key to sign and pay
for TX + RPC Endpoint
network.testToken //Token Address

The attestation transaction will produce a signed

VAA. This signed VAA is necessary in order to
register the tokens on other chains.

2. Retrieve the VAA with the emitterAddress

of the Token Bridge and the sequence from
the logs of the transaction receipt.

With those, you can fetch the VAA from any

Guardian REST endpoint. It could take a moment
(up to 30 seconds) for the Guardian to see and
sign the VAA, so it's a good idea to poll the
Guardian every few seconds until the VAA is

Here is a relatively compact piece of code which

is able to fetch any VAA, given an emitter

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address and sequence number.

const emitterAddr =
const seq = parseSequenceFromLogEth(
const vaaURL =
console.log("Searching for: ", vaaURL);
let vaaBytes = await (await
while (!vaaBytes.vaaBytes) {
console.log("VAA not found, retrying in
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Timeout to let Guardiand pick up
log and have VAA ready
vaaBytes = await (await

3. Submit the VAA onto the target chain to

create a wrapped version of the token by
calling createWrapped() .

You can get the new wrapped token address by

calling the wrappedAsset() function of the

Here is how this can be accomplished using


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await targetTokenBridge.createWrapped(
gasLimit: 2000000,
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Time out to let block propogate
const wrappedTokenAddress = await

"ethereum"), "hex")
console.log("Wrapped token created at: ",

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Wormhole Development Book

Token Transfers
Before transferring tokens, you should ensure
that the token is registered on the chain you are
transferring to, and that any necessary
prerequisite steps (such as sending token
approvals or creating associated token accounts)
have already been done.

There are four steps to transferring a token:

1. If not already done, complete a standard

ERC-20 token approval prior to performing
a bridge action if you're in the EVM

// Here we are approving and transfering

50 tokens. The ERC20 token we are
transfering has 18 decimal places.
const bridgeAmt =
ethers.utils.parseUnits("50", "18");

treasury.approveTokenBridge(bridgeAmt, {
gasLimit: 2000000,

2. Initate a transfer by calling transfer on

the token bridge module which will create a
transfer VAA.

Note that the target receipient is a Wormhole-

format address (referred to as 'hex' format in the
Typescript SDK).

const targetRecepient = Buffer.from(


const tx = await (
await treasury.bridgeToken(

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3. Retrieve the VAA with the emitterAddress

of the Token Bridge and the sequence from
the logs of the transaction receipt. (This is
the same code as shown in the previous

const emitterAddr =
const seq = parseSequenceFromLogEth(tx,
const vaaURL =
let vaaBytes = await (await
while (!vaaBytes.vaaBytes) {
console.log("VAA not found, retrying in
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
5000)); //Timeout to let Guardiand pick up
log and have VAA ready
vaaBytes = await (await

4. Submit the VAA to the target chain by

calling completeTransfer() .

If you're not using a relayer, you'll have to submit

the target chain transaction yourself. This section
outlines how to use relayers.

const completeTransferTx = await

Buffer.from(vaaBytes.vaaBytes, "base64")

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Token Transfer
A defining feature of cross chain apps (xDapps) is
the ability to move tokens from one chain to
another, even if those blockchains have radically
different virtual machine models.

To demonstrate, let’s do a simple programmatic

transfer from Ethereum to Solana.

First, determine the address on Solana where

we're sending the tokens. Unlike EVM chains
where the wallet address is used, we need to
send the tokens to the recipient's associated
token account for that token. We'll use a couple
helper functions from the Wormhole Typescript
SDK to make this easier.

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Wormhole Development Book

import {
} from "@solana/spl-token";
import {
} from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";


// determine destination address - an
associated token account
const solanaMintKey = new PublicKey(
(await getForeignAssetSolana(

CHAIN_ID_ETH) || "")
)) || ""
const recipientAddress = await

After we have the receipt token account on

Solana, it's time to submit the transfer message
on Ethereum. This will output a log that contains
a sequence number (a unique number for the
message) and an emitter address (the ETH Token
Bridge Address in Wormhole format). The
sequence number and emitter address will be
used to fetch the VAA after it’s been signed by

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Wormhole Development Book

import {
} from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";


// Submit transaction - results in a

Wormhole message being published
const receipt = await transferFromEth(
// Get the sequence number and emitter
address required to fetch the signedVAA of
our message
const sequence =
const emitterAddress =

