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Eight Approaches

to Language
Many teachers believe there is no single right
way to teach foreign languages, as no
comparative study consistently proves the
superiority of one method over another.
the grammar translation Grammar
method focuses on
developing students
appreciation of the method
target languageas
literature as well a (lass work is highly
teacher teaching the structured, with the
teacher controlling
Teaching ideas
1. Ask the students to take 5 vocabulary words from their favorite song
and then translate it into English.
2. In teaching a particular lesson in grammar, ask the students to
memorize the rules, and they should give their sentences as samples.
3. Ask the students to take down their friends’ conversations in their native
language and then translate it into English.
4. Ask students to write 10 verbs from the article assigned to them, and
then they should give the synonyms and antonyms.
5. Ask students to memorize at least 5 words per day in English and give
their native language equivalent.
The direct method allows
students to perceive meaning
directly through the language
because no translation is allowed.
visual aids and pantomime are
used to clarify the meaning of
vocabulary items and concepts. Reading and writing are
Students speak a great deal in taught from the beginning,
the target language and though speaking and listening
communicate as if in real skills are emphasi7ed.
situations grammar is learned
5 Direct Method Teaching Techniques
1. Example proliferation - The examples that you give should be simple,
unambiguous and interesting.
2. Visual support - “demonstrate, don’t translate.”
3. Listening activities. Read them a story. Preferably the kind with cool
4. Oral exercises and tasks - The direct method is a speech-centered
teaching approach and believes that there’s nothing like having your
students talk in the target language. Make it a clear goal to make your
students talk in class as early in the course as possible
5. Stress free and supportive environment - Providing your students
with a stress-free and supportive environment is a standard for all the
other teaching approaches/
the audio-!ingual #method is
based on the behaviorist belief
that language learning is the
acuisition of a set of correct
language habits. the learner
repeats patterns until able to
produce them spontaneously. once
a given pattern - for example, The teacher directs and
subject-verb-prepositional phrase controls students behavior,
-is learned, the speaker can provides a model, and
substitute words to make novel reinforces correct
sentences. responses.
3 Ways to Use the Audio-lingual Method
in Your Class
1. Focus on Practical Pronunciation
All spoken languages are pronounced. Individual sounds can be isolated.
Identify the Language Sound System
Use Tongue Twisters to Improve Articulation and Pronunciation
2. Do Structural Drilling Exercises -Repetition leads to progress. And in
the audio-lingual method, this manifested itself as sentence structure
3. Use Dialogue Practice - Dialogue is the natural next step in language
The theoretical basis of
GattegnoSilent Way is the
idea that teaching must be
The Si!ent
subordinated to learning and
thus students must develop their
own inner criteria for
correctness. All four skills-
The teacher is active in
reading, writing, speaking, and
setting up situations,
listening - are taught from the
while the students do
most of the talking and
Methods of Teaching Silent Way

