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ah ah yeah hey

tell me ah well

today I’m going to tell a ghost story But

before telling Thao there are a few things to

say before telling the music

number one is the

area Thao just received Chau Tran

Donald for the channel Viet Thao’s YouTube 50

dollars 50usd must be for Thao’s work. Thank

you Tien A Chau Tran for texting me like this Hello Uncle Thao. I would like to ask for this dollar for

your channel. 50usd everyone in my family

loves you, especially my grandmother. Every time I

see you on YouTube, I always say that you are the

man of 3 at school. Petrus.

You have a lot of health and

joy in your love life. You

have a saying that really makes people cry. I would like to

thank my eyes and thank Chau Tran

Nga a lot. Thank you all for pouring this in

to help me use Thao medicine. From the past

until now, it is now a global epidemic.

When the epidemic broke out, Thao is currently a

real estate expert and

I’m self-quarantining.

Today is the 11th day of

self-isolation, not being forced to

practice it differently, so many

people are misrepresenting that Thao is

sick, that’s why she’s being quarantined.

People want to say bad things about each other,

people do all kinds of things that can be said to be

very, very bad things. It

‘s just that my friends all ask me and are

concerned and some people wonder like this

Why is there no disease but they refuse to accept it? Go home

with your wife, children, and family there. How to fill in the

Yes, I answered

10 days ago. I attended a

wedding party and don’t know how to do it. I’ll


Well, please let me know if not. If you’re sick,

come back and pick it up, I said how can you

know if you’re sick

after it shows up, then

you’ve already spread it to me? Well, I’ll self-quarantine first,

now you keep wondering and don’t understand

why. Why do I want to go back? It

‘s just like this. The first Han virus

that originated in the city of Case in

China spread and then I don’t

know what the boss is like

in the director’s office.

When the world health organization visited China,

then from the drought virus to the

Corona virus and then to the kovac virus, she

wrote 19.

In my body,

it doesn’t appear immediately like

other colds and other flu viruses. When it

reacts immediately,

my body tells me I have a runny nose, stuffy nose, headache,

sneezing, cough, asthma, or

fever. very As for this virus, it’s special because

it enters your body and doesn’t cause

immediate effects. It incubates first, then waits until

it’s done and matures. Only then

will you know that your body knows

it’s there. There are symptoms that

tell me it takes about 5 days. But

according to the World Health Organization, it

takes about 14 days

and that’s why you see

many places calling quarantine 14 days. That

‘s the way it is every day. Because when there is a 14-day gap,

then the virus will have finished spreading and

your body will know. Only then will it give

you a reaction to see that it is

sick, but many researchers

believe that this is the time. The time can be longer depending

on the human body, it can be up to 24


so if everyone from the beginning

has the right mindset to self-

isolate and don’t go anywhere,

then do it. Why is this virus spreading

so quickly and globally? Is it

true that

even in the midst of an epidemic,

many people still refuse to

accept the

fixed E-ba calendar to mark its demise? The

latest case in New York is that it is currently one

of the places considered the

most serious epidemic in the United States. I don’t

understand, even the government is saying

Yes, maybe it’s because the American lifestyle

doesn’t have it. It’s as restrictive as communist countries,

so if you make a statement like this,

people in New York who pass by the

surrounding areas should search for

a quarantine,

I’m scared in for today’s, which means you should self-


at home for 14 days.

Then you see, I advise you to

self-isolate for 14 days, but it is not mandatory. Yes, it’s


our right to isolate people, but now they refuse to

isolate themselves. They are greedy for food and drink. I’m

excited to go out and play, I’ll go compose the lesson. If you

catch me in Bethlehem, will it spread

to me? That’s why people in

free countries are infected

very quickly and it’s difficult to control.

It’s because each person is not willing to self-

isolate and still wants to live freely and

comfortably, net profit, this is the activity of

imaginary things. I

don’t go anywhere and do nothing every day,

I stay at home.

Yes, food and drinks are distributed in the

army. Such an example. I just think

about it. When someone has a flare-up, I

know to treat it. If it doesn’t, I

don’t. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to go to

work. At this time, there is no such thing as a glass plant,

but right now the entire

United States, like just a few states, is quarantining

children, quarantining each part of the industry, and it’s

all over the country. At

that time, the disease spread so widely that it was just starting because each

state is a sky in which the

state must take care of itself,

not take over the entire state and then

take care of it, then you can’t blame the

President. It’s so miserable, so please

excuse me before going into ghost stories.

But because it’s so hot at the moment.

And this is necessary and shared with

each other. The incubation period of the virus is 5

days and

now it can be up. up to 14 days, the

body will be cleared and it can be up to 24 days, so

if we each self-

isolate to prevent it,

I would like to answer your questions, knowing

that if now after the day

After the wedding, I got to know each other and became an MC so I could

forget. I went home right away.

Well, if Van Dinh doesn’t have a

virus-killing wizard who would send it to the

plane if I get sick, should I go home? Would I have

brought the virus back? for the family, when the

disease’s [ __ ]

is not good, sometimes there are some people who have not

reacted yet. My sister stayed at home for 14 or 15

days before she developed the disease. At that time,

I did it for the family and

in During Gia Dinh in America, I

didn’t know how to spread it and then came into contact with

other people, so the epidemic happened three times. It’s

that simple, so the

first thing I did was I was violent with myself

even though I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know

if I have the disease or not. Or if I don’t have the disease, I do

n’t know. Right now, I have to wait 11 days for

14 days, and if I continue to stay one more time, it

could be up to 24 days. As long as I’m

completely free of the disease, then I’m

not sure if I’ll go home later. I’ll

have to take a few flights to get on the plane. I could carry the

disease and then bring it home to infect

those people.

You see, you should think


. Viet Thao’s kind of sentiment

says that the time is quite long.

You want to listen to ghost stories,


let’s go eat.

Yes, you can always drink. It’s always better. There

are many people in Tu Do Tuong who can’t give

up now. At that time, I wanted to go play cards and want to

go to a restaurant for her. I

wanted her friends to gather for her to have fun.

Yes, my wife heard that girls hate going out

and getting married. Le Binh

Where are you? Why are you staying there

? Now I want to go to Vietnam again.

Vietnam wants to go abroad.

This child wants to go. Can’t I go even if I don’t want to stay

in one place to play around

and stop and take care of it

? Realizing that,

there isn’t much to deal with the spread. The

spread is due to human selfishness. I

want it for myself.