Once the Guardians have signed the token

bridge VAA, it needs to be retrieved from the
Guardian Network. This time we'll use the
Guardian GRPC endpoint, though the REST
endpoint used in previous sections works as well.

import { getSignedVAA } from


// Fetch the signedVAA from the Wormhole

Network (this may require retries while
you wait for confirmation)
const { signedVAA } = await getSignedVAA(

Now, we post the VAA to Solana in order to mint

the wrapped tokens. Because of the compute
limit on Solana, we split the signature verification
and token claim into steps. To do that, verify all

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the signatures and create a claim account for the


await postVaaSolana(
connection, // Solana Mainnet Connection
wallet, //Solana Wallet Signer

Finally, claim the tokens:

const transaction = await redeemOnSolana(

const signed = await
const txid = await
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);

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Using Relayers
In this example, we’ll utilize the token bridge
relayer network to complete a token transfer
from Polygon and to Oasis.

This code is written for a browser environment. If

you're working in node, consider using node-

npm i --save @certusone/wormhole-sdk

ethers node-fetch

import { BigNumber, ethers } from

import fetch from "node-fetch";
import {
} from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";

Setup the Polygon and Oasis Wallets

Now, set up the two wallets we’ll be sending and

receiving from. While we are instantiating both
wallets with their private keys, we only need the
Public key of the receiving wallet for this

const EmeraldWallet = new ethers.Wallet(

const PolygonWallet = new ethers.Wallet(

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Fetch the fee schedule

Fetch the fee schedule for the token bridge

relayers. This fee schedule outlines the minimum
fee for each recipient chain that relayers will
accept. As long as we attach at least that fee in
the relayer fee, we can expect a relayer pick up
the transaction and relay it to the recipient chain.
The fee will cover the gas cost for the relayer
along with a little extra to make it worth their
time to run the relayer service.

We will also define the transfer amount in this

step. The fee schedule will either return a flat fee
in USD for the recipient chain, or a percentage
fee (usually only for Ethereum). Either way, we’ll
need to calculate the fee in BigNumber format
(no decimals).

const transferAmount =
BigNumber.from("1000000000000000000"); //
We are sending 1 MATIC over the wall to
const relayerFeeSchedule = await(
await fetch(

The fee schedule has the following interface:

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export interface RelayerFeeSchedule {

supportedTokens: ChainAddress[];
relayers: Relayer[];
feeSchedule: FeeSchedule;

interface ChainAddress {
chainId: number;
address: string;
coingeckoId: string;

interface Relayer {
name: string;
url: string;

interface FeeSchedule {
[chainId: string]: {
type: "flat" | "percent";
feeUsd?: number;
feePercent?: number;
gasEstimate?: number;

After fetching the fee schedule, find the fee in

wei that needs to be paid to the Relayer. At the
time of writing, Oasis has a flat fee of $0.50, so to
calculate how much MATIC we need to pay for
the $0.50 fee, we need to fetch the MATIC price.
To do that, use the free CoinGecko api:

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let feeWei: number;

== "flat") {
const feeUsd =
const MATIC_PRICE = await(
await fetch(

feeWei = (feeUsd / MATIC_PRICE) * 1e18;

} else if
== "percent") {
let feeWei =

/ 100) *

Overrides & Quirks

Dependent on the specific blockchains you are

working with, you may need to perform special
actions when submitting this transaction.
Because we're dealing with Polygon in this
example, there's an additional step to
overestimate the gas. This is because Ethers
library has some problems with fee estimation
after EIP-1559.

let overrides;
let feeData = await
overrides = {
feeData.maxFeePerGas?.mul(50) ||
feeData.maxPriorityFeePerGas?.mul(50) ||

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Emit Token Bridge Message

Now we have all the pieces we need to emit a

token bridge message with a relay fee attached.
We do this using the transferFromEthNative()
method. EthNative is used because we’re
transferring the native token of the Polygon
network rather than an ERC20 token.


const receipt = await

console.log("Receipt: ", receipt);


const sequence =
const emitterAddress =
console.log("Sequence: ", sequence);
console.log("EmitterAddress: ",

Let’s walk through each of the arguments of this

function and what they mean.

POLYGON_TOKEN_BRIDGE is the address of the

token bridge module on the Polygon network.
You can find it and other addresses on the
contracts page.