1 Echoing - where the teacher repeats what the student

has just said but with the correct pronunciation

2. Teacher talk- This is when the teacher asks questions or

gives brief explanations in English, but does not provide
any translation into the target language. This forces
students to listen carefully and try to figure out what is
being said.
Lozanov's method seeks to help
learners eliminate psychological
barriers to learning. The learning
environment is relaxed and
subdued, with low lighting and
soft music in the background.
Dialog's are presented to the
Students choose a name and accompaniment of music.
character in the target language Students just relax and listen
and culture, and imagine that to them being read and later
person. playfully practice the language
during an “activation” phase.
Methods of Teaching Silent Way
1. Experiment with different kinds of music - classical piece or pop song
or animal sound and nature sound.
2. Pay attention to physical elements of your classroom - Remember
that every detail matters: the seating, lighting, decorations and even
the location of objects like bookcases and pencil sharpeners.
3. Read expressive dialogues in the target language - Bring out your
inner thespian and give your language life by using theatrical voices,
gestures and exaggerated emotions
4. Encourage your students to reach bigger goals - always be realistic
about your classroom objectives and mindful of your students
capabilities, maintaining and communicating high expectations shows
that you believe in your students.
In (urran's method, teachers
consider students as “whole
persons,” with intellect, feelings,
instincts, physical responses, and
desire to learn. Teachers also Learning
recognize that learning can be
threatening. By understanding
and accepting students fears, The syllabus used is
teachers help students feel learner-generated, in that
secure and overcome their fears, students choose what they
and thus help them harness want to learn in the target
positive energy for learning. language.
Community Language Learning Way
1. Brainstorming: The students begin by drawing up a list of topics of
interest to them. The conversation between the students initially takes
place in their mother tongue. The teacher translates the conversation
between the students into the target language, transcribing the
sentences on a flipchart.
2. Recorded conversation: Once a topic of conversation has been chosen,
students tell the teacher, in their native language, what they would like
to say. The teacher, in a low voice, translates for them into the target
language. The course of this phase can vary depending on the level of
preparation of the students. The conversation, conducted in the target
language, is recorded by the teacher and will become the object of
analysis in the final phase of the lesson.
Community Language Learning Way
3. Discussion: After working on fluency during the recording phase,
the time comes to evaluate the conversation that has just taken
place. In this phase, students’ feelings about the exercise are collected.
4. Transcription: Students listen to the recorded conversation and
transcribe it.
5. Analysis: The final stage involves teachers and learners analysing
the language and vocabulary used during the second phase of the
lesson. Students with more advanced training can choose which part
of the conversation to analyse. In beginner classes, the teacher can
guide the students in analysing the more problematic parts of the
Asher's approach begins by
placing primary importance on
Tota! Physica!
listening comprehension, emulating
the early stages of mother
tongue acuisition, and then
moving to speaking, reading, and
writing. students demonstrate
their comprehension by acting out Activities are designed to be
commands issued by the teacher< fun and to allow students to
teachers provide novel and often assume active learning roles.
Activities eventually include
humorous variations of the
games and s-its
Total Physical Response Way
1. Preparation: The teacher prepares a list of vocabulary terms or verbs to be taught
in the class
2. Teacher Demonstration: The teacher now demonstrates the verb using body
movement and exaggerated actions while saying the word aloud at the same time.
3. Student Practice: Now the students demonstrate the action while the teacher
says the word aloud.
4. Student Participation: Students demonstrate the action and say the word aloud
at the same time.
5. Writing: The teacher writes the word on the board so students can see how is it
6. Repetition and Practice: The teacher now asks the students to repeat their
pronunciation of the word and the body movement and action associated with it. It
is recommended that the teacher periodically checks retention.
The Communicative Approach
stresses the need to teach
communicative competence as
opposed to linguistic competence<
thus, functions are emphasi7ed Approach
over forms Students usually
work with authentic materials in
Talk the Talk
small groups on communicative
Real-Life Scenarios
activities, during which they
Working Together
receive practice in negotiating Integrate Reading, Writing
meaning. and Speaking
The Communicative Language Way
Talk the Talk - students do most of the talking. This enables students to
practice communicating in English, continuously talking with each other, rather
than listening to an instructor’s lecture

Real-Life Scenarios- Students might engage in role-playing based on real-life

scenarios such as discussing hobbies and popular culture, negotiating prices
when shopping or describing the plot of a book or movie they have recently

Working Together - CLT activities are most effective when they allow students
to work together in pairs or groups. This mimics realistic communication that
encourages fluency over grammatical competence.
The Communicative Language Way
Integrate Reading, Writing and Speaking - Studies have found that these pairing
and grouping conversational techniques alone are not enough to promote active
participation in ESL classrooms. Instructors utilizing the CLT approach might also
include work reading, writing and listening, as these skills are also vital to ELLs’
development as English language speakers.

The integrated-skills approach to CLT brings these major language talents together
in activities. For instance, teachers might ask students to watch a video online
(listening), post their opinion about it in the comment section (writing) and describe
others’ opinions from the comments section (reading). Activities that integrate
multiple language skills can enhance communication-based ESL education by
offering students the chance to practice multiple skills while also offering teachers
a chance to demonstrate best practices in each of these modes.

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