I just heard that it’s going to be a

long time ago. This is too much

and of course Everyone is grown up and everyone

understands each other, everyone takes care of themselves and their


Yes but Viet Thao Tu Presents

his ways of thinking and it’s

me, are

you self-isolating alone? I don’t know if I’m

sick or not. Thank

you. Now let’s start the

204th edition of the treasury of Vietnamese folk ghost stories.

Before going for a walk, I

apologize to those of you who just want to Just listen to the

ghost story. Now you

can listen as I say the first part of my feelings

so you can pass and easily

ask for a shark

in today’s 204th edition of the treasure trove of Vietnamese folk ghost swords,

including There are ghost stories

by Nhu Nguyen, Ngoc’s footsteps and the

staging. Now, please


Here is the opening content of the letter.

I sincerely greet you and wish you

many blessings. I

‘ve been following your health for a long time,

I’ve watched you go around eating and learning about

many delicious dishes, and later I heard

you tell ghost stories, so

today I took the courage to write about you too. The

story that me and my family went through together,

in my family, my

brothers in Saigon

rented a car to go to Ba Chau Doc Pagoda every year

and that year, like every year,

my family rented a 16mm car. There’s no room for

the whole family to

travel in the car. There are you guys

and everything else with my older brother and my parents. I’ve

got everything, and there’s also a neighbor who’s

coming along.

Yes, we’ll depart. At about

7pm, we all got on the bus and were very happy,

joking, talking, eating and drinking. It

must be said that while we were eating, drinking and having fun on the bus,

the time became shorter and

shorter because of us. Forget it and just

sit and wait, it will take a long time and nothing will

happen. When we got to Long An road,

while the car was running smoothly,

suddenly the neighbor lady across the

street from the carpool was named Mrs. Mai

See Tu. Let the child shout Hey, there are enough

people. At that time, the driver and

everyone in the car were also startled, but they were

a little surprised because of

everyone. Yes, I didn’t see anyone

driving. Continue driving. When

people asked her, she told her that when

the car drove to that part of the road, she saw

a girl wearing a

white outfit and then the driver drove

right through that person. She saw

that. But the driver didn’t stop and

didn’t stop, so he started talking about the

girl in the white outfit.

She meant she was a person who believed in

spirituality, so she knew she had just seen a ghost,

so a Toc Bao You definitely

have to ask to stop turning around. You

don’t want to go anymore.

Well, at that time we were already going to Long An,

so everyone in the car

told her to stop. Now let’s go here.

Then let’s go. I promised to go to the

temple, but if I didn’t go,

An’s heart would be filled with beggars.

Advise Bao, then talk about it and it was

reasonable. She also held it down and Dad agreed to

continue. ah Well, at

that time there was his

younger brother named Tuan.

Yes, he was only seven or eight years old. Then suddenly

he shouted,

why did my boss squeeze in

so much to sleep?

Because when it was full, Everyone didn’t see anything,

so they cut the words but they shouted, the matchmaker

is an uncle whose name is very new. Kieu

said at the junction, come on over here and sleep with the matchmaker. Hey,

Mrs. Mai said she knew but she dared to say it.

Dad was afraid that everyone would worry,

so he asked the boy to come over and make

Sometimes when the car drove for a while,

almost everyone on the car saw

something very strange

: the road behind the car became more and more.

It’s getting narrower and smaller and

smaller and the road is getting darker and darker with

no lights and nothing


Yes, he misawakened the driver

Yes Mr. Tai Are you driving the wrong way

when I see this road How can I say that it’s

too much? It seems like I can’t see the road

in the land. I

have to add one more thing, my family

is traditionally a Western Road driver. I

have to say that our whole family is

very familiar with the roads. Going back to

Chau Doc,

when the driver heard the

question, he immediately had an attitude. He seemed a bit

annoyed that he

was also the driver

and now he said he was going to Gia Lac Cuisine

Street, right? I didn’t know that the voice

said that during this season, I was running from

Ba Pagoda to Saigon, going up and down to eat,

when I just ran up from below and picked up

my family to go here.

After hearing the driver say that, you It’s

also silent. It seems

like the more you drive, the

darker and narrower the road becomes. Then both sides become completely dark. You

can’t see anything. You can only see the

road thanks to the headlights of the car in

front. Then you can run. Did you just

weigh the car?

Everyone in the house was quiet and couldn’t sit still.

Yes, I didn’t know what to do. What’s your

name? I felt very uneasy.

Well, suddenly the whole car saw from afar that there

was a middle-aged man in front of me.

About fifty-something years

old, he was riding a bicycle.

Yes, he just started driving. Waiting until Thang

stopped, his younger brother asked you, which way

to Chau Doc?

Yes, he just pointed and said to run back.

Go ahead, the road is dead-end and you

can’t turn around. Yeah,

go to Gia Dang and be more proactive.

Let’s turn around

from now on, but it’s strange.

Yeah, the road will naturally get a little brighter

when it’s enough. Let everyone see that the car is

stopping overnight at a grave

, not sure if it belongs to a man or a woman, but on both sides

are fields leading to the road that runs

there. It’s really small, it’s just big enough for a car to
run on. If there was any further movement, the

car would probably stop moving

again, so it would have to go back a long way

and then right there would be a

wide space before turning around to continue driving


My Tam. Everyone was scared and confused

and recited Buddha’s name to the

old man,


why the car was running on

that narrow road

until they met the man who

only rode bicycles. out on the street and at

that time everyone saw it light up or was it

because the car parked its headlights on the

narrow road and then the wind reflected it, making

it brighter around it? While running,

I didn’t notice and from then on everyone

Only then did I see the car stop. Right next to

a grave on the side of the road,

okay? After the car reached the main road,

everyone breathed a sigh of relief

and had to say

Yes, maybe when the dead person was at the grave. That grave

must have led the car there and it turns out that it

led the car astray for more than sixty kilometers?

Yes, I’m suing you all, please stop me.

Binh Anh is really good at telling the

story of his love life. As Nguyen intended,

the rules about you are following the

treasure trove of Vietnamese folk tales,

part 204a,

here are the stories related to the

reason Dang Tran retold

Em Turn Back Hoang to Da Lat 2 million

in Long An and in Dong Nai,

I just wrote a letter about Thao and received it on

November 18, writing like this

Hello duck Thao, it is now

half past one in the morning on November 19, 2019.

