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穏 IP鷹 轟 淵 淋 ゴ2曖 2 Ⅲ l凱 II‖ 4nA1

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鏑 ect:Jntroduction to Ph‖ osOphy of Law lC

Norer Affempr any FfyE QJestFOns.A〃 gyestlioFIS Carry e9Jar marks,

Q.1臨 be the ttm`Law'?Explain tt withthe help oftt de鋼 山鵬 given by lqtt expeA.

Q.2 Deme cMl and cFiinallaw and outlinethe山 ご 枷 師 機 輌・

Q.3W壼韓a dmil note onthe somes ofLav7.

0ケ What dO you nd― nd by醸 Namall Law晦 ,el山 its Sal驚 壼 曇摘 議 dso
elabont畑 山壼 歯 職 Wit山 醸Omerlam。

e Soctal
Q.5 What was ttt stte of nattm atld challenges to撫 )lifo of men according toぬ
Contad動 鯛ぽ

Q,6Discuss lntemational Law as a b鑢 ぬ oflaw.

Q。 7 Deme`Moral Law'輔 血mference to its distinri釧 霧 feams.

Q.8 What do you understand by轟 凛鰯 鶴 暉 ,explain驚 輌血1醸 臓 麟 to撫 顔饉瓶

Q。 9助 幽鵬in醐威・Impmtive neory OfLaw'.

Q。 10W餞 a∞ mpmherive noL on iqtt positi宙 饉 .

PART-I: Annual'zafi :""'oo"oot''oo""'ot%
Examination:- L.L.B. (05 Years) I llaRolllo No.
..................... i
t aoao ataaa aaoaaaaat

Subject: Sociology-I TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.

\ MAX. MARKS: 100

Attempt any FWE questions, all question carry equal marks' Questions Marks

1 Define socialization? List agents of socialization and discuss media 6,5,9

as an agent of socialization in detail.

Z Exptain the functions of the institution of Family. Also discuss the 10,10

changes that have occurred in these functions with examples.

3 Write down a comprehensive note on the factors that have brought 20

socio-cultural change in Pakistani Society.

4 Define social shatification? What you are important 5, 15

criteria's for social stratification in Pakistan? Give examples.

5 What is Sociology? Discuss its significance as a subject for the 10,10


students of Law.

6 Explain social no.Ims and discuss their types with examples. 7,13

7 Define "status and Role". Explain the determinants of "ascribed" and 5, t5

"achieved'i statues with examples.

8 Write notes on: 10,10

a) Ethnocentrism b) Social Mobility

9 Define "Culture". Discuss its componeuts with examples. 5,15

10 Define Deviance and discuss any two theories of deviance to explain 6,7 ,7
crime in society.
PARTI : Supが ement aw‐ 2o17 f ・
… ……
Examination:- L.L.B. (05 Years) :。
191∬ 91∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : : 11

Sut t eCt SOCi ol ogy‐ I TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.


^ AU.t n, any FIVE questions, all question carry equal marks' Questions Marlis

1 Write a note on the following: 10,10

a) Role Conflict b) Social Norms

2 Defrne culture and explain the significance of studying culture for 10,10

individuals in legal professions.

3 Define deviance and give the soclological explanation of why people do 5, 15

deviance despite having the mechanism of social control.

4 Define socialization and discuss the peer group as an agent of 5, 15

socialization in detail.

5 What is social stratification? According to you, is Pakistani society 10,10

socially stratified? Discuss your opinion with relevant examples.

6 What are social groups and how do they influence individual behaviors in 20
sociery. Discuss with relevant examples.

7 Discuss factors that lead to social change in society with examples from 20

Pakistani society.

8 Define Social control and explain the Criminal Justice Systern of Pakistan. 5,15

g Define Group behavior and explain five stages of group development. 5, 15

10 Write a note on the institution of education and its functions in Pakistani 2A

° ° ° ● ● ● ● ● 000● ● ● ● ● ● ●
PART-I: Annual - 2018 0° ・ ・ ・・ ・ .