PolygonWallet is a signer you get from the

Ethers library that holds a private key that can
sign transactions.

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transferAmount is a BigNumber that contains

the amount to transfer in the smallest unit of the

CHAIN_ID_OASIS is a constant that identifies the

target chain.

hexToUint8Array() translates the target

publickey into a wormhole public key.

BigNumber.from(feeWei.toString()) identifies
the fee in smallest unit of the network for the

overrides are used if we need to override the

gas cost, which we need to do for Polygon.

Check VAA was signed

Wait 15 min for finality on Polygon and then

check to see if it was submitted. If successful,
you’ll be able to fetch a base64 encoded
vaaBytes. We need this in the next step where we
check if the transaction was successfully relayed.

await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,

900000)); //15m in seconds
const WORMHOLE_RPC = "https://wormhole-v2-";
let vaaBytes = undefined;
while (!vaaBytes) {
try {
vaaBytes = await(
await fetch(
} catch (e) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
console.log("VAA Bytes: ", vaaBytes);

Check if the transfer was completed

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In the final step, use the

getIsTransferCompletedEth() method to check if
the transfer was completed on the Oasis Emerald
chain. If it’s not, wait 5 seconds and check again.

setDefaultWasm("node"); //only needed if

running in node.js
let transferCompleted = await
while (!transferCompleted) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,
transferCompleted = await

console.log("VAA Relayed!");

Success! You've programmatically relayed a


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Wormhole Development Book

Other Resources
Here is a collection of other resources and
reference sources which you're likely to find

• Glossary & Terms

• Tools & Helpful Links
• Contract Addresses & Environment
• RPC Info

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Wormhole Development Book

Disclaimer: In some instances, Wormhole uses
general terms for decentralized, cross-chain
elements as branded verbiage. In most casese, the
definition of the general term does not differ from
Wormhole's definition though Wormhole's
definitions may be more narrow than general

Guardian - One of the 19 validators in the

Guardian Network that contributes to the VAA

Guardian Network - Validators that exist in their

own p2p network that serve as Wormhole's
oracle by observing activity on-chain and
generating signed messages attesting to that

Relayer - Any process which delivers VAAs to a


VAA - Verifiable Action Approvals (VAAs) are the

key piece of data in the Wormhole ecosystem,
containing the messages emitted by xDapps
along with information such as what contract
emitted the message. The VAAs are signed by the
Guardians and need 13/19 signatures to be
considered authentic.

Wormchain - A purpose-built cosmos blockchain

which aids the Guardian Network and allows for
formal interaction with the Guardians.

xAssets - Chain-and-path agnostic token that

exists on a layer outside the blockchain
ecosystem, which can be used to conduct
transactions on any blockchain. There are
currently two implemented modules: (1) Token
Bridge Module and (2) NFT Bridge Module

xChain - Term that refers to the full range of

cross-blockchain interoperability.

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xDapp - Decentralized application that enables

users to create and/or use xData.

xData - Data that exists in a layer outside of

Layer 1 blockchains, which is accessible by all

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Wormhole Development Book

Tools and Useful Links

Below are a variety of tools and information in
the Wormhole ecosystem that can help you
develop xDapps.

Design Documents

Wormhole's component design specifications

outline the reasoning behind design decisions
with added technical depth.


Wormhole has deployed Core Bridge, Token

Bridge and NFT Bridge contracts on various
testnets of the chains connected by Wormhole.
You can see the deployed addresses here.

Note: There's only a single Guardian that oversees

the testnets, so you might experience a higher rate
of missed VAAs than you would on mainnet.

Testnet Bridge UI

An example UI provided to test out attesting and

bridging tokens on testnet.


Tilt is a Kubernetes-based tool that runs a copy

of every chain along side a Guardian node to
create a simulated testing environment. Details
on how to set it up and test against it is here.

Wormhole Core Repository

The Wormhole core repository can be found at

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Wormhole Explorer

Tool to observe all Wormhole activity and can

help you parse VAAs after they've been picked up
the Guardian network.

Wormhole SDK

The SDK is a set of Javascript tools to help you do

Token Bridge transfers, plus fetch and submit
VAAs from one chain to another. You can install it
via NPM.

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Wormhole Development Book

Here you can find the addresses for the deployed
contracts on all the chains that Wormhole
supports, including testnet.