I can’t sleep so There are a few

stories I want to share. Note that I’ll tell them in

chronological order

in part 1 in Da Lat.

Yes. It was the winter of 2016, the first time

I set foot in Da Lat,

what should I do in this life?

Merry Chris’s year-end graduation trip in Saigon.

I have to say, I was very excited because this

was my first time going and I was looking forward

to exploring a city that

people call the city of thousands. Flowers are

considered the most beautiful in South Vietnam.

After suddenly getting out of the car,

the first sentence that my friends and I got

in was who had the cold tea among the passengers

? Yes, it must be the people of Saigon who are hot all year round.

So we felt strange.

I heard that the first day

he went around without

any money, so I felt that the stranger

after arriving at the hotel was the one who

went to bed the first.

Yeah, maybe I’m the weakest in the group. year

Well, the first time I went up, I was fast asleep so I

didn’t have anything to worry about. But from the

second house, many strange things

started happening.

Well, the distance from education was about 5:45 pm

after going everywhere. Once the well was turned into a well,

all of us were returned and considered free. Well, in the

entire prison group, there were almost four guys who just cleared out the

room. Hey, they

showered first. I was the last one.

Two buttons. When we got out, then,

yeah, the wind. outside the window and then came in, making

me cold and startled even though I knew it was

natural that he blew on my unsuitable shirt

and I bruised Hey,

don’t you moms feel cold or something, why do you

keep opening the monk’s door and yelling like that

? Yes. At that time, everyone looked at me and didn’t know what to


He didn’t know what I said.

Truong and the others saw and saw me. I mumbled.

Yes, I just closed the window,

but it was already closed. I

don’t remember who I was. Did you put the latch or did you cry

? Yes, when they’re done, they all go out to


Yes, they go. I’m the last one to go out first.

I turn off the lights, I look at

everything, and I keep the school key

after going out. Outside of Da Lat, I was

bored and when it was time to go home,

I was the one who opened the door. I pulled hard and

saw that window open again.

In my heart, there was a little bit of Hoan Mem.

For a moment, I was afraid of old people. It’s

a bit strange that

when I walked to the window, I closed it tightly.

I locked it myself.

This time, I remember it clearly.

Well, let’s

put the refrigerator to bed today. The other three will sleep first

. I’m not sleeping yet. I like me. Watching the

fierce match again, suddenly I

felt a chill down my spine.

I just looked around to see

what was happening and suddenly saw the window.

Yes, it opened again. The

cold wind blew into Norris every now and then.

Why is it so strange?
39 I closed the window over my head, I don’t remember,

but this time it was I who closed the window so

I could close the latch.

But why did it open on its own

for a reaction? I’m really scared of

you. My old man got sick over his head, I was about to

fall asleep,

he was stuck with the window open and let the wind

blow for

15 minutes,

I mean nationalistic enthusiasm

Yeah Then the study spirit

when opened in the room, there were all iron doors

Yeah sure was the sound of the wooden cabinet door opening

and then with the word I covered my head with a blanket and did

n’t dare to receive

the information lying down trembling in my heart

thinking and I was tired and couldn’t sleep at all.

I didn’t sleep until about 3 am when

I I was so busy
taking the exam that I opened myself very much. I looked at me and

liked the windows and cabinet doors to be closed and locked

properly, but no one opened them for

an hour. I was afraid I would stay up

until morning. What should I say? Find me. I

still have a fever and sinusitis until now,

but one thing I don’t understand is

why I was the one who locked the

old man’s door and opened it automatically. Why did the

Indian network get Update from

yeah yeah

there is

everything that happened when going to Da Lat for the first time

a until the second match in the winter of

5,000 2017 when I had the opportunity to visit Da

Lat again

Yeah This time I was assigned to steal the The

room is more beautiful and spacious, I must say

it is much more modern than the

previous rooms, it is located right on

Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street.

Well this time I am no longer surprised

but I remember last year’s incident.

I also

have to say that I got goosebumps.

So this time, when I entered

my room, I knocked on the door three times and I walked to the

bathroom, I also flushed the water as if I was

doing a procedure when I entered a room. the room

in the hotel

so the first time I took her I thought nothing was

going on in my heart I didn’t

think this time would be peaceful

Yes but that’s not right that’s not right

about what I said in the second nail The

Vietnamese section this time was quite large,

so the nine of us just jumped in and sat down to

drink wine to play cards.

Le Thi among the eight or nine people invited us to drink

and play cards

because there was a guy who stood up and went out a

while ago. But the whole group didn’t know it

was Vinh.

Only a moment later did she discover the

younger brother A8

sitting there. There

was Dung. He asked Vinh

where he had been.

At his age, he said he was probably at home.

Toilets, what’s in there? While turning on the lights, right

after he finished speaking, everyone

heard the sound of water being flushed.

Indeed, he also took that, Mr. Trong gave it

to Dung. At that time, he called for miles to

come in.

Mr. Vinh, what are you doing in there for so long?

I can’t answer but I can hear

the sound of the lavabo draining. Yes, I’m

sure it was inside at that time, but

it just didn’t make a sound.

Yes, but the last time it was finished, it wasn’t full yet. A few

seconds later, I heard an order.

Vinh walked away from outside the door

and held a few grilled worms in his hand.

Hello, everyone who’s pale from me, so

who’s in there and in the bathroom?

Sometimes I have to. I said I got cold goosebumps

but I had to try to

calm down so I could go to the bathroom to see

who was in there. There was absolutely no one.

I have to say that night, we, we.

Yes, everyone. I was scared so I turned around and

slept in the same bed. It was really

cramped, but it was better to be tight than loose and

scared to death.

This was my second experience in Da


Here is the story of my experience. that I

encountered in my heart with

various trips on December 24,


when I started the trip from Saigon

to Rach Gia

at the starting block at two o’clock at night, I

took the Scyther 2010 135 cc.

Yes, I can’t help but

my lover eats my

roots, my long distance love through Facebook

Yes, I’m still in love with my lover, it’s called

long distance love, because

people call it long distance love through Facebook,

from that day on let me come visit Because it was my

first time riding a motorbike,

when I had to stand in front, people drove

me, so I didn’t pay attention to the

tired part anymore, but the general mentality was that

I didn’t pay any attention to whoever was driving me. I just

sat and enjoyed it.

Okay, this time I was driving myself, so

I looked at Google Maps.

Yes, I have their phone.


