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Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Program Name: Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Prevention and Management Program


To reduce the incidence of ROP in premature infants in Karachi's 7 districts through improved screening,
diagnosis, and management.

Output Indicators:

• Number of ULPHAT Ambassadors recruited and trained

• Number of hospitals and NICUs identified in each district
• Number of healthcare professionals trained on ROP prevention and management
• Number of premature infants screened for ROP
• Number of premature infants diagnosed with ROP
• Number of premature infants treated for ROP

Outcome Indicators:

• Reduction in the incidence of ROP in premature infants

• Increased awareness among healthcare professionals and parents/caregivers about ROP
prevention and management

Data Sources:

• ULPHAT Ambassador reports

• Hospital and NICU records
• Healthcare professional and parent/caregiver surveys
• Medical records of premature infants screened, diagnosed, and treated for ROP

Data Collection:

• ULPHAT Ambassadors will report their activities and progress to the ULPHAT team.
• Hospital and NICU records will be reviewed and analyzed by ULPHAT team members.
• Surveys will be distributed to healthcare professionals and parents/caregivers and collected by
ULPHAT team members.
• Medical records of premature infants will be reviewed and analyzed by ULPHAT team members.

Data Analysis: Data will be analyzed by ULPHAT team members to track progress towards output and
outcome indicators.

Reporting: ULPHAT team members will report on progress towards objectives to ULPHAT leadership and

Mid-Term Review: A mid-term review will be conducted by ULPHAT leadership to assess progress
towards objectives and make any necessary adjustments to the program.

End of Program Evaluation: An end-of-program evaluation will be conducted to assess the program's
overall impact on the incidence of ROP in premature infants.
Budget: The budget for monitoring and evaluation activities will be PKR.


• ULPHAT team members will be responsible for collecting and analyzing data.
• ULPHAT leadership will be responsible for conducting the mid-term review and end-of-program

Timeline: Monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted throughout the program, with the end-
of-program evaluation taking place in Month X.


• Hospitals and NICUs will cooperate with the ULPHAT team and provide accurate data.
• Healthcare professionals and parents/caregivers will participate in surveys and provide accurate
• The program will have access to sufficient funding to support monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Table

Frequency of
Data Point Method of Collection Responsible Party
Number of ULPHAT Ambassadors recruited and trained Monthly ULPHAT Program Staff ULPHAT Program Staff
Number of hospitals and NICUs identified in each district One-time ULPHAT Ambassadors ULPHAT Program Staff
Address of each hospital and number of staff in NICUs One-time ULPHAT Ambassadors ULPHAT Program Staff
Number of healthcare professionals trained on ROP
Monthly ULPHAT Program Staff ULPHAT Program Staff
Hospital name and names of healthcare professionals
Monthly ULPHAT Program Staff ULPHAT Program Staff
on ROP prevention and management
Number of premature infants screened for ROP Monthly Hospital Staff ULPHAT Program Staff

➢ This table can be used to track the progress of the ROP program over time, and to identify any
areas that may need improvement or additional resources. The ULPHAT program staff would be
responsible for collecting and analyzing the data, and using it to inform decision-making and
program planning.
Table: Monitoring and Evaluation

The success of the ROP program will be monitored and evaluated using the following metrics:

Number of ULPHAT Ambassadors recruited and trained

District Number of ULPHAT Ambassadors recruited Number of ULPHAT Ambassadors trained

District 1 X Y

District 2 X Y

District 3 X Y

District 4 X Y

District 5 X Y

District 6 X Y

Number of hospitals and NICUs identified in each district

District Hospital Name Hospital Address Number of Staff in NICU

District 1 Hospital 1 Address 1 X

District 1 Hospital 2 Address 2 Y

... ... ... ...

District 6 Hospital N Address N Z

Number of healthcare professionals trained on ROP prevention and management

District Hospital Name Name of Trained Healthcare Professionals

District 1 Hospital 1 Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, ...

District 1 Hospital 2 Name 4, Name 5, Name 6, ...

... ... ...

Number of premature infants screened for ROP

District Hospital Name Number of Premature Infants Screened for ROP

District 1 Hospital 1 X

District 1 Hospital 2 Y

... ... ...

District 6 Hospital N Z

Number of premature infants diagnosed with ROP and Number of premature infants treated for ROP

Hospital Number of Premature Infants Diagnosed Number of Premature Infants Treated

District Name with ROP for ROP

1 Hospital 1 X Y

1 Hospital 2 Z W

... ... ... ...

6 Hospital N A B

➢ These metrics will be collected on a monthly basis by the ULPHAT Ambassadors and submitted
to the program coordinator for analysis. Based on the findings, necessary adjustments will be
made to the program to ensure its effectiveness and success.

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