The constants of the Wormhole SDK always has

the most up-to-date contract addresses, along
with additional useful constants. Check there if
something you're looking for isn't found here.


Core Bridge

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2 1
3 columbus-5
Smart 4 56
Polygon 5 137
6 43114
7 4262
Aurora 9 1313161554
Fantom 10 250
Karura 11 686
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 8217
Celo 14 42220

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Wormhole Development Book

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Moonbeam 16 1284
Terra 18 phoenix-1
Aptos 22

Core Bridge - Read Only

These chains can verify Wormhole messages

submitted to them, but cannot emit messages for
other chains.

Chain Wormhole Network

Name Chain ID ID
Arbitrum 23 42161 0xa5f208
Optimism 24 10 0xEe91C
Gnosis 25 100 0xa32144

Token Bridge

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2 1
Terra 3 columbus-5
Smart 4 56
Polygon 5 137
6 43114
7 4262
Aurora 9 1313161554
Fantom 10 250
Karura 11 686

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Wormhole Development Book

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 8217
Celo 14 42220
Moonbeam 16 1284
Terra 18 phoenix-1
Aptos 22

NFT Bridge

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2 1
Smart 4 56
Polygon 5 137
6 43114
7 4262
Aurora 9 1313161554
Fantom 10 250
Karura 11 686
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 8217
Moonbeam 16 1284
Celo 14 42220


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Wormhole Development Book

Core Bridge

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1 devnet
2 5
10001 3
Terra 3 bombay-12
Smart 4 97
5 80001
6 43113
(Emerald 7 42261
Aurora 9 1313161555
Fantom 10 4002
Karura 11 686
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 1001
Celo 14 44787
16 1287
Terra 18 pisco-1
Injective 19 testnet
Aptos 22

Token Bridge

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Wormhole Development Book

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1 devnet
2 5
10001 3
Terra 3 bombay-12
Smart 4 97
5 80001
6 43113
(Emerald 7 42261
Aurora 9 1313161555
Fantom 10 4002
Karura 11 686
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 1001
Celo 14 44787
Near 15
16 1287
Injective 19 testnet
Aptos 22

NFT Bridge

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
Solana 1 devnet

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Wormhole Development Book

Chain Wormhole
Network ID
Name Chain ID
2 5
10001 3
Smart 4 97
5 80001
6 43113
(Emerald 7 42261
Aurora 9 1313161555
Fantom 10 4002
Karura 11 686
Acala 12 787
Klaytn 13 1001
Celo 14 44787
16 1287

Devnet / Tilt

Core Bridge

Wormhole Network
Chain Name
Chain ID ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2
Terra 3
Binance Smart

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Wormhole Development Book

Wormhole Network
Chain Name
Chain ID ID
Algorand 8
Terra2 18
Aptos 22
Wormholechain 3104

Token Bridge

Wormhole Network
Chain Name
Chain ID ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2
Terra 3
Binance Smart
Algorand 8
Terra2 18
Aptos 22
Wormholechain 3104

NFT Bridge

Chain Wormhole Network

Name Chain ID ID
Solana 1
Ethereum 2 0x26b4a
Terra 3 terra1plj
Smart 4 0x26b4a

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Wormhole Development Book

Blockchain Finality
The goal of Wormhole is to provide high
confidence that only finalized messages are
observed and attested. Different chains use
different consensus mechanisms and so there
are different finality assumptions with each one.

Below is a table of suggested finality

recommendations for each of the chains
supported by the Wormhole ecosystem to have
the highest confidence of finality.

However, these are just suggestions and

developers are free to define their own finality
windows for their applications. Ultimately, the
tradeoff is between speed and security.

Chain Wormhole Number of
Name Chain ID Block
Solana 1 32
Ethereum 2 15
3 Instant
Smart 4 15
Polygon 5 512
6 1
7 1
Aurora 9 1
Fantom 10 1
Karura 11 1
Acala 12 1
Klaytn 13 1

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Wormhole Development Book

Chain Wormhole Number of
Name Chain ID Block
Celo 14 1
Terra 18 Instant

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Wormhole Development Book

RPC Nodes
These RPC nodes are maintained by the
Guardians to help fetch VAAs and query the
Wormhole network.

Mainnet Guardian RPC

Testnet Guardian RPC

Testnet Guardian Public Key


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