It warns me in advance so it’s very easy to go.

Sometimes when I pass through Hoc Mon district to go to

Long An, Google Maps leads me out of the

city easily. I run

well without any problems.


let me hear it Google Maps say another two hundred

meters. Turn left onto National Highway N2

in the stomach. I think saving the national highway should be


My house is on National Highway 1A. If you want to make a

million bucks, take Highway 13, it’s both big

and wide, but It’s not like that.

The N2 National Highway is small and at night it

doesn’t have any light bulbs at all so I

turned on the headlights to drive.

You have to say it’s my car. The light is very

bright and at that time I was subjective. running at a

speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

I have to say that for people like me who drive often,

70 kilometers per hour is the speed I can


My car can run for about an hour and a half

at this section. It’s so big back and forth.

Instead of running, there was no

car. I used the headlights to run, but now

I see a big star. I have to turn off the headlights.

I used the low beam to drive out.

When I didn’t have a car since new, I turned on the headlights to

show it, but when I saw the car from afar, the light bulb
on Facebook had to be turned off, so I

had to say I was out of control. Did the speaker

keep flashing up and down like that?

Well, in the distance, there was a truck.

running in the opposite direction.

I like the glass. When I get close, there’s

another truck behind me. Why does

that truck want to pass the light?

Thanks to the small road, let it grow bigger and bigger. Go

to my side. On the other side.

My other one was running

but it didn’t know that I was going. It was

on that side of the lane on the opposite side.

When the road was smaller, the speed was so fast

that there was no way to avoid it in time. Win in

time. I had no choice but to sneak under

the trap. If not,

I would have been hit and killed. I have to say it was my fault. Going to the

field to catch the sacrifice was quite good. Dao Yes,

Yes. I was almost

half awake and half unconscious at that time. It hurt so much. The test was a

bit severe.

Well, while I didn’t know who to call for

help, I knew that even if I had

indigestion, no one would hear me. I

couldn’t see any lights or houses around me

, let alone anyone

I could see with my own eyes. I’m not sure because

my glasses were gone.

Well, suddenly I saw

a white shadow appear from afar, come very quickly to

me and then wipe profanely at the car lying

on the ground. It followed me for a moment. Seeing

that white shadow, it seemed like a woman’s heart.

Well, while daydreaming, I saw

that white shadow and the car went up

gently while

the field edge was about a meter high. Vespa had a few

steep slopes. Like this, that

woman was able to drive my car

so easily, I must say

I was so scared and in the pain of

that fatal dream combined with the

panic in my head, I fell asleep at some point. I do

n’t know


You haven’t arrived yet at five o’clock in the morning. I was

startled to wake up.

I didn’t see myself lying in

a tree. Well, when I

looked over there, the car

was still there.

In terms of appearance, I breathed a sigh of relief. beautiful I lie down

and remember the incident from a while ago It’s

so scary but I don’t

know why I’m in

this warehouse

Yes the Tran on my left side hurts a lot but please

hit me so

I can find it again My bag of bottles

and I looked at the cars and


rode To Thi’s frequency, so I couldn’t

pedal without markings.

Well, I don’t understand why that person was able to

get on or run on

Le. Thi was angry for a moment because she was

late and an accident happened. She

broke the gear lever.

Yes, then I used my hand, so

I ran the 3rd gear and gave it to My An town,

Thap Muoi market in Dong Thap. then there will be a

place for me to repair my car so I can continue my departure

since it will be about 10 o’clock when I get back to Rach Gia.

My house will be there the next day which is

December 25th. I will return to Saigon.

Well, just go fast and that’s where I’ll

look at the place where I fell off the bike. Yesterday I

didn’t see any data

like that.

In that data, Dong and I are in that data.

What other data is that? It’s true that the

place where I crashed my car yesterday, now that

no longer matters.

Well, I drove all the way back to

Saigon, with my heart filled

with many fears,

only one thing. Here, I also

add that when I passed Cao Lanh and Vam Cong bridges,

I first learned what the majesty of the

Western rivers is like.

It’s not mixed with

spiritual stories, so I won’t mention it. here

but I want to express my feelings

when I passed Cao Lanh bridge and Vam

gate at that time I saw the majesty of the

Western rivers

there. This is a story that happened in Long An,

A and this is spiritual story that I

experienced in Dong Nai

just recently.

Yes, I and a group of

students went back to the countryside with the kids in our group

to play.

Yes, Xuan Loc’s wife. Dong Nai is near the mountain. Contains Chan

Gia Lao

E its house is deep

inside, it must be said that it is all upland forest land, which is

not true. The

two houses are probably about

200m apart

on Facebook, the air is really fresh and

quiet, very different from Saigon beer. Gon must say

Saigon is bustling at night but

here during the day there’s still you Tinh,

he’s gone again on the second night we go out to eat and

drink together? It’s already Christmas but

I have a stomach ache so I’m sorry. When I got

home first,

I was a famous driver and

I remembered the roads very well, so I dared to go alone

until about 11 o’clock when everything was

pitch black and I saw the car

and the car. The headlights are really bright ahead.

Let me find my way home. Why is this time

so difficult?

Second, it’s so dark. There’s

also no one else

home. It’s so far apart that there’s no landmark

for me to remember. When is the access road?

If the houses are close together, I remember

which house and which house I work on. I’ll hide it from you. I’ll

know I’m in charge. And for this one, there’s only one house that’s far away.

Which part of the road is almost the

same as the other. There are no landmarks on that road

to remember
when the road is only 45 meters wide at the end.

Yes, if I put the steering wheel, I would have to say it

like a backpacker would say if I fell down the mountain

. If I go by road, I hope the

car will keep going. I kept running a box to

a drink shop and then I asked. Please

tell me where the road to the Dong Bac area is

that I haven’t seen since a while ago.

Well, when it’s cold, I’ll show me the

opposite direction

from Thien Martial Arts. It’s strange

for the discovery of the fast turning rice field. It

seems like someone mentioned it.

I have to say, I’m very happy, but

this road is so small. It’s probably

only two meters wide, but it’s still


When I first reassured myself of my true self

, I only needed one more turn to get to the house,

but I kept running and running and

continuing without seeing your rice

Yes, I couldn’t turn around.

Yes, but

you go and run 1 Coming to the old intersection,

I turned into the Xuan Bac sub-area.

I found it strange that

the car, even when drunk, kept going and led to

the old place.

I have to say, I was really confused.

