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Preliminary Speaking Guide

Part 1¨I´m from Almeria¨

(2-3 minutes)
There are two phases:

Phase 1:
Examiner will ask you:
1. what your name is
2. how old you are
3. where you are from
4. who you live with
Possible questions
Phase 2:
You will also be asked one or two questions English
about: Do you study English at school?
1. studying English Do you like studying English?
2. what you enjoy doing in your free Do you think that English will be useful for
time you in the future?
3. or what you did in the past
4. describing your house/friend Past
What did you do yesterday evening?
Target Grammar What did you do last weekend?
 Present simple
 Adverbs of frequency-¨never, Future
sometimes, often, usually, always¨ What are you going to do this weekend?
 ¨Hardly ever¨ What are you going to do next summer?
Ex. ¨I hardly ever go to the cinema
because it´s too expensive. ¨ Hobbies/Likes/Favourite things
 Past simple What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
 ¨going to¨ -for future plans Tell us about what you enjoy doing with
 ¨enjoy/like¨ (verb+ing) for hobbies your friends.
 Adjectives-¨exciting, fantastic, Which sports do you enjoy playing or
relaxing, boring, dull¨ watching?
Tell us about the food you enjoy eating.
Asking for repetition Do you like pets?
Could you say that again, please? Which is your favourite app on your mobile
I´m sorry, could you repeat that? phone?
Pardon? What´s your favourite website.
Sorry? Tell us about a website/an app you use.
What do you do when the weather is bad?
Giving reasons and explanations Who do you go shopping with?

Giving examples
For example…
For instance…
Such as…

Part 2 ¨This picture shows…¨
(2-3 minutes)

You are given a photograph and asked to

describe what you can see.

Target Grammar:
 Present continuous to describe
 Adjectives
 ¨Look/Seem¨ + adjective
Ex. ¨He seems/looks sad.¨
 ¨Look like¨ + noun
Ex. ¨It looks like a theatre.¨

Describing the number of people and

who they are:
How many people are there?
Who are they? Family, friends, students

Describing location:
Talk about where the people and things are.
¨It looks like (place)
¨It´s a kind of…
¨It´s a sort of…
¨It´s something like…
¨behind, in front of, next, in, on,
under…(prepositions of place)

Describing action/activity:
Say what the people are doing.
Ex. ¨They´re having something to eat in a
¨They´re lying, sitting, standing, carrying,

Describing people´s feelings:

Say how the people are feeling and why.
Ex. ¨They look happy because they´re

If suitable:
 describe the weather
Talk about the weather if appropriate.
It looks (adjective).
Ex. ¨It looks cold because there´s snow on
the ground.¨
 describe what the people are
Ex. ¨She´s wearing a pink dress. ¨

Part 3 ¨Shall I start? Would you like to
(2-3 minutes)

You and the other candidate talk together

about a situation, remember to:
 give your opinion
 give reasons
 make suggestions
 agree and disagree

Target Grammar:
 Present simple Agreeing
 Modals of possibility- Right.
¨may/might/could¨ Yes, I agree with that.
 ¨Used to¨ I think so too.
Ex. ¨I used to have a toy like this and That´s a great idea.
I really liked it.¨ Yes, you´re absolutely right.
 First conditional
Ex. ¨If we choose going to the Politely disagreeing
cinema, they´ll have a good time.¨ I´d prefer to…
 Second conditional I´d rather…
Ex. ¨If I were going camping, I would Perhaps, but…
take warm clothes.¨ I´m not so sure about that.
It might be better to…
 Adverbs of degree-¨quite, very,
I´m not really that keen on (verb+ing)
really, extremely¨
I don´t really agree.
 Comparatives and superlatives
Ex. ¨This gift is better than that one.¨
Giving reasons for disagreeing
That´s because…
Asking for opinion
Well, the thing is…
What about you?
The problem with that one is…
What do you think about (verb+ing)?
Do you agree with that?
Keeping it going
What´s your opinion?
Shall we move on to the next one?
What about this picture?
Giving your opinion
Let´s go onto the next one.
For me…
What do you think of this idea?
It seems to me that…
In my opinion..
Reaching a decision
Which one/two do you think would be
Making suggestions
How about (verb+ing)?
So which one/two shall we choose?
What about (verb+ing)?
Right, those are the ones we´ll choose.
Shall we…?
I don´t think we agree, but that´s ok.
Why don´t we…?
Shall we agree to disagree, then?
We should/could…

Part 4¨Shall I start? Would you like to
(3 minutes)

The examiner will ask you and your partner

questions connected to the photographs in
Part 3. The examiner might ask you to
answer individually or ask both candidates
in order to generate a conversation.

Target Grammar: Giving reasons for disagreeing

 Reported speech That´s because…
Ex. ¨My teacher told me that I need Well, the thing is…
to study more.¨ Me neither because…
 Modals-¨have to, need to, ought to, I don’t like it because…
must, should, could¨ I´m not keen on it because…
 ¨used to¨ I´m not too sure because…
 Present perfect
Ex. ¨I´ve never been to France but I´d
like to go next year.¨
 Zero and First conditional
Ex. ¨If/When I have time, I go to the

Asking for opinion

What about you?
What do you think about (verb+ing)?
Do you agree with that?
What´s your opinion?

Giving your opinion

For me…
It seems to me that…

Me too!
Yes, I agree with that.
I think so too.
Yes, you´re absolutely right.

Politely disagreeing
I´d prefer to…
I´d rather…
Perhaps, but…
I´m not so sure about that.
It might be better to…
I´m not really that keen on (verb+ing)


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