Examination:- L.L.B. (05 Years) : Rol l No。 :

"". . “ ""“ “ …
%● ● ● 00。 ● . . “● 0● ● ● 0000o● ● ●・●

Sut t eCt : SOci ol ogy‐ I TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

Attempt any FIVE questions. AII question
carry equal marks. euestions Mar ks
l' Define sociology and discuss its significance
as a subject for 5, 15
developing countries like pakistan.
2' Define social institutions. Discuss
the political institution and its role
5, 15
in society with relevant examples
3. Briefly discuss Functionarism and conflict
perspective. which
' 10, l o
perspective, according to you, explains
the present society better and
4. .- Explain social stratification and its dimensions
with examples from 20
Pakistani society.
5, Dei ne` ` cul t ur e". Di scl sS t ' O r el at i Oi shi p, i n any, bet ween cul t ur c

8, 12
神d Cr i me i n Paki st ani sOci et y。

6. Define socialization? Discuss the

theory of George Herbert Mead to 5, 15
explain the process of socialization.

Define and discuss social group

and its types with examples.
10, l o

In your opinion, have the pakistaoi family

strucfures md curture 20
undergone socio-culturar changes
in recent times. If yes, rist the
changes and the factors responsible
for it.
9. why, in your opinion, sexuar crimes against
children increased in 10, 10
Pakistan? Discuss the factors
behind these crimes and its imprications
on our society.
10. Write notes on:
10, l o
a) Role Conflict b) Social Mobility
● ● ● 0● ● ● ● oOo● ● oo● o●
PART-I: Supplementary - 2018 。 ●

4pmination:- L,L.B. (05 Years) : Rol l No。

"。 . ¨ . . “ "。・ ""…
,。 ...。 。. 。 。● ● 00● ● ● oo● ● ● ● ●・●

Sut t eCt SOCi ol ogy‐ I TI ME ALLOWED: 3 Hr s.


Attempt any FIVB questions, all question carry equal marks. Oyestions M+
1. Define socialization and discuss role of school as an agent of 10, 10
socialization of violent and deviant behavior witri examples.

2- Deflne Sociology? Discuss the reasons for teaching law students 5, 15

sociology courses for two semesters in punjab University?

3. "An understanding of the concepts of feminism is necessary for a 20
people working in the field of la'*r'. Do you agree or disagree with

this statement. Discuss with examples.

4 Define Culture and discuss its types with examples. 6,14
5 Discuss the criminal justice system of Pakistan with a sociological 20

6. Write notes on: 10, l0

a. Social norms b. Social Status
I . Define Social control and explain the Crirninal Justice System of Pakistan. 8, l2

8. What is Social Role? Also explain the concepts of role set, role 8,4,4,4,4
conflict, role strain, arrd role exit with examples.
9. sociologists believe that "there is no single reality,,. Explain this 20
statement using the social construction of reality theories.,

10. Discuss in detail deviance and social control. 10, 10


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L. LoB。 ( 05 Year s) Par t ― I Annual Exam- 2019

: Rol I Nふ 。
.....¨ "・ 。

%● . . ●・・・・・ ● ● 000● ● ● 0● ●
Ⅳl ar ks: 100
Subi eCt i SOcl ol ogy… I PapeE I V 菫
Ti nl e: 3 Hr s.
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一 要 ≡ 菫 ≡ ≡ ≡
重 要 ≡ 菫
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NOTf,: Attempt any FfVE questions' AII question carry equal
and history' ( 10+10)
Q,1 Define Sociol.ogy and discuss its relationship with economics

2 Deane Sodt t cont К メ and bHony expl J n t he CHmi nd l uSI Ce syζ

em of Paki st 響
〔 ( 5+1, )

Gr 91ps・ ( 6f l l )
Q. 3 peni e soci al Gr oup and oi SCusst l l e char act ensuCs of Pr i maw and Secol nda″
( 6+14)

e.5 Define Socialization and discuss tlre theory of George Herberl

Mead to explain ttt" n*"tt'[lz)
( 5+15)
Q. 6 Def l ne Cu: t vr e and expl ai l l t he cl el l l cnt s of cul t ur e.
( 5+1, )
Q. 7 D9f l ne r el i gi on; al so eXpl ai n t he f unct 10ns of r el i gi on i n Paki St ani soci et y.

are responsibte for change in Paf1sf

Q.8 .Define social ancl cultLrral change. Explain the factols that 1.
srrciety with suitable examples'
e.9 ,,Caste arrd Class', are the bases of "social Stratification" in otrr Society. DiscLrds tlie irnportalce.'of
each with example.
two of the following' ( 10+19)
Q.10 Write a note on any

→C、l t ur d Rdt t i vも , b) Char adenst i cs of Bur eaucr acy c) TypeS Of f or l nd or ganl zat 19'

け比 思
鼎輩 全
Wt t nW51『 ι思ユ

'subject: SociologYJ Paper: lv

・ ・・ ・ ・ ・
: RO‖ No. . . . . . . … …・
%. ・ ・

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Ti me: 3 Hr s. Mar ks: 100

tl.t", atte-ptany FIVE guestions. Att qu*tions carry equal ma*s'