My mother turned on the headlights once. Where to run?

When the headlights turn on, suddenly in front of

me there is a thin middle-

aged man wearing a dirty white shirt

and shorts.

Yes, from the mud, turn off the engine. The light is off.

I’m sorry here.

You interrupted me reading but I didn’t


When I was sad and turned you off

at the pole, I flipped the switch tomorrow.

The lights went out. I thought I let go. You turned

off the engine so I had to turn it off. But

what are

the ways to switch the clutch? I didn’t understand the push-up. I let go of

something and turned it off, so the light went out. I’m

sorry. I don’t understand this part,

so I can’t read clearly the reason.


in front of me, suddenly, there was a

sick middle-aged man. Wearing a dirty white shirt

and shorts I’m going to

black out tomorrow, but

I want to turn right to where he’s

standing. Well

if I want to turn back

, I’ll have to run back to where he’s standing. The

road was so small

that I had to stop and run there to

help Mr. Thanh with his voice.

Why have I been going in and out all this time? There’s

so much news that I can’t see where I’m going so I can

see it very quickly.

Yes, I don’t understand why I listened to

him. It was easy for me to say it.

Climb in and sit behind me, so that’s all I can do

to turn into

your house. Just

let me thank you and he turned

away. When I entered the house, I was really scared

so I could pour clean water on myself, don’t tell

him, I’m going to look for

someone’s music, but don’t say anything.

I didn’t say which house I was looking for,

why? You know this house is so small.

So I shivered and that day

I couldn’t sleep all night

until 1 a.m. when my friends came home,

I didn’t dare tell anyone

about it. This was the first time.

This is the end of my retelling of the stories. Wishing you, Thao,

Happy and happy. It’s already

2:45 a.m., I’m going to sleep. Goodbye.

There are ghost stories that happened in Da

Lat twice in Long An. Once Dong Nai

Once by Dang Tran has that sword, the

Vietnamese people in the 204th edition will be able to continue

with Ngoc’s ghost stories

at the same level received 1 November 24,


Hanoi content of the letter Open read

Hello Mr. Thao, this is the

first time I write an email. This is the first time I

write an email. I believe Ngoc is

from Soc Trang. I really like listening to you

talk. That means you’re an MC or tell

ghost stories. I like my dad who idolizes

you very much. He even imitates trimming his teeth

very much. Dear

investor, I respectfully wish my family a

healthy Sunday. God, I have two

stories about the tree. I’m sharing

this with everyone. true story story one

is this is a true story story one is

you and only I see the other two

stories are my own experience I

ask for your permission Lord let me use me to

use me for the other side

here is the story First,

yes, the story happened when I was very young,

about 45 years old.

Yes, I still remember it clearly because it was so

terrifying that I couldn’t forget that my family

was very poor

while my father was working as a tire steamer.

My mother goes to rent laundry.

On Monday, if you ask me to do anything,

my mother jokingly does it all, I just need money to buy

rice so I can raise my children and

go to work, but

I won’t die. Strong

when you use your hands and feet to use your strength to work to

earn money to buy rice. Raise your children. Whoever tells you to do it, you

do it all?

Hey, my house is a leafy house.


you only have a few letters,

but why are they just letters? There are a few leaves from the

previous two miracles that are as beautiful as the leaves.

Yes, the quality on the right doesn’t have a wife.

Yes, but it’s very nothing. That quality, I

rely on the walls of the house next to

his best ones, I use to make

mine. I also got the wall jack

but also helped on the left side with some stickers to

put it up,

but the door was told to let it rotate so

it would stay cool, but there’s no door that closes front and

back, so it’s empty and loose

in the house. Just two brick beds

next to each other.

Yes, Dad also needs to

create a shield. I’ll make a barrier between the two


I’ll go home. The two beds are separated by a


Yes, I’ll use the address 3 to sleep outside. In

my case, I was able to sleep in the same bed with my parents

in the

house. My grandmother went to work until the morning,

so my mother and I slept in the morning and returned to the

shop at 30. Uncle Ho hadn’t returned

since that day. It must have been raining heavily at home. There are so

many wastes, only

two bed sheets are not for

him because my father and mother know that it often

rains so they can use leaves to add some leaves on

top a few days ago right

where the bed is. I

don’t have enough lights in the house.

I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know what time it was. At
that time, it was raining heavily.

The house didn’t have a door. The wind was blowing.

The rain was so cold that I wanted to die.

So I could sleep. That’s right

God created the grass field but the

cold wind and rain sleep is the prison door

when I’m sleeping Suddenly I heard

Anh Thu’s singing, you

startled me I heard

English crying again before

my parents spoke up asked what was going on, I stayed

outside. Wringing the

dead leaves to block the space between the two beds,

Mr. Tu cried and said, Mom, there’s a

big bald head flying in the mosquito net.

Its eyes are big and red. I’m scared. Oh my mother,

my mother is also very afraid of ghosts. Hearing my brother

say that, she also tried to fly. Tears flared up

in Ba’s mouth. She shouted and tore the

dead leaves. It was because between the two cutting leaves, she

tore them off, and Dad died. I just said, I’ll go. I
‘ll see you. China, we’ll go with you.


wishes are always there, but you can’t

see them. At that time, Mr. Tu was also

tearing and crying and joking. China was screaming and

crying at the same time. hit my head so big, mom, mom, the

turtle is so big. Mom, I was crying and screaming.

Finally, my mom will have her personality.


Mr. I told my sister Ba was dead and my sister was dead

and then supported me. Hearing that, my mother was so

happy that she went over to the side of the peaceful death,

the bed next to it, and pulled my sister Ba over

to this side,

but she really just died. I just died because I was

so scared,

right? After a while of swallowing and listening to warm me up, my third

sister woke up and she also cried. She

just said I was scared, mom. My

parents asked me what was going on, but my third sister started

crying and told

me. I also saw the head of the temple priest, which was very big,

two red eyes flying back and forth in the mosquito

net. He opened his big mouth and smiled, but there was only

the head, not even the body. That’s why I

cried like that.

Yes, the

goal is achieved. I just fainted and then Mr.

Tu woke up and was so scared that he cried

for his mother. When Dang Tu was about eight years old and his

third sister was ten years old,

Mr. Duc listened to his third sister’s story.

Yes, I only knew there was a ghost and I was afraid.

Let’s just follow everyone. I haven’t seen it yet. I do

n’t know how to say it’s empty.

The wind is so terrible that I’m already

scared and then even more scared.

Le Thi’s house only has a small oil lamp

hanging nearby, but the wind is blowing. The

four of them hugged

each other, afraid, and read prayers until morning,

not daring to sleep.

He changed the documents to the morning, and at that time

the rain had just stopped. My father came home from work and

saw my parents and children. Lying in the same bed, I

thought it was the heavy rain that had wet the

mosquito net outside last night, so my fourth brother and sister went in to

sleep together inside to keep warm, but

after my father heard my mother tell stories about

ghosts, it made me think until now.

The house has never had such a thing, it must

be because of the rusty tree.

Yes, what is the problem with the chopsticks?

Yes, because when my house was about to collapse, my father was

afraid that in the middle of the night, a thunderstorm would cause the house to collapse and kill

his child, that’s why my father Go to the

Khmer pagoda to guess that the tree is used to support the

house’s structure to prevent it from

collapsing due to passing through the grave. This

place is so large that you can plant

repellent trees around the crematorium.

Here are many crematoriums. is a place to burn

the dead. Most Khmer temples

often have embroidered jars so that when a person

dies, they want to bury them. They

burn them and then put the bones in the

tower in the temple to listen to the

sutras. After giving birth to the right tree, the temple

allowed my father to go out and then

choose the biggest and strongest tree to cut down to

use as a pillar. The roof was

only pre-determined for my father to sleep on, so there was

nothing behind it. then appeared right away. Well,

I stood there looking at the chopsticks and shook my

head. He asked

why did I just bring the meal home and sleep

for free without letting me see it

? Why did you give it to the children when I wasn’t home? I

saw that he was scared, poor guy.

After he finished speaking, my father took the

chopsticks out.

Why did it develop properly? I don’t remember whether he

brought it to the temple or whether he was young to

make it, I don’t remember and I do

n’t either. I still remember how my dad repaired the


Yes, I only remember one thing: the chopsticks tree

and my brothers and sisters saw a bald ghost.

Are they in the

blind now? When I took out the chopsticks and chopsticks,

everything was fine, but

since then, Ba Da and my brother and I have not dared to

sleep in the outside bed first, even though

the outside bed first and the

outside bed at the back are fine. Separated

by a translation,

the stories are the end of the story.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I

send you peace in the arms

of God.

Here is the second story of Ngo.

Yes. At the beginning of the year, I was in 2nd grade

in the land when I was 10 years old, but

when I first went to 1st grade,

he was not like other people who were

37 years old or 6 years old and could go to 1st grade,

but he had to go to a poor house without money to

pay. school so I started going to school

late. At

this time, I

have a grandmother living in the same house and

two more younger siblings

in the same house. There is no door to

close. The

old man also thanks to the rich way of living

next to

me at the moment. then I’m a few years older.

I also know how to work

at odd jobs to earn

money to buy candy, buy cakes,

i j is to do odd jobs. But who told me to do


I have someone to send me to buy coffee. Get a drink or

go sweep and mop the house. When you finish your work,

we give you money so you have money to eat at the restaurant

without asking your parents for

anything. My parents don’t have any money, so I don’t have to

waste my energy.

There are a few of my brothers who go around doing odd jobs on their own.

In the nightlife neighborhood, I have

a stable job every

night, carrying ice water to a

small ice cream shop about a kilometer away from my house. The

house next door I borrowed to

continue plastering. The most important thing in that house is

the house where flowers are used to make ice. If you

say for ice, mom, it’s true that she makes ice.

Yes, but

because it’s not as big as a regular ice tree, the

ice tree that swallows it is almost as tall

as a person. I’m so happy, but for the

ice cream, they make it in

small molds about 1/6 of the size of a

regular ice tree and then bring the apple

juice from the ice tree’s mother to the

ice cream company. What about ice cream brands? If you

buy a big ice plant, you have to set it up,

but the bigger the ice, the more expensive it is. The

water raft has already been brought in. It’s more convenient to

talk softly.

Well, just about every night around 12

a.m. is that you wake up and go to the

next house to prepare the papaya peel with two

peels. The reason why you need to tear the papaya. The two

peels are because the scene will be

about 10 pounds when the quality is put into the match. The

two brothers just carried the scene like

this and the hand on this side comes with

a shell in which there are about two

more ice mothers like that. In the end, the amount of ice

I carried was more than the kilometers I had to travel.

When I was young, I was strong enough to carry and

tear 10 pieces of ice in one hand

and 23 more pieces of ice, but it only took us

15 minutes to go to

your place four times a night like that.

Compared to chickens, there’s a lot of money for mom,

oh, the

road where I go to the coffee shop from where I go to the

coffee shop, I have to say it’s very dark, there’s no


what’s wrong? It’s a familiar road where

I go to school every day.

It’s not that difficult, there’s just

one very scary part that every time

I come to that part I just keep running

and don’t dare go because the people in that area are

very flexible so let me briefly describe how

attractive it is. Like this, it’s

about two hundred meters from my house.

Yes, there are full houses on both sides.

You’re on my right, the house is on the bank. On

my left, the house is on the river’s edge

after going out of that last field.

It has a small section of the river where people

plant pandan leaves along the river’s edge and

above is a row of acacia tamarind trees. If you go a little further,

there is a small bridge across the river.

Once you pass this bridge, you will reach the

main road. The ice cream is located on the side of the main road

there. If you want to cross the bridge to go

to the ice cream company, you will pass a

row of dark acacia tamarind trees. Then past the

Macau row is a coconut tree that is located right at the corner of the

coconut tree, right at the base.

Yes, the Turtle is located right on the slope of the bridge, and at the

foot of the coconut tree there is a shrine facing the

mother’s mask, where there are luxuriant bowls of bowls, and

people around give it weight. That place is okay,

I have to say, it’s average. At night,

no one lets their children cross the bridge.

When it’s necessary to cross the bridge, an

adult must accompany them. In the

evening, no

one dares to play nearby.

The tendency to refer to words is also childish, but at

that time we thought in our hearts that we

had God, so we took pictures without being afraid of

him. Every time we passed by the song "

Boss" and that person was a ghost, two

You have just recited the Our Father, a Hail Mary

and then the Glory Be prayer.

As you leave, 22 you read it out loud

and close your eyes. It’s so late that you can

see the road right in front of you and

read it out loud to cut it. I do

n’t want to be scared,

but he sleeps a lot. He’s probably sick. Maybe he’s a

serious person. I should go quickly. I do

n’t have to worry too much. But I’m always busy

when I come back. I always get chills when I pass by there.

The temple accepts and accepts

very well.

Well, people here say that at

night they often see four or five tiny children

playing on the alms bowl tree.

Only I have never seen these

children. But I see a

shadow of a person standing right at the base of a coconut tree that

has calmed down at that weak sister temple.

Sometimes when I walk about 10

steps away, I see that white shadow

standing right at the base of a coconut tree.

Well, sometimes I’m gone. Thinking about my eyelids,

I told them to expand them so they could see better.

Well, it’s Tran’s theory. I saw a white shadow with

long black hair, but I couldn’t

see any legs, so I was walking. I saw another fish shadow, so

I was startled and stood up. Thuan stopped

him. I was walking at a very fast pace and he was

moved back.

Yes, it’s like what’s my name? You two have the

same book as soon as possible.

You two were walking like running.

When I grabbed it back, Mr. Hung put a finger on it.

I told you, what are you doing? Stop,

I’m going to the temple. It’s easy for me to sleep.

I mean, I’m scared.

Well, when I turned around, I looked and didn’t

see that white shadow anymore. I continued to

go eat, but I was very scared.

You thought that after I saw the

white shadow, from then on,

when we first walked and recited the prayer,

we didn’t pray and after

that, we couldn’t see anything in

that area anymore

because of that. I’ll

tell you later when I’m in Korea.

Yes, if I told you this, I

wouldn’t have dared to go to the free ice. What

you’re saying is that every time I pass by the bridge,

yes, have you seen the children? Yes, he

only plays on the almsbowl tree, but he invites

you to hang out and take pictures to hang out with

me. You said that each of us is white and

bright. He doesn’t wear

new project clothes. Actually, you said that there were times when he was

young. often asked me to run quickly.

It was because he was scared that he didn’t dare to tell


Even though sometimes when he came back, he didn’t know how to tell it to his grandmother.

Then outside, he asked him to

read the prayer while walking, but he couldn’t see it.

Thank God for protection. For those children,

people’s wives

told me that it was very destructive, so they

built a temple to worship

me. In the past, there was no gate like

now. This is the story of people telling the

number of children’s vestibules. I want to go to the toilet.

Then he sat on the bridge going down to the

river and then there was a kid who slipped and fell into the river and


Yes, but he didn’t wake up and people waited and

didn’t dare. There were a few kids

who also went out there to go to the bridge and fell to death.

Now people think that place is a

haunted place, so the

land stories are over.

Thank you for reading. I wish you and your

family good health. The writing is a bit

haphazard. Remember. Take vitamins. Thank you. Thank you.

Secret decision and you are following the

204th edition of the treasury of Vietnamese folk ghost stories. These are Giang Son’s ghost stories
first story.

when talking about party at my grandmother’s house.

when my grandmother was still alive, she

built a boarding house with three

floors, each floor had 8 rooms for a total

of 24 rooms. when she passed away,

all the children came to be on duty there.

that day in Grandma’s house at 11

o’clock at night, I was on duty.

Since that day was Friday, my mother

Came over grandmother’s house slept with me

while I was still playing on the phone, my

mother sat down and pray for my

grandparents, and stood around 12:30. Suddenly, my mother and

I both smelled a fragrant smell, heard footsteps of people walking back and forth

I just woke up from the ground. I asked my

mother, did she smell like someone was cooking for a


Mom said yes. At that time, we both looked up at

the clock and saw that it was 12:32

both two were wondering one thing:

who would make a party or prepare food

in this house at this time? We open the door and go

around to see if anyone’s house has a party or banquet.

Well, I saw that everything around my area

was quiet, no one was having a party or

anything was going to be cooked.

mother and I looked at each other and went into the house.

as soon as I entered the house and sat down for a bit, the

fragrant aroma rise up again.

the footsteps still there.

at this time, my mother and I thought that maybe

my grandparents wanted to remind their children and grandchildren about the

death anniversary or that it had been a long time since they had held a party

at their house.

in the past, when my grandparents were still alive, on

Tet holiday or on birthdays , parties were all held

at my grandparents’ house. Both mother and I

knew, look at each other and start recite prayers

Then we lay down together to sleep.

At least it was beautiful. At that time, my house was

very poor.

Even though I’m poor, I breastfeed with my mother and child. I

love helping people, so I

don’t have to help my own family

or relatives, but outsiders too.

Well, for poor and studious students, let me

help you. My parents all let me stay so I can go.

Well, just like every year, there is a 7th month, a

ghost month, but my house is

on my lord’s side, so I ask a

sister named Hang who lives in the house to do it for me. Because

she is a Buddhist.

Since that day was a Sunday in August

and the lunar calendar is

in the eighth month of the solar calendar, it

is July in the lunar calendar.

The old man heard that it was the day the door was opened
for the souls of the Heavenly Souls. Go for a walk or

simply join your family and listen to what the

Buddhists say.

Well, that morning, Ms. Hang went to the market to buy

fruit to worship.

Well, the work ended and the house looked

normal until 8 p.m. It

just happened. But

usually people often worship him on the

street, so I don’t understand why that day, they

just brought the things upstairs to leave, and also

went upstairs to my house and

gave it a square hole to put it in. Climb out to

the corrugated iron roof.

He usually works around making beef

or drying beef tendons outside that corrugated iron machine. The

exam only climbed out to the corrugated iron machine to display the

offering tray there and started cutting the offerings

while burning incense. Just after being

put down, the turtle’s mother came home and she


where Hang was.

We had a sister named Huong who asked

Hang Dang to pray to the soul in the attic.

Father, at that time, my mother When my biological daughter heard about it, she immediately

screamed, Hang, Hang. Are you crazy

or something? You go to worship on the corrugated iron roof and people

are also on the street. Ms. Hang was

so scared when she heard that, she immediately picked up the

food tray and ran from above. The corrugated

iron machine went down the stairs, then down the house, and just

ran straight out into the street, but when I

took it away, it was fast enough to be low and left, but I

didn’t have much

left. I have to know that it was the beginning of a

month of loneliness that happened quite a bit. It was strange

for my whole family to go out to the neighborhood,

I don’t remember what happened that day.