Q.1. Define Group Behavior and Explain five stages of group development' ( 5+15)

Q.2. Discuss the important functions of "FAMILY" and changes occurring in ( 10+10)
these Functions with ExamPles.
from ( 20)
4.3. Explain Social Stratification and its dimensions with examples
Pakistani society.
Q.4.DefineDevianceandbrieflyexplainthereasonsofwhythereexistdeviance ( 5+15)
in any society?
Q.5' Define
,'Status'' and ,'Role'' Explain the Determinants of ..Ascribed'' and ( 4+16)
"Achieved" Statues with examples.
Differentiate between social Action and Social lnteraction with the
help of ( 6+14)
( 3+12)
with Possible solution.
Q.S. Define the concept of "culture" Discuss elements of culture in detail. ( 5+15)
( 20)
Cultural change in Pakistani Society.
Q.10. Write a note on any two of the following' ( 10+10)
a) Types of crime b) Rol e Conl i ct c) Social MobilitY
⑤ S*ltogy-t
paper: tV
i RttNQ… … …・ :
ヽ .¨ ....."。 000。 。0● 0:

ⅣoたりДfrempr aryFryE Q“
esrli10″ s.4″
―‐。 ・・・9″▼“し o“ υ
es″ OrTs carry e9“ a′ ′
D■ 舶
Q.I Deine“`.sAriハ レvゝ・
sOd01ogy・ ′',Explが
ど、´`ほ :_^“ , ハ ^ "O Ldrry e9“ marts.
as a subject.
' n the Fact。 ぉthat arc respOnsiЫ e For oJgin and deve10pment"arts.

(51・ i5)
Q.2 Dettne“ Group'つ .Dittbrendate between pttmaw and secOndary groups。

Q.3 Denne“ culture"and itt typeso wHte a detail ttOte On ethnocent面 (5+:5)
sm (!0+10)
Q。 4 Exが 滅n the sig面 lcance ofagents oFsOchl鯰
attOn in Pc総 0"劇 ity DevdOpment Ofa chi同
。 (20)
Q.5 DifFerendate between“ de宙 ance and crime".why de宙
anceお 島nctiOnal fOr the sOcietyo Elabo腱

Q。 6.Denne“ educatiOn,".Discuss the functiOns oFeduca10n system in Pakお (10+10)

(5+:5) tani sOciety

Q'7 Define "sociarstratification" and

exprain the systems of su.atifications.
Q' 8 Define the term "social Movements".
Explain the types of social
nrovements with examples"
Q' 9 Define "social cltange"' Explain 1s+ 15;
factors that are responsibre
society. Briefly describe for socio'culturalc
ror socio-curturar change in pakistani
law as; of sociatiil;;. '-
Q. l0 Write a note on any two of the
(a) Rerigion as a sociar institution. (10+16y
(b) propeny crimes
(c) Ethnomethodologr
i.d:3r UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB :.- ..:"'"...!.".':
w L.L.B-. (05 Yearsl Part - I Annuat Examination - 2021 :. :::).1.;:':;:':;:';:
Subject: sociology-l Paper: lv (otd course) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: i00

Note: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.l Define Sociology. Briefly explain therelationship of Sociology with other social sciences.

Q.2 What is Deviance ? Discuss tlre factom that reqponsiblc for deviance in Pakistani society.
Q.3 Define culture and its types. Write a detail note on ethnocenricism and cultural rclativism.
with suitable examples frrom Pakistani society (t0tl0)
Q.4 Dcfine Soup. Describe any two studies of group beahvior. Highlight the importance of
social gFoups in our lives. (S+l0ls)
Q.5 Define socialization Explain Sigmud Freud Theory to hightight how socializarion plays
an important role in personality development. (5+15)

Q6 Define *religion" and its fiurctions. Write a ngte oE any three religions of the world.
Q.7 Write down the name of institutions. How the social institutions play an imporunt role in
developing a crime free socicty? (j+l5)
Q.8 Define status snd role. Writ€ I note on social constrtrction of relaity. (t0+t0)
Q.9 What is ment by Criminal Justice Systein? Discuss diff-erent parts of Ct'lminal Justice
System of Pakistan (s+lj)
Q.l0 Writeanoteonanytwoofthefollowing (l0rt0)
(a) Bureaucracy (b) Modeririry and Post modemity.

lcl Cuttural diversity

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