Well, my family started experiencing

strange phenomena. I took the thing

at 11:00.
Did you come home from going out after that and

when Go up to the bedroom

Well, the thing is that in my room I

can see through the door where I climbed out of

the rice bowl machine. I see there are

many human heads standing in front of

the iron machine, it must be standing rice. I remember a lot,

I thought I lost the chicken shop after

going out late at night, so I introduced it to

Mr. Dat to see

if he was a student at my house, but other than

that, Mr. Dat actually

saw people fighting there like that. It’s like a


right? Looking at the bridge surface, it’s fun to play.

There’s no blood left on your face.

Chicken, I mustered up all my courage. I went

back to the pharmacy and opened that door. I

ran back to look and saw nothing,

but But as soon as I got there, suddenly

a low, cold wind blew in. It was

so cold. It made the cold go down my spine

all the way up to where my back hair was running down

to my spine. I have to say, at that moment, my arms got

goosebumps. After pouring it all over, I

quickly closed the door and lay down to sleep,

but now my mother was lying under the blanket and

shivering like this. The

next morning, she didn’t tell my mother about it

until she called Hang in to ask.

Hang, Is it true that the other day you made an offering that

was not completely burned?

In the sky, it was not completely burned yet that you

Bind the offerings and ran down, is it true?

I told Ms. Hang that I heard my mother ask if it was like

that and she said it was confusing and she said At that time,

I was so scared that I ran down. Oh, my

parents got angry and cursed you. You

must know that you offer food to others.

You give them food. They haven’t

eaten yet or haven’t finished eating yet. You take it away.

Don’t have it. Do you know that they are very

angry? Why are you so old that you don’t know

what to think?

After that, my mother said to go to the

beautiful church for the souls and my butt to

forgive me and then call Ms. Hang. When I went to buy

other offerings, people

said that because I was engrossed in work,

my mother and I forgot to have

antibiotics for the souls when we went to church.

That day, Ms. Huong, after

finishing her work, said I just got the tendons, so I stayed on top of

those corrugated iron sheets to dry.

Well, when I got to the corner overlooking the

corrugated iron roof, I just shouted, Uncle

Lan, my little guy, Lan is my mother’s channel

when I ran up. And I looked closely in the mirror and asked

why I was screaming so much. I immediately pointed to the

window and my mother looked and it was true,

just like I saw the other day, there were

white shadows bobbing on the clouds.

Well, at that time, my mother immediately said loudly. up Say it

so that when you hear this, you

guys will be out of sight. If you have

any problems or anything, just come back and let

me know in your dream so I can go to the church and

ask for mass. I mean,

I’m a Catholic. I can’t go

to the temple, but I will tell my

descendants to leave it to you.

After talking about the wind, my mother asked

Huong to bring the cow scale into the freezer so that she can

drink it tomorrow morning and close that door

at the top. At that time, my mother and I were sleeping when there was a

sound on the corrugated iron roof that sounded like a

cave or a tunnel.

I had to tell my mother that they were so

angry that she went up and opened the door and

said it again. Listen, you’re

out of sight because my nephew doesn’t

know how to teach, so let’s just make it up to him.

After saying that, my mother and I went down

because it was about 4:30 a.m. and

there was a beef cart. When the goods were delivered to my

doorstep, my parents got up

to weigh them to calculate the cost.

Yes, the owner of the beef truck. Of

course he called Minh, come here and look at

this. When I ran out, I

saw the opposite side of the company, explaining that

they had a small truck to transport broken

thoughts, then the company’s door opened by itself

and the truck automatically drove to the middle,

then turned around and ran back in. inside the car, inside the

factory, then closed the door and could

n’t see anyone. I had to say

everyone found it very strange, but no

one told anyone. The

next morning, my mother went to ask the

car guard. Open key to the workshop opposite Well let

me ask, did anyone drive a

truck in and out yesterday?

Yes, the security guard said his wife wasn’t there.

Since that day, looking for my mother, I went to the church

early in the morning to pray and pray. for the

souls. Ask the parish priest to come home and

sprinkle holy water on the house.

Well, from then until the end of July, nothing

happened anymore.

Here are the stories. I’m sorry. If there

is time, there will be more.

Another story for you to listen to, the bad guy is the

ghost story of Giang Son,

ladies and gentlemen, and those of you who are following the treasure

trove of Vietnamese folk tales, the 204th edition

is here, and the duration is also long.

Once again, I sincerely thank you. Thank you for


and I hope that during this epidemic season,

everyone will self-isolate even though they

don’t know they are sick or have symptoms,

so they should self-isolate because the

incubation period of the virus in the body is long. There are times

when we are infected and we

don’t know it. Don’t think about it anymore. It’s

because of that ignorance and ignorance that

causes the disease. It spreads a lot. Is it

good to quarantine? Is it good to self-isolate

? If you need to come in contact with anyone, please reduce it.

But it would be better if

everyone self-quarantined and isolated,

then the epidemic will probably multiply and

not spread so that we can find a way to do it

ourselves. then Thank you and see you

again, but I’m going to close the bridge next

and I love you I

Hello everyone, first of

all for the discussion, I would like to thank the

commercial establishments of the individuals who sponsored the

event. Thao’s lawsuit and

especially Thank you for

taking care of Thao’s medication through the

warriors is raising you, seeing that joy is a

bridge to everyone,

please remember Surprise That is, subscribe to the

YouTube learning channel and when you

subscribe, please Subscribe and remember

Tuyet to click on the bell to let it notify

you that every time a new video clip

of the draft is uploaded to YouTube, you will

receive Mach Than fish. Look, tell me, Mom,

this is Neo sport, this is turpis, this is

dipping powder. These three things have money in one

color like a duck, it’s hard, it’s fast. The only freeware MasterCard Is this the

only one now

You mean the pharmaceutical product of the Neo industry?

2020 is distributed worldwide and in

Australia by the general distribution and publishing agent

warner beauty supplies of Melbourne

Australia Yoshida, are you careful?

Hello everyone, I am an Asian travel agent of

European insurance agencies. I want to

inform you.

There are many changes related to

medicare medicaid obamacare su Security

and shop thumb health insurance are very

important, please don’t lose your

insurance Don’t get fined Don’t lose your

benefits Don’t pay the doctor The

incense and the cost of the mixed medicine Alicia

explained clearly on

MC Viet Thao’s YouTube channel Side Story numbers 790

to 794. Remember to watch it. It’s your life. It

‘s your right. Remember to watch.

Ah, yes, please. Thank you ah